
What media do you consider less biased

Cnn2%2% - 2
CNN International (yes, there is a difference)5%5% - 5
Fox News8%8% - 7
Euronews7%7% - 6
Al-jazeera5%5% - 5
Medias are all biased, it's a TRAP !!!1120%20% - 17
Others (TV, newspaper, internet, .......)14%14% - 12
I watch all of them and make my own opinion.15%15% - 13
I only watch Spongebob while eating cookies.8%8% - 7
I don't watch the news, it makes me sick.11%11% - 10
Total: 84
+7|6695|Brussels, Belgium
So, as people here don't stop bashing each other saying "OMG this media is liberal/conservative, I don't trust it !!11!!!", I wanted to know what are people's opinions on the medias I put and those you have chosen in the "Others".

Please, try to avoid any flame wars, just post YOUR opinion and don't react about opinions of OTHER persons.

Edit :

I forgot to put my choice, I'd say Euronews because journalists come from all over Europe so they have some kind of neutral eye on things. They also have images that I don't see on the belgian televisions so it's good too.

For example, during the contest "Who's got the biggest" between Hezbollah and the IDF , they showed what was happening on both sides.

And finally, Euronews is good if you want to practice languages because there are like ten languages (english, russian, german, french, portugese, spanish, italian,......)

Last edited by one_of_ten (2006-08-24 10:40:35)

+632|6655|do not disturb

Someone voted fox news? Wow.
+271|6795|United States of America
FOX is the best your going to get here in USA, especially when everywhere else is run by liberals.
+98|6778|netherlands, sweet lake city
spongebob PWNS
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6770|Peoria, Illinois
Medias are all biased, it's a TRAP !!!11
+240|6704|Austin, TX
Any news agency that accepts advertising has the agenda of attracting audience, not reporting the news. Welcome to the puppet show. "If it bleeds, it leads."

No one can be perfectly objective, so why pretend you can?

The news is decided by the editors, who choose what stroies to run with and how they will be featured.
+127|6697|WPB, FL. USA
IMHO - Even thou I watch all the different outlets and was once a dedicated CNN guy I've noticed the bias got real bad during the US elections and the war on terrorism. 

I've noticed that FOX tends to be more moderate and offers both sides.  They always have people on debating both sides and if one side or the other is a no-show they state who didn't show and why while still continuing the debate.  I guess why I really favor FOX anymore is because they don't present the stories in a mean spirited way - I don't care for people who name call or asses blame I want to know what the issue is and what needs to be done to resolve it {yes I said "resolve it"}.

Bottom line; If you are a singer then sing, If you are an actor then act, If you are a reporter then report. 
Let me decide what music I listen to, Let me choose the movie I want to watch, and Let me make my own opinion based on the facts!

[PED] soul76
hand me the gun and ask me again
+18|6572|Mülheim a.d.R. | Germany
^ word

i don´t watch too much TV anymore besides teh simpsons and rely on the radio for info, seems a lot less biased and there´s less commercials too.
If you want unbiased media, you need to be on the scene as the event they report on occurs. Even then, it's shaky, as you only have your view of the situation.

In the States, Public Broadcasting tends to have decent news, just the facts, no proselytizing by the anchor.
BBC is pretty good too.

I heard Katie Couric say the other day in an interview something to the effect of: "My job isn't to bring you the news, it's also to tell you how to feel about the news".

+783|6883|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Never watched any of them...
[PED] soul76
hand me the gun and ask me again
+18|6572|Mülheim a.d.R. | Germany

FourthHorseman wrote:

I heard Katie Couric say the other day in an interview something to the effect of: "My job isn't to bring you the news, it's also to tell you how to feel about the news".
i guess thats what a lot of editors/newspeople think. add some feeling to make more interesting and stuff, just like they made edutainment now we get newsotainment too. i don´t want to be told how to feel, give me the fucking info already and then go and find yourself a claymore. just how dumb do they think people are? sheesh.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6621|SE London

I don't watch any of those news channels. Tend to watch either BBC or Channel 4 news. Channel 4 News is probably my favourite though.
Hand's shaken' / Heart's beatn' / Still Shootin'
+32|6766|Ft. Laudy, FL, USA
I listen to the BBC World Service and that's it. They aren't big Blair or America fans, but I think they do a reasonable job of reporting, and they are in depth enough that I can weed through their slant and form my own opinion.

I also watch Fox news when getting ready for work, but it's so dmaned campy and "morning show"-ish that I can barely stand it.

Network news in America is a front for the Democratic Party and CNN is the Clinton News Network. I can't stand either. Give me the BBC and Fox, and other than that I am out.
+7|6695|Brussels, Belgium
Ok, thanks for all the answers.

People talk about the BBC and I forgot to put it in the poll, maybe because I can hardly understand what they say....

Can you give examples of things that make you say that network news in America is a front for the democratic party because I don't understand, from the few that I can see here, I don't really see it as liberal.
prince of insufficient light
They're all biased, but other forms less so, so form your own opinions.
Yeah as far as world news goes it watch it I catch bits and pieces of it here and there but it all makes me sick... Shit even the local new I can't stand, it is always the same a murder there a body found here, a 4 year old girl raped over there.  It is sicking.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6748|Wilmington, DE, US
I try to read as much as I can but usually I check MSNBC. I'd say it's got a slight left bias as opposed to CNN's extreme left bias, and Fox's absurd right stance.

And my local paper can't make up it's mind if it's left or right. Changes from day to day.
None of the mainstream media is unbiased. The worst examples of bias are FOX News and Al Jazeera. BBC are about as centred as it gets but still have some elements of bias. I can't believe FOX demands any kind of respect.
Well, at least 7 people are complete imbeciles.
Back from the Dead.
"I watch all of them and make my own opinion."

But my opinion most commonly agrees with Fox News. Go figure.

Poll wrote:

Medias are all biased, it's a TRAP !!!11

Poll wrote:

I don't watch the news, it makes me sick.
(sick as in "OMFG...*bangs head on desk repeatedly*")
prince of insufficient light

jonsimon wrote:

Well, at least 7 people are complete imbeciles.
Mark that up to 24.

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