I've been a long time complainer about repair points.  Call me a chronic complainer, flame me, i dont care.  Now on to my point.  I took the stats of the players with the most hours played per kit, not most points per kit, and compared some stats. Take a look:

The number one support player is -=RD=-Volx with 764+ hours.  He has 51,249 support points which averages to 67 support points per hour played as support class

The number one player of the medic kit is BlaZiN.uk with 1178+ hours. He has 34,135 heal and 72,244 revive points.  Which is about 29 heal points per hour played as medic and over 61 revive points per hour for a total of 90 medic support points per hour.

The number one player of engineer in the world is ECR.RC with 1520+ hours playing the engineer kit alone.  He has 4,020 repair points.  Yes, just 4,020.  Which averages out to a shade over 2.6 repair points per hour played as an engineer.

Support 67 pph
Medic 90 pph
Engineer 3 pph

I full realize that not all kits are created equal and some are just better at getting team points than others but i have two complaints about repair points. First is they're much much much more dangerous to get than heal/revive/support points.  Second, is it takes forever of cranking away just to get a single point. Now if you want to say that engineers just arent meant to be a support point getting class, then why would the requirement for the expert badges be the same?

My solution? Lower the requirements of getting a single point by something like 1/5 - 1/10. Even if it were lowered by 1/10, assuming backlog, ECR.RC would then have 40,200 repair points which would average him out to about 26.5 repair points per hour, much less than half of the 67 support points of -=RD=-Volx.  Some people have mentioned making a "repair kit" that you could throw out like the other classes.  Seriously bad idea.  Kits would throw balance way off in this game making vehicles invincible. Lowering the requirements per repair point would go a long way into making the engineer class a respectable support point class.

Last edited by RasorX (2006-08-28 07:39:38)

I can agree with you for most of your logic. For those who are into badges/ribbons and awards the engineer class sucks. But on a team its a valuable asset.
Having throwable repair kits would definitly create an inbalance, i believe the engineer comes to its right when repairing commander assets. From the first crank on the asset is again useable for the commander, getting it to full health takes alot of cranking, alot of time where the engineer is vulnerable for enemy fire, and with the lousy firepower you have you don't want to be cought in a crossfire.
You always have to keep an eye on your wrench power bar to avoid running empty, otherwise it takes you even longer to get an repair point.
So yes, it's the worst class to gather points and I would support the idea to make the requirements milder, but on the other hand, without an engineer (except for throwing crates) the team would have to fight blind.
It's a real teamplay class.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6802|Washington DC

I dunno ... I kind of like it that repair points are hard to get ... makes me feel special.

(BTW, I am better than Volx at repairing ... my repair points per hour is something like 3.5). 
+20|6867|Metz, France
i totally agree..repair points should come twice faster IMO
or lower the meritorious medal req. to 497.
Missing, Presumed Dead

bedolf57 wrote:

i totally agree..repair points should come twice faster IMO
or lower the meritorious medal req. to 497.
How about 446

Yeah, they are the hardest of all to get, and it is stupid that you need the same amount of repairs as you do heals/resupplies for the badge. Ive earnt 9 repairs IAR twice now, Ive yet to hit the 10. How the hell you are supposed to get 20 LIGITIMATALLY is beyond me.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana

Snake wrote:

bedolf57 wrote:

i totally agree..repair points should come twice faster IMO
or lower the meritorious medal req. to 497.
How about 446

Yeah, they are the hardest of all to get, and it is stupid that you need the same amount of repairs as you do heals/resupplies for the badge. Ive earnt 9 repairs IAR twice now, Ive yet to hit the 10. How the hell you are supposed to get 20 LIGITIMATALLY is beyond me.
I believe it whould have to be a really really long round in a tank in karkand..

Does anyone know if jets can repair or re-supply eachother in the air btw???
sgt.sonner  says "Does anyone know if jets can repair or re-supply eachother in the air btw???"

I believe they can.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6802|Washington DC

Snake wrote:

Ive earnt 9 repairs IAR twice now, Ive yet to hit the 10. How the hell you are supposed to get 20 LIGITIMATALLY is beyond me.
I've done it ... been in the high teens multiple times.  Wake, Oman, Warlord, and Iron Gator

"be the wrench" 

Here is my wrench tutorial if interested.

Last edited by OrangeHound (2006-08-28 10:52:10)


Repair is hard, but so is life.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-08-28 10:46:36)

Not to mention the chance to actually repair is limited to damaged team assets or tanks, so the actual opportunity to repair is severly dependent on the enemy blowing them up first, which some rounds just doesn't happen.
I Hate Claymores
Engineers ae not shown the respect they deserve. We spend a long time fixing something for 1 measly point while some medic runs around and zaps everyone in split second for 2 points.

To get expert engineer I spent my whole round repairing. 90% of the round was just repair thats how much repairing you got to do to get the damn badge. Good thing there was always something to repair since the Essex gun on Iron Gator kept getting blown up by an enemy APC and the UAV trailer got blown up by some enemy Spec Ops.

We should make a petition to EA all of us hardcore engineers to get more points. Ofcourse it probubly wont work but our voices will be heard.

ShadowFoX wrote:

Engineers ae not shown the respect they deserve. We spend a long time fixing something for 1 measly point while some medic runs around and zaps everyone in split second for 2 points.

To get expert engineer I spent my whole round repairing. 90% of the round was just repair thats how much repairing you got to do to get the damn badge. Good thing there was always something to repair since the Essex gun on Iron Gator kept getting blown up by an enemy APC and the UAV trailer got blown up by some enemy Spec Ops.

We should make a petition to EA all of us hardcore engineers to get more points. Ofcourse it probubly wont work but our voices will be heard.
Thats why engineer is a good class for people with personality defects and self esteeem issues
Fuck Shoes
+18|6624|North of Dallas
Orange, when you are able to hit the high teens, are you basically focusing on just using the wrench?  Or do you still join your mates in battle (other than riding in or along side of armor)?  I guess what I am asking is do you just focus on repairing and nothing else or do you just play and it happens that way?
i have got 1365 and my expert Engineer Badge with lots of hard work

Last edited by Richard2000 (2006-08-28 11:12:48)

YOUR mom goes to college
Best way to fix this problem...give engineers a tool box.  Medics have med kits, support has ammo pouch/bag.  Just throw a tool box at the damaged item and it fixes it all the way...assuming of course that all the tools don't fall out when you throw it.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK
I agree with repairs being too difficult to get.  I've been after the meritorious medal for ages but i think the repairs are going to prevent me from getting it.  I've been playing engineer lots lately and according to my stats I've only got to wait 386 days to get 603 repair points whereas if i played support for the best part of a week and spammed the bags I'm sure I'd get at least a 100 ammo points!
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6802|Washington DC

Ironsteed wrote:

Orange, when you are able to hit the high teens, are you basically focusing on just using the wrench?  Or do you still join your mates in battle (other than riding in or along side of armor)?  I guess what I am asking is do you just focus on repairing and nothing else or do you just play and it happens that way?
It depends.   When I was trying for expert, I was 24/7 repair ... repairing everything I could find.   I might give up at some point mid-round when it was apparent that there weren't going to be enough opportunities.

But, typically I am on the lookout for the game's situation to present the right opportunity to get repair points.   And, when that happens, I am repair and only repair ... at best, I might throw my wrench at someone.

For example, if I'm Chinese on Wake, I'll start out as Sniper ... and I'll stay that or something else until the main base gets taken by the USMC.  When that happens, I run into a telephone booth and become SuperWrench ... and then move into position to repair assets (they most always get blown when the USMC captures the main base).

Last edited by OrangeHound (2006-08-28 11:13:58)

Fuck Shoes
+18|6624|North of Dallas
And another thing... if a medic running around in battle can use his paddles to zap an enemy dead on the spot, then why can't the engineer use his wrench as a melee weapon?  Maybe not a one hit kill, but atleast give us a chance.

MastersMom wrote:

Best way to fix this problem...give engineers a tool box.  Medics have med kits, support has ammo pouch/bag.  Just throw a tool box at the damaged item and it fixes it
One of the best ideas every read in this forum!!!!!!!

Just look my stats to compare and see that repair points ARE ridiculous in this way and how easy is to get points from all the other kits!!!!!

Engineer 111:56:22
Repair 721

Medic 45:58:54
Heal 1,111

Support 31:30:33
Support 1,450

I think that when you spawn,you have 4 kits of support until they finished if you throw them right away.
2 repair kits in the same time are good !!!
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6815|Groningen, The Netherlands
ECR.RC = tankwhoring, so teampoints arent needed

MastersMom wrote:

Best way to fix this problem...give engineers a tool box.  Medics have med kits, support has ammo pouch/bag.  Just throw a tool box at the damaged item and it fixes it all the way...assuming of course that all the tools don't fall out when you throw it.
I proposed this idea in another thread about how powerful medics are but I think I like the other idea I came up with better...

Take away the instant heal/replenish of the Medic and support kits and make them work for it.

For example take away the medkit, give the medic a bandage and a syringe and make him have to heal people like the engineer has to repair... same for the support, take away the ability to toss the ammo bag on the ground and then he has to follow people around to rearm them.

Also I suggested that the Revive function of the medic be toned down so that it brings you back to life but with only 1 bar of health instead of full. If nothing else this will make it seem silly to jump into a raging crossfire to revive someone.

Engineers are the best!
Yes, we Engineers should get a lot more points for our hard and dangerous work!

RasorX wrote:

The number one player of the medic kit is BlaZiN.uk with 1178+ hours. He has 34,135 heal and 72,244 revive points.  Which is about 29 heal points per hour played as medic and over 61 revive points per hour for a total of 90 medic support points per hour.

Support 67 pph
Medic 90 pph
Engineer 3 pph
I do believe that the stats show the number of revives and not the number of revive points, so you should multiply the revives with 2 to get the number of points(72244 x 2 = 144488). That gives him more than 150 points per hour!

Gamematt wrote:

ECR.RC = tankwhoring, so teampoints arent needed
Have you ever thought that there is a lot of tankwhoring,because you CANT get many points in this kit?But you also want to get the badges or the medals?

How can you get points if you wont get in a tank?By killing with mines or with Jackhammer Mk3A1 and MP-7?

I personally get in the armor just to get repair points more easy.
I tried to get the repair points by following the armor with vehicle.Eryx killed me with one shoot.
Tried to get the repair points by infantry.Exposed to any kind of weapon and i had the wrench in my hand...
And there a lot of games,that no-one destroys commander assets,the others get the armor,and be a engineer its useless because even if you throw mines,everybody can see them...

Kirokura wrote:

I do believe that the stats show the number of revives and not the number of revive points, so you should multiply the revives with 2 to get the number of points(72244 x 2 = 144488). That gives him more than 150 points per hour!
You're right, and that just makes it insane.

And, to reiterate, repair bags are a very very bad idea, you may as well just take the Anti-tank class out of the game.  Imagine a tank sitting in a pile of 30 repair bags.  All that needs to be done is, as i suggested, lower the requirements for 1 point of repair.  Im not sure how many bars of "health" are in an artillery piece, but you should get 3-5 repair points for repairing one piece from destroyed to full health
Black Panzer Party
+184|6875|Eastern PA

sgt.sonner wrote:

Does anyone know if jets can repair or re-supply eachother in the air btw???
Yes, I've even fixed assets (not fully fixed, but got them responding) with a quick fly-by whilst jetting around the map.

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