ShotYourSix wrote:
CronicjoeBlunt wrote:
quite allot of reading there but I am confused as to why all those on the "core 2" band wagon had all that to say and nothing posted on an actual score, I was excited thinking I was gonna get to be blown away like I've been hearing and instead got blown off...............hmmmm
What? You have to hear it from someone here? Are you not capable of interpreting any of the
HUNDREDS of articles posted by reputable tech sites about the Conroes?
Why don't you do your own research instead of expecting everyone in this thread to prove it to you? The information is out there for anyone to see (though when faced with the evidence, many just choose to bury their head in the sand and insist it isn't so). The experts have all posted plenty of evidence from their tests supporting core 2 duos dominance.
Yeah it sucks. My $1000 FX60 just got creamed by a $300 Conroe. I love AMD and I would be happier if they were still king. Unfortunately they are not. Deal with it.
Let me just be flat as blunt here, Fuck you the fucking people who did those articles and everybody else before I will believe a damn thing just because I read it. I can take whatever you have in front of you with me and return it to you the next day and you will swear to god I had to have change out parts because it never ran that good, ever. Those same experts also tell you that you must run the updates from windows and would tell you that it is critical to install SP2 and run a anti-virus, anti-spyware, a firewall and on and on and I can 100% guarantee that if you all scanned your shit half would have some spyware or adware or other problem.
Then there is me, who has NO ANTI-VIRUS, none will not use a firewall use spybot s&d to fix the PC's I get from dumb asses like you to fix for them and don't even allow it to load into active memory, use IE and intentionally goto know harmful sites just cause I can and they can't touch me. Windows update, heh I SEtup my os from the CD w/sp1 on it and do the activation so it will go away and told the people who make Autoassault when they told me I had to install SP2 in order to work to refund my money before I will put that shit in my system.
Guess what I have nothing, zero, nada, spyware, adware, spam, popups, highjackers, viruses, trojans, get ZERO email from anyone or anywhere that I do not know, how many junk email you get just today?
oh my scores from my lil system, 3dmark 2001SE 22666 --- 03 14025 --- 05 6607 ---- 06 3483 --- GL Excess 19679, from a nforce3, agp based SINGLE core CPU AMD machine. I bet you guys actually think Hummers are more than a big pile of shit with a bigger price tag too.
You run your fucking mouth about how I don't know shit and the only thing you got is something that someone else told you as your proof I'm wrong, you fucking pussies won't even post a benchmark score or tell me how many process are running on your shit. While I am tell you not what some web site told me what I know by my own work and experience, you ever worked on an RS6000 or a Silicon Graphics or how about an IBM700 about why your system would gain 45% increase in pagefile performance if you had 2 hard drives.
I foolishly thought that maybe some of you would be open minded enough to see that there is something to what I am telling you and in turn share a way of approaching the problems facing the pc's today from the Internet and everything else THAT NOBODY EVEN THINKS OF and not one person stopped and said tell what you mean before telling me I am living in a cave and attack me at every post.
there is 2 vital parts to a computer, one is the hardware and the other is the Software I make my hardware bend to my will and xp is my bitch. I have over 10,000 total configs I have done form B of A, disneyland all the way to Lockeed Skunkworks ALL work on and use PCs that I configed and then were shipped to them have been involved in computers since I was 13 yrs old and the internet was nothing more than BBS boards.
Well you want to be sheep and cattle fine, MOOVE your ass on down and keep thinking you know what is up, that will save you from facing the fact you're clueless and the disappointment you'd suffer in learning the truth. Look around on and I don't see reference to what someone else told them about a gun or badge, I see what they themselves found out by doing the research so they know that it is what it is. I told you all twice about things coming up soon that the sites you quoted do not have anything anywhere about it cause they have not been given any access to yet did one person notice or ask what? NOPE, mentioned 3d glasses cause I knew anyone who ever seen it just once would be saying "oh my god that shit is......" and you dumb ass wannabe know it all mother fuckers don't even know enough to wonder wtf are 3d glasses. mt 12 yr old kid knows more than all you idiots combined.
TO BF2S.COM Admins I apologize for my tone and language in this post to you guys and you guys only because I respect your ability to hold your tongue when dealing with these people daily, you are a far strong person than I am. I promise you this I will not ever even bother to look hear ever again. When this post hits don't bother to reply cause I will not ever see it so don't want you straining anything. THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME WHY I HATE FORUMS LIKE I HATE CRACK HOES, though your combined efforts you have ensured that it will be a long time before I come back to get another reminder of just how it was that Bush become our president.
Good luck in wonderland alice
PS shotyoursix your a fuckface, you tell me "What? You have to hear it from someone here? Are you not capable of interpreting any of the HUNDREDS of articles posted by reputable tech sites about the Conroes? "
and follow it with "Why don't you do your own research instead of expecting everyone in this thread to prove it to you? The information is out there for anyone to see (though when faced with the evidence, many just choose to bury their head in the sand and insist it isnt so). The experts have all posted plenty of evidence from their tests supporting core 2 duos dominance. " you are a fucking paroit, who mouths what others tell you to say, telling me what? do I have to have you tell me and to reserch it myself. which to you consist of repeating what someone tells you and nothing else. So here it is for you, I wanted someone anyone to post something they themselves tested, NOT what they read someone tested, to provide just a little data to show the shit spewing from your mouth was actually more than just that, shit and NOBODY did end of the fucking story BITCH