Canterwood wrote:
Wow half the people who posted in this shouldnt be allowed to talk, most of you couldnt even kill a sniper with an ak. look at the stats for people above me.....comon LOOK. most of you have a k/d ratio under 1 and you talking about how a sniper should play! comon you dont even have enough comonsense or maybe skill to even kill on a 1 to 1 ratio. never mind on being able to give advice on how someone should place the sniper kit. SO STFU AND GO PLAY if the patch makes you soooo happy.
There's two kinds of people out there: stat whores and fun players. I am one of the latter. I honestly couldn't care less about my stats, they are a fun fact of life, nothing else. Now if there is something that gets me, it's people who think they are better/worth more/have more rights than others because of their higher BF2 score / k/d / badge yield / whatever. How miserable must some people's lives be if they define themselves over something so arbitrary as BF2 stats? But hey, I can play that game too.
You want to know better than me how to play the sniper kit? You have 85 hours on the kit, of those only 35 are on the rifle. Of your 4300 kit kills, only 900 are with the rifle, another 1300 are attributed to the claymore. That leaves more than 2000 kills unaccounted for. What did you do those other 50 hours, where are those other 2000? Did you tankwhore to get your badges? How pathetic.
I will not tell anyone how to play medic or assault or support, because I don't have enough xp on those kits. But with 150 hours on the sniper kit and more than 80% of my kit kills achieved with the rifle, I think I am pretty well qualified to speak up and say how I think the kit should be played. It is your right to disagree. But I have the same right as you or anyone else to speak up here. You being a Lt.C., having 140k points and a k/d>2 does in no way make you a better person or give you more rights than me or anyone else.
Last edited by rainynight65 (2006-09-06 13:40:43)