
Bush administration: awesome or evil?

Awesome. I'm American.12%12% - 39
Mostly good. I'm American.16%16% - 52
Mostly bad. I'm American.11%11% - 35
Evil. I'm American.21%21% - 68
Awesome. I'm not American.2%2% - 9
Mostly good. I'm not American.3%3% - 10
Mostly bad. I'm not American.14%14% - 46
Evil. I'm not American.18%18% - 58
Total: 317
Your better off following your country blindly.

Haven't seen a mistake in USA's history yet.

USA #1!!!
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6884|Peoria, Illinois

jonsimon wrote:

Canadianinvasion wrote:

Exactly, but liberals dont care about that, its a vietnam situation again. People care about ending the war, not knowing what it is about. It is to LIBERATE COUNTRIES! It is all about giving these people the freedoms America is known for. Protesters that want their loved ones back dont understand that THEY SIGNED UP FOR THE MILITARY. If they were/are going to be killed, It comes with the job. In Vietnam, we pulled out because of a Liberalistic president, Where would we be if Gore was in office during 9/11?
Vietnam was never about liberating anyone. It was about trying to secure a french hold over the land in order to deprive the soviets of a potential ally. Every endevour during the cold war was selfishly intended to remove a potential soviet ally.
No one will ever know the whole truth except for those who voted for it in Congess and President Kennedy... most of whom are dead. I would like to see the congressional record on it though.

Last edited by M1-Lightning (2006-08-08 12:38:23)

+56|6773|Massachusetts, USA
Anyone who believes this adminisatation is good for our country is living in a fantasy world........not evil....but like some others have said - greedy.

The VP calls the shots - W is just to stupid to realize it.

And let's not forgot Carl Rove.......

and oh yah....I am surprised by the results of this pole....pleasantly surprised....

Last edited by Tunacommy (2006-08-08 12:40:37)

Jeepers Creepers
+136|6884|Peoria, Illinois

Tunacommy wrote:

Anyone who believes this adminisatation is good for our country is living in a fantasy land........not evil....but like some others have said - greedy.

The VP calls the shots - W is just to stupid to realize it.

And let's not forgot Carl Rove.......
Name a president in the last 50 years that wasn't greedy and prove that the VP calls the shots. I'd love to hear this response.

American: now with 0% trans fat.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-08-08 12:48:45)


M1-Lightning wrote:

Nah libs still think it's a "war for oil". Still waiting on that discount. Still waiting on this huge oil pipeline that Michael Moore convinced them all was coming.
What makes you think that you would be the one getting the good deal on oil? 

And did the Supreme Court really "authenticate" the vote?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA

CyrusTheVirus wrote:

I'm proud of my boys. They have propelled USA towards achieving several goals in difficult circumstances. Free and fair elections in Afghanistan & Iraq. Freedom from the tyranny of Saddam and the Taliban. Osama holed up in some cave, effectively of no use to anyone. I'm guessing they are planning to bring freedom and proper democracy to Cuba and Venezuela in the very near future too. Sterling work team. If only GW could run for a thrid term - we could move on to sorting out Africa.
for one you handle each situation differently, you don't just jump on the guns first thing, though parking nukes on soccer fields and aiming them at miami were a pretty good reason back in the 60's, the situation is vastly different now, I don't believe that they meant military intervention when the white house stated " we are ready to help the cuban people", more likely it was in reference to economic sanctions and such, i for one will be all over it looking to snap up some 50's fords.
what are you talking about africa?

edit: why do you have cameron's sig and stuff?

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-08 14:22:02)

+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.

allfive6 wrote:

they make osama bin laden look like a grade school bully
QFT! That made me laugh.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
you bastard poe, should i +k you or cyrus?

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-08 14:22:58)


kr@cker wrote:

you bastard poe, should i +k you or cyrus?

That was great amusement at work today.

All in good fun.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-08 14:25:59)

+56|6773|Massachusetts, USA

M1-Lightning wrote:

Tunacommy wrote:

Anyone who believes this adminisatation is good for our country is living in a fantasy land........not evil....but like some others have said - greedy.

The VP calls the shots - W is just to stupid to realize it.

And let's not forgot Carl Rove.......
Name a president in the last 50 years that wasn't greedy and prove that the VP calls the shots. I'd love to hear this response.

Halliburton wins a bunch of multi million $$ contracts in Iraq....in CLOSED bids....

Last edited by Tunacommy (2006-08-08 14:30:51)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
it doesn't detract from the mutual masturbation session though, we really had a connection there
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
carter was a dismal failure and his sorry kowtowing to the likes of yassir arafat are what got us into this shit today, and since when is there anything wrong with halliburton winning a contract, oooOOOOoooo they so evils fur being da best equipified!
Morons will always approve of Bush becuase morons and Bush share the same worldview.  Unfortunately, most Americans are morons (I'm American, and I'm smarter than you).

kr@cker wrote:

carter was a dismal failure and his sorry kowtowing to the likes of yassir arafat are what got us into this shit today, and since when is there anything wrong with halliburton winning a contract, oooOOOOoooo they so evils fur being da best equipified!
They aren't the best equipped... Government contracts go to the lowest bidder, I.E. the worst equipped that is theoretically still able.

Carter was a failure because the rest of the government made him out to be one. He didn't do anything particularly unsuccessful and he didn't do anything greedy.
+56|6773|Massachusetts, USA

kr@cker wrote:

carter was a dismal failure and his sorry kowtowing to the likes of yassir arafat are what got us into this shit today, and since when is there anything wrong with halliburton winning a contract, oooOOOOoooo they so evils fur being da best equipified!
Carter....maybe, but I don't think he was greedy.......

And yes, there is something wrong with Halliburton winning contracts in Iraq when the Vice President of the U.S. has something to gain by it - especially since his administation was hard selling the war to Congress et al.  It is what we call a "conflict of interest"....
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
one of the arguments against Halliburton winning those contracts back when the libs were first trying to make a big stink about it was the fact that Halliburton was rarely ever the low bidder and in many cases was the highest bidder...and still won the contract, believe me, I am employed through government contract on an airforce base, they could have had much cheaper, but they would have had to go several thousand miles to find someone with a comparable resume`

BillyMack wrote:

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
oh damn, my vote, i voted pretty good because our borders are still wide open and dc as a whole (not just the white house) has been spending way too much money
Stay the corpse
+261|6653|Los Angeles

M1-Lightning wrote:

Nah libs still think it's a "war for oil". Still waiting on that discount. Still waiting on this huge oil pipeline that Michael Moore convinced them all was coming.
And Bush fans still think American troops are "fighting for freedom" in a "war on terror". Still waiting to see headway on either. Still waiting for things to be as good as they were when Saddam was in charge.

I do have confidence that we'll win the "war on terror" though. I mean gosh look at how well the "war on drugs" has been going.
GunSlinger OIF II

BigmacK192 wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

My guess is that most American BF2 players skew to the right and will vote positively, and that the vast majority of non-Americans will vote negatively.
You'd be incorrect. There are few people left in the US that actually support the president.

I'm one of those people.

Bush Administration FTW.

Proud of em'.
the adminstration didnt do that, congress does every year.
slow as you go
+124|6713|Canaduhhh.. West Toast
"great or greatest president" as mr colbert would say

kr@cker wrote:

one of the arguments against Halliburton winning those contracts back when the libs were first trying to make a big stink about it was the fact that Halliburton was rarely ever the low bidder and in many cases was the highest bidder...and still won the contract, believe me, I am employed through government contract on an airforce base, they could have had much cheaper, but they would have had to go several thousand miles to find someone with a comparable resume`
Actually, wasn't the problem that there was no bidding done at all?  When they were gearing up for the war the contract was awarded to Halliburton on a no bid basis.  Ol' Cheney knew his boys could handle it, what with his having just been employed there.  And handle it they have.

http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/a … 216fa_fact

But now those poor folks at Halliburton have lost their contract to rebuild Iraq, thanks to the tremendous amount of corruption involved with their oil contract.

http://www.drudge.com/news/84004/cheney … i-cash-cow
+55|6842|Indianapolis, IN, U.S.
Awesome, I'm American
Stay the corpse
+261|6653|Los Angeles
Things are looking up for Bush though - he's doing great relative to post-Watergate Nixon, for example.

And it looks like he's doing a great job with young Americans age 18-24.

Finally we should all congratulate George Bush for setting a new record untouched by any other president in the history of America... most vacation time ever taken by a president. He's surpassed Reagan... even though Reagan was in office for eight full years! And just think - Bush has got well over 2 years left to go!

Last edited by The_Shipbuilder (2006-08-08 15:52:34)

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