The Disturbed One
+14|6716|Tucson, AZ, USA, Earth

alpinestar wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

but thats not what you related to in your original argument.

DICE created the game and patches no matter what the situation is NOW.
unless you'd like to change your argument?
My original argument ?correction it was a statement saying FUCK EA and then trolls came like flies to shit.
how poetic.... u should be a writer, but i dont think "fuck ea" would sell much. need some work on that one. ur still wrong... loooooooser me and spawn win thanks for playing. i wasnt even trying to be mean at first but u had to start some shit, i was only saying to get ur facts right b4 u start bitching, do some research to support your idea, in this case the "fuck EA" statement. take some riddilin and go to bed.
set your body ablaze

Sgt_Stutta wrote:

xintegrityx wrote:

Sgt_Stutta wrote:

omg here we go again... another whiney girl. ITS CALLED UPGRADE BECAUSE UR SHIT IS OUT OF DATE THE SECOND U GET IT HOME, not to mention backwards compatibility is rapidly going out the window my friend cant even play the expansions because he doesnt have XP.... did u honestly expect to never have to upgrade? it had to happen sooner or later.
Did you not read that the game worked fine on my computer prior to 1.3?

So what, now we have to upgrade our computers every time a PATCH comes out?

Patches should never have a negative impact on performance. That defeats the entire purpose of the patch.
exaclty prior to 1.3 which was HOW long ago??..... by the time 1.3 hit ur shit is outta date, upgrade it. Go buy a new game that has demanding performace and try and play, u wil have same problem. its not EA or DICE fault that the computer industry is growing so rapidly that u can never stay on top of it and will always be upgrading until the day u die
I can't afford to upgrade my computer that often. If I buy a game and it runs acceptably on my computer, it should continue to run acceptably with the same hardware configuration. The idea that EA/DICE could get away with forcing people to upgrade for their patches is utterly retarded.
+304|6636|New York City baby.

Sgt_Stutta wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

but thats not what you related to in your original argument.

DICE created the game and patches no matter what the situation is NOW.
unless you'd like to change your argument?
My original argument ?correction it was a statement saying FUCK EA and then trolls came like flies to shit.
how poetic.... u should be a writer, but i dont think "fuck ea" would sell much. need some work on that one. ur still wrong... loooooooser me and spawn win thanks for playing. i wasnt even trying to be mean at first but u had to start some shit, i was only saying to get ur facts right b4 u start bitching, do some research to support your idea, in this case the "fuck EA" statement. take some riddilin and go to bed.
Everything I said was a fact, you're just too stupid to comprehend it yet.

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-08-09 20:32:30)

I know the solution: Fuck gaming so let's go and play outside !
+304|6636|New York City baby.

Choumichel wrote:

I know the solution: Fuck gaming so let's go and play outside !
I'll drink to that.
The Disturbed One
+14|6716|Tucson, AZ, USA, Earth
hahaha u crack me up, seriously, how is "fuck EA" a fact?? riddle me that. u dont have facts thats exactly ur problem, u should get some so u dont get embarassed again.
+1,128|6682|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
when trig stops playing BF2: SF and sees that this has happened to his thread.. he'll be pissed off..

alpinestar wrote:

Choumichel wrote:

I know the solution: Fuck gaming so let's go and play outside !
I'll drink to that.
make mine a double

/me goes to bed

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-08-09 20:35:37)

+304|6636|New York City baby.

Sgt_Stutta wrote:

hahaha u crack me up, seriously, how is "fuck EA" a fact?? riddle me that. u dont have facts thats exactly ur problem, u should get some so u dont get embarassed again.
You're missing the point child, read the first sentence I wrote in this entire post, mmmmk ?
The Disturbed One
+14|6716|Tucson, AZ, USA, Earth
the only reason u crash to desktop is on client end, has nothing to do with the servers first off. Its because ur game loads but its not actually loaded fully yet. Click the auto-join button and let that load it for u, u will greatly reduce CTD. that is all.

/off air
Shallow and Pedantic
+2|6712|Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm surprised this thread isn't closed yet considering the amount of flaming going on.

EDIT: ololo who can find the special secret message!1!1 loloo

Last edited by Zanzura (2006-08-09 21:02:21)

Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6759|Las Vegas

Sgt_Stutta wrote:

xintegrityx wrote:

Sgt_Stutta wrote:

omg here we go again... another whiney girl. ITS CALLED UPGRADE BECAUSE UR SHIT IS OUT OF DATE THE SECOND U GET IT HOME, not to mention backwards compatibility is rapidly going out the window my friend cant even play the expansions because he doesnt have XP.... did u honestly expect to never have to upgrade? it had to happen sooner or later.
Did you not read that the game worked fine on my computer prior to 1.3?

So what, now we have to upgrade our computers every time a PATCH comes out?

Patches should never have a negative impact on performance. That defeats the entire purpose of the patch.
exaclty prior to 1.3 which was HOW long ago??..... by the time 1.3 hit ur shit is outta date, upgrade it. Go buy a new game that has demanding performace and try and play, u wil have same problem. its not EA or DICE fault that the computer industry is growing so rapidly that u can never stay on top of it and will always be upgrading until the day u die
Oh you gotta be fucking joking with this line of shit.  The CTDs went through the roof with 1.3 how can anybody argue with that? 

I get plenty of ctd since 1.3, never was a problem before that.  To those who would say the PC is out of date, fuck that.

Asus A8N32 -SLI Deluxe
(2x 1GB) OCZ 500 EB Platinum
Antec Phantom 500W
(2x) WD Raptor 74GB SATA 10,000 Raid 0
Koolance Exos (CPU/GPU)

You telling me that my rig is not up to snuff?  Gimme a fucking break!  It's really simple.  The 1.3 patch introduced some problems that are showing up on a lot of systems. DICE know this and are working on it and with any luck they will iron it out in 1.4.  Maybe they wont.  We'll see.  But to simply chalk it up to shitty computers and adware is just plain fucking stupid.
Could not have said it better myself ShotYourSix!

How da fuck you can defend them???
I'm admin for big clan. I run 5 servers and stupid 1.3 patch destroyed traffic on my servers. Just last night our server crashed 3 times when we finally got it going. Who in the right mind will pay for that kind of service? They told us that they located crashing servers problem 2 weeks after 1.3 and they did not even bother to release hot fix for it. You got to be kidding me. It is over 2 months now and my servers crashed since EVERY DAY. NICE Fucking job DICE and EA.  I don't care for nurfing of the game but I care to provide good quality servers that I pay for my clan ands my friends and their action (without any logic or reasoning) denied this to us.
So there you go you can complain about complainers and I will complain about those that complain about complainers. Fucking Fan Boys. Did they hire you yet??? They need people like you to run their PR
Aspiring Objectivist
Dear original poster:
I have every right to complain, game company's have gotten away with putting out crappy games for too long now, so stfu defending them & all on your high ass horse.

Last edited by TrollmeaT (2006-08-10 09:49:27)

The English Redneck
+10|6844|Plymouth, England
If we pay for a game, or a service, from anybody - EA, DICE, British Gas, Coke, etc. - we expect it to work.  BF2 doesn't work - I have reinstalled countless times, patched incrememntal and patched wholly, and I've got nowhere.  If I could get my money back, I would, but I can't.  Therefore I complain, as it's my fucking God given right to do.  Sure, the game has it's plus points, but it also has some serious faults so people should be allowed to complain if they like, and surely a BF2 forum is the place to do it? 

I cannot, for one minute, believe that you are totally happy with the game Trig998, and if you don't complain about it then nothing will get done about it.  Is that what you want?  You want 2142 to come riddled with red name bugs?  You wanna pay another £30 (or whatever it is in $'s) for a game that CTD's 3 or 4 times before you join a server?  You want the server to freeze just as you're getting going and dump you back to the menu?  I sure as fuck don't and I bet nobody else does either.  Hence the complaints.  EA/DICE make a lot of money from this game (regardless of your agrument about deadlines. Deadlines exist to make money - profit margins and all that), and the least they could try and do is make it work better.  Some things haven't been fixed from it's original release and, considering we're 5 or so patches in, that's unforgivable - I wouldn't expect it from other games and therefore I don't expect it from this.

So let the people bitch and moan.  This is a FORUM after all.  Taking your original argument - if you don't like the moaning, why the hell do you mod a forum?!

Sorry if this has all been said before, but I couldn't be arsed to read through 7-odd pages of posts.

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

it's YOUR computer's problem, not the game itself. If it works flawlessly on their computers, then the only problems that come up have to do with shitty PC's that need an upgrade. That or people don't take care of their PC's which cause these problems.
I stopped reading the thread here since this comment was obviously so full of shit:

EA wrote:

The teams here at DICE and at EA want to take a moment to acknowledge that we are aware of the issues that some are experiencing with the latest release.

We are continuing our work to review and find potential solutions to the problems affecting many players and server admins.

EA wrote:

We recognize that this has been a very trying time for everyone who enjoys Battlefield 2 and are putting forth every effort to improve upon the issues that are causing some players frustration.

EA wrote:

Crash Fix: We have located and fixed a crash connected to 1.3.
1.3 causes crashes on many peoples computers, mine and my friends included, EA knows about the problems, thousands of other people know about the problems, strange how you have managed to ignore them for the sake of your agument.

You are stating an opinion, you are entitled to it, everyone else is entitled to complain about the fact that the game crashes and causes problems and frustrations for them.

I have played fps for several years now, since Doom/Quakeworld, I have only ever come across one game that has had as many gameplay changes and that came close to BF2 for causing bugs too, that was counter-strike. Thing is this was when it was going through its beta upgrades and it was been developed by a small unfunded team in their spare time. BF2 is a mess and it has put me off, I have stopped playing the game for now, I may try the new patch and see whats what, but I will never buy 2142.

I will quite happily complain about the fact I paid for a game that is different from the one I have now and that doesn't work as it should, if it had been called BF2 beta I wouldn't have minded. If you asked EA or Dice they would tell you they would much prefer to release a perfect game and not have to patch it for the next 12 months, so would its customers, in BF2's case they have made masses of mistakes which for such a company is not easily forgivable.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6719|Broadlands, VA
Trig - In your original post, you open with:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Please, everyone, I'm sick of seeing you complain about these two companies.
Yet, this very site has the following forum topic:

BF2 - Complain
Need to bitch and moan? We feel ya.

So, I'm kinda confused.  Are we allowed to complain or not?

Regarding "CTDs are your system's fault."  Bullox.  As stated by several other folks, why did the CTD become so rampant after 1.3?  Probably becuase the testers (womever they are) did their testing on a very narrow range of PC types.  While this is "normal" and "accepted" practice, it does not make for a good customer experience.  The BF2 Production Team have pretty much admitted to this by making 1.4 an open Beta Test, something they should have done from day 1.  Yes, it prolongs the development cycle, but it assures a better (Not perfect) customer experience.

Besides - if it were "my" system's fault, why does the game not crash in LAN or single player mode?  Because there is a basic flaw somewhere in the multiplayer module.
just nothing

Rogness wrote:

I cannot, for one minute, believe that you are totally happy with the game Trig998, and if you don't complain about it then nothing will get done about it.  Is that what you want?  You want 2142 to come riddled with red name bugs?  You wanna pay another £30 (or whatever it is in $'s) for a game that CTD's 3 or 4 times before you join a server?  You want the server to freeze just as you're getting going and dump you back to the menu?  I sure as fuck don't and I bet nobody else does either.  Hence the complaints.  EA/DICE make a lot of money from this game (regardless of your agrument about deadlines. Deadlines exist to make money - profit margins and all that), and the least they could try and do is make it work better.  Some things haven't been fixed from it's original release and, considering we're 5 or so patches in, that's unforgivable - I wouldn't expect it from other games and therefore I don't expect it from this.
Believe it, because I am 100% happy with this game. I was 100% happy with Battlefield 1942, I was 100% happy with Battlefield Vietnam, I am 100% happy with Battlefield 2, and I will be 100% happy with Battlefield 2142. Why? Because I play the game and don't complain. Everyone looks for the faults. Then they look for someone to blame for these faults. Perhaps it's time to stop looking at the faults and focus on the good parts of the game. Maybe the fact that this is really the only game in which you can use a large array of different vehicles. Or maybe the large stat system that keeps track of over a million accounts?

You forget that Battlefield 2 version 1.0 was one of the best games ever. Then what happened? People complained. There was nothing wrong with 1.0 as far as I'm concerned. And so DICE tried to make everyone happy. Instead they got more complaints. What more do you expect from them? If you hate the game the way it is now, you shouldn't have complained about the way it was then.
I'm with Lith on this one. I'm starting to get tired of paying $100/mo for a server that continues to crash and unpopulate regularly. Bring back the c4 tossing whores, dolphin divers and bunny hoppers but please give me a server that doesn't crash all the time.
Seriously, fuck off.
+103|6728|"The Empire"
As we can no longer complain about EA/Dice, just what will go into the complaints section on this site, as everything relates back to them, a few examples ......

server crashes
bad patches
nerfed weapons

and when i buy a product that does not work properly (i know everyone dosnt gets the problems), and mine since 1.3 really does not work properly i will complain if i want to!!
lWar Pigl
+4|6664|South Coast, Massachusetts
Trig, It's not fair to lump all of the complainers together since many of the complaints are directed toward real problems with this game.  For instance, why is it that when a new patch is installed, some parts of the game that were working well are now screwed up.  Example, in an earlier version of the patch, the server list could not be refreshed while in an earlier version, there were no problems with refreshing the server list.

I agree, many complaints are unfounded but there are also many legitimate complaints about this game.

Also, concerning CTD issues, I RARELY crashed before installing the latest patch and now I crash at least once every night as compared to maybe once every two weeks with the earlier patches.

I have owned all of the previous Battlefield games (1942 & all add-ons, Vietnam and now BF2).  I don't believe that I have ever seen so many patches for the previous games as we have seen for BF2.  I wonder why?

Hey, I love this game and I'm a frequent visitor to this forum so If people want to complain, let them.  We are not forced to read their posts if we don't want to.  If complaining helps people feel better, so be it.  I for one laugh at some of the sillier complaints and sometimes find the complaint and replies quite amusing.

I understand that you are a mod and that you have to oversee topics from time to time, that you yourself may be forced to read complaints but don't let it get to you, just laugh it off and continue on with your day.

PS. Since I believe that it is safe to assume that most of us in the BF2S community do not work for EA or Dice, we probably do not know what goes on with the people developing these games or patches but I can tell you this.....The bottom line of any business is to make a profit!  Meeting deadlines is far less important compared to developing a good solid performing/error free product.  Just my opinion.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6759|Las Vegas

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Believe it, because I am 100% happy with this game. I was 100% happy with Battlefield 1942, I was 100% happy with Battlefield Vietnam, I am 100% happy with Battlefield 2, and I will be 100% happy with Battlefield 2142. Why? Because I play the game and don't complain. Everyone looks for the faults. Then they look for someone to blame for these faults. Perhaps it's time to stop looking at the faults and focus on the good parts of the game. Maybe the fact that this is really the only game in which you can use a large array of different vehicles. Or maybe the large stat system that keeps track of over a million accounts?

You forget that Battlefield 2 version 1.0 was one of the best games ever. Then what happened? People complained. There was nothing wrong with 1.0 as far as I'm concerned. And so DICE tried to make everyone happy. Instead they got more complaints. What more do you expect from them? If you hate the game the way it is now, you shouldn't have complained about the way it was then.
Welcome to your opinion.  But please don't shove it down my fucking throat as if it is gospel.  I mean that 100%
Kudos TriggerHappy998, Nice to hear someone finally back up the company that gives us what we all know and love.... or know and like..... or know and get THE RAGE with.

What I really mean is.

TriggerHappy998  1  Whiny little bitches 0
just nothing

ShotYourSix wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Believe it, because I am 100% happy with this game. I was 100% happy with Battlefield 1942, I was 100% happy with Battlefield Vietnam, I am 100% happy with Battlefield 2, and I will be 100% happy with Battlefield 2142. Why? Because I play the game and don't complain. Everyone looks for the faults. Then they look for someone to blame for these faults. Perhaps it's time to stop looking at the faults and focus on the good parts of the game. Maybe the fact that this is really the only game in which you can use a large array of different vehicles. Or maybe the large stat system that keeps track of over a million accounts?

You forget that Battlefield 2 version 1.0 was one of the best games ever. Then what happened? People complained. There was nothing wrong with 1.0 as far as I'm concerned. And so DICE tried to make everyone happy. Instead they got more complaints. What more do you expect from them? If you hate the game the way it is now, you shouldn't have complained about the way it was then.
Welcome to your opinion.  But please don't shove it down my fucking throat as if it is gospel.  I mean that 100%
Excuse me?
+125|6618|Rochester NY USA

CptA00420 wrote:

Kudos TriggerHappy998, Nice to hear someone finally back up the company that gives us what we all know and love.... or know and like..... or know and get THE RAGE with.

What I really mean is.

TriggerHappy998  1  Whiny little bitches 0
+1 for kissing ass.

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