Both of you are complete idiots Sparks and Knight, If you think they will continue to support BF2, well there not going to! You two, Go live in your little dream world, and the rest of us will be here on this place called Earth. We will also deal with the fact that support for BF2 is coming to a abrupt end.
They, as I already know release this patch today and have made us wait months for it, not FIVE hours like you imply Sparks. The reason they took so long is so that the timing is just right to where they will not be in a position to put out another patch or even care to do so, because of why? 2142 will be here in a mater of months. THEY USED A STALL TACTIC ON 1.4 SO IT WILL BE OUT IN JUST THE RIGHT TIME TO WHERE THEY WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO PUT OUT 1.5!!!
Go Back To what ever Cloud that you two came from...
MOD's kind sir ( Sparks ), are a way of keeping the community alive for a short while AFTER SUPPORT STOPS! You obviously have not been a part of many on-line games! Go back and read the post where in it says that EA is pretty much turning it over to MOD's!
Knight UK you sir have a comprehension problem, I said " they will release said patch AROUND the same time as 2142. I never not once changed up on my point ( idiot ). I did not say this patch comes out on the 15th and so will 2142 the same flipping day. I would say that you sir are the one who needs to go back and "re-read!
Lets go ahead and break it down for your very evidently small brain to comprehend- The point I would be trying to make is 1.4 will be the last patch you and your undisplayed, im sure, shitty looking Stats will see out of EA ( period ).
I must also add that I have not flamed anyone but you and you sir started the flames. What would your point be about me knowing "lil" anyways? Please enlighten me with your theory on this, seeing as your the same F**KING rank as I am! Don't go looking for flames unless you want some, you can't flame someone and then say you need to read your stuff before you flame. I would say your a complete moron, you make that point by yourself!
About not making sence in my posts, every one of your posts on this thread do not make any sence at all and you can't even spell to boot. About what I know about this game, I would say I know a hell of allot more than you do about it. You have made that point yourself as well... You are the only one on this entire thread other than Sparks that is in some kind of denial about what is about to take place.
Now, both of you if you would please remain on topic or don't post... Thanks in Advance once again for doing so. The OP by the way is "The Truth About Patch 1.4", hope that brings both of you up to speed...
EDIT: By the way Knight`UK I most certainly am NOT your M8!!
ozzie_johnson - we where DEBATING patch 1.4 and no one has sledged EA or Dice yet!
Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-08-15 19:25:26)