
Noobeater wrote:

perhaps the reason why they couldn't release the mod is that they don't have the license to use the mechs from the mechwarrior series which were great games, i.e the mech that is shown in the pictures the 3rd picture down that mech is called the Madcat i'm pretty sure of either that or its the mad cat but either way that mech has been changed in no way from the originial mechwarrior series. so maybe one reason why they can't continue the mod is that they don't have the license. though i do agree that with 2142 coming out they would think it a huge waste of money to allow that mod to come out.
Wrong they have maked the mod in bf vietnam and then when bf2 came out they started the project there.
also starting the mod at Enemy Territory.

that would not make any sense then!

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-09-02 13:53:10)

I Hate Claymores
The reason why BF2142 came into being is not to put down a mod but to be a direct answer to Quake Wars which was going to kick EA's ass.

ShadowFoX wrote:

The reason why BF2142 came into being is not to put down a mod but to be a direct answer to Quake Wars which was going to kick EA's ass.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh...Don't explain how the business world works.

ShadowFoX wrote:

The reason why BF2142 came into being is not to put down a mod but to be a direct answer to Quake Wars which was going to kick EA's ass.
I know but they hardcoded it already so there where already plans in the beginning when bf2 came out.

but hypocrites they are if they say they are will fully support the mod community with tools and another stuff
but they wanted money so they hardcoded some stuff.

also MTS mod could the direct answear against Quake wars and then Dice could put some energy in bug fixes, ctd,lag issues, performence issues of all those patches.

and EQ could be not so big threat
they maked EQ a big threath because they have broked more things then fixed ready with patches.
bad touch

2142 will win the hole shot, but QW will probably end up winning the race when it comes out

No, companies don't need ot be power hungry twats to earn money.

Look at Valve. They've got great buisness, they've got god knows how many great games, and they support the mod community right from the start. IE, when they made the engine the best out there for small mods and big mods alike.

Look at Dice. There are a lot of restrictions they need to make, IE, no custom models and HUDS because of the ranked system mainly, but they also pull this kind of shit in their code and I've seen it. And I think this is EAs orders, not from the Dice higher ups.

I know game devs, and that's not the usual personality you see in people in that buisness.

I've also seen corpate money mongers (and corporate whores, serious) and EA is fitting the persona to a T.
M24 Abuser
+99|6541|Valley of the Dragons
Thats why EA will allways fall short of community support and Valve wont.

The only reason the lifespan of Half-Life was so longlived was because of the mods that popped up shortly after the release. Maybe you heard of CounterStrike or Day of Defeat? Or the 800 other mods made on HL.
The best multiplayer ever to be developed was a HL mod named Natural Selection.

All those mods need a HL key in order to be played. With so many mods out on HL the there was bound to be one that appealed to some part of the gaming community and it did. They are still selling HL keys for 10 euro's I think.

EA is all about short-term planning and making money within the shortest amount of time. The bigger HL mods have been around for years and years, but EA is allready closing the doors on BF2 after 1 year.
+53|6510|Little Rock, AR

Krysiss wrote:

I'm just a mad customer
then stop buying their products.  nobody's forcing you to.

Jemme101 wrote:

Thats why EA will allways fall short of community support and Valve wont.

The only reason the lifespan of Half-Life was so longlived was because of the mods that popped up shortly after the release. Maybe you heard of CounterStrike or Day of Defeat? Or the 800 other mods made on HL.
The best multiplayer ever to be developed was a HL mod named Natural Selection.

All those mods need a HL key in order to be played. With so many mods out on HL the there was bound to be one that appealed to some part of the gaming community and it did. They are still selling HL keys for 10 euro's I think.

EA is all about short-term planning and making money within the shortest amount of time. The bigger HL mods have been around for years and years, but EA is allready closing the doors on BF2 after 1 year.
yep I buyed HL just for the mods.
because there are really some nice mods out there.

even a old mod as shattered faith for bf2 but died because of the lack of modders

look at the video ^^ yummie

usmarine2005 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

I'm just a mad customer
Well what the hell good is it going to do here?  We are not EA.
You live in the united states you would no the words freedom of speach.
rolf also nowdays USA is just prison

kilgoretrout wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

I'm just a mad customer
then stop buying their products.  nobody's forcing you to.
did I say I would buy there products
I'm just complaining here jeesz it''s battlefield 2 forum you know.
+53|6510|Little Rock, AR
how is the usa "just prison."  and yeah, we're familiar with freedom of speech.  you can complain, and we can point out that it's not doing anyone any good.
bad touch

Krysiss wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

I'm just a mad customer
Well what the hell good is it going to do here?  We are not EA.
You live in the united states you would no the words freedom of speach.
rolf also nowdays USA is just prison
once again your accusations are false.

kilgoretrout wrote:

how is the usa "just prison."  and yeah, we're familiar with freedom of speech.  you can complain, and we can point out that it's not doing anyone any good.
I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)

Krysiss wrote:

kilgoretrout wrote:

how is the usa "just prison."  and yeah, we're familiar with freedom of speech.  you can complain, and we can point out that it's not doing anyone any good.
I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)
Not a prison, a compound.  We are trying to keep the bad people away.

stryyker wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Well what the hell good is it going to do here?  We are not EA.
You live in the united states you would no the words freedom of speach.
rolf also nowdays USA is just prison
once again your accusations are false.
accusations false...
I feel that way because what I hear all about america...
just give me the creeps.
bad touch

Krysiss wrote:

kilgoretrout wrote:

how is the usa "just prison."  and yeah, we're familiar with freedom of speech.  you can complain, and we can point out that it's not doing anyone any good.
I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)
stop talking, please.

If you want to drag WWII into this, we came to YOUR rescue and saved most of Europes ass.

and why would you register someone based on religion? thats faggish. People switch religions all the time.

edit: and what you 'hear' about America means nothing.

Last edited by stryyker (2006-09-02 14:32:40)


usmarine2005 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

kilgoretrout wrote:

how is the usa "just prison."  and yeah, we're familiar with freedom of speech.  you can complain, and we can point out that it's not doing anyone any good.
I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)
Not a prison, a compound.  We are trying to keep the bad people away.
Omg are you sleeping or something..........
so if I would take you to compound with out any proof would that be right
even because it's for the good will of america against terrorism.

Krysiss wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)
Not a prison, a compound.  We are trying to keep the bad people away.
Omg are you sleeping or something..........
so if I would take you to compound with out any proof would that be right
even because it's for the good will of america against terrorism.
Listen.  You know why the government most likely does not listen to my phone calls?  Because I am not calling Pakistan.  I am willing to bet wire taps have, and will continue to save lives.

stryyker wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

kilgoretrout wrote:

how is the usa "just prison."  and yeah, we're familiar with freedom of speech.  you can complain, and we can point out that it's not doing anyone any good.
I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)
stop talking, please.

If you want to drag WWII into this, we came to YOUR rescue and saved most of Europes ass.

and why would you register someone based on religion? thats faggish. People switch religions all the time.

edit: and what you 'hear' about America means nothing.
rolf american who thinks who saved europa ass........
I think tnk the russain where the guys who saved europa ass....

and not to think europa asked many times for help but they didn't until japan attacked them in pearl harbor.
learn history at discovery channel.

Also I don't have nothing against the american people but your goverment and your stseem of wealth.
try not the flame next times because of the register in the NL people where eassily transport to the holcaust camps or why do you think juews people hat to wear star on there clothes.
bad touch

Krysiss wrote:

stryyker wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

I think USA is person because war on terrorisme just brack your privacy to te ground.
if the govermunt gets to much control about the people it would just like be WW2

WW2 example:

netherlands had everbody registerd if he was christ,islamor juews(how do you spell it)
so it was quit easy to split the people.

samething is happening in usa again
because of the war on terrorisme usa has all right to do what they want.
quantano bay or tapping your phone(illegal if I remeber the it quit well when I Heard it on the news about the goverments job)
stop talking, please.

If you want to drag WWII into this, we came to YOUR rescue and saved most of Europes ass.

and why would you register someone based on religion? thats faggish. People switch religions all the time.

edit: and what you 'hear' about America means nothing.
rolf american who thinks who saved europa ass........
I think tnk the russain where the guys who saved europa ass....

and not to think europa asked many times for help but they didn't until japan attacked them in pearl harbor.
learn history at discovery channel.

Also I don't have nothing against the american people but your goverment and your stseem of wealth.
try not the flame next times because of the register in the NL people where eassily transport to the holcaust camps or why do you think juews people hat to wear star on there clothes.
Go read a history book or 4.

the Russian winter was the only thing that stopped Stalin's Army from total defeat.
and your last statement says that your Government basically packaged up the Jews to be exterminated.

ever heard of a thing called D-Day? Largest amphibious assault in the worlds history? sound familiar?

i will beat your ass into the ground with history if thats how you want this to go down.

Last edited by stryyker (2006-09-02 14:43:15)


Krysiss wrote:

learn history at discovery channel.
Rofl.   Fail..............horribly Fail.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Not a prison, a compound.  We are trying to keep the bad people away.
Omg are you sleeping or something..........
so if I would take you to compound with out any proof would that be right
even because it's for the good will of america against terrorism.
Listen.  You know why the government most likely does not listen to my phone calls?  Because I am not calling Pakistan.  I am willing to bet wire taps have, and will continue to save lives.
Even if it against your consituncen/law(how do you write it, I'm talking about that paper with rights of the america people) if the goverment say if it would help against the terrorisme is jsut bullshit.

but let's g ontopic please

there will always be a way the only thing you will suffer are freedom&privacy rights

stryyker wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

stryyker wrote:

stop talking, please.

If you want to drag WWII into this, we came to YOUR rescue and saved most of Europes ass.

and why would you register someone based on religion? thats faggish. People switch religions all the time.

edit: and what you 'hear' about America means nothing.
rolf american who thinks who saved europa ass........
I think tnk the russain where the guys who saved europa ass....

and not to think europa asked many times for help but they didn't until japan attacked them in pearl harbor.
learn history at discovery channel.

Also I don't have nothing against the american people but your goverment and your stseem of wealth.
try not the flame next times because of the register in the NL people where eassily transport to the holcaust camps or why do you think juews people hat to wear star on there clothes.
Go read a history book or 4.

the Russian winter was the only thing that stopped Stalin's Army from total defeat.
and your last statement says that your Government basically packaged up the Jews to be exterminated.

ever heard of a thing called D-Day? Largest amphibious assault in the worlds history? sound familiar?

i will beat your ass into the ground with history if thats how you want this to go down.
Laugh it looks like I'm talking with kid sinds when was I competing with you?¿
I do not or want to compete you because it would only result flaming like the the last sentese in your message.
maby stalin knew about the upcomming winter and maby that why they wanted not that stalin was taken also moscow was very near.

D-day and americans rolf.

germany was already loosing because they couldn't get england on there feet also in africa
and rusland.

they just couldn't advance anymore because of the lack of troops

usmarine2005 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

learn history at discovery channel.
Rofl.   Fail..............horribly Fail.
so discovery is lieing?
didn't know that, rolf

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