DoctorFruitloop wrote:
Good job though, looks fantastic. Why do most people choose blue though?
Well, there are many reasons for choosing blue... The most common being that it's the only color that most vendors have (!).
Also a lot of people dislike the green and yellow because it's pretty standard for PC gear. Orange and purple are too mixed colors to give you truly good results, unless you only want to illuminate a very SMALL area of your PC, in which case you'd usually use a diode instead of a tube. White is like... No way you might as well use a lightbulb. And then we're more or less at the end of the color spectrum.
Personally, I like to use blacklight (UV) and then use luminescent paint on some of my gear (like the fan blades, heatsinks or cable-eaters). UV has some disadvantages though. Bad for your eyes being one of them.
On one mod I took a laser pointer and pointed it at the northbridge fan (a very slow fan, as I attached a small fancontroller to slow it to around 100 RPM, NOTE: This is only practical if there is also passive cooling, or you have VERY good airflow), painted the blades with silver and polished them. It was AWESOME the way the light shone out of the case window... I'm almost sad I dont have that case anymore.
I DO have this to say to new case modders: Make sure that you do not overextend your powersupply, and also make sure that you do not "corrupt" your airflow, or cause heat to be trapped. These are very common mistakes, and will lead to system instability. A lot of new casemodders simply "give up" on modding after a bad experience or two. Don't give up, ask for help.