360 owns my soul
+31|6553|Behind You
So I'm in need of advice.  I am currently in Ireland attending a one month program.  There are about 250 kids attending this program at the college, the majority of the kids are juniors here for their semester abroad, and they've taken advantage of this program to become acclimated to the Irish method of study, and just to take some classes which don't necessarily support their majors but that they can still get credit for.  Well one of my friends (we'll call her Mary) has recently had issues with one of the guys here (we'll call him Mark).  So let me describe the situation.  Mary and Mark are both in the same set of  adjacent dorms and we all hang out with the same group of 10 or so friends.  Well Mark and Mary ended up making out in Mary's room on the first night we all went out to get trashed.  Mark ended up staying the night in Mary's room.  Well the two nights later, after denying Mark entrance to her room when he showed up drunk the night before, Mary went out again with our friends, including Mark, and ended up walking back with me to her room, I left her at the stairway, at my floor, kissed her on the cheek and bid her goodbye, I saw Mark following me and my roommates(also in the group of friends) up the stairway.  I thought nothing of it and moved on.
           The next night we went out again(yeah I know but it's Ireland!!!!) But by this time Mary had expressed her regret in hanging out with Mark the first night and letting him stay over, and I found out that the night before last he had gone up to her room and had spent the night in her room again(according to her words,"I'm not the same person when I'm drunk, I just can't say no when he comes up,")and as far as I know their hookups had not gone beyond making out, but I do not know for sure(however I trust Mary and do not believe should would lie about it).  So myself and a friend in our group did our best to make sure that he did not end up at her room, but he inevitably came back and showed up in her room, even though he doesn't live in the same building, and basically said he was staying when it was just me and him in the apartment(Mary was walking my friend, who we'll call Mike) back to his room.
         I did my best to persuade Mark to leave Mary's room and go pass out in his own room in the next building, but he wouldn't budge.  Well Mike came back with Mary(them walking back to Mike's was just a way to get me and Mark alone) and Mike tried to talk to him with me and Mary in the hall, but it came down to Mary having to kick him out of her room.  But she was seriously distressed about having to resort to this because of his membership in our fairly tight nit group of friends, afraid that she would be viewed as a tease and unreasonable.
        He ended up leaving and I shared a cig with him outside and he seemed congenial, but I think it was more because he was drunk than anything(I forgot to mention, Mark is a total alcoholic, he depends on alcohol completely in order to have fun when going out).  This made me think that Mary might have been too soft on him about leaving her room.  Soooo basically what I'm asking is what should Mary do or what should I advise Mary to do?
       I understand you may say just tell her to kick his ass out, but it's just not that simple, he is a big drunk guy who seems to think it's reasonable to come wailing on her door at 2 in the morning because he wants a hook up, and yet he is still an established member of our network of friends, and I really don't want to do anything that will make people take sides, though I'm sure most people would take Mary's side of things, so any advice on what to say or do would be GREATLY appreciated.

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The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6717|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Theres something about Mary isnt there?

Can I book an appoinment to be walked home one night? Whens it my turn?

Tell fatty when he's not pissed to talk to Mary, its for her to say STOP IT.  Face it, Mary likes you as a friend you may not have mentioned you want to bone her, but I can tell you do, naughty boy.  She's a trollop, leave her alone.  Sounds a bit like the local bike after she's had a drink, she did mention how she isn't the same person when she's drunk.  Get to know Fatty better, the two of you hatch a plan to go two's up one night and give mary the roasting she longs for.  Dont allow fatty to get too pissed as he might mistake Mary for you and, well lets just say you may need Marys help to walk home afterall.

Uncle '27
+69|6690|Nova Scotia

1927 wrote:

Theres something about Mary isnt there?

Can I book an appoinment to be walked home one night? Whens it my turn?

Tell fatty when he's not pissed to talk to Mary, its for her to say STOP IT.  Face it, Mary likes you as a friend you may not have mentioned you want to bone her, but I can tell you do, naughty boy.  She's a trollop, leave her alone.  Sounds a bit like the local bike after she's had a drink, she did mention how she isn't the same person when she's drunk.  Get to know Fatty better, the two of you hatch a plan to go two's up one night and give mary the roasting she longs for.  Dont allow fatty to get too pissed as he might mistake Mary for you and, well lets just say you may need Marys help to walk home afterall.

Uncle '27
+140|6531|Armidale, NSW, Australia

Rygar wrote:

1927 wrote:

Theres something about Mary isnt there?

Can I book an appoinment to be walked home one night? Whens it my turn?

Tell fatty when he's not pissed to talk to Mary, its for her to say STOP IT.  Face it, Mary likes you as a friend you may not have mentioned you want to bone her, but I can tell you do, naughty boy.  She's a trollop, leave her alone.  Sounds a bit like the local bike after she's had a drink, she did mention how she isn't the same person when she's drunk.  Get to know Fatty better, the two of you hatch a plan to go two's up one night and give mary the roasting she longs for.  Dont allow fatty to get too pissed as he might mistake Mary for you and, well lets just say you may need Marys help to walk home afterall.

Uncle '27
C'mon guys, he's after some honest advice... I reckon you should take the bloke out, just you and him. Get pissed together. Tell him how you really feel about 'Mary'. Then tell him how 'Mary' feels about him [insert mouth guard here]. Let 'Mary' make her own choices. If you feel something for her, you can tell her so, or just forget about the whole thing.

My advice: whatever happens wear a condom ;-)

BTW If my advice sound like good advice then you're probably drunk in Ireland.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6635|Scarborough Yorkshire England
First off any serious conversation any of you guys have should not be done whilst drunk. (maybe ONE drink for a bit of dutch Courage)

It appears to me that Mary is the one who needs to sit down with Mark and explain to him that she is not interested (The I just wanna be friends Chestnut).

The otherside is it does appear that Mary is a little free spirited when it comes to booze and blokes so maybe a word in her ear about the amount she is drinking, to help calm the situation, if she is sober enough to say no, turning Mark away one night then snogging him the next is not giving the right signals.

Do not worry about this peopkle prefer honesty to bitching and back stabbing, if you are as closer group as you say you are you should be able to sit down and discuss this without ruining any friendships.

Mary is the only female you have mentioned.  DO NOT let a woman ruin your friendships your mates will always be your mates and girlfriends come and go.  If Mary is part of your close group then she needs to stop snogging her mates.

Sorry gotta go back to work now will type more later if I get chance
Where in Ireland are ye ??

Don’t talk to him when he is drunk, that’s a complete waste of time. Talk to him when sober and embarrass him about it, make him self conscious of the fact he is calling up when drunk. He wont do it sober so if you talk to him when sober it will stick in the back of his alcohol fuelled mind.

Are ye American ? I don’t think he is an alcoholic as ye have a liberal way of tossing that word around for any guy that drink 30pints a week. You are in Ireland now and what he is doing is called binge drinking not to be confused with alcoholism.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6717|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Ah Jinto mate don't let us down.  Dont go getting all serious on us mate.  Mary needs some "double trouble" that'll teach her, fatty needs to be done with the marker pen, hair remover and shaving foam to teach him not to get battered off the booze and as for Achangel, who wrote the post.  He needs to come out the closet and tell his mates his true sexuality before he goes "sharing any more cigarettes".  Dont kiss girls on the cheek unless its your Mum or Nan.
+149|6592|USA bitches!
Such highschool drama. Kill Mark and you have no more problems. Easy as that. Drop him off a cliff so it looks like an accident, and make sure he's really drunk.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6635|Scarborough Yorkshire England

1927 wrote:

Ah Jinto mate don't let us down.  Dont go getting all serious on us mate.  Mary needs some "double trouble" that'll teach her, fatty needs to be done with the marker pen, hair remover and shaving foam to teach him not to get battered off the booze and as for Achangel, who wrote the post.  He needs to come out the closet and tell his mates his true sexuality before he goes "sharing any more cigarettes".  Dont kiss girls on the cheek unless its your Mum or Nan.
Yeah Archangel
Treat mary like the ho she is, get her steaming drunk, get her to sign a form saying she agree's to sex, then hardcore all the way dude, film the 3 hour marathon then sell to and make some money out of her drunken indescretions.
As for Mark get him pissed, draw a beard mustache etc on his small todger, take a picture and post it on the missing persons website.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6593|Southeastern USA
she banged fatty, leave her alone, let them sort it, don't get stuck in the middle (unless of course that's your thing, then reread uncle's post), you're in fucking ireland, bang a patty while you're there, you can find mary's at home, experience a broad abroad
Thats more like it lads, less of the softly softly and more of the

Hardcore, you know the score, rhymes so pure they deserve an encoure.  So says the pied piper and master of ceromanies.

Jinto - I knew you wouldn't let me down m8.
360 owns my soul
+31|6553|Behind You
@1927       You make yourself like an ignorant horndog who's a sexist little homophobe to boot, congratulations.

@Cospengle        I don't know where in my post I said I liked Mary(my apologies if the post was confusing, I made it while not yet sober) but my interest in her is purely as a friend.

@sagexp           I'm in Cork, the college is UCC, and yeah I'm from the states.  As to my comment about alcoholism, I assure you this kid is a text book case.  I'm not basing this judgement on how often he drinks, it's the way he depends on alcohol, whenever we all get together to hang out w/o booze he either refuses to be sober or spends the time trying to convince us to go to a bar.  I'm not just throwing the word around because he enjoys his pints, god knows I do, guiness/beamish/murphy's FTW!!!(specially guiness tho)
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6593|Southeastern USA
honestly even if you don't want any of mary, let her sort it herself, maybe tell her to keep you on speed dial if fatty gets unpleasant, but if people keep intervening for her she'll never grow up, and it sounds like maybe she's having a lil fun playing with all of you, the name around the drag show for her is "Drama Queen"

AchangelTyreal wrote:

@1927       You make yourself like an ignorant horndog who's a sexist little homophobe to boot, congratulations.
Sorry soft lad have I touched a nerve?

She is a dumb ass for not knowing when to say when and keep her legs shut in the process.  My advice, grow up or deal with grown up consequences.
+127|6702|WPB, FL. USA
No advice - It'll work itself out when you guys are sober.

Doe's sound like a new soap opera for us here in the U.S. - We'll call it "AS THE BED SPINS".

Keep us posted.

1. Get a camcorder.
2. Getting another willing female participant.
3. Get alcohol - lots of it. Preferably with a high alcoholic volume.
4. Video tape the lot.
5. Post the result on
5. Two weeks later go 'zomg wtf have i done?!?!?'
+14|6717|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
Classic example of a girl playing the drama card. Seen it happen too many times. Reguardless of drunk or not shes an attention whore. And Mark AKA:Fatty, Just wants to bust a nut. Who doesnt. its not his fault she throws him out one day and lets him back in the next. If she truly didnt like him that way she would keep her legs closed. Or how about this: Quit hanging out in the hookers room. if she doesnt want him in there then go party somewhere else.
360 owns my soul
+31|6553|Behind You
@ 1927  You haven't touched a nerve, you just generally disgust me.

@ the rest of the people who actually posted relevant info and real advce, it worked itself out.

AchangelTyreal wrote:

@ 1927  You haven't touched a nerve, you just generally disgust me.
I'm sorry Aunt Achangel.
Give her a short sharp punch in the ovary. Go to Dandelion on St. Stephen's Green and bang a Spanish, French or Italian chick. Or Flannery's on Wexford St. if you want an easy Irish chick.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-09-02 12:38:30)

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