gg dice (i changed in localization for the problem with your connection to read "THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH OUR PATCH")
a few other BF2 follies (the screenies are to large for imageshack)
-get in a tank, go third person, aim the turret forward adn fire a shell. The "shell" (the yellow glowing blob) no longer comes out where the cannon is... it hits where you aim but in third person it's as if the cannon's on the left not the right
-the same happens with the coaxial machien gun... bullet tracers come out on the left instead of right
-something, dont know if its a graphical glitch or an exploit, but on mounted ground defence machine guns and on tank turrets, the gunner can appear to be crouching but still fire the gun, making him unhittable (unless you get him from behind if its a mounted MG)