Man, if you got 42 gold medals in 9 days there are only 3 possible explanations:

1. You played over and over on a 64 player server with 11 total people, 10 of whom were straight-ass noobs.

2. You are the Lord God Almighty and we must all bow to your BF2 omnipotence.

3. You are a hacking sack of shit.
Im too good to get accused of hacking

BigmacK wrote:

Did you say that in a darth vader voice?

Dersmikner wrote:

Man, if you got 42 gold medals in 9 days there are only 3 possible explanations:

2. You are the Lord God Almighty and we must all bow to your BF2 omnipotence.
Better get down on your knees and hail me for my awesomeness, 42 golds in 9 days is easy.... I usually end up with a gold 7/10 rounds...
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
+138|6661|New Zealand

Dersmikner wrote:

Man, if you got 42 gold medals in 9 days there are only 3 possible explanations:

1. You played over and over on a 64 player server with 11 total people, 10 of whom were straight-ass noobs.

2. You are the Lord God Almighty and we must all bow to your BF2 omnipotence.

3. You are a hacking sack of shit.
AAHHAHA I don't agree with either of those but thanks for the comment.
If you look under my stats on another site you can see I get a gold 1/3 rounds I play. This ratio would be higher if I didn't play weekdays as I frequently am exiting and joining mid-way through games.

It was a full 64 player server (otherwise I wouldn't have high SPM) -  I got most of the medals in weekend and I don't play much on weekdays because of work etc.. Last weekend I got 15 golds I think. Didn't play as much as the other time.

There is 1 point in this shock paddle vid where I get a bs hs on someone whilst going prone. I do it, after getting out of a jeep and shock paddling the guy with the Spec ops kit lying prone at the hotel flag. Used to think those shots were luck, but I do it too often now I don't know what to think. And I think this vids prove conclusivly that I don't hack. Quality is shit and there is those stupid advert boxes because I am a nub video editor, but if I was using hax I'm sure you would be able to tell.

D/L Link:

If you search "9th.aLi3nZ" on google you can find a bit about me.

This is the full post the nub said:

Posts: 1
    Now i know tthat spawn killing does get on everybodies nerves an it does happen often in BF2, but the other day when i was playing (2006/7/9) just about 2 pplz defeated the usmc all on thier own.......WOW. Not really they just spawn killed every USMC player that spawned and what im wondering is if there is any rules against spawn killing? So if they do this again and end the round in less than 5 mins then can they get BANNED mabey by Admin or something ?????
THE TWO MAKOR SPAWN KILLERS WERE - Tactic Foxunseen and 9th.aLi3nZ
HEY HERES SOME INTEL FOR U GUYS ESPECIALY AUTY well i went on 2 BFHQ an u know how i mentioned that spawn killer ( 9th.ali3nz ) well he is second in the ladder in the rising star category.........hav a look 4 urself and he hasnt been playing long neither only a sergeant or somethn
I compared his account to mine an since 2006-07-04 to the date 2006-07-13 HE EARNED 42 GOLD MEDALS 16 SILVER MEDALS AND 10 BRONZE MEDALS............i mean he hasnt been playing long an hes 2nd in the rising star this guy is either a major HACKER/GEEK because earning 42 GOLD MEDALS IN JUST 9 DAYS is just bout impossible!!!!!!!!!
Posted here. … hp?id=4344

This is a thread on another froum devoted to laughing at this lamer.

I'm sure other good players here  have got this amount of medals in a short period.

Last edited by aLi3nZ (2006-08-15 00:22:02)

+39|6791|OREEGONE, USA
I've only been able to take pics of a couple of accusations towards me.

I still dont know what a Radar Hack Injector is.

Last edited by millhous (2006-08-15 00:09:45)

+244|6843|arica harbour
yeah all you hacking, bunnyhopping, flaming chat noobs, go ahead with your stupidity and sooner or later no one is going to play this game to the point where you can use your hacks on anyone but yourself.

bf2 WAS a game. the better skilled you are the better your score.

herre is todays reality: the better hacker/ exploiter will have the better score.

specialistx2324 wrote:

yeah all you hacking, bunnyhopping, flaming chat noobs, go ahead with your stupidity and sooner or later no one is going to play this game to the point where you can use your hacks on anyone but yourself.

bf2 WAS a game. the better skilled you are the better your score.

herre is todays reality: the better hacker/ exploiter will have the better score.
Go play America's Army... there's no bunny hopping or dolphin diving. Oh wait theres still hackers and 12 year olds in it, crap.

Bunny hopping has been around basically since online first person shooters were created, it will continue to be around. There is always a game mechanic to be exploited or used.

Supposedly EA fixed dolphin diving in 1.4, I'd bet on someone finding a way around it like the previous 1.3 patch with using the crouch key. EA's answer to people being too good at one aspect of the game is by nerfing it, or attempting to atleast. Blackhawks, jets, attack helicopters, dolphin diving, bunny hopping, prone spamming... Pretty soon all that made this game fun will be nerfed, and why is that? How long has each of the battlefield series lasted? I mean comparing it to other games such as Quake I, II, and III as well as Half-Life and Unreal Tournament. I mean come on... comparing BF1942 or BF:V to those games is like comparing the death of an infant to something in post-adolescence. People still play those games, how many people still play BF1942 and BF:V?

They want that next game to come out, they want that extra 50 bucks from you.

I'd like to see you play Quake/Unreal/Painkiller and watch how you are amazed at rocket jumping while bunny hopping. And in some games, bunny hopping increases your characters speed. As it was in quake and half-life 1. I liked seeing people bitch in BF2 because they can't adjust their aim a few pixels in the direction the person is going even though they aren't gaining any speed from it. The same thing with prone spamming and dolphin diving.

But you are precisely right, there will be nothing left to play. But not on account of the people that play it, but because everything enjoyable will be nerfed out of the game and it will not be fun to play anymore.
+138|6661|New Zealand

specialistx2324 wrote:

yeah all you hacking, bunnyhopping, flaming chat noobs, go ahead with your stupidity and sooner or later no one is going to play this game to the point where you can use your hacks on anyone but yourself.

bf2 WAS a game. the better skilled you are the better your score.

herre is todays reality: the better hacker/ exploiter will have the better score.
Who you calling hacker? I think you missed the point of the thread.
I tried to take a screenshot of it, but for some reason it was screenshotting the desktop of my 2nd monitor.  But the official reason for me being banned was "after reviewing battlerecorder we have concluded that you are too fast with the shotgun, or are using an aimbot".   I didn't really understand how the former was a bannable offense, but oh well.
bad touch

BabySpinach wrote:

stryyker wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I take SSs, then not care.
i have to save space in my screen inventory for knife fight results
Oh, like these? … ot0067.jpg … Owned1.jpg
i was still a captain then buddy, but thanks for trying

although that shockpaddle one scared the shit out of me

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