+190|6886|Home of the Escalade Herds

lowing wrote:

Show me links

"I don't what we're doing here, purification maybe" -IDF Soldier


Watch the last bit where an Israeli soldier runs up to a kid and knocks his face in, heart warming. I'm sure that kid provoked him, evil arab scum!111

Blowing up civilians as usual, pretty gory. … 4384920696

A good one about the Israeli propaganda machine, also some nice shots of IDF soldiers beating pallies over the head with rocks amongst other distrubing things...

PRiMACORD wrote:

lowing wrote:

Show me links

"I don't what we're doing here, purification maybe" -IDF Soldier


Watch the last bit where an Israeli soldier runs up to a kid and knocks his face in, heart warming. I'm sure that kid provoked him, evil arab scum!111

Blowing up civilians as usual, pretty gory. … 4384920696

A good one about the Israeli propaganda machine, also some nice shots of IDF soldiers beating pallies over the head with rocks amongst other distrubing things...
Nice videos, yet all of them address 1 issue on my list and we only see the Israels action and nothing as to what sparked that reaction.

Could their reaction be sparked by this gem of a video? Ironically I found on your own reference website. … mp;search=

any chance this is what all of this terrorism and warring is about?? wake up people
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
I don't know who Mona Baker is, but I doubt she would appreciate the original poster associating her with Mel Gibson, by inserting his name into what is otherwise a very decent post.   (Thanks to The_Shipbuilder for the original link.)

To all the people who cried anti-Semitism: is the secondary, tacked-on mention of Mel Gibson the sole basis of your "criticism"?  If not, perhaps you could explain how you are not proving rule #11 correct?

Edit: It seems the original piece was altered in more ways than I realized at first.  Here is the original text in full...

Rule # 1: In the Middle East, it is always the Arabs that attack first, and it's always Israel who defends itself. This is called "retaliation".

Rule # 2: The Arabs, whether Palestinians or Lebanese, are not allowed to kill Israelis. This is called "terrorism".

Rule # 3: Israel has the right to kill Arab civilians; this is called "self-defense", or these days "collateral damage".

Rule # 4: When Israel kills too many civilians, the Western world calls for restraint. This is called the "reaction of the international community".

Rule # 5: Palestinians and Lebanese do not have the right to capture Israeli military, not even a limited number, not even 1 or 2.

Rule # 6: Israel has the right to capture as many Palestinians as they want (Palestinians: around 10000 to date, 300 of which are children, Lebanese: 1000s to date, being held without trial). There is no limit; there is no need for proof of guilt or trial. All that is needed is the magic word: "terrorism".

Rule # 7: When you say "Hezbollah", always be sure to add "supported by Syria and Iran".

Rule # 8: When you say "Israel", never say "supported by the USA, the UK and other European countries", for people (God forbid) might believe this is not an equal conflict.

Rule # 9: When it comes to Israel, don't mention the words "occupied territories", "UN resolutions", "Geneva conventions". This could distress the audience of Fox.

Rule # 10: Israelis speak better English than Arabs. This is why we let them speak out as much as possible, so that they can explain rules 1 through 9. This is called "neutral journalism".

Rule # 11: If you don't agree with these rules or if you favor the Arab side over the Israeli side, you must be a very dangerous anti-Semite. You may even have to make a public apology if you express your honest opinion (isn't democracy wonderful?).

Last edited by spastic bullet (2006-08-10 08:12:34)

Let me sum up the conversation for anyone who couldn't be bothered to read itt.

BerkuT_gru: Look what I copied!

Shipbuilder: Good job!

PuckMercury: The hollocost, I believe that war happened on the hollodeck...

lowing: Arabs are bad!

jonsimon: Jews and lowling are bad too!

Eugefunk84: Judge not!

Lowling: omg, what do you mean “don't take a superficial standpoint on something I have no clue about! Stop flip-flopping you liberal hippie whiner, be more like Jesus, he would have kicked some Israeli butt!”

PRiMACORD: Here's some really sad videos of things people shouldn't watch, HAVE FUN!

lowing: PRIMACORD I will prove that any point of view can be right using only and a bottle of Vaseline.

PRIMACORD: Ouch, stop it, you're hurting me!

lowling: You know i love you baby...

You children arguing on which side is more wronger, I am sending you to your room for missing the point completely!

The blog post wasn't about which side is wrong, or more brutal. There are certain truths about war that ubiquitous. Shooting prisoners rather than marching them back to makeshift prisons is easier and more efficient. Torture can be a quicker way to retrieve information, than psychological tactics and wearing down the will power of the enemy. Arming your children can provide a tactical edge against societies who have moral qualms about harming children. All of these things are part of war.  To deny that is to deny that war even exists. Killing someone is never a painless surgery. It's a nightmare that haunts even our grandfathers fifty years after world war 2.

The thing some of you are missing; the ORIGINAL author wasn't siding with Arabs as much as pointing out the discrepancy in so called “neutral reporting”, and our perceptions of the ongoing war in Beirut. This isn't an article about war, as it is about war reporting. Seeing as how it is in the U.S. Interests for US allies to prevail, in even their ugliest endeavors, it should be no surprise to anyone that news agencies put Israel in the most favorable light they are able to without seeming completely biased on the subject.

Plagiarism.... I am reminded of a fourth of July while I was in the service. There was this private who posted a poem on the NBC gear locker. She claimed to have written it herself. Some of you may have read this already, I believe the title is "freedom isn't free".
Needless to say she didn't write it, but with the act of plagiarism she showed everyone how desperately she needed to be praised for being smart. Maybe she wanted more attention when she was young, or whatever.

Sure we all guffaw the act of stealing, but the thing that really pisses me off at the "author" of this topic is that he was smart enough to change the words around to sound more like something he'd say but he wasn't smart enough to know that anyone with a little common sense could recognize what it was simply because of the style of writing.

How many people wake up in the morning and think to themselves, "I want to write an op-ed style news piece for the people at" Does that seem like the sort of things people do on a discussion forum which main feature is     throwing grenades over a wall for points like some sort of freaky carnival game?

By changing the original author's voice, you the plagiarist has only blurred the meaning of the original piece with your own less developed writing style, and lack of real personal opinion on the topic. Had you been smart, and not riddled with self doubt you probably could have read the original piece and come to a conclusion of your own, and commented in a way that was constructive and not unintentionally destructive.

No one gets +1 Karma from me, because I got none to give!

Edit for some typos and spelling

Last edited by P581 (2006-08-11 17:11:19)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6801|The Lost Highway

ATG wrote:

No thank you. This is a circle jerk of Jew bashing and I've said all there is to say.
Seek me out on one of my threads, never regurgitated crap from some other blog/news/hate site if you've got anything to say worth reading. Nothing in this thread is except what Puck wrote.
Alot of people don't agree with the shit Isreal does. That doesn't make them Anti-Semetic. Alot of people disagree with what America does. That doesn't make them Un-American.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

P581 wrote:

Let me sum up the conversation for anyone who couldn't be bothered to read itt.

BerkuT_gru: Look what I copied!

Shipbuilder: Good job!

PuckMercury: The hollocost, I believe that war happened on the hollodeck...

lowing: Arabs are bad!

jonsimon: Jews and lowling are bad too!

Eugefunk84: Judge not!

Lowling: omg, what do you mean “don't take a superficial standpoint on something I have no clue about! Stop flip-flopping you liberal hippie whiner, be more like Jesus, he would have kicked some Israeli butt!”

PRiMACORD: Here's some really sad videos of things people shouldn't watch, HAVE FUN!

lowing: PRIMACORD I will prove that any point of view can be right using only and a bottle of Vaseline.

PRIMACORD: Ouch, stop it, you're hurting me!

lowling: You know i love you baby...

You children arguing on which side is more wronger, I am sending you to your room for missing the point completely!

The blog post wasn't about which side is wrong, or more brutal. There are certain truths about war that ubiquitous. Shooting prisoners rather than marching them back to makeshift prisons is easier and more efficient. Torture can be a quicker way to retrieve information, than psychological tactics and wearing down the will power of the enemy. Arming your children can provide a tactical edge against societies who have moral qualms about harming children. All of these things are part of war.  To deny that is to deny that war even exists. Killing someone is never a painless surgery. It's a nightmare that haunts even our grandfathers fifty years after world war 2.

The thing some of you are missing; the ORIGINAL author wasn't siding with Arabs as much as pointing out the discrepancy in so called “neutral reporting”, and our perceptions of the ongoing war in Beirut. This isn't an article about war, as it is about war reporting. Seeing as how it is in the U.S. Interests for US allies to prevail, in even their ugliest endeavors, it should be no surprise to anyone that news agencies put Israel in the most favorable light they are able to without seeming completely biased on the subject.

Plagiarism.... I am reminded of a fourth of duly of July while I was in the service. There was this private who posted a poem on the NBC gear locker. She claimed to have written it herself. Some of you may have read this already, I believe the title is "freedom isn't free".
Needless to say she didn't write it, but with the act of plagiarism she showed everyone how desperately she needed to be praised for being smart. Maybe she wanted more attention when she was young, or whatever.

Sure we all guffaw the act of stealing, but the thing that really pisses me off at the "author" of this topic is that he was smart enough to change the words around to sound more like something he'd say but he wasn't smart enough to know that anyone with a little common sense could recognize what it was simply because of the style of writing.

How many people wake up in the morning and think to themselves, "I want to write an op-ed style news piece for the people at" Does that seem like the sort of things people do on a discussion forum which main feature is     throwing grenades over a wall for points like some sort of freaky carnival game?

By changing the original author's voice, you the plagiarist has only blurred the meaning of the original piece with your own less developed writing style, and lack of real personal opinion on the topic. Had you been smart, and not riddled with self doubt you probably could have read the original piece and come to a conclusion of your own, and commented in a way that was constructive and not unintentionally destructive.

No one gets +1 Karma from me, because I got none to give!

Edit for some typos and spelling
Junglist Massive

Pernicious544 wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

lowing wrote:

The Arabs are the ones that bring the fight to the civilian population by hiding and launching attacks from these lodations

The Arabs are the ones arming children to fight this war

The Arabs lost their land by starting a fight with Israel by trying to destroy Israel, it back fired and Israel kicked their ass instead.

The Arabs are the ones who deploy homicide bombers that strap explosives to themselves and run onto a crowd of civilians and blow up.

The Arabs are the ones who kidnap civilians and foreigners and behead them on the internet.

The Arabs are the ones who had a world wide violent and murderous protest against FREE PRESS

The Arabs are the ones that openly call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of ALL Jews and any one that supports them.

I could on, but I will rest with this list for now.

Now, AFTER you justify each and every one of these FACTUAL acts, you can tell me why Israel is wrong for going to war with these bastards.
Israel launches attacks from Arab Israeli civillian towns.

Israel kills children.

Israel gained their land by magical decree of the UN, then bitched when the Arabs didn't like it.

Israel is the one deploying jet bombers that fly over crowds of civillians and blow them up.

Israel is the one that captures thousands of Arabs and holds them indefinetly.

Israel is the one that controls the press.

Israel is the one openly destroying all arabs and anyone who supports them.

They are wrong because they are as dirty as their enemies.
The Arabs bomb buses

The Arabs then gang-raped the county and then lost

The Arabs build homes on top of their rocket bunkers

The Arabs capture hundreds of civilians and then behead them on camera

The Arabs are the ones that control the press, Al Jazeera is practically never tells what is really going on

The Arabs are openly destroying all Jews and all who protest them

They are wrong because they bomb homes, schools, buses, stores, people behead innocents and openly call for an act of genocide upon the jewish people.
Israel is a country, Arabs are a racial group.  Which makes that just about the most racist post I've ever read on these forums.

edit: wait, no, I just read lowings post... it's an equal tie

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-08-11 16:12:49)


Pernicious544 wrote:

The Arabs bomb buses

The Arabs then gang-raped the county and then lost

The Arabs build homes on top of their rocket bunkers

The Arabs capture hundreds of civilians and then behead them on camera

The Arabs are the ones that control the press, Al Jazeera is practically never tells what is really going on

The Arabs are openly destroying all Jews and all who protest them

They are wrong because they bomb homes, schools, buses, stores, people behead innocents and openly call for an act of genocide upon the jewish people.
Racially stereotype much? LOL
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6951|Tampa Bay Florida
Yup, Hezbollah will certainly end after this, because we all know everyone in Lebanon will just forget about the dead, and their families, their limbs, and their homes. 

It's a f*cking disgrace for people to think this is how you win against terrorism.  It's f*cking LAUGHABLE.

At this point, the way things are going, we might as well nuke them off the face of the planet.  It's like a virus, and stupid f*cks who have no idea what their talking about are spreading it more and more.  Just nuke them and get it over with.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-08-11 16:50:34)

Junglist Massive

Pernicious544 wrote:

Unorigionalnutta: Yes, because when people openly call for death to all the people in my country then i can be that person
At least you can admit it.  Do you know what your post reminds me of?

various Nazi propaganda

The Jews said: "You might think that the non-Jews will attack us, weapons in hand, once they recognize that we are behind everything. In this event, we have a last terrible weapon in our hands that will bring dread even to the bravest heart. Soon underground subway tunnels will be under all the great cities of the world. We will use them, if necessary, to blow al the capital cities up. We will poison the water lines and send whole classes to death.We will burn down all public buildings."

The Jews did not succeed in carrying out their treacherous plan [detailed above]

The Jew is guilty. He is guilty of the arson in Berlin, of the crimes of Bolshevism, of the crimes of Marxist agitation.

The Jews betrayed Christ.

The truth is that the Marxist movement is in reality a Jewish movement.

The goal of the movement is to make the confused, roused masses into an enormous army of Jewish slaves.

The Jews came to Europe with the concealed aim of sooner or later destroying the peoples living there.

Jewry is organized world criminality. The Jewish danger will be eliminated only when Jewry thoughout the world has ceased to exist.
Demonisation makes it all seem so simple, doesn't it?

Spearhead wrote:

Yup, Hezbollah will certainly end after this, because we all know everyone in Lebanon will just forget about the dead, and their families, their limbs, and their homes. 

It's a f*cking disgrace for people to think this is how you win against terrorism.  It's f*cking LAUGHABLE.

At this point, the way things are going, we might as well nuke them off the face of the planet.  It's like a virus, and stupid f*cks who have no idea what their talking about are spreading it more and more.  Just nuke them and get it over with.
Ok enough of this!!

Since you KNOW what your talking about, enlighten us as to the solution. But if you are going to include appeasement ( which you undoubtedly will ) reference sites that show negotiating with Islamic radicals has proven successful.
The Lizzard
Reference sites which show that killing them has proven successful.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6900|Montreal, Qc, Canada
thta guy has been cauth... lool you all always say search before psot a topic.... should we search on web 2 ???? lool haha

Bubbalo wrote:

Reference sites which show that killing them has proven successful.
Well, I dunno, has Zarqawi killed anyone in the past month or so??
The Lizzard
Gee, I dunno, have less people been killed?

Bubbalo wrote:

Gee, I dunno, have less people been killed?
By him??!!, most assuredly, YES!!!
It is obvious that talking with these fanatics does no good, and all we have left is defend ourselves or convert. If you don't want to defend yourselves and I will assume you don't want to convert. What the hell is your answer to all of this??
The Lizzard

lowing wrote:

By him??!!, most assuredly, YES!!!
So the number of people who die is less important than who kills them?
+122|6802|Omaha, Nebraska!

BerkuT_gru wrote:

The rules of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS when it comes to the Israeli-Arab conflict:

Rule # 1 : In the Middle East, it is always the Arabs that attack first, and it's always Israel who defends itself. This is called 'Retaliation'.

Rule # 2: The Arabs, whether Palestinians or Lebanese, are not allowed to kill Israelis. This is called 'Terrorism'

Rule # 3: Israel has the right to kill Arab civilians, this is called 'Self-Defense', or these days 'Collateral Damage'.

Rule # 4: When Israel kills too many civilians. The Western world calls for restraint. This is called the 'Reaction of the International Community'.

Rule # 5: Palestinians and Lebanese do not have the right to capture Israeli military, not even a limited number, not even 1 or 2. This is called "Kidnapping".

Rule # 6: Israel has the right to capture as many Palestinians as they want (Palestinians: around 10000 to date, 300 of which are children, Lebanese: 1000s to date, being held without trial). There is no limit; there is no need for proof of guilt or trial. This is called 'War on Terrorism'.

Rule # 7: When you say 'Hezbollah', always be sure to add 'supported by Syria and Iran'. this is called: "Axis of Evil"

Rule # 8: When you say 'Israel', never say 'supported by the USA, the UK and other European countries', for people (God forbid) might believe this is not an equal conflict. This is called "Helping our Friends".

Rule # 9: When it comes to Israel, don't mention the words 'occupied territories', 'UN resolutions', 'Geneva conventions. This could distress the audience and is called "Anti-Semitism".

Rule # 10: Israelis speak better English than Arabs. This is why we let them speak out as much as possible, so that they can explain rules 1 through 9. This is called 'Neutral Journalism'.

Rule # 11: If you don't agree with these rules or if you favor the Arab side over the Israeli side, you must be a very dangerous anti-Semite. You may even have to make a public apology if you express your honest opinion like Mel Gibson. this is called "Democracy".
Ya I dont understand why people are taking Israel as the bad guys. Their soldiers were captured by Hezbollah, and thats what started it all. But Israel has had to defent its self forever from the middle east. Israel is a country constantly on alert, even when they arent at war.. because the middle east hates them. Remember that Hezbollah will always be the bad guys and Israel the good.
Great post. Sticks it to those Arabs +1

Bubbalo wrote:

lowing wrote:

By him??!!, most assuredly, YES!!!
So the number of people who die is less important than who kills them?
If you kill a serial killer bubbalo, it does nothing for his victims, but I bet his future 
would be victims would be eternally grateful.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6951|Tampa Bay Florida

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Yup, Hezbollah will certainly end after this, because we all know everyone in Lebanon will just forget about the dead, and their families, their limbs, and their homes. 

It's a f*cking disgrace for people to think this is how you win against terrorism.  It's f*cking LAUGHABLE.

At this point, the way things are going, we might as well nuke them off the face of the planet.  It's like a virus, and stupid f*cks who have no idea what their talking about are spreading it more and more.  Just nuke them and get it over with.
Ok enough of this!!

Since you KNOW what your talking about, enlighten us as to the solution. But if you are going to include appeasement ( which you undoubtedly will ) reference sites that show negotiating with Islamic radicals has proven successful.
I don't know for sure, but I know sure as hell invading and attacking the citizens of the country is actually causing the exact opposite of what we all want.  Want to end terrorism?  Don't kill citizens.  They won't forget, they won't just give up, they will continue to fight against whoever harmed their family and their country. 

Yeah, lowing, you usually lower the situation to the level of 5 year olds : either blow the country to hell, or negotiate with them.  I'd choose neither. 

And here we are with the whole itch saying.  Terrorism is like an itch, the harder you scratch it, the worse it will get.  It's not that hard to figure out, and it's not that hard to understand, either.  Any person who's read 5 pages of world history and has common sense knows that invading and killing innocent people will always, ALWAYS cause more harm than good.  For every missile Hezbollah fired this year, you can bet there will be 5 times more in 20 years. 

Like I said, at this point, we might as well nuke it.  Unless we and Israel stop pretending that this world is made of black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, happy and sad, etc., that's what we're going to have to do.

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Yup, Hezbollah will certainly end after this, because we all know everyone in Lebanon will just forget about the dead, and their families, their limbs, and their homes. 

It's a f*cking disgrace for people to think this is how you win against terrorism.  It's f*cking LAUGHABLE.

At this point, the way things are going, we might as well nuke them off the face of the planet.  It's like a virus, and stupid f*cks who have no idea what their talking about are spreading it more and more.  Just nuke them and get it over with.
Ok enough of this!!

Since you KNOW what your talking about, enlighten us as to the solution. But if you are going to include appeasement ( which you undoubtedly will ) reference sites that show negotiating with Islamic radicals has proven successful.
I don't know for sure, but I know sure as hell invading and attacking the citizens of the country is actually causing the exact opposite of what we all want.  Want to end terrorism?  Don't kill citizens.  They won't forget, they won't just give up, they will continue to fight against whoever harmed their family and their country. 

Yeah, lowing, you usually lower the situation to the level of 5 year olds : either blow the country to hell, or negotiate with them.  I'd choose neither. 

And here we are with the whole itch saying.  Terrorism is like an itch, the harder you scratch it, the worse it will get.  It's not that hard to figure out, and it's not that hard to understand, either.  Any person who's read 5 pages of world history and has common sense knows that invading and killing innocent people will always, ALWAYS cause more harm than good.  For every missile Hezbollah fired this year, you can bet there will be 5 times more in 20 years. 

Like I said, at this point, we might as well nuke it.  Unless we and Israel stop pretending that this world is made of black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, happy and sad, etc., that's what we're going to have to do.
Good post, but the question is not answered. We weren't in Afghanisten killing anyone before 911, so your theory of just stop killing them and they will leave us alone doesn't seem to wash.

You claim I am acting ;ike a 5 year old....ok...then give me another option, we won't fight or defend and we can't talk tot them. please tell me what is left.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6970|Wilmington, DE, US

Pernicious544 wrote:

Unorigionalnutta: Yes, because when people openly call for death to all the people in my country then i can be that person

Cameron Poe: only for them, I have Arab friends and they are cool but the vast majority of them that live in the middle east either hate America and call us infadels or just blow each other up.
+5,233|6790|Global Command
You do have more creditability if you know your enemy.
In other words, if you didn't know them , how could you hate them?

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