Now, hacking as we know it in this game isn't at the point where it's dominating... yet. Those of us who play/played Counter Strike know just how hacking evolves, and if you take a look at CS, almost every server has at least one hacker join in it every day. (By the way I was inspired to make this thread from the "any former counter strike players?" thread)

I think we need to put all of our minds together and figure out ways to help EA help us by beating the hackers. Now no offense to EA, but for all we know, the folks down at EA might have one dude who says he knows about hacks hired to keep Punkbuster updated. The only real effective way of beating the hacks is to learn from the hackers themselves.

My idea is for EA to put out a trade-in kind of system. Where you send them the files needed to run the hack, and tell them how to set it up, and if it is a valid hack that isn't in Punkbuster already, they give you $50. Or if EA doesn't like the idea of paying people, they can easily just make a few tweaks so that those who turn in hacks get a special badge that no others can get... how cool would that be. I would say they can throw in an unlock as well, but then everyone would be backstabbing others to get their working hack sent in and it would just be a mess, a cool badge would be worth the bragging rights to me.

How do you all think of my idea? What are some of yours?

If we get enough good, solid replies on this I'll pick out all the popular ideas and send them into EA.

P.S. I had some comments up there about Counter Strike, lets try to keep this a BF2 topic only and not fall back to talking how bad or good CS is with or without hackers.

Last edited by Deadlast (2005-11-27 11:16:37)

+53|7052|Omaha, Nebraska
The hacks they have out right now are lame. Night Vision is worthless since they have skins. =/
Insert witty comment here
+3|7071|Brixham, UK
Special badge doesn't sound too good: what if the hackers decided to look for people with that badge and follow them from server to server teamkilling them?
rewards like that I dont really like but maybe if they banned hacker ips on a global range with the punkbuster updates...that way a hacker wont even be able to play the game online on a ranked server if they have been found hacking...and besides what kind of hacks are out there anyway?  I have yet to see someone go through a wall...or even hack raelly at all
177th Field Artillery
+39|7054|In your head
How about someone tells EA the persons nick name and then EA can investigate wether they actually be hacking and then ban thier CD key. Both sides win because thier would be less hackers and the hacker would have to go buy a new game to play so EA can gain some monee. I use to play BlackHawkDown and Joint ops: Escalation and stuff and thier was alot of hackers on those games but Novalogic started banning by CD key and much less hackers now.
Insert witty comment here
+3|7071|Brixham, UK

ghostgr wrote:

How about someone tells EA the persons nick name and then EA can investigate wether they actually be hacking and then ban thier CD key. Both sides win because thier would be less hackers and the hacker would have to go buy a new game to play so EA can gain some monee. I use to play BlackHawkDown and Joint ops: Escalation and stuff and thier was alot of hackers on those games but Novalogic started banning by CD key and much less hackers now.
I bet half the hackers use illegal CDKeys anyway
Moving Target


ghostgr wrote:

How about someone tells EA the persons nick name and then EA can investigate wether they actually be hacking and then ban thier CD key. Both sides win because thier would be less hackers and the hacker would have to go buy a new game to play so EA can gain some monee. I use to play BlackHawkDown and Joint ops: Escalation and stuff and thier was alot of hackers on those games but Novalogic started banning by CD key and much less hackers now.
I bet half the hackers use illegal CDKeys anyway
Probably, a quick google search will probably yield a keygen.  And if one isn't out there, it soon will be.

Why is it that freeloading pirates and virgins hacking a game to cover up thier lack of social skills seem to go hand in hand?
+0|7065|greenville, sc
well i dunno what was goin on but i was playin on Sharqi Penuinsula and was a sniper saw someone trying to capture one of our flags so i was like wow...easy i put the crosshairs on his head, took my shot, didnt kill him, reloaded, brought up my scope, shot again. still didnt kill i chuted off the building, pull out my pistol and took of after him....chased him down and unloaded 2 clips into him and threw a nade, still didnt die though...but he never shot at me.....strange....i ended up gettin killed cuz i was payin attention to him and no one else.....he had to be hackin or something, cuz i know i wasnt laggin or anything
Could we get a list of known hacks out there? Not just assumed hacks because you think someone had a health hack because you didn't kill him, I want people who actually know some of the specific hacks out there to list them, whether they know from a friend or whatever, let's get a list.

I don't know about you guys but I think a special badge would do a lot more good than bad, people will respect you because you've helped make a better gaming community for the players as a whole. The thought of being bullied didn't even cross my mind.

_|x|ake|x|_ wrote:

well i dunno what was goin on but i was playin on Sharqi Penuinsula and was a sniper saw someone trying to capture one of our flags so i was like wow...easy i put the crosshairs on his head, took my shot, didnt kill him, reloaded, brought up my scope, shot again. still didnt kill i chuted off the building, pull out my pistol and took of after him....chased him down and unloaded 2 clips into him and threw a nade, still didnt die though...but he never shot at me.....strange....i ended up gettin killed cuz i was payin attention to him and no one else.....he had to be hackin or something, cuz i know i wasnt laggin or anything
Depends how long ago you were playing, before the most recent patch you could have that crosshair dead on and still miss, it has happened to me dozens of times, that's why I stopped sniping. If you actually did hit and know you hit by seeing the little x on your crosshairs to verify then maybe he had a few medpacs tossed by him by a medic.

Also, reporting a player's hacking activity could prove very effective but first EA has to know all the hacks to be able to do this. I agree that it would be much more efficient though, no harm comes to the person accused of hacking, he won't even know he is being scanned by EA, and if he is clean, it's all good. But what happens when the player comes back in and the same player who reported him sees him, and he reports him again, and again, eventually the player either stops sending in the complaint, or EA tells them he is clean, or he eventually believes the player who tells him that he isn't hacking, and then all of a sudden the accused player starts actually hacking. The person who reported him won't report him again, and it would be up to other players to report the hacker, but a lot of players either don't care, are too young to figure out how to hack, hack themselves, or don't even speak English. I think the global monitoring from Punkbuster would be the best way to go.

splixx wrote:

The hacks they have out right now are lame. Night Vision is worthless since they have skins. =/
That doesn't mean anything.

Last edited by Deadlast (2005-11-27 17:07:53)

+1|7059|Leighton Barracks, Germany
yo i found this on some BF forum (cant remember if this site or another) but they were talkin about ppl who hack what punks they are, and someone threw in this site -- i dont know much about this place but i read threw it and it disturbed me abit.

Last edited by 4lter_3go (2005-11-27 18:58:54)

+4|7044|Toronto, On
It's a great idea if it would ever actually work.

Emailing: Emailing EA about hackers will do nothing; sure some customer service person might read your email and pass it on to someone, who'll then pass it on to someone else, etc etc. and in the end it'll get deleted. Don't believe me? Try emailing them for help or with a question. It's an automated reply and they tell you to go look at the FAQ page.

Amnesty Program: Turning in hacks for a reward. Ha! Sure they'll reward you. Because you know how much companies love giving out free stuff. Don't believe me? Try getting a rebate for something you bought. It only takes 6-8 weeks for them to send, if ever, and by then a new hack will be out.

Hacking in general: I think people complain about this too much. Not everyone who manages to shoot you is hacking. Not everyone is out to dos attack you or flood you off whenever you happen to be lagging. Most gamers are just out to play the game, same as you. And no matter how good you are or will be, there will always be someone better. Accept that.

Am i saying there are no hackers? Of course not... i know there are. However it's not our job to find these people.. it's Punkbuster's and EA's. It's their responsibility, by making a game that uses an online ranked system, to make sure the playing field is fair. The only way to do this is to constantly update versions of punkbuster and BF2 and force the hackers to constantly update their version to stay current. Will EA/DICE/Punkbuster do this? Of course not, so what can we as players do?

This is what I do: When I see someone decimating my entire team or when i'm having a bad round, I simply log off and take some time away from the game. Whether that person is hacking or not doesn't matter because when I log back on they've already left.
I've never used hacks in my life, I've no clue how most of them function.  Hell, alot of the times I dono if someone is hacking (unless its real obvious) because sometimes its just skill.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Btw, the MSX Sec. Hack is a fake. No VIP who has signed up ever got to even download it let alone use the hack, and those who somehow did have said it's a load of bullshit.
The biggest problem are deadbeat servers.  These are servers that have no admins on to keep an eye on things and check Punkbuster screenshots when something seems fishy.  The hackers know about these servers and stick to them.  Find a good clan server to play on.

The MSX hack may be a fake but I have seen the artillery and supply drop exploit firsthand on a Punkbuster enabled server last week.
Describe those please

NamelessMarine wrote:

Describe those please
There is a way for a player to become the second commander.  That player has instant arty and supply drops with no reload time.  I have experienced this on ranked servers also.  When they drop arty on you twice within 10 seconds of each other it's pretty obvious. I don't know how they do it.

Jester.retseJ wrote:

It's a great idea if it would ever actually work.

Emailing: Emailing EA about hackers will do nothing; sure some customer service person might read your email and pass it on to someone, who'll then pass it on to someone else, etc etc. and in the end it'll get deleted. Don't believe me? Try emailing them for help or with a question. It's an automated reply and they tell you to go look at the FAQ page.

Jester.retseJ wrote:

Amnesty Program: Turning in hacks for a reward. Ha! Sure they'll reward you. Because you know how much companies love giving out free stuff. Don't believe me? Try getting a rebate for something you bought. It only takes 6-8 weeks for them to send, if ever, and by then a new hack will be out.
That is why this would work if we just got a badge, an electronic badge holds no monitary value and would come at no price to EA.

Jester.retseJ wrote:

Hacking in general: I think people complain about this too much. Not everyone who manages to shoot you is hacking. Not everyone is out to dos attack you or flood you off whenever you happen to be lagging. Most gamers are just out to play the game, same as you. And no matter how good you are or will be, there will always be someone better. Accept that.
Wrong thread, we aren't here to complain about hackers, we are here to try to make a change.

Jester.retseJ wrote:

Am i saying there are no hackers? Of course not... i know there are. However it's not our job to find these people.. it's Punkbuster's and EA's. It's their responsibility, by making a game that uses an online ranked system, to make sure the playing field is fair. The only way to do this is to constantly update versions of punkbuster and BF2 and force the hackers to constantly update their version to stay current. Will EA/DICE/Punkbuster do this? Of course not, so what can we as players do?
We can make an effort to assist them, trying to make a difference is better than sitting around waiting for the day when hacking will be obsolete, which, of course, will most likely never come.  I could have never made this thread and we all could have just sat around and did nothing, or perhaps, ranted about hackers and how bad they are without making any difference. I am not gauranteeing that by making this thread and submitting anything that we will make a difference, however, being the nonconformist that I am, I am in full support of standing up for what you believe in.

Whew, now that that is done with, I just want to say that I did not post all of that in any offensive manner at all, just as your post did not come off offensive to me. And I do appreciate you coming from the other perspective and voicing your own opinion.

SlickWRX wrote:

The biggest problem are deadbeat servers.  These are servers that have no admins on to keep an eye on things and check Punkbuster screenshots when something seems fishy.  The hackers know about these servers and stick to them.  Find a good clan server to play on.
Excellent idea. I myself have never experienced any problem with hackers first hand, and I do play on good servers. The problem there is that most good clan servers are usually packed. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I spend 10-15 minutes at a time just double-clicking on a server until that lucky click comes where a person just so happened to leave, then I'm in and I'm good to go. That, however, takes time and meticulous effort, not to mention endless patience. I just want to help EA help us. Honestly, you can't expect the folks down there to want to learn anything themselves about hacking, so if we do their homework for them there is a possibility that they will comply.
+4|7044|Toronto, On

Deadlast wrote:

I am not gauranteeing that by making this thread and submitting anything that we will make a difference, however, being the nonconformist that I am, I am in full support of standing up for what you believe in.
I'll support any idea you have that leads to a fairer multiplayer gaming environment.
Excellent news, now let's keep the ideas coming population of!
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7058|The Island of Carls Jr.
Ive got a better idea: find every BF2 hacker, go to where they live, and put a 9mm through their faces.
Umbra Acciptris
Beeing a computer professional myself, honestly the only effective ways to stop hacking would be illeagle.  First you would need to run a CRC check of all files in the BF2 dir.  Then you would have to scan each users active memory randomly during play (which is illeagle).  Even that would only stop people using a single machine to hack.  People using a dumb humb and a 2nd machine to recive and decode packets are still 100% untraceable.

You may not like them, you may stop some of them.  But thier is no way to stop all of them.

not to be a nay sayer.  Belive me I hate game hackers.  What is the point?  To prove that you are better than some one else, if you have better tools equipment, and put more time into it?  Hell every time they die they should feel like utter crap.  Yes you got killed by some one who is just 80x better than you, you truly do suck.
I agree with most of these points, especially the playing on clan server point.  Before I joined my clan I ran into hackers at least once or twice a week, but since I've joined the clan I'm in now and actually started playing on monitored servers I see virtually no hacking or disputed hackers.  We did have a guy doing the Commander Hijack bug and he was promptly kicked, which just goes to show...

Ohh and while I'm on my rant I'm going to insert a shameless plug, the =6thAD= servers that I play on are like I said, virtually hacker-smacktard-asshole free.  We keep a close eye on things and run a tight ship.  If you ever need a place to play or stay don't hesitate to stop by.  The server name is 6thAD Public Ranked and the IP is
What do you do with hackers? You can't do anything. Just think that these people never been with a girl, have fishbowl glasses, zits all over their face, have a premature ejaculation when they wank off, only have their computer as company, thus no friends, are selfish, achieve nothing in life and will die at 61.

If I think I encounter a hacker, I just keep playing. Is this guy so annoying that  I almost can't stand it anymore. Disconnect. Log off. Quit game. Turn off Pc. Go downstairs. Call friends. Say there's a hacker. (no just kidding! ) Do somehting else.

Really isn't something you can do about it. Punkbuster update every day so you keep the hackdesigners busy.

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