Premiere Pro uses Adobe's new Activation software, which will phone home if it detects that a duplicate copy has been installed on another machine. Check the EULA. It will say how many times you can activate it or on how many computers you can install it to. Usually the limit is two-three times, for the sake of having it on a desktop and a laptop, provided that you don't use both copies at the same time.
Any more than that, and all the activated copies will instantly shut down the moment it notices that it is indeed an EULA breaching copy. Your dad will probably be pretty annoyed if that happened...
And to the rest of you, this is indeed a legit question, if viewed as only seeing how many computers you can load software onto. The fact that you are taking a work copy of the software and you are trying to load it on a home machine that isn't part of the company that actually Purchased it is the legal problem, unless you can prove that you are indeed putting it on a work machine at home (such as if your dad will use it to edit footage or whatnot).