Medic since 1942
+245|6804|United States
I found cartillery to be fun sometimes i drop vehicles on little bird and just watch them flip over and die

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Noob server(s) alert!
lmao QFT!

if you get killed by "cartillary" you deserve to die for staying in one place to long.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6693|The Lost Highway

Graphic wrote:

Mouse315 wrote:

Hold down 'e': no more squish.
I came in here to say that.
Me too.
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
Bah, it's so lame, I look at it as a lack of teamwork. There were so many times that I ask for a vehicle drop and never get it because there's none available, maybe if they didn't try killing enemies with them, they would be available. It also makes me feel like the commander doesn't have confidence in his team, feeling he has to kill people in cheap ways as his only way to victory. And when a commander doesn't have confidence in his team, that's not a good thing.

Overall - Just lame, shows lack of teamwork on the commander's part, makes the team weaker.
+7|6914|Aussie in the UK
Yer i get so pissed off with people dropping artillery on me .shooting at me ramming me knifing me killing me with there guns and bombs, god i just don't know what to do, i do so wish i could find that perfect server were i can stay alive for a complete round. What shall i do i know LIVE WITH IT. sorry but is is part of the game now how ever much we or you hate it m8, and there will always be some one out there who does not like something about this game what ever EA & DICE do, just like i hate the clans that say come on our server we kick for that sort of thing or we kick for this and that because we don't like it , OK fair one you pay for the server but how many clan server's have you been on, and been told off for doing one thing then they go do the same thing Muppet's.Your best bet is not to camp in one place to long because at the end of the day that is all you are doing, that is why you get killed that way so oftern, no skill in that m8 ;-)
Copenhage master
lol i dropped carty and arty on the same spot..sent the arty first and this enemy chopper was trying to get out of the arty so i cartied it and it blew up
LOL...I hate that damn cartillery too, but hats off to the commander who caught me standin still too long.  Adapt and overcome, kiddies...

LemonChicken61 wrote:

Hahahahaha...I keep getting killed by the opposing commander dropping vehicles on me!  I guess I have to move around more when I'm sniping but getting damn annoying (although funny as hell).

I need a better helmet!
learn to hold e....or make a macro for it...
im still a noob to this game... but i am liking the commander spot.. and i WILL drop a car on someone if that certain someone is staying in one spot for too long...

what? i got an arty strike going on.. i scan.. see a sniper picking off teamates and im supposed to let it go? or im supposed to waste an arty strike on ONE person?...  yes.. i will call the sniper's position first.. but if the team is too busy doing something somewhere else.. then ill try to squish him...

ive noticed.. that most snipers will LOOK at their radar and see that little white symbol and move...

its funny as heck to me though seeing someone get squished.. cuz they think they are safe where they are at... oneof the best moments of cartillery for me was this guy was swimming in the water... then had to stay still cuz of armor that was surrounding him on their way to a different spot.. i dropped a car on him and drowned his butt! lol

but i gotta say, that those peeps who ALL they do is drop cars.. then that isnt helping the team... there is a LOT more going on in the commander screen than searching who you can drop a car on...

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Bah, it's so lame, I look at it as a lack of teamwork. There were so many times that I ask for a vehicle drop and never get it because there's none available, maybe if they didn't try killing enemies with them, they would be available. It also makes me feel like the commander doesn't have confidence in his team, feeling he has to kill people in cheap ways as his only way to victory. And when a commander doesn't have confidence in his team, that's not a good thing.

Overall - Just lame, shows lack of teamwork on the commander's part, makes the team weaker.
I can't agree with you more, The cars are there for a reason, to aid your team, not piss off the other team.

demondspawn wrote:

Yer i get so pissed off with people dropping artillery on me .shooting at me ramming me knifing me killing me with there guns and bombs, god i just don't know what to do, i do so wish i could find that perfect server were i can stay alive for a complete round. What shall i do i know LIVE WITH IT. sorry but is is part of the game now how ever much we or you hate it m8, and there will always be some one out there who does not like something about this game what ever EA & DICE do, just like i hate the clans that say come on our server we kick for that sort of thing or we kick for this and that because we don't like it , OK fair one you pay for the server but how many clan server's have you been on, and been told off for doing one thing then they go do the same thing Muppet's.Your best bet is not to camp in one place to long because at the end of the day that is all you are doing, that is why you get killed that way so oftern, no skill in that m8 ;-)
oh, and another thing, I kick my clanmates who do things against the rules too, they get angry, but that's why there are rules to follow
+0|6687|Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
It's exploitation of a failing in the game by commanders and players who aren't good enough to be able to eliminate snipers or enemy arty using conventional game play.  Dropping trucks on artillery, imho, is nothing short of cheating.  I cannot wait for 1.4 to come out so the idiots using it can no longer use it and have to play like everyone else again.
Im just getting use to hold the E button, when i am laying somewere and sniping... Glad its over soon, patch 1.4 go go go go.....
Philosopher King
+16|6748|New York State, USA

syndicat111 wrote:

We on the =GaY= server also kick instantly for cartillary  thats Guerillas and Yobs btw 
Sweet name.
Philosopher King
+16|6748|New York State, USA

Studs wrote:

Im just getting use to hold the E button, when i am laying somewere and sniping... Glad its over soon, patch 1.4 go go go go.....
What a great idea! I never thought of that. +1 to you good sir.
When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

I have found rooftop cartillery to be very useful against opposing choppers.. Thanks, enemy commander!

Then you drive it off on top of an enemy APC.. WEEEE!!!
I always get cars dropped on me.  Because I tend to stay at one spot when I snipe.
You can avoid getting Cartilleried by as little as hitting the strafe keys now and then when you're sitting there sniping. Strafing left or right every couple minutes is a good tactic anyway, IMO.

If you're standing still sniping for long enough to get a vehicle dropped on you there are clearly no good snipers on the opposing team

And why do people kick for cartillery? It's easy enough to avoid, and is rather hilarious. If I get hit by a car I always congratulate the enemy commander. My favorite is dropping cars on opposing commanders who don't seek shelter before going to the command screen.

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