I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6642|Parainen, Finland
My worst one: Flying chopper on Dalian Plant..

I was using the chopper from the Chinese airfield, and an unbelievable prick called Mic.3 (Who should be raped in the ass with a chainsaw) was using the second one from main entrance...

Things got fucked up, we lost main entrance, Mic.3 was killed.. and of course when I was lifting off I took him with me cos he asked for a ride... I spot a chopper, he fires..misses...we die... next time I decide to let him fly so that I can take a shot against the enemy.. Did I get it?? Did i Fu...

He shouts "Bail out",  I say no, you should be happy that I even let you with me. And as a reward for this i get killed by him flying me outside the border....

I had the best score of the whole team, but i was so mad that I spend the rest of the time to shoot him down and calling him awful things that are not meant for people without very sick humor!!!

Then I got kicked and that was the end of that chapter....

But this guy is a real wart in my A-hole and I hate him so much... I would do anything to meet him in the real life and pistol whip the shit out of this guy!!!!
Since day One.
I was banned from a noob Italian server because my score was better tehn from the admin guy...so i guess he wanted to have the gold..so i was banned by the admin and no reason.What a noob...adminabusing.
I was playing Songhua Stalemate.

I was a sniper sitting at the aa on the top of the hill by the power plant (I think that is the one atop the hill before the main chinese base).  An APC rolled in the back way parked and proceded to cap the flag.  I ran into the little guard shack and dropped a claymore by the door.  I then threw grenades at the APC until they started to return fire.  I figure that since the apc was thrashed and I was but a mere sniper -they decided to cap me on foot.  I ran back into the guard shack and waited for the claymore to go boom.  It did and he was an engineer.  I picked up his kit (engineer) and shottied the other guy coming in the door.  I ran to the apc with the wrench out and began to fix the vehicle.  I fixed it feeling pretty good about myself oblivious to the fact that the flag was not changing back to team china.  After the APC was fixed I turned around to see a shotgun in my face.  No time -dead.   The guy I killed had respawned, snuck up behind me, waited for me to fix his apc, killed me, jumped in and drove off. DOH'!

I can only imagine him laughing, watching me fix his apc for him.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2006-08-08 15:52:55)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6601|Area 51
Getting killed, ok, no big deal, I get revived, yay! I get killed, WTF?! Get revived, yaay! Get killed again, ffs...
Jet Whore
I get in the F35 on Wake, when im rising and going off the ground, a black hawk comes in front of me, boom, 5 tk, kick...
how about this thread for whiners
+15|6611|federal way washington

Tyferra wrote:

A Cleansweep at Cleansweep. I joined the game as MEC and as I was waiting to spawn for my first time, every single remaining flag, (all but one,) went blank. The USMC team got them all and I waited ten or so minutes while some wily team mates just spent their time dodging bullets rather than getting back any points. I quit the game before the remaining guys were found.
been there and hated that, or have one base and the other side desides that it is better to spawn kill than take the flag, got mad said i will not spawn till game resets and got kicked for being an idler, you know i have so many bad bf2 days i could write a book on what to not do in the game, grin
I knife Generals
+278|6573|Search Whore killing fields
well had to be today. I went on a wake server and of course USMC had 5 less players so I couldnt do shit. This totally fucked up my carbine KDR. Went from 900 deaths to 1000 something. Couldnt get off the damn carrier for the life of my team. I eventually left after 2 rounds of 13 deaths and 3 kills
I'm just that good
+156|6655|Cork, Ireland
Yesterday, I was playing Sharqui and I just don't know what happened. The round ended and I had 5 Kills and 39 Deaths. The worst part is that I'm a First Sergeant.
Mass Media Casualty

New worst moment for me: Being zapped by Jestar12345. I'll never live it down.

It was a spawn kill though... cheeky bastard.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
bad touch

Tyferra wrote:

New worst moment for me: Being zapped by Jestar12345. I'll never live it down.

It was a spawn kill though... cheeky bastard.
note to self: shockpaddle Tyferra
+5|6536|Dresden, Germany
My worst but also funniest moment was on "Cleaning Sweep" 32 people map...
I'am sitting in the F-15 as pilot and i toke out 4 times in a row the MEC-Plane...

Thats not bad, but in the plane were all the 4 times the 2 admins...

So they permBAN !!! me via punkbuster for "stupidity"...
I was so angry about that, because I'm on the best way to win gold this round...but I could only laugh about this STUPID reason....^^

Last edited by [HhB]Jonny-JX (2006-08-09 00:36:43)

I knife Generals
+278|6573|Search Whore killing fields
I just got paddled by squid today..


I was on the far right side of the usmc uncap spawn. Went down hill to those cement things.  saw 4 or 5 guys go with me, they went down the alleys do spawn camp. Turns out I didnt see they got spanked and I was there just eating my poptart picking off mecs going to the burnt cars. So yeah
+1,352|6529|N. Ireland
My worst happened today. You think you had it bad? Check out mine.

I'm in a full helicopter (6 people or something) and I am at the very back. I jump out, but somehow the helicopter crashes and it says LEETKYLE [TEAMKILLS] XX like 6 times over ;/ I get punished for all 6, putting my team and global score WELL down in the minus'es. I then got kicked and banned from the server for too many TKs ;(
The Power of Two
+188|6530|Sydney, Australia
One way to avoid the tk for plane on wake if you're chinese is to back your J10 a little down the slope and make a vertical take off. Practise it first though, because nothing is more humiliating than to kill yourself infront of the person that tried to get you to teamkill them.
not really a worst moment..but... was sniping.. dude was at tower  shot him and killed him... he was climbing ladder... he respawns.. starts climbing again... decided to let him climb since i was at the same tower recently and had planted some claymores... boom.. he goes dead.. i type "tsk tsk" and got artied as i hit the enter button...

teach me (with only 1000 points) to trash talk..lol

Last edited by Septimius2 (2006-08-18 18:58:43)

Mr. 20,000
This one is easy since I'm a noob but oh well, it made the other guy look good. Squad member of mine is laying down sniping down the street. Enemy with AT kit comes into my view and blows my sniper to high hell. I am closing in for the kill when he takes my recently kill squad member's sniper kit, turns and puts a sniper bullet into my skull.

Not only was that bad play for me, but the other god looked like a god. All i could say was, "................................................................."
Angry Engy

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I was playing Songhua Stalemate.
Oh, is there more to the story?  LOL

Mine has to be while commanding.  It was about my sixth game in a row, no one else wanted to do it. 
Great team, we won most of the rounds. 
Up comes Sharqui (we are USA), and one squad starts talking about stealing the MEC chopper if they get a chance.  I'm commanding away, and I see the MEC chopper guys get killed.  My boys announce they are making a run for the enemy chopper.  I drop a UAV over Construction or something, then zoom down on enemy pad.  I see two guys on the pad, so I think "I'll be helpful...I'll drop arty on them, killing them and chopper, and buy time for my boys to get over there."
So I click the arty, and type "ARTY ENEMY HELO PAD, I take out chopper as it spawns"
I hit enter, quickly check how rest of team is doing, then zoom back down on enemy pad to watch my handiwork.  <giggle>
I timed it perfect....the chopper spawns and the arty blows it and the guys just as they are walking to it.
Except at the last second I realize those are two blue tags down there.
My boys had flown right away to the enemy pad, and parachuted out of our chopper.  They were already there!

OMFG I felt sick.  They both punished, and I got booted before I could even type "SRY!"  Just sick.
spending 5 minutes going somewhere and once u get there you die.
getting kiked/banned from a server cuz the admin wanted the x2 score, and bad thing was i had 132 points and was gona get the 2x bonus ;( and he banned me for " stat padding" while commandin ffs.
Missing out on expert anti tank badge by 5 kills because being blown up by some blatent noob toober every 2 minutes for the whole round. I've charged up to him once and emptied my gun into his face, but that one kill was hardly payback for the 10 others get got on me, plus robbing me of whatever possible extra kills i would had gotten if it wasn't for his interference.
+3|6493|uh.. good question..
you wont believe this shit...

i was happily flying with my J-10 ( well maybe not too happy.. only 20 kills and a started off with 5 teamkills on the runway )

ok.. thats not the bad part

just around then..

the game got intense

i suddenly found a crap load of morons occupying air space..

and out of no goddamned where, a noob tried to ram me with his blackhawk!!1!! (ok maybe i was blind)

so i dodge him with my super 1337 skills.. and i'm all BOO YEAH YOU WANT SOME OF THAT!

and i do a trick by flying thru the line of trees along beach..

ok..i bomb a few people along the way...


this friging noob..  with his friging Z-10 or wuteva..

flys right past me.. WHAM.. i hit him..


apparently.. i also hit ANOTHER j-10 a TEAMATE and a DPV that was being driven by my team..


-18 and i survive getting kicked..

i spawn on the runway again..


so i come back..

and i'm all like... ok.. thats the last straw..

park a small lil DPV loaded with all my C4 at the end of the runway..

and wait for their lil precious plane to spawn

i gear up my engine.. love that pityful roar of it..

and drive it right into that blasted noob's plane b4 he could start rollin..

killed all em other noobasses too..


DAMN PB...i was having fun ..

that was on WAKE btw.. my last time on wake ever i think..

Last edited by Eyeshooter (2006-08-26 07:45:51)

i hate wake island. carrier spawn rape is rife when you're usmc

Last edited by BandoIruka (2006-08-26 07:50:16)

Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6580|Sverige (SWE)
<< Worst BF2 moment was when 1.3 was installed...............>>
I knife Generals
+278|6573|Search Whore killing fields

Eyeshooter wrote:

you wont believe this shit...

i was happily flying with my J-10 ( well maybe not too happy.. only 20 kills and a started off with 5 teamkills on the runway )

ok.. thats not the bad part

just around then..

the game got intense

i suddenly found a crap load of morons occupying air space..

and out of no goddamned where, a noob tried to ram me with his blackhawk!!1!! (ok maybe i was blind)

so i dodge him with my super 1337 skills.. and i'm all BOO YEAH YOU WANT SOME OF THAT!

and i do a trick by flying thru the line of trees along beach..

ok..i bomb a few people along the way...


this friging noob..  with his friging Z-10 or wuteva..

flys right past me.. WHAM.. i hit him..


apparently.. i also hit ANOTHER j-10 a TEAMATE and a DPV that was being driven by my team..


-18 and i survive getting kicked..

i spawn on the runway again..


so i come back..

and i'm all like... ok.. thats the last straw..

park a small lil DPV loaded with all my C4 at the end of the runway..

and wait for their lil precious plane to spawn

i gear up my engine.. love that pityful roar of it..

and drive it right into that blasted noob's plane b4 he could start rollin..

killed all em other noobasses too..


DAMN PB...i was having fun ..

that was on WAKE btw.. my last time on wake ever i think..
I got 1 close to yours. I was on oman. I was in 2nd gunnners seat because well I was feeling lazy today and what the hell hes flying good. I get a lock on to a FAV and all of a sudden it says "punished for teamkill" 3 times. Turns out one guy have the red name bug and decided. Well i have red name bug.. Lets drive around a full FAV. But it gets better. Turns out the admin was in the FAV with them and banned me for "being a tking bum" It was obvious there was 10 year old admins on.
+3|6493|uh.. good question..

BandoIruka wrote:

i hate wake island. carrier spawn rape is rife when you're usmc
i prefer to think of it as : the magic of wake..

no other map offers a bigger shitholepissoff challenge of trying to get a flag from the enemy

than wake island

yes.. thats right

wake island

come one come all to

wake island

the greatest map for pwning USMC when they're noob and looking like a fool when they pwn the chinese

wake island...

a dream in the sunset

our beautiful most dear

wake island..

we shall love you always

wake island

kinda makes you even more sick of the name itself dont it? ROFL!!!11!!1!!

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