I got a permanent ban playing devils perch. I was trying to take a base saw an enemy shot him and thought he's just going to spawn and try to get me first so I went round the opposite side and made my way for the flag. sure enough he spawned and ran to the point he got killed .... so I shot him again. I was still too far away to beat him to the flag before he spawned so I tried to run in the other way, he spawned again, I shot him, I got got banned for spawn raping.

GR.:.Lt._Squall wrote:

Oh I've seen a retarded clan server. It has teamkill punish on, one of the rules is "Do NOT punish [GI*Joe] clan members for teamkills or you will be kicked". They expect that people won't punish them for TKing and that because they are a member of a certain clan *they* are exempt from the rules. Don't go into any server with the name'[GI*Joe]' in it.
lmao. i always play with [gijoe]slugnutty or whatever his name is and he has to be a really young kid. everytime me and my clanmates are on his team and owning he doesnt say one word. yet as soon as he switches teams to join his clanmate and gets owned by us he calls us every single cheat in the book. one time it was so funny he called us high ping hacks. lmfao. me and my clanmate was laughing so hard. we were like high ping hack? wtf? lol. so it wouldnt suprise me that their server has rules like that. o well that is one server i will never go in.
+1|6897|DFW Texas
You wanna talk about a fucking douche bag server. AOC Agents of Chaos. What a bunch of fucking retards. They banned me from there server owning them with a MIG. Had 18 kills and was about to get my aerial ribbon when this fuckin shitbag banned me. They were sending arty all over the carries so I started bombing the fuck out of their air strip and thats when I got banned. I would have to say that the "Best Douche Bag  Server Award" has to go to these fucking idiots.
Its a shame such a fun game can make a person so mad. I love this game. its so frigging fun to play, to interact with REAL people; And you get to kill them too. And you get to use all those weapons and vehicles. I mean what can be better than coming home from work, after hearing your boss scream in your face for some dumb ass thing you did or whatever, and sitting down at your comp loading up, crashing..., loading up Bf2, and placing that said bosses face on every single bot you see in BF2? BOOOOOM >>>>head Shot!.

I too was just kicked by an admin whose server was Pistol, knfe, and explosives only. He was racking up the points using C4 and Claymores. I watched as Two troops one from each side, team up and corner one man. one would kill him, one would revive him. over and over again they did this. Their names(handles) were only one letter  in difference. I started to use my G36E. I was pissed because i was seeing C4 come up again and again. Entering the server, it didn't mention that explosives were aloud. I only found that out after they kicked me.

I know its pointlss to vent about this. Nothing is going to be done about it. We are powerless against the power hungry that gather their glory only within the confines of that electronic device we call a computer. Once the game crashes, or they go on to something else, Its all over. they are nothing. you don't know who they are or what they look like. they go on there way and you sit there at your computer pissed and really wanting some sort of revenge for him killing you again and again when the game says pistol and knife only and he's an admin using whatever the fuck he wants. and if you do, YOUR ASS IS KICKED. That my friends is stat padding. for those who aren't aware.

I tell you, I am here ranting about the unfairness that is eternally a part of Bf2 and other games online. I know  that no one really gives a shit what i have to say. And even now, i ask myself why am i wasting my time. This is why.....Because i know there are others out there that feel the same way. YOU'RE NOT ALONE, BROTHER.
Audie Murphy
Sorry to hear you have a problem with our server Fox. You was not Banned, you was kicked to make room for an admin by myself. You was warned for spawn camping as you made no attempt to capture the flag and continuously spawn killed myself and Para. As it happened there was a regular player from another clan  who wanted to come on so you was kicked to make way for an admin, other wise you would of been kicked  for spawn killing. Fox you are more than welcome to play on our server and hope to see you on it again. We do have rules to keep the server enjoyable for people to play on.

RDMC(2) wrote:

Playing (-BS-) Steel blablabla server
Set to 24/7 Ghost Town
I play there, and uuh, get banned for bunnyhoppin, goddamn, I think I'm gonna join a server now and TK everyone
I am one of the admins of Clan (-BS-). Our server carry a few rules but is very popular...over 1000 gigs transferred in July. Many people enjoy our servers and I enjoy the fact they do.  The comments that always get me are the ones that state, "Yeah I was kicked / banned because I was owning the admin..Blah Blah Blah Blah..."  On server you dont ALWAYS hear why someone was just hear them cry in a forum about it

A player who says that is just one of the few types of BF2 players. They are generally Lone Wolves, not all but most. They resort to poor, cheap tactics..they lack real skill.

The comment you made above about wanting to TK people now, makes me hope it was me that banned you if anyone wants me to give you this choads HASH I will, if it means to keep servers running free of tards such as him.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7103|Orlando, FL - Age 43
I am glad to see some server admins here defending their servers. There are two sides to every story.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7006|Wilmington, DE, US
Alien Anal Probe Server. These guys had some very prominently displayed rules including no TK for vehicles, etc. So as I wait for the Mig on Oman, one of the members comes up and shotguns me. Another one revives me. Two others kill the guys waiting for the Su-34. I manage to get the plane anyway, fly around a little, get shot down. I noticed them kick two people for such descriptive reasons as "retard" and "ass." They had done nothing wrong. I come back to the landing strip. They're still there. Shotguns me again, I get revived. I manage to get into the plane again, they both stand in front of me, and they get killed as I take off. One of them has the nerve to go "Why would you do that to me after I helped you, then they ban me and a clanmate. Reason? STEALING AND TKING FOR PLANES. Whatever, One day mommy and daddy won't feel like paying for your server anymore. Just a heads up to the rest of you.
+4|6903|winston salem,nc
i agree some of the rules that are made make no sense to me. like no attacking the uncap---on our server we could care less if you attack the uncap or spawn camp.  #1 there are generally more than one way out of the uncap base. #2 if they spawn camp find another place to spawn. if its at the hotel in karkand with an apc how bout you bring your tank around to move the apc away. yes i know it is frustrating when you keep dying everytime you spawn but you just gotta outsmart the other guy. be aware of your surroundings dont let the hotel be the last flag you own. we try to keep same clans on same side. why else would you join a clan.

we are having a problem with the mass drops of cars though now and sometimes we kick the wrong ppl... its more a less a process of elimination till we get it to stop then we ban upon them coming back and the problem restarting. it is very difficult to admin and play.  you can find us at mvc/h2o server

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

I am one of the admins of Clan (-BS-). Our server carry a few rules but is very popular...over 1000 gigs transferred in July. Many people enjoy our servers and I enjoy the fact they do.  The comments that always get me are the ones that state, "Yeah I was kicked / banned because I was owning the admin..Blah Blah Blah Blah..."  On server you dont ALWAYS hear why someone was just hear them cry in a forum about it

A player who says that is just one of the few types of BF2 players. They are generally Lone Wolves, not all but most. They resort to poor, cheap tactics..they lack real skill.

The comment you made above about wanting to TK people now, makes me hope it was me that banned you if anyone wants me to give you this choads HASH I will, if it means to keep servers running free of tards such as him.
I used to like this server. (-BS-) **ALL KARKAND*** Map of the Week.
The reason is one.The Big Scores.
So,i remember my first ban in your server.For Teamkilling...
I already had an accidental teamkill because a newbie jump in front of my tank...I was in MEC team...
I lost,so i spawn to the base,and start all over.
I was about in the bridge in the Gatehouse and i saw from the radar a tank try to get to the Cement from by the sea...
Turn my tank and hit him once .I saw a guy named (-BS-)Bullshit(i think that he was the commander)try to put some mines before the enemy tank.(The tank was driven by a newbie and there was also a gunner).
Hit the tank for the second time and blow it up.I saw quickly if i hit and my team-mate too cause I HATE to loose points.My teammate was already dead by the gunner...
Sudden i got banned for teamkilling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought that the guy pissed of because I got the points of the 2 kills…

My second ban...
I got it about a week ago and it STILL ON!!!!
Play again in the same map again with the MECs.
I got one lav and another guy the tank. We really kick many ass cause our cooperation was good.We had no commander at all.
But sometime got bored to spawn to the base,get the lav,drive to the hotel,killed,spawn to the base,drive to the hotel…etc etc etc
So I got in the lav for the last time and I thought that I could be a commander.So I apply and in the same time I drove the lav to the hotel to leave it for a teammate.
When I was about in the Train Accident i saw the incoming “You applied …press YES etc etc etc
I press YES and stopped the lav to make a SCAN.
I saw an enemy was very close in our base.Turn the lav back,killed him and turn again to go to the hotel.
I saw a message from a guy with the name (-BS-)Bullshit.

ClanBSAdmin i just saw that the looser named (-BS-)Bullshit is you...
You are the second person i saw that is so looser in Battlefield...

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-05 12:36:58)

I guess to open this message properly, Good to see you again and yes I am the person you are speaking of.  Although I cant say I was the person that banned you the first time, but I can say I was the one who got you the last time. On our servers we find that a commander is hardly effective driving around in a tank killing people aside from tha fact he has taken away an important assest from HIS troops (ARMOR). The commander has his tools and it is his responsibility to arm HIS TROOPS with that equipment. So in short, Commanders are not allowed in ARMOR on our servers, commanders, command; they do their job. Check out our server stats!! We stay full and people really enjoy our rules as it defines proper roles and brings teamwork to the level it should be with this fine game. Being a server admin was just something fun to do in the beginning, but 3 years strong and 1000's of players later many come to our server to enjoy the fun our server provides not to mention to remain prossional against posts such as yours. This is hardly a task, since your post is in slight anger due to your inability to follow a simple rule. Enjoy the day!!!!!
Today, I played with my clan on "Team Special Forces - City/Air Maps" - IP:

I was in the USMC chopper on Sharqi and followed the MEC chopper back for repairs, and my gunner shot them down...

We flew back for repairs for the minimal damage we had recieved, and then proceeded to take out the tank, and APC that our commander had spotted for us... We turned around, and the MEC chopper is back, we start shooting it, I unload the missles and only hit with maybe 4, but my gunner didnt see them... They retreated for repairs and we followed them again... They were over the little island in the ocean, and we were over hotel, and my gunner hit them with a TV missle...

Some [SF] clan guy: Animal Mother, you spawn camp one more time, and ur gone!

I was on my way for repairs because we had gotten hit by the AA on hotel when he said this... and then I immediatly got kicked.

They kicked me, and NOT my gunner... I rejoined because they kicked me only for 1 min, so I thought "Ill go back in, and everything will be cool... hell, 4 other clan mates are in there, they didnt get kicked"

So I go in, and I get kicked again... Only for a min... Wish they woulda just banned me...

Edit: By the way, not only was that NOT spawn camping, but no where was "no spawn camping" even posted in the rules... I <3 nazi admins...

Last edited by AnimalMotherGLP (2006-08-06 18:45:14)

Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6877|Nottingham, UK

Audie Murphy wrote:

Sorry to hear you have a problem with our server Fox. You was not Banned, you was kicked to make room for an admin by myself. You was warned for spawn camping as you made no attempt to capture the flag and continuously spawn killed myself and Para. As it happened there was a regular player from another clan  who wanted to come on so you was kicked to make way for an admin, other wise you would of been kicked  for spawn killing. Fox you are more than welcome to play on our server and hope to see you on it again. We do have rules to keep the server enjoyable for people to play on.
I already mentioned to your non slanderous member that I had no desire to play there again.

I'm happy for you that you can call me a spawnkiller with no attempt to capture the flag and go about your daily business. But as I was in the 2nd floor flag room and killed yourself and para repeatedly whilst IN the flag capture zone, and then TOOK the flag, at which point you were forced to spawn at 3rd floor, which I then came to take, and was in the capture zone when I killed 5 of you and then died reviving my clan leader who was shot by a lucky boy, I can only suggest that:

A: you are too damn slow.
B: feeling sore about point A you (or a cohort) banned and kicked us, were reported to BF2 Ranked Servers and now back paddle about your policy.

In closing, don't BS about the fact I was kicked to make room for a regular player, the server wasn't full at the time, and the kick wasn't the problem, nor was the 'banning [Foxhound]MGW: spawnkilling' 'kicking [Foxhound]MGW: spawnkilling' because when I am lucky or better, that happens.

What stuck most was the same text being applied to my clan leader, the one with 0 points, who'd just joined the server, I believe you saw the screenshot. Either way, if I can help it, I won't play on a server with children who can kick and ban when their ego's are bruised.

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

I guess to open this message properly, Good to see you again and yes I am the person you are speaking of.  Although I cant say I was the person that banned you the first time, but I can say I was the one who got you the last time. On our servers we find that a commander is hardly effective driving around in a tank killing people aside from tha fact he has taken away an important assest from HIS troops (ARMOR). The commander has his tools and it is his responsibility to arm HIS TROOPS with that equipment. So in short, Commanders are not allowed in ARMOR on our servers, commanders, command; they do their job. Check out our server stats!! We stay full and people really enjoy our rules as it defines proper roles and brings teamwork to the level it should be with this fine game. Being a server admin was just something fun to do in the beginning, but 3 years strong and 1000's of players later many come to our server to enjoy the fun our server provides not to mention to remain prossional against posts such as yours. This is hardly a task, since your post is in slight anger due to your inability to follow a simple rule. Enjoy the day!!!!!
Good to see me again and im one week banned??????

I know the rulez of your servers and this is one of the reasons i used to like to join them.
I like the rulez in Battlefield but sometimes they suck because now one can follow them 100%.

Is it bad for a commander to want to protect his flags,radars,arti etc etc?Let me give you an example.
Lets say im commander in Karkand.Stay in Gas station and give orders to my team.Lets say that i make a scan i saw vehicle coming and heading for the radar.
If there is the tank in the base,i shouldn’t take it to kill the enemy, and protect my base,radars or prevent the enemy to take it because the rulez are clear. NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
Is this stupid of not?

Something else.
I saw the other day an enemy commander in Karkand in YOUR server make Cartillery all the time. Again and again and again and again.....and again.We told him to stop but he didnt.Sometime an admin joined the game,and he asked him to stop Cartillery.He didnt stop and the admin kicked the commander. That was nice.
Lets say the commander of our team,saw the continues Cartillery of the enemy commander,and decide to make it for ONE time. And in that time the admin saw that and kick him too,is it nice?Yes...
Because NO CARTILLERY.Right?

Lets see another one.
I'm commander for the MECs.Im somewhere about the Hotel.I saw on the map that the american tank is in there base and nowone take it.
Drop a vehicle in front of me,and drive to the American base(Gas station)and stole the tank.Big help for my team!
You gonna ban me for NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR?

Let’s see my case...
Did you see me, make kills as a commander from a lav?Yes,one time because i have to protect my base.
Did you see me,make kills as a commander from the lav all the time?NO
Did you see me,make kills as a commander from the lav and near by me were teammates who could take the lave?NO.The closest was in Hotel and i was in Train...
Did you see me as a commander drive the lav?YES.
Did you see me just stay in lav?NO

Lets say something else in my case again...
By the time i press "YES" to be a commander i must leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
Make a scan to see for enemy. I saw one near my base...
I mustn’t take the lav to go back and protect my base because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the vehicle or go by foot or drop an vehicle by me and go back to my base and leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the risk to loose from the enemy one of my team lavs in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?

And for you,its just a simple rule....Yeah right...Ok....Whatever you say...

PS.Two posts and you say all the time about your wonderful server like there is no other...
Your server its still in place 500 from about 1500 Karkand servers ...Don’t you think that its not so good as you wanted to be…
PS2.I can be a commander and fly an airplane too.I done it many times in Wake.See,the Caps Lock key is not too far...

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-07 13:26:17)


kardinalios wrote:

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

I guess to open this message properly, Good to see you again and yes I am the person you are speaking of.  Although I cant say I was the person that banned you the first time, but I can say I was the one who got you the last time. On our servers we find that a commander is hardly effective driving around in a tank killing people aside from tha fact he has taken away an important assest from HIS troops (ARMOR). The commander has his tools and it is his responsibility to arm HIS TROOPS with that equipment. So in short, Commanders are not allowed in ARMOR on our servers, commanders, command; they do their job. Check out our server stats!! We stay full and people really enjoy our rules as it defines proper roles and brings teamwork to the level it should be with this fine game. Being a server admin was just something fun to do in the beginning, but 3 years strong and 1000's of players later many come to our server to enjoy the fun our server provides not to mention to remain prossional against posts such as yours. This is hardly a task, since your post is in slight anger due to your inability to follow a simple rule. Enjoy the day!!!!!
Good to see me again and im one week banned??????

I know the rulez of your servers and this is one of the reasons i used to like to join them.
I like the rulez in Battlefield but sometimes they suck because now one can follow them 100%.

Is it bad for a commander to want to protect his flags,radars,arti etc etc?Let me give you an example.
Lets say im commander in Karkand.Stay in Gas station and give orders to my team.Lets say that i make a scan i saw vehicle coming and heading for the radar.
If there is the tank in the base,i shouldn’t take it to kill the enemy, and protect my base,radars or prevent the enemy to take it because the rulez are clear. NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
Is this stupid of not?

Something else.
I saw the other day an enemy commander in Karkand in YOUR server make Cartillery all the time. Again and again and again and again.....and again.We told him to stop but he didnt.Sometime an admin joined the game,and he asked him to stop Cartillery.He didnt stop and the admin kicked the commander. That was nice.
Lets say the commander of our team,saw the continues Cartillery of the enemy commander,and decide to make it for ONE time. And in that time the admin saw that and kick him too,is it nice?Yes...
Because NO CARTILLERY.Right?

Lets see another one.
I'm commander for the MECs.Im somewhere about the Hotel.I saw on the map that the american tank is in there base and nowone take it.
Drop a vehicle in front of me,and drive to the American base(Gas station)and stole the tank.Big help for my team!
You gonna ban me for NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR?

Let’s see my case...
Did you see me, make kills as a commander from a lav?Yes,one time because i have to protect my base.
Did you see me,make kills as a commander from the lav all the time?NO
Did you see me,make kills as a commander from the lav and near by me were teammates who could take the lave?NO.The closest was in Hotel and i was in Train...
Did you see me as a commander drive the lav?YES.
Did you see me just stay in lav?NO

Lets say something else in my case again...
By the time i press "YES" to be a commander i must leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
Make a scan to see for enemy. I saw one near my base...
I mustn’t take the lav to go back and protect my base because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the vehicle or go by foot or drop an vehicle by me and go back to my base and leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the risk to loose from the enemy one of my team lavs in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?

And for you,its just a simple rule....Yeah right...Ok....Whatever you say...

PS.Two posts and you say all the time about your wonderful server like there is no other...
Your server its still in place 500 from about 1500 Karkand servers ...Don’t you think that its not so good as you wanted to be…
PS2.I can be a commander and fly an airplane too.I done it many times in Wake.See,the Caps Lock key is not too far...
Thank you for expressing your thoughts and feelings about our server and your experiernce on it. As for your second PS.

Not everyone has that ability to command and fly at the same time and do a fine job at it. You might and thats great, but on my server that is not an option.

Thank you and good day =]

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

Thank you for expressing your thoughts and feelings about our server and your experiernce on it. As for your second PS.

Not everyone has that ability to command and fly at the same time and do a fine job at it. You might and thats great, but on my server that is not an option.

Thank you and good day =]
You didn’t write to me yet your opinion about the " NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" rule!
Its sucks sometimes or not?

kardinalios wrote:

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

Thank you for expressing your thoughts and feelings about our server and your experiernce on it. As for your second PS.

Not everyone has that ability to command and fly at the same time and do a fine job at it. You might and thats great, but on my server that is not an option.

Thank you and good day =]
You didn’t write to me yet your opinion about the " NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" rule!
Its sucks sometimes or not?
To be honest, no it makes Commanders do their jobs...I wouldnt place such a rule on the server if it sucked. I agree with our server rule and enjoy it!!!!

Although it is not for everyone. I have NO DOUBT that you can do a fine job being a commander in armor...but most people lack that skill.

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

kardinalios wrote:

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

Thank you for expressing your thoughts and feelings about our server and your experiernce on it. As for your second PS.

Not everyone has that ability to command and fly at the same time and do a fine job at it. You might and thats great, but on my server that is not an option.

Thank you and good day =]
You didn’t write to me yet your opinion about the " NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" rule!
Its sucks sometimes or not?
To be honest, no it makes Commanders do their jobs...I wouldnt place such a rule on the server if it sucked. I agree with our server rule and enjoy it!!!!

Although it is not for everyone. I have NO DOUBT that you can do a fine job being a commander in armor...but most people lack that skill.
I have to agree with kardinalios on this one.  Sometimes a commander has to use an APC or Tank to protect his assets.  This includes his own backside and the team's armor.  They are assets worthy of protection just as much as the UAV, Satelitte, and Arty.  I will on occassion hop in a tank or apc as commander to move it closer to my troops if no one is waiting for it.  Mostly I do that only on Karkand as the US commander. 

You are correct that a commander is more effective overall when not in a tank or apc or plane or helo.  I have to agree with that overall.  If your on a 16 player server on a 64 player map, then you have to be a fighting commander.  If my team doesn't use all the armor available then I will take one while I am a fighting commander.  Once  a server has more than 20 people in it I leave the armor for the rest of the team unless a situation arises where I have need of it.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-08-10 04:10:39)


ClanBSAdmin wrote:

kardinalios wrote:

You didn’t write to me yet your opinion about the " NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" rule!
Its sucks sometimes or not?
To be honest, no it makes Commanders do their jobs...I wouldnt place such a rule on the server if it sucked. I agree with our server rule and enjoy it!!!!

Although it is not for everyone. I have NO DOUBT that you can do a fine job being a commander in armor...but most people lack that skill.
I think DSRTurtle that our friend ClanBSAdmin didnt understand my question,or he is 12 years old,or he wants to "protect" his servers rulez,or he is olympiakos fan(low iq).

I have to ask the question again...with the examples...

ClanBSAdmin lets say im commander in Karkand.Stay in Gas station and give orders to my team.Lets say that i make a scan i saw vehicle coming and heading for the radar.
If there is the tank in the base,i shouldn’t take it to kill the enemy, and protect my base,radars or prevent the enemy to take it because the rulez are clear. NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
The rule sucks yes or not?

ClanBSAdmin lets say that i'm commander for the MECs.Im somewhere about the Hotel.I saw on the map that the american tank is in there base and nowone take it.
Drop a vehicle in front of me,and drive to the American base(Gas station)and stole the tank.Big help for my team!
You gonna ban me for NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR?
The rule sucks yes or not?

ClanBSAdmin by the time i press "YES" to be a commander i must leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
Make a scan to see for enemy. I saw one near my base...
I mustn’t take the lav to go back and protect my base because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the vehicle or go by foot or drop an vehicle by me and go back to my base and leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the risk to loose from the enemy one of my team lavs in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
The rule sucks yes or not?

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-10 15:21:25)

+0|6766|Mansfield, Texas
To all the *CAF* members!!

I did routinely play on there server with no problems.  Today I get on in the middle of a Wake round hop in a J-10 and start doing the normal damage. They have already capped a couple flags and I bomb some targets and then shoot down a chopper and then both there jets. I then fly to the carrier and shoot the essex gun so I don't get shot and look for more targets, but did not bomb the carrier or shoot anything else on it. Then on the way back to runway I shoot down a filled blackhawk. I reload at runway and start looking for more targets shoot down another jet and then the cobra over our runway. Then head to carrier to look for more targets shoot essex gun again, turnaround and then take out another chopper in the air away from the carrier. Then they tell me don't baserape the carrier . So they kick me for one minute. I log back in and asked why did you kick me? Then another clan members says keep talking shit and get banned. So, I typed I guess Ill be gay and wait until there over our base before I shoot them down. Then I get banned! Stupid!Don't ban me because you are getting owned!!!  I didn't even shoot or kill anyone on that carrier besides the same guy sitting in the essex gun and stuff in the air and on its way. Maybe  we should just wait until USMC caps a flag before killing anyone while where at it. Anyway hope some *CAF* members see this and realize how STUPID this ban was! 

P.S. Most of there clan is pretty cool, and really good players. Just a really bad call IMO.
Support fanatic :-)

@kardinalios : I get your drift but i`m sad to see you are so hung up on one simple very common rule found on many servers out there.

1. No commander in armor

There is a good reason for this, a fighting commander doesn`t do his job equally well as a dedicated commander only and you keep an important tool away from your team. Remember these are general thoughts of a common rule, you cant keep 100 what if`s for every possible scenario.

2. Server rules in general

The guy paying for the server can infact make any rules he wants as long as it`s not in conflict with BFROE.

And before you go flaming all over this forum about how stupid this and that server-admin is, post a message in their own forum first asking why you where kicked/banned - most communities/clans hosting a ranked server have a website with a forum with an appropriate thread for ban/kick appeals.

If you want some info on what its like to be an admin :
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

kardinalios wrote:

ClanBSAdmin wrote:

kardinalios wrote:

You didn’t write to me yet your opinion about the " NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" rule!
Its sucks sometimes or not?
To be honest, no it makes Commanders do their jobs...I wouldnt place such a rule on the server if it sucked. I agree with our server rule and enjoy it!!!!

Although it is not for everyone. I have NO DOUBT that you can do a fine job being a commander in armor...but most people lack that skill.
I think DSRTurtle that our friend ClanBSAdmin didnt understand my question,or he is 12 years old,or he wants to "protect" his servers rulez,or he is olympiakos fan(low iq).

I have to ask the question again...with the examples...

ClanBSAdmin lets say im commander in Karkand.Stay in Gas station and give orders to my team.Lets say that i make a scan i saw vehicle coming and heading for the radar.
If there is the tank in the base,i shouldn’t take it to kill the enemy, and protect my base,radars or prevent the enemy to take it because the rulez are clear. NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
The rule sucks yes or not?

ClanBSAdmin lets say that i'm commander for the MECs.Im somewhere about the Hotel.I saw on the map that the american tank is in there base and nowone take it.
Drop a vehicle in front of me,and drive to the American base(Gas station)and stole the tank.Big help for my team!
You gonna ban me for NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR?
The rule sucks yes or not?

ClanBSAdmin by the time i press "YES" to be a commander i must leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
Make a scan to see for enemy. I saw one near my base...
I mustn’t take the lav to go back and protect my base because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the vehicle or go by foot or drop an vehicle by me and go back to my base and leave the lav in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
I should take the risk to loose from the enemy one of my team lavs in Train Accident because NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR.Right?
The rule sucks yes or not?
I am not about to turn this thread into crap by arguing, that is not really my style. I uphold my rules and thats final. Go ahead and call me shows your shows it very well.

And yes, I will ban for rule you know Commanding In Armor is one of them.....Now  Enjoy the day. =]

Last edited by ClanBSAdmin (2006-08-11 16:35:07)

Im happy that you cant answer of the "commander rule" if it sucks sometimes or not.
It shows your age,not mine.

I LIKE the rule "NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" even now that i have to make 40 kills to take Veteran Engineer Combat Badge or 44 for the SF, because its difficult to do so many kills with Mk3A1 or MP7 or mines or artillery or all the above together.

Im saying to you, to THINK and dont be such an rule whore.Rulez are good.VERY good.But in some occasions you CANNOT follow them 100%

Last edited by kardinalios (2006-08-15 08:44:14)

+13|6775|Amarillo Tx

kardinalios wrote:

Im happy that you cant answer of the "commander rule" if it sucks sometimes or not.
It shows your age,not mine.

I LIKE the rule "NO COMMANDERS IN ARMOR" even now that i have to make 40 kills to take Veteran Engineer Combat Badge or 44 for the SF, because its difficult to do so many kills with Mk3A1 or MP7 or mines or artillery or all the above together.

Im saying to you, to THINK and dont be such an rule whore.Rulez are good.VERY good.But in some occasions you CANNOT follow them 100%
You can't follow common rules 100% of the time that is just rediculus if you are in our server and you break a set rule we warn you then if you break it again we give you a kick warning and if you come back and break the rules again we will just ban you and get it over with.

We don't bend the rules for anyone even the guys in our community and our regulars I've kicked one of my good friends for being a commander in armor so get over it Kardinalios its a common rule in just about every server that I've visted or owned.

You can call admins pussy ass ten year olds on a power trip but I'm 35 and could give two shits what people think about how myself or my community admins our bf2 servers we have simple rules i will list below and if they are broken we will kick/ban you.

Few simple rules that we have.

No commanders in Armor/Jets/Helos.
No car drops on anyone.

And you know some people can't follow those simple rules!? have you ever thought that admins get stressed over lame smack tards just as much as you clients do??

Last edited by Crispin (2006-08-15 09:05:27)

I can understand no flying commander rules.  They make a lot of sense.  But no commander's in armor period?   Most commanders play the engineer kit so they can repair their assets.  The weapons, including, unlocks, for the engineer suck compared to those available to spec ops kits.  Being a Eng in a vehicle repairs the assets much faster than wrenching or dropping a suppy crate on them. 

I understand your opinion that commanders are more effective on the ground.  I don't have a problem with it.  What I have a problem with is you having a problem with someone who was helping his team by protecting his assets with all available resources.   

I suppose you have a problem with a commander capping flags in the game too.   Maybe it's because you only play on 64 player maps with 64 players.  I don't know.  I play on all size and player maps.  I also play all the maps.  Personally I don't like being a fighting commander.  It is way to hard for me to be effective at both even as a foot soldier.  I will do it when I realize that 1.  we are losing and 2. we have no commander.  Most of the time I can help the team turn the game around.  If the map has enough vehicles for me to use one I will.  If not then I let the other guys have them. 

And before you say my stats suck, I know they do.  What you don't see is how much better I have gotten by playing all aspects of the game.

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