Lionbeat wrote:
fierce wrote:
Lionbeat wrote:
What's hard to understand? Is there any word on whether or not they're going to power up the SUpport guns again, considering they completely downgraded them in 1.4?
There aren't any weapon changes and i think you're confused with 1.4 and 1.22.
LMG's are good enough, if you cannot kill with them it's maybe your fault?
Errr, no. Before 1.3 Support class weps were really accurate and more powerful than they are now. Of course they kill people, but they don't do it as effectively as they used to.
You try going up again a single trooper now - him with his assault rifle and you with your fkin massive machine gun. 3 times out of 5 you'll lose - that never used to be the case.
There's an argument that they were too accurate before 1.3, but 1.3 doesn't seem to have redressed any aprticular balance (accuracy/power) in the right way imo.
Power is the same. The Type 95 and SAW have always had 25 damage. The PK has always had 45 damage. The RPK-74 has always had 35 damage, and the MG36 has always had 30 damage (well, ever since it was introduced at least).
Accuracy now is a base of 0.3 for the SAW, 0.35 for the MG36 and PK, and 0.4 for the Type 95 and RPK. From 1.00 to 1.12 they had base deviations of 0.7 or even 0.8.
In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.
Last edited by k30dxedle (18 years, 5 months ago)