Sheep of War
I think the infantry only is going to bring alot of life back to maps that are otherwise useless due to the fact that most of the time, you can't move because of jets and choppers. I'm sick and tired of being fodder for invincible flying machines.

Anyways, the real questions is if any servers are going to run the mode full time? Suprisingly, I see alot of people that seem to be opposed to the new mode. I would have thought that there are alot more like me that are sick of being raped by vehicles.
prince of insufficient light
BF2 is about the vehicles, if you don't want to get raped by infantry go play CS.
+125|6891|Rochester NY USA
I will play it. But you lose the BF2 feel when you take away most of it's gut.
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6990|Ft. Drum, NY

908741059871059781 wrote:

I think the infantry only is going to bring alot of life back to maps that are otherwise useless due to the fact that most of the time, you can't move because of jets and choppers. I'm sick and tired of being fodder for invincible flying machines.

Anyways, the real questions is if any servers are going to run the mode full time? Suprisingly, I see alot of people that seem to be opposed to the new mode. I would have thought that there are alot more like me that are sick of being raped by vehicles.
i have a feeling you dont know how to fly or you would not be getting pw3d from thes "invincible flying machines".
Go Cards !!
+196|7008|The Ville
yes and padders will love it
+26|6781|New York!
Personally, I won't use this feature.  I think it is just giving in to the whiners who can't stay alive because of "jet, chopper, and tank whores".  The vehicles are probably the most realistic thing in the game because in war there are jets, choppers, and tanks.  Have terrorists called us cheaters because the US uses jets and choppers? NO! DEAL WITH IT OR FIND A DIFFERENT GAME!!!!
Sheep of War
Well even though none of this is relavant to the simple question of "will servers run infantry only mode full time," I'll proceed with set of retorts.

I can't fly, simply because I never learned. It seems boring to just fly around raping people. The good stuff is on the ground.

Jets are invincible to troops on the ground. With the exception of AF wich is better. Its funny how you admit that the reason you know i don't fly is because I'm geeing owned by jets.  Because its pretty obvious that there is nothing that can be done to prevent it on the ground.

"Padders?" Flying a jet is the biggest form of padding that you can possibly perform, it just happens to be legal. I don't see how any more or less padding will be performed without vehicles.

I have played counterstrike, and it sucks.

Here is my favorite...

Mr.Unstoppable wrote:

Personally, I won't use this feature.  I think it is just giving in to the whiners who can't stay alive because of "jet, chopper, and tank whores".  The vehicles are probably the most realistic thing in the game because in war there are jets, choppers, and tanks.  Have terrorists called us cheaters because the US uses jets and choppers? NO! DEAL WITH IT OR FIND A DIFFERENT GAME!!!!
You have your opinions and I have mine, however, the vehicles in this game are in no way realistic. 1 round from a 50 cal is enough to take down an aircraft in real life (if placed in the right spot,) let alone an APC rocket and 20 cannon rounds. Explain to me the relavence of terroism in BF2? You need a serious reality check. All of this from a guy named "Mr. Unstoppable" that spends most of his time in a chopper. If I recall correctly, when patch 1.2 came out, it was the jet and chopper whores that were the complainers. They got their way and now I'm getting mine, so fuck off! So, I'm dealing just fine...there is going to be an infantry only mode.

So... the question still stands. Is anyone planning on running infantry only full time on their server?
+26|6781|New York!
EA is trying to make the game a bit realistic by including equipment used in real life (jets, choppers, and tanks).  BTW if you can't stay alive because of jets and choppers.....play on different maps!  Your stats tell me you are a Karkand whore so just continue on your current path.  All that coming from a guy named.......(well I don't remember the numbers) who has spent 25% of his time in a tank. Just keep playing Karkand and you shouldn't have problems.
...is a potty mouth

yuckfou09 wrote:

908741059871059781 wrote:

I think the infantry only is going to bring alot of life back to maps that are otherwise useless due to the fact that most of the time, you can't move because of jets and choppers. I'm sick and tired of being fodder for invincible flying machines.

Anyways, the real questions is if any servers are going to run the mode full time? Suprisingly, I see alot of people that seem to be opposed to the new mode. I would have thought that there are alot more like me that are sick of being raped by vehicles.
i have a feeling you dont know how to fly or you would not be getting pw3d from thes "invincible flying machines".
Sounds about right
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
I think most people and servers will carry on running normal,real Bf2.

You will probably get 24/7 infantry servers and servers that have normal Bf2 and have infantry only days.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

Mr.Unstoppable wrote:

Personally, I won't use this feature.  I think it is just giving in to the whiners who can't stay alive because of "jet, chopper, and tank whores".  The vehicles are probably the most realistic thing in the game because in war there are jets, choppers, and tanks.  Have terrorists called us cheaters because the US uses jets and choppers? NO! DEAL WITH IT OR FIND A DIFFERENT GAME!!!!
Oooh for crying out loud, thats the most dumbest thing I've ever heard. There just adding a new sence of style to the game, shut teh fuck up about find another game, or go cry, boohoo.
...is a potty mouth

jord wrote:

I think most people and servers will carry on running normal,real Bf2.

You will probably get 24/7 infantry servers and servers that have normal Bf2 and have infantry only days.
Why did you repeat yourself 3 times?
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

loonitic wrote:

jord wrote:

I think most people and servers will carry on running normal,real Bf2.

You will probably get 24/7 infantry servers and servers that have normal Bf2 and have infantry only days.
Why did you repeat yourself 3 times?
Oh god i have to say this in every thread,

It's an error,how could i post 3 times in 1 minute?

Sorry,i can't help it,it's anoying enough as it is.
...is a potty mouth

jord wrote:

loonitic wrote:

jord wrote:

I think most people and servers will carry on running normal,real Bf2.

You will probably get 24/7 infantry servers and servers that have normal Bf2 and have infantry only days.
Why did you repeat yourself 3 times?
Oh god i have to say this in every thread,

It's an error,how could i post 3 times in 1 minute?

Sorry,i can't help it,it's anoying enough as it is.
LOL fair do's
Finnish commander whore
Meh... I know some good servers what are inf only now and they are going to be, but I am not sure do they want their name in publicity...
Good point, (lot of numbers.. how on earth do u remember your name??). Personally I think choppergunning is the most fun in the game, but if you like being infantry, that is something all airvehicle-players should be grateful for, since only bout one tenth of the players can be in air. I used to play a lot of infantry and I know getting upset for constantly becoming fodder isnt whining at all. When I play chopper now, I try to go for other vehicles instead of raping infantry. As for planes I havent tried that much, but I know it can be ridicoulessly easy to get kills. F.ex. to be copilot in bomber, u just have to push the button when the crosshair detects something and you get "you killed, you killed, you killed" down to the left.

As for the question about servers I don't know
Phorum Phantom
I think they should put in infantry caried stingers as an unlock for the at class.
But i dont know about servers
Sheep of War

Mr.Unstoppable wrote:

EA is trying to make the game a bit realistic by including equipment used in real life (jets, choppers, and tanks).  BTW if you can't stay alive because of jets and choppers.....play on different maps!  Your stats tell me you are a Karkand whore so just continue on your current path.  All that coming from a guy named.......(well I don't remember the numbers) who has spent 25% of his time in a tank. Just keep playing Karkand and you shouldn't have problems.
Your origional post stated that "vehicles are the MOST realistic in the game." Yes, I plan on playing other maps with this new dynamic (infantry only.) It will leave the option for some creativity as a soldier. Errr wait one second...

You want me to play on different maps, but I'm a Karand whore and I should stick to that. Doesn't suprise, coming from a guy that believes that the vehicles are the most realistic part of the game.

So, yes, obviously its been mostly Karkand...with a new found intrest in SF.  And, the 25 percent in the tank is the only small chance to get anywhere without being killed.

So once again, fuck off. I don't care if you don't like the idea of infantry only. I wanted to find out if anyone was considering running their servers full time in this mode.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
we are going to have a 44 player server for it up 24/7, hopefully with a variety of maps.

i cant wait for the infantry only mode, it should bring a whole new front to bf2.

and for those that say "play CSS", BF2 is a completely different type of fps, like none i've played before (maybe rainbow 6). The whole accuracy thing makes it way better than any normal fps, as 3-4 shots kill with a standard machine gun. And, BF2 has all squad and teamwork capabilities that also differ it from any other fps. The IO will see alot more teamwork i reckon.
Sheep of War

WinstontheWolf wrote:

Good point, (lot of numbers.. how on earth do u remember your name??). Personally I think choppergunning is the most fun in the game, but if you like being infantry, that is something all airvehicle-players should be grateful for, since only bout one tenth of the players can be in air. I used to play a lot of infantry and I know getting upset for constantly becoming fodder isnt whining at all. When I play chopper now, I try to go for other vehicles instead of raping infantry. As for planes I havent tried that much, but I know it can be ridicoulessly easy to get kills. F.ex. to be copilot in bomber, u just have to push the button when the crosshair detects something and you get "you killed, you killed, you killed" down to the left.

As for the question about servers I don't know
Here is proof that common sense does exist.

In truth, choppers don't bother me that much because you can actually fight back. The whole thing wouldn't be any issue to me if it was possible to fight back against jets. I would probably even fly one if there was some challenge. The only redemtion I've found was when I got my gold AA badge from raping the carrier. I've never heard so much complaining in my life, and I loved it.  Hell, piolots can't get in dogfights all that much if you constantly see one guy on each team with 40+ kills and 0 deaths. Its like an unspoken rule among piolots to only rape flags.

I do have the chopper ribbon (for what its worth.) Got it on my first and only attempt at gunning on Dalian. Jets I've played single player (with the excetion of about 10-20 min when i first got the game) and they really are simple.

Honestly with all of the vehicles...nothing to me, compares with the frenzy of ground pounding. I may not even be mediocre at it, but I love it.
Sheep of War

FFLink13 wrote:

we are going to have a 44 player server for it up 24/7, hopefully with a variety of maps.

i cant wait for the infantry only mode, it should bring a whole new front to bf2.

and for those that say "play CSS", BF2 is a completely different type of fps, like none i've played before (maybe rainbow 6). The whole accuracy thing makes it way better than any normal fps, as 3-4 shots kill with a standard machine gun. And, BF2 has all squad and teamwork capabilities that also differ it from any other fps. The IO will see alot more teamwork i reckon.
I'm there I agree that its going to bring a new dynamic to the game as well as some more creative tatics.
+3,611|6934|London, England
It'll help SF, since when did special forces use MBT's and shit. Since when did fucking insurgents and rebels use those, i'm sure the SAS doesn't use MBT's or attack helicopters.

What's wrong with IO is that they haven't fixed the many problems with infantry play:

Medic's ability to self-heal and throw down loads of bags so that they can take 5X more hits isn't fixed, creates an unfair atmosphere.
Claymores aren't fixed, so either go around (impossible on most SF flags) or give the sniper a free kill, or kill the sniper and wait 30(!) seconds and hope he doesn't pick his old kit up when he re-spawns.
Grenades can still be thrown ridiculously long distances, they also have about  2X more splash damage than grenade launcher grenades. If they nerfed the GL why didn't they nerf the fucking grenades.

Thank god they fixed prone spamming. Insta-diving is still there. Rolling animation is still there.

The list is endless, they've just thrown in IO mode without any consideration to the core-infantry play of this game, it's going to be a stat-padders/sniper's heaven.
At least we wont see people standing at the airport waiting for chopper or the planes

908741059871059781 wrote:

I think the infantry only is going to bring alot of life back to maps that are otherwise useless due to the fact that most of the time, you can't move because of jets and choppers. I'm sick and tired of being fodder for invincible flying machines.
Sure,if you keep sitting in your tank or just run in groups of 10 towards one single flag you'll get your ass bombed back to the stoneage.
Try to go your own route and don't follow all the smurfs and you'll live longer.

Attack choppers are no real threat but a fair opponent if you are in a transport,I've taken down dozens of those.Most people I usually see rather try to run than actually fight the chopper,no wonder they lose.
And if you are so stupid to for example spawn on the TV-tower while the Havoc is circling around you just deserve to get killed over and over again.

Infantry only is only there for whiners who can't adapt to the vehicles in the game.
There would be no baserape,no "unfair vehicle" or vehiclewhores if there were actually people with some teamwork-spirit.No vehicle is invincible.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Claymores aren't fixed, so either go around (impossible on most SF flags) or give the sniper a free kill, or kill the sniper and wait 30(!) seconds and hope he doesn't pick his old kit up when he re-spawns.
Bullshit.Another noob who whines about claymores and has no idea how to destroy them.
"Duh,yeah,they are indestructable!!Unfair!" - DUUUH,they are not!!And if you wouldn't waltz blindly towards every flagpoint you wouldn't run into every mechanical ambush.

Rolling jeeps(or any other vehicle!) destroy claymores - just hop in,speed up,jump out and let the jeep roll into the claymore - destroyed(indestructable,huh?)

Bodies destroy claymores,if you kill somebody near a claymore the corpse will detonate the claymore,but I'm not sure if that works with your enemies.At least you can be sure that if somebody triggered a claymore before you they won't be any other directly near it(watch the corners,though.).

And last not least the engineer can defuse them - but you people are always busy fragging somebody so that nobody actually takes his time when capping a flag,your fault then if you run into claymores.
Sheep of War

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

908741059871059781 wrote:

I think the infantry only is going to bring alot of life back to maps that are otherwise useless due to the fact that most of the time, you can't move because of jets and choppers. I'm sick and tired of being fodder for invincible flying machines.
Sure,if you keep sitting in your tank or just run in groups of 10 towards one single flag you'll get your ass bombed back to the stoneage.
Try to go your own route and don't follow all the smurfs and you'll live longer.

Attack choppers are no real threat but a fair opponent if you are in a transport,I've taken down dozens of those.Most people I usually see rather try to run than actually fight the chopper,no wonder they lose.
And if you are so stupid to for example spawn on the TV-tower while the Havoc is circling around you just deserve to get killed over and over again.

Infantry only is only there for whiners who can't adapt to the vehicles in the game.
There would be no baserape,no "unfair vehicle" or vehiclewhores if there were actually people with some teamwork-spirit.No vehicle is invincible.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Claymores aren't fixed, so either go around (impossible on most SF flags) or give the sniper a free kill, or kill the sniper and wait 30(!) seconds and hope he doesn't pick his old kit up when he re-spawns.
Bullshit.Another noob who whines about claymores and has no idea how to destroy them.
"Duh,yeah,they are indestructable!!Unfair!" - DUUUH,they are not!!And if you wouldn't waltz blindly towards every flagpoint you wouldn't run into every mechanical ambush.

Rolling jeeps(or any other vehicle!) destroy claymores - just hop in,speed up,jump out and let the jeep roll into the claymore - destroyed(indestructable,huh?)

Bodies destroy claymores,if you kill somebody near a claymore the corpse will detonate the claymore,but I'm not sure if that works with your enemies.At least you can be sure that if somebody triggered a claymore before you they won't be any other directly near it(watch the corners,though.).

And last not least the engineer can defuse them - but you people are always busy fragging somebody so that nobody actually takes his time when capping a flag,your fault then if you run into claymores.
YOU sir, are the idiot here.

Try this...Get enough people on your team to fill every single SAM emplacement in the Gulf of Oman. Then get one average pilot . Okay its every AA vs him. See how many rounds it takes you to take the jet down.

Just for shits and giggles, see how long it takes you to  drive your vehicle inside a buildings stairway to eliminate the claymores. Also, get mr. engineer to try creeping up the stairs and diffusing the clay from the front (which would be the only possible way, except some type of glitch or lag out, in which case you would already be past it capping the flag.)

I'll keep it dumbed down for your retarded logic here and call myself a "whiner." In reality its being stoked about a new game mode. So fuck off!

Last edited by 908741059871059781 (2006-08-14 13:00:48)

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