Horseman 77
I Remember hearing Cheering in the news rooms when states came in for clinton in 92, shock and worry in 96 when both houses went Republican. The Network News said the Electorate was schizophrenic. They were disgusted. It seems Bias to me.
I could go on and on. One Gun rights and Defense issues. ETC.

They would laugh and scoff at the term " Evil Empire " for the Former U.S.S.R. but were glad and relieved when it toppled. They never mentioned just what scum they were when the facts were revealed later. They kept US servicemen they Liberated in Gulags as possible bargaining chips and then forgot about them. Killed more Jews than Germany.

We never heard that the people blacklisted in the McCarthy Era were Spys documented by the KGB now that its a matter of public record.

Reaganomics had stage cues to chuckle when the term was used by news people. When it worked it was called the " Recovery "

When the clintons were Boo 'ed off stage by Cops and Fireman at the 911 tribute
It was neatly edited out by MTV when they re-broadcast the event.

Even G.W.Bush's Famous " Blank Stare " was created by slowing the film speed down if you watch the footage carefully.

Bush said Early on "this will not end on my watch"
and he always said the " military will make the decision to pull out and when."
Right or Wrong,  I never see his position as wavering. Yet when he restated this recently they reported it as a policy change.?

Check in and curse at me. Comment on sentence structure, punctuation, caps etc.

But let your view be known ( 78.2 % left ) Etc.

Knerio stfu about basis for measurement  ok. lol just kidding
just nothing
No matter how much good a president or someone of power does, it will never be good enough for the media. They will always find dirt on them or find some way to make them out as a bad person.
+0|7043|Long Island
Hah funny you should bring this up.  I'm actually wrapping up a 5 page paper on this subject right now.  I had to compare local newspapers biased with FOX and Michael Savage's talk radio show.  A great documentary on this subject is OutFoxed.  A totally liberal view on Rupert Murdoc's global domination of media and the FOX network.  It shows all types of techniques that Murdoc imposed upon reporters such as the "some people say that..." instead of actual fact and the good ole play on words such as referring to sucide bombings as homicide bombings.  And no one can forget the fact that Bill O'Reilly is the most ignorant dumbass in the world.
Pew Pew!
+216|7156|San Francisco

Clearly you don't watch Fox News much...

The media is biased on both sides pretty much equally imo. For every really far left-wing news source there is another that is on the opposite side of the spectrum. In order to get any kind of unbiased news from national sources you must watch the same story covered by two opposite news teams and compare the 'facts.'
Horseman 77

OneThursday wrote:

Hah funny you should bring this up.  I'm actually wrapping up a 5 page paper on this subject right now.  I had to compare local newspapers biased with FOX and Michael Savage's talk radio show.  A great documentary on this subject is OutFoxed.  A totally liberal view on Rupert Murdoc's global domination of media and the FOX network.  It shows all types of techniques that Murdoc imposed upon reporters such as the "some people say that..." instead of actual fact and the good ole play on words such as referring to sucide bombings as homicide bombings.  And no one can forget the fact that Bill O'Reilly is the most ignorant dumbass in the world.
When is this show " outFoxed " on ?
NOTRE DAME is going to make it to the BCS with two losses. Of course the media is bias.
US media is extremely biased against conservatives and the Catholic Church. I remember when Benedict XVI was elected as Pope earlier this year I read a story on his election in the New York Times. It was the most worthless, biased piece of gargage I think I have ever read. There were no real facts in the article, only negative words which made Benedict look evil. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the Times putting an article like this in the "Editorial Section." But it was on the FRONT PAGE. The only things that are supposed to be on the front page are actual news stories, with articles JUST ABOUT THE FACTS.

I also remember during the 2004 Presidential Election there was a huge bias against President Bush. Whenever there was a picture of him in the paper he was scowling. Granted he is a moron, but they still should't favor one candidate over the other. The should just report the facts, and let the reader decide what to believe.

Last edited by =DBD=TITAN126 (2005-11-30 20:04:37)

Horseman 77
Here is something that allways puzzled me.  " a was child is molested by a preist and The Church didnt act "

Well who the %@#$* would go to the church instead of the Police? It seems like BS to me.

your parants didnt go to the Police but you remember it 36 years later only when you are a Gay activist?
+0|7043|Long Island

Horseman 77 wrote:

OneThursday wrote:

Hah funny you should bring this up.  I'm actually wrapping up a 5 page paper on this subject right now.  I had to compare local newspapers biased with FOX and Michael Savage's talk radio show.  A great documentary on this subject is OutFoxed.  A totally liberal view on Rupert Murdoc's global domination of media and the FOX network.  It shows all types of techniques that Murdoc imposed upon reporters such as the "some people say that..." instead of actual fact and the good ole play on words such as referring to sucide bombings as homicide bombings.  And no one can forget the fact that Bill O'Reilly is the most ignorant dumbass in the world.
When is this show " outFoxed " on ?
It's a documentary thats out on dvd, you could probably find it at a borders

=DBD=TITAN126 wrote:

only negative words which made Benedict look evil
He did a pretty good job of that on his own.

The should just report the facts, and let the reader decide what to believe.
It's freedom of speech. They didn't lie or make shit up and there's nothing wrong with them giving their opinions. The readers can decide what to read as well as what to believe.
He did a pretty good job of that on his own. tongue
My response:

t's freedom of speech. They didn't lie or make shit up and there's nothing wrong with them giving their opinions. The readers can decide what to read as well as what to believe.
There is plenty wrong with them reporting their opinions. I don't want to hear they're biased opinions. I just want to hear the news. And retards like you accept their opinions as truth because its on the news.

Last edited by =DBD=TITAN126 (2005-12-04 13:14:21)


=DBD=TITAN126 wrote:

I don't want to hear they're biased opinions.
Then don't read their articles. Simple as that. You sound like one of those dipshit parents that complains about violence on TV yet doesn't bother to change the damn channel.
I just want to hear the news. And retards like you accept their opinions as truth because its on the news.
Do you not understand the concept of an opinion?

Last edited by FeloniousMonk (2005-12-04 13:31:44)

Horseman 77

FeloniousMonk wrote:

=DBD=TITAN126 wrote:

I don't want to hear they're biased opinions.
Then don't read their articles. Simple as that. You sound like one of those dipshit parents that complains about violence on TV yet doesn't bother to change the damn channel.
I just want to hear the news. And retards like you accept their opinions as truth because its on the news.
Do you not understand the concept of an opinion?
Really this is why Cable is so big and AM Radio had such a resurgence, people just want News not some net works Idea of what they think it means and how you should feel.

   They're Mean spirited.  Mean spirited Repulicans, 
Its very Mean spirited  Mean spirited 

Mean spirited
mainstream media is a joke tailored to the ignorant masses

i get my news from the interweb
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7152|Bryan/College Station, TX
I had to take a deep breath before posting on this one.

The news media in the mainstream is no longer responsible for reporting the news. Instead they are responsible to get ratings first and reporting the news second. Too often you will find that a news story is covered with such a horrific slant that ceases to be news and instead becomes a bias editorial supporting the network's viewpoints on politics and the world. News stories are edited, cut, slewed and then reformed into something kind of opinionated crap that with the exceptions of a few seconds here and there is not the news and is more fiction than not.

It is one of my greatest disappointments that the American public, and other countries as well, have such bias media to inform them of happenings locally, regionally, nationally and globally. The media is aimed at a population that can't be bothered to research anything on their own and who take what is said in the news pretty much as gospel. As an American I can only truely comment on the American viewing public and that TV in general is aimed at a 6 grade learning level. This is pathetic in my eyes and shows the ignorance of not only the population but also the networks. Instead of raising the bar they continue to drop it to meet the standards of the population with the lowest education. Even newspapers are going towards this route and though they may seem to be less bias they are the first to truely claim the bias flag in news reporting. Any media agency has it's own political agenda based upon those that run the agency. FOX shows a very much right wing coverage of the news while CNN shows a slightly left wing coverage though in my opinion more to the middle than FOX. Each network covers things in their own light and severly edits the facts to give the impression of what they want the viewers to think.

Truth be told the rating system was the largest downfall to public media and TV networks. If ratings were not an issue and did not exist then the sole factor in which to gain public support for your network would be quality and detailed reporting. But I must also say that the amount of information that is generated by the media these days is much more than the typical human can process. Take for example the NSA. They gather more information in a single day than any one human could possibly digest. This information is then sifted through and weeded out and then boiled down again into a simple summary report which then someone, in a particular field, reads. They then summarize their field even more and genearte a report which goes to their superiors. It is this very genearlized and edited version of raw information that leaders make their decisions on. Opinionated and edited facts that opinionated decisions are made from.

For me I just want the facts. Give me the facts and remove all the fluff. The bullet points if you will. But if I want to know more about the issue then at that time give me access to the details behind the bullet points. Allow me to expand my knowledge in a way that I am comfortable with. But do not hide news from me. Do not spin the crap out of fact to generate some sort of politically minded and skewed opinion.

I watch CNN for the genearl overview. I do not formulate an opinon based upon CNN. I then take the general events and do my own further research on the internet. From many sources on the internet, so I can compare and contrast facts, I then formulate my own opinion on the matter. If every citizen did something similar to this we would then have an somewhat intelligent and informed socieity and not one that is mindless led by the neck to the news media slaughter.

My 2 cents,

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-12-04 22:07:06)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
While you make a good point you have to remember that ratings are what bring advertisers and advertisers pay for the networks. It costs money to create and air programs on tv.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7152|Bryan/College Station, TX

FeloniousMonk wrote:

While you make a good point you have to remember that ratings are what bring advertisers and advertisers pay for the networks. It costs money to create and air programs on tv.
True and hence news is run by the ratings and money and no longer about reporting news. The code of the journalist is dashed upon the rocks of capitalism.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

kilroy0097 wrote:

True and hence news is run by the ratings and money and no longer about reporting news. The code of the journalist is dashed upon the rocks of capitalism.
So what do you expect them to do, report the news for free?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7152|Bryan/College Station, TX

FeloniousMonk wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

True and hence news is run by the ratings and money and no longer about reporting news. The code of the journalist is dashed upon the rocks of capitalism.
So what do you expect them to do, report the news for free?
Use the income from the 23 hours of OTHER television shows to support network news and then limit commercial breaks to 5 minutes at the 30 min mark.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

kilroy0097 wrote:

Use the income from the 23 hours of OTHER television shows to support network news and then limit commercial breaks to 5 minutes at the 30 min mark.
How is CNN going to do that? They don't have "other" shows.

Your local network can't do that either. Y'know why? Because if the news isn't interesting, people will watch a different channel which means a different network will get the advertising revenue. You want to blame someone for the bad reporting? The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the people.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7152|Bryan/College Station, TX

FeloniousMonk wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

Use the income from the 23 hours of OTHER television shows to support network news and then limit commercial breaks to 5 minutes at the 30 min mark.
How is CNN going to do that? They don't have "other" shows.

Your local network can't do that either. Y'know why? Because if the news isn't interesting, people will watch a different channel which means a different network will get the advertising revenue. You want to blame someone for the bad reporting? The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the people.
So you are saying the CNN must have commercials and bias news reporting in order to keep it's funding?

Here is a little tid bit of info on who owns CNN and what other things they own and also putting to rest the whining and bitching that CNN is a liberal news network who is Anti-Republican when its actually more to the middle than FOX Propaganda Right News is.:

TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.

Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
* Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers.
Media Holdings:
* HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera.
* Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop (distribution) = the world’s largest music company.
* 33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, DC Comics (50%), and MAD Magazine.
Other Holdings:
* Sports: The Atlanta Braves, The Atlanta Hawks, World Championship Wrestling.

As for blaming the people for changing the channel... who do you think made the people so dependant on excitement in their news coverage? It was the media attempting to steal viewers from other networks that created the monster that now is the reason news media is less news and more entertainment. The rating system forced them to go this route. The people just bought into it and followed along. Ultimately the viewers have becoming more and more ignorant as the educational level and intellectual level of television has gone further downward in order to appeal to the largest populace which includes some of the least educated people in the country.

So when it comes to blaming someone I blame the all mighty dollar and capitalism which drives the networks, which own the news groups, which gather the information and spoon feed it to us wth chocolate pudding to make it go down better. Free news is no longer free and is frankly a crying shame and laughing joke.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-12-05 07:51:59)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
The rating system forced them to go this route. The people just bought into it and followed along.
The first sentence is false, the second one is true. No one "forced" people to watch certain channels, people made choices. Just because you believe they made bad choices does not make you right and them wrong. Thus the joys of choices and opinions.

Also, that merger was a horrible for Time Warner, it nearly ruined the company's name. Also, just because Time Warner owns all that stuff does not mean they are in any way obligated to spend money to give you the news for free. Capitalism is based on the idea that the people will vote with their wallets on what they want.
FACT: all media is Bias!!
Media is another way of creating propaganda

Its a way of making us lowly citizens believe what the higher powers want us to believe -
Why do you think countrys like the US wont release the real truth on situations for 50 years? because 99% of the time THEY LIE.
Or in the UK, the BBC claims not to be Bias, but will issue appologies everytime it broadcasts something the Government doesnt like, simlilar with the newspapers, they all have a bias to a certain party.
Dirtier than thou
Yes I do.  So is any history text book, or non-fiction book, or documentary, or newspaper, or magazine, or any form of media whatsoever.  As for which way, that depends on the particular program.  The nightly news shows tend to be more liberal, while many of the "talk oriented" shows tend to be more conservative.  The bottom line is everyone's got a slant, it's our job as viewers to decide what that slant is and whether or not we buy what the show is selling.

Last edited by BiRdMaN829 (2006-02-08 16:25:25)

If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6991|Stillwater, Ok
I never trust what the media says.  I'm generally a republican but there are some topics I agree with democrats on.  However if you want to make a decision on what the facts are it is best to look it up and do research.  Watch both the left and right bias news programs.  If its a world issue then see what other countries think on it.  But ingnorance will be the downfall of this nation.

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