Des.Kmal wrote:
Claymores are actually a number one for me... in the palace on warlord, good gosh. I tried to be a sniper to see how I would fare.. I got like 10 kills in claymore in like 5 or 10 minutes, with one of my friends just following me with ammo.
Another one of my most hated weapons... ... is the defibillator(?)... if I get killed by that. I just quit for like an hour... it ruins my day, lol.
I started by Knifing, now I've moed onto Defib kills, I've had it happen once to me (mid Tea-bag) and went into some sort of shock for the rest of the evening :s It's far worse than the embaressment of being knifed... For this single death I have to say that the Defib is the weapon I most hate being killed by (or rather fear being killed by again)
If it comes down to a major, main gun weapons then I'd have to say the G36E, on the basis that I (personally) feel it's overpowered, you may disagree but meh, your choice.
Finally (and sorry for going on) but I cant leave without saying somthing about the DAO... I dislike the DAO because to me, anyone using it is NOT to be considered an AT player, merely an exploiter of the fact that the AT class has armour. An AT players main gun is to be used to pick off drivers as they bail, for which the DAO is useless, by dying to a DAO I know that the player killed me is interested in CQC and will probably be SRAW'ing infantry.
Thats my 2 pence.
See you on the battlefield!