RIP or OMFG I'ts Back?

What's 1.4 gonna do to the support class weps which are rassed to fk imo.

I don't like playing the class any more - cool for resupplying, and therefore useful to the team, but SHITE for attacking or defending - basically shooting at people, so not much fun to play.

I did search but fkin loads of pages on 'nerfed' and 'support.' So what's the deal?
The Cereal Killer
+201|6972| United States of America
i hope the MG36 is untouched on 1.4 i love that gun.

Slam wrote:

What's hard to understand? Is there any word on whether or not they're going to power up the SUpport guns again, considering they completely downgraded them in 1.3?

Last edited by Lionbeat (2006-08-18 06:33:37)

Back from the Dead.
Here is the thread from EA that contains the fixes and changes in 1.4; I don't see anything about support weapons.

Last edited by BigmacK (2006-08-17 08:18:29)

I love [fiSh]

Lionbeat wrote:

Slam wrote:

What's hard to understand? Is there any word on whether or not they're going to power up the SUpport guns again, considering they completely downgraded them in 1.4?
There aren't any weapon changes and i think you're confused with 1.4 and 1.22.

LMG's are good enough, if you cannot kill with them it's maybe your fault?

Last edited by fierce (2006-08-17 08:19:27)

Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere
i Honestly have no idea what your talking about... yeah, they kill people... what's wrong with that?
I haven't heard either way. Supply Crate FTW! No need for the support class.

My favorite is on SF,

Supportman; "I think Ill shoot 3 cans of tear gas without telling my buddies."

Buddy; "WTF support man?!"

Supportman; "sorry! here...have some grenades."

Buddy; "Screw this, Im running over here!"

Supportman; "hey Buddy, wait up!" ....heavy breathing.....resume running...heavy breathing.....resume running....

Honestly I only play support if I have friends with me. Ill supply AT rockets or C4 for a spec op run.

As a is a no go.
+129|6881|Bristol UK
MG36 is pants now, it was cool before 1.3, cos you could use it like an assualt rifle, still poor if you were running but i used to take loads of people down just standing knealing, now every support weapon you have to go prone (lay down), except the pkm you can still stand and shoot some one really accuratly as long as it one shot at a time with pauses to get rid of the horrible nerfed recoil.

fierce wrote:

Lionbeat wrote:

Slam wrote:

What's hard to understand? Is there any word on whether or not they're going to power up the SUpport guns again, considering they completely downgraded them in 1.4?
There aren't any weapon changes and i think you're confused with 1.4 and 1.22.

LMG's are good enough, if you cannot kill with them it's maybe your fault?
Yeh, I meant 1.3. Before 1.3 Support class weps were really accurate and more powerful than they are now. Of course they kill people, but they don't do it as effectively as they used to.

You try going up again a single trooper now - him with his assault rifle and you with your fkin massive machine gun. 3 times out of 5 you'll lose - that never used to be the case.

There's an argument that they were too accurate before 1.3, but 1.3 doesn't seem to have redressed any aprticular balance (accuracy/power) in the right way imo.

Last edited by Lionbeat (2006-08-17 08:51:35)


Lionbeat wrote:

fierce wrote:

Lionbeat wrote:

What's hard to understand? Is there any word on whether or not they're going to power up the SUpport guns again, considering they completely downgraded them in 1.4?
There aren't any weapon changes and i think you're confused with 1.4 and 1.22.

LMG's are good enough, if you cannot kill with them it's maybe your fault?
Errr, no. Before 1.3 Support class weps were really accurate and more powerful than they are now. Of course they kill people, but they don't do it as effectively as they used to.

You try going up again a single trooper now - him with his assault rifle and you with your fkin massive machine gun. 3 times out of 5 you'll lose - that never used to be the case.

There's an argument that they were too accurate before 1.3, but 1.3 doesn't seem to have redressed any aprticular balance (accuracy/power) in the right way imo.
Power is the same. The Type 95 and SAW have always had 25 damage. The PK has always had 45 damage. The RPK-74 has always had 35 damage, and the MG36 has always had 30 damage (well, ever since it was introduced at least).

Accuracy now is a base of 0.3 for the SAW, 0.35 for the MG36 and PK, and 0.4 for the Type 95 and RPK. From 1.00 to 1.12 they had base deviations of 0.7 or even 0.8.

In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-08-17 08:55:56)

Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6936|Camp XRay

k30dxedle wrote:

Lionbeat wrote:

fierce wrote:

There aren't any weapon changes and i think you're confused with 1.4 and 1.22.

LMG's are good enough, if you cannot kill with them it's maybe your fault?
Errr, no. Before 1.3 Support class weps were really accurate and more powerful than they are now. Of course they kill people, but they don't do it as effectively as they used to.

You try going up again a single trooper now - him with his assault rifle and you with your fkin massive machine gun. 3 times out of 5 you'll lose - that never used to be the case.

There's an argument that they were too accurate before 1.3, but 1.3 doesn't seem to have redressed any aprticular balance (accuracy/power) in the right way imo.
Power is the same. The Type 95 and SAW have always had 25 damage. The PK has always had 45 damage. The RPK-74 has always had 35 damage, and the MG36 has always had 30 damage (well, ever since it was introduced at least).

Accuracy now is a base of 0.3 for the SAW, 0.35 for the MG36 and PK, and 0.4 for the Type 95 and RPK. From 1.00 to 1.12 they had base deviations of 0.7 or even 0.8.

In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.

k30dxedle wrote:

Lionbeat wrote:

fierce wrote:

There aren't any weapon changes and i think you're confused with 1.4 and 1.22.

LMG's are good enough, if you cannot kill with them it's maybe your fault?
Errr, no. Before 1.3 Support class weps were really accurate and more powerful than they are now. Of course they kill people, but they don't do it as effectively as they used to.

You try going up again a single trooper now - him with his assault rifle and you with your fkin massive machine gun. 3 times out of 5 you'll lose - that never used to be the case.

There's an argument that they were too accurate before 1.3, but 1.3 doesn't seem to have redressed any aprticular balance (accuracy/power) in the right way imo.
Power is the same. The Type 95 and SAW have always had 25 damage. The PK has always had 45 damage. The RPK-74 has always had 35 damage, and the MG36 has always had 30 damage (well, ever since it was introduced at least).

Accuracy now is a base of 0.3 for the SAW, 0.35 for the MG36 and PK, and 0.4 for the Type 95 and RPK. From 1.00 to 1.12 they had base deviations of 0.7 or even 0.8.

In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.
Fair cop. I obviously need to play the kit a bit more. although, that said, I know i'm not the only one who noticed just how much less accurate they became in 1.3.

Been getting into sniper recently. I only get to play about an hour a day, so it's harder to build up practice in a kit. Anyway, going off topic so i guess the thread is dead.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Dude the support is still the least accurate weapon in the game, they nerfed it because before its accuracy made it unusable on the larger maps, although by doing that they made them the Gods of the city maps they still cannot outshoot any other weapon on first shot, even the Type 85.
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!

tvmissleman wrote:

i hope the MG36 is untouched on 1.4 i love that gun.
ya i love it too, but i need to stop being a support noob and start being a medic whore.

k30dxedle wrote:

In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.
Yeah, on 1.2, the PKM was the best damn sniper weapon in the game.  I rarely play support now.
Member of Foamy's Card Cult
I think it was just a bit too stupid in previous versions. okay of course they are accurate when you go prone but leaving all realistical stuff out (this is still a game) it's no fun to have a bunch of support guy on the roofs, camping and killing anyone in 500m distance
i think it makes more sense if the weapon is a bit less accurate than a sniper rifel. accurate or not I still like the support kit
I knife Generals
+278|6850|Search Whore killing fields
I like the m249saw. Its shoots so many bullets in every direction your bound to hit something
+16|6778|Capital City of Nds, Germany

Marlboroman82 wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

Lionbeat wrote:

Errr, no. Before 1.3 Support class weps were really accurate and more powerful than they are now. Of course they kill people, but they don't do it as effectively as they used to.

You try going up again a single trooper now - him with his assault rifle and you with your fkin massive machine gun. 3 times out of 5 you'll lose - that never used to be the case.

There's an argument that they were too accurate before 1.3, but 1.3 doesn't seem to have redressed any aprticular balance (accuracy/power) in the right way imo.
Power is the same. The Type 95 and SAW have always had 25 damage. The PK has always had 45 damage. The RPK-74 has always had 35 damage, and the MG36 has always had 30 damage (well, ever since it was introduced at least).

Accuracy now is a base of 0.3 for the SAW, 0.35 for the MG36 and PK, and 0.4 for the Type 95 and RPK. From 1.00 to 1.12 they had base deviations of 0.7 or even 0.8.

In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.
+0|6778|Hannover, Germany

hordi74 wrote:

Marlboroman82 wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

Power is the same. The Type 95 and SAW have always had 25 damage. The PK has always had 45 damage. The RPK-74 has always had 35 damage, and the MG36 has always had 30 damage (well, ever since it was introduced at least).

Accuracy now is a base of 0.3 for the SAW, 0.35 for the MG36 and PK, and 0.4 for the Type 95 and RPK. From 1.00 to 1.12 they had base deviations of 0.7 or even 0.8.

In 1.2 they were automatic sniper rifles with body armor and unlimited ammo, if you need that degree of, well, awesomeness to kill with a machine gun then it's probably your fault.
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

Lionbeat wrote:

RIP or OMFG I'ts Back?

What's 1.4 gonna do to the support class weps which are rassed to fk imo.

I don't like playing the class any more - cool for resupplying, and therefore useful to the team, but SHITE for attacking or defending - basically shooting at people, so not much fun to play.

I did search but fkin loads of pages on 'nerfed' and 'support.' So what's the deal?
Learn to use the M249 SAW or the MG36........all i got to say to your post..
Junglist Massive
I didn't play support much before any accuracy changes, but I think it's fine as it is now.  With all the heavy MGs the fact that you don't have to reload often is the best feature... I've come up 5-10m behind groups of 5-6 people on Iron Gator and literally just taken every single one of them out... the only thing better would a doom style minigun

At range you can still use controlled bursts from the prone position to take people out at range, but you don't need to be wasting ammo on snipers, I just spot them and take cover... most of your squad will probably have more suitable weapons anyway.  I try and treat the support class as a moveable version of the fixed gun... best for mowing down rows of attackers as they come to you, but because it must be fired from the prone position you should try and stay off point. 

If you know someone is coming round a corner from a uav or commander scan and you are lying prone waiting then 9/10 they are gonna die.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
saw ftw
+0|7014|Michigan, USA
Yeah the support class is fine the way it is.  When they boosted their accuracy, they really were fully auto sniper rifles.  I play the support class the most, I love it.  It was WAY, WAY too overpowered before.  Just learn how to use them, they do just fine, trust me.
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

genius_man16 wrote:

i Honestly have no idea what your talking about... yeah, they kill people... what's wrong with that?
They kill him too much, so he's whining and hoping that the Support class will be abolished. I think... I don't understand his question.

Last edited by ryan_14 (2006-08-17 14:47:06)

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