
Bubbalo wrote:

Also, anyone know where the Gitmo nickname comes from?

kr@cker wrote:

"club gitmo" is just a sloppy contraction of guantanamo
For further explanation, the abbreviation is GTMO, thus the pronunciation. But tut! Information like this is easily accessable through the internet.


Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-08-06 19:02:32)


lowing wrote:


http://www.sweetness-light.com/archive/ … ack-guards


Here are the "victims" at Gitmo in action.....
I guess you and bubbalo missed this since you never commented
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6810|Southeastern USA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Also, anyone know where the Gitmo nickname comes from?

kr@cker wrote:

"club gitmo" is just a sloppy contraction of guantanamo
For further explanation, the abbreviation is GTMO, thus the pronunciation. But tut! Information like this is easily accessable through the internet.

http://www.hyperhistory.net/apwh/sponso … /guns4.jpg
yes i should have clarified it's a military/government contraction, the base where i work also doubles as a giant ups service for the military and yes the tag issued gitmo is GTMO, kinda like airport tags, LAX, ATL, etc.

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-06 21:21:51)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6751|Menlo Park, CA

CameronPoe wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

STOP THE SYMPATHETIC bullshit!! Those pricks deserve NONE!!!
Nice way to poo-poo everything the US purports to stand for. Had it occurred to you that some small precentage of those incarcerated might actually be innocent - i.e., they had been mistakenly put away. The Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6 spent 15 years and 16 years respectively behind bars for crimes they never committed (the Guildford and Birmingham IRA bombings in England). These people in gitmo don't have any recourse to clearing their name whatsoever. A shame on you USA. George Washington and Abe Lincoln must be turning in their graves.
WOW! Thats all I have to say. . . .

Thats a shame that those guys had to stay behind bars, people do make mistakes, even the justice system.  Did those guys receive compensation at all??

No I am not poo pooing anything, I believe in our justice system for criminals etc.

However I do not support regular courts for irregular criminals like the ones at Gitmo!

They (US military) HAS released those whom they deem are not needed for interrogation anymore! The rest of those prisoners are hardend terrorists my friend, people you WOULD NOT like to meet in a dark ally!

Dont talk about George Washington or Abe Lincoln, and what they may or may not think, you have no clue! The Continental Army tortured British troops just like the British did to us, to find out British troop concentrations and movements in the South!! The Union Army during the Civil War captured thousands of Confederate troops and let them rot in dispicable conditions(in some of the most notorious prisons in our nations short history)!!! Both instances were under GW and Abe Lincolns watch (and they are considered our greatest Americans)!!! So get a history book and end your IRA biased bullshit!

The fucking prison at Gitmo is a fucking 4 star hotel to some of the dungeons that al Qaeda and Hezbollah "extract" information in!!! You think the prisons the captured Israelis are in, are as nice as Gitmo. . .I dont think so, far from it!

I just cant believe people like you. . . . its unreal!!

Last edited by fadedsteve (2006-08-06 21:53:45)

The Lizzard

lowing wrote:

they are animals bubbalo, I showed you the links
So, you're telling me that if you were taken to a Russian internment camp for blowing you nose too hard, you wouldn't attempt to fight back?
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7026|Toronto Canada
The Lizzard
That's twice I've seen you post that in as many minutes.
smells like wee wee
As of November 7, 2005, 358 of the 505 detainees then held at Guantánamo Bay had had Administrative Review Board hearings, according to a November 12, 2005, report by the Wall Street Journal. Of these, 3 percent were granted and awaiting release, 20 percent were to be transferred, 37 percent were to be further detained at Guantánamo, and no decision had been made in 40 percent of the cases. source wikipedia.

I have no problem with detaining and punishing terrorists. David Hicks has been there for 4 years and his right to trial & innocent until proven otherwise status, that americans hold so dear, has disappeared.

Whats happening to the 40% mentioned above?

Someone isn't a terrorist just because your government says so, blind faith is bliss.

Most of the terrorists dont end up in Gitmo. They are flown to Egypt for "special" treatment.

Bubbalo wrote:

lowing wrote:

they are animals bubbalo, I showed you the links
So, you're telling me that if you were taken to a Russian internment camp for blowing you nose too hard, you wouldn't attempt to fight back?
Blowing my nose??..........they got people locked up in Gitmo for blowing their noses???!!!
The Lizzard
Way to completely miss the point lowing.  Fine, let me rephrase:

If you were imprisoned for a crime you did not commit, and there was no way for you to achieve freedom by means other than violence in the near future, would you fight back?

Bubbalo wrote:

Way to completely miss the point lowing.  Fine, let me rephrase:

If you were imprisoned for a crime you did not commit, and there was no way for you to achieve freedom by means other than violence in the near future, would you fight back?
LMAO, yup the first thing I would to win my freedom, is throw urine and feces at my guards and try to stab them with lizard tails. But that would in no way would imply that I was crazy or violent. read the articles bubbalo.
The Lizzard
Why bother?  You criticise them for doing whatever they can to attack their captors when you would do the exact same thing!

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-08-07 03:45:50)


Bubbalo wrote:

Why bother?  You criticise them for doing whatever they can to attack their captors when you would do the exact same thing!
There are plenty of people in jail bubbalo, and although riots have ocurred I can't remember reading about the behavior that is taking place in Gitmo.  just read the damn articles or at least one so you knowwhat it is your are countering.
The Lizzard
Those people have all had their day in court, and have not been ripped from their homeland.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6936|Canberra, AUS

fadedsteve wrote:

(bubbalo)He is a sympathizer of anyone or anything that is anti USA in any form. . .


THEY DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT have the same rights as those who fight for an organized army defending their country. . . .

Those miserable pricks can sit there for the rest of their lives for all I care, they are murderers and sadists, and having them behind bars is a good thing!!  Gitmo houses the WORST of the worst, these guys DO not deserve any trial other than a military one PERIOD!! Their crimes dont constitute the normal judicial procedures that a normal criminal would get! They didnt rob the fucking candy store down the street, they took an entire nation (afghanistan/Iraq etc) hostage, killed women and children (in the USA and abroad).  They deserve military justice, a much more firm and expedient system of justice(more appropriate).

Why do people give these terrorists the benefit of the doubt?? These terrorists sure as hell wouldnt give any of you sympathizers any quarter??

Another thing, those prisoners deamed exceptable for release from Gitmo, HAVE BEEN RELEASED!! The only prisoners at Gitmo are hardened terrorists that would still make war with the USA if they were released tomorrow!! 

STOP THE SYMPATHETIC bullshit!! Those pricks deserve NONE!!!
So. If you were locked up (I'm assuming you weren't a terrorist), incarcerated WITHOUT TRIAL for years on end - which to me is slack (e.g.' we don't give a shit about who you are and whether you're terroists or not, we just want to make sure everyone else thinks we're doing something'. Only an example, remember.), and told you had no rights whatsoever, how would you feel?

I think there are a fair few people who ARE innocent there. Remember your 'innocent until proven guilty'? You seem very reluctant to try to prove them guilty. You just say they 'are'.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

lowing wrote:


this is a very short article and won't take up much of your time. THIS is why Gitmo needs to exist.
I usually offer concise counter-arguments and so forth in threads such as this and I also pretty much never write or say this as i'm quite a reserved person.

You are a moron along with a large chunk of the people posting in here who're in agreement.
There are so many reasons why "gitmo" is wrong that it beggers belief that people can agree that it's somehow good.
Tell you what, for all those people who agree with your posting and who will no doubt flame this post I suggest they (and you) read up on the imprisonment without trials in the UK in regard to IRA (and other terrorist group members) in the 1970's. It draws so many parallels with "gitmo" it's ridiculous.

CameronPoe wrote:

A shame on you USA. George Washington and Abe Lincoln must be turning in their graves.
I hear the US government intends to imprison and torture people at random off the street, making Washington & Lincoln spin in their graves. Thereby solving the worlds energy problems by creating a perpetual energy source.
+105|6739|Lutenblaag, Molvania

fadedsteve wrote:

No I am not poo pooing anything, I believe in our justice system for criminals etc.

However I do not support regular courts for irregular criminals like the ones at Gitmo!
So you believe in your justice system, but you choose who it is available too. You say those imprisoned at GTMO are not good enough for it, they are "irregular" criminals. How very undemocratic. So this is the american freedom your taking to Iraq: a just and democratic system, but we choose who we deem worthy. All others we can lock up for as long as we wish.

fadedsteve wrote:

The fucking prison at Gitmo is a fucking 4 star hotel to some of the dungeons that al Qaeda and Hezbollah "extract" information in!!! You think the prisons the captured Israelis are in, are as nice as Gitmo. . .I dont think so, far from it!

I just cant believe people like you. . . . its unreal!!
Like it makes a difference if there are worst prisons out there, your still locked-up and fed through a bean hole. Isn't the US the champions of justice and freedom? Well, start acting like it. Charge trial them, and send them to the gas chamber if they are guilty. But no one has the right to distribute life sentences around.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)

Sgt.Zubie wrote:

These guy's are ruthless killers, I don't feel a bit sorry for them. not one. The place would be a lot fuller if it was up to me. yeah go ahead call me a Nazi.

I'm just tired of people wasting time worrying about these bloodthirsty madmen. Most all of them came from Afgansistan Taliban.

You can't even spell Afghanistan and you expect us to consider your point as valid? You're not a nazi, you're just stupid. Read a book.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6936|Canberra, AUS
Lay off. He probably didn't notice/didn't care that it was misspelt. Everyone knows what he's talking about.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Δ > x > ¥

lowing wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

1)  So far, the message has only come from Al Qaeda, it could be chest beating.

2)  Egypt now has 1000 different ways to break into terrorist cells

3)  Those were proven terrorists.  The issue with Guantanamo Bay is that there has been no proof forthcoming.

Also, anyone know where the Gitmo nickname comes from?
No proof that has been made aware to us.... These people were not rounded up randomly, I assume some were caught in battle and others had intel gathered on them. Either way, these are people that will not be given a chance to take up arms against the effort again.
So you don't know how these people were rounded up.  If I told you some were arrested in countries not even on the same continent as Afghanistan and Iraq, would you be surprised?

If you were arrested in a foreign country, not linked to terrorist incidents, taken to yet another foreign country and held without contact to the outside world for upwards of four years, wouldn't you be a little peeved with your captors or would you be as passive as possible?  Throwing shit and stabbing the guards with lizards tails seems fair enough given what they've been put through.

As for intel being gathered on them, that's great.  Give them a fair trial with all this intel and see what happens.  If they are terrorists and there is enough evidence, they will be convicted and you can throw the book at them.  If not, they walk free and deserve compensation.

Spark wrote:

Lay off. He probably didn't notice/didn't care that it was misspelt. Everyone knows what he's talking about.
Fine. I'll forgive it because this is the internet, and few people know how stupid they look when they can't spell.

But I will not forgive the fact that he and the others who agree with him are complete and utter terrorist scum themselves. Have you ever READ the Declaration of Independance? The piece of paper on which your entire nation is based? Specifically;

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. "

Where do the words "American Citizens Only" appear here?

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6811|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

lowing wrote:

I assume some were caught in battle and others had intel gathered on them.
Is it the same "reliable" intelligence that stated Iraq had WMD ready to fire at its neighbours?  After that, the "intelligence" services can hardly be arguing their case for Gitmo.  Besides, I can imagine the assessment process that went on picking most of these guys up....

Has dark skin - check!
Is a Muslim - check!
Has facial hair - check!
...off to Camp X-Ray with you.... oh sorry, I forgot it's changed it's name to lose the bad rep it had, I mean Gitmo bay!
Those of you defending Gitmo, the people held there are generally done so without TRIAL. They are not given the right to our judicial system, and are never even convicted.
+6|6767|international waters
poor egypt they got fucked ten years ago by the slaughter on that temple, bacuse it made the visitors go away and lose money(egypt keep everithing thx to tourists),now will be the same.

fadedsteve wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

STOP THE SYMPATHETIC bullshit!! Those pricks deserve NONE!!!
Nice way to poo-poo everything the US purports to stand for. Had it occurred to you that some small precentage of those incarcerated might actually be innocent - i.e., they had been mistakenly put away. The Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6 spent 15 years and 16 years respectively behind bars for crimes they never committed (the Guildford and Birmingham IRA bombings in England). These people in gitmo don't have any recourse to clearing their name whatsoever. A shame on you USA. George Washington and Abe Lincoln must be turning in their graves.
WOW! Thats all I have to say. . . .

Thats a shame that those guys had to stay behind bars, people do make mistakes, even the justice system.  Did those guys receive compensation at all??

No I am not poo pooing anything, I believe in our justice system for criminals etc.

However I do not support regular courts for irregular criminals like the ones at Gitmo!

They (US military) HAS released those whom they deem are not needed for interrogation anymore! The rest of those prisoners are hardend terrorists my friend, people you WOULD NOT like to meet in a dark ally!

Dont talk about George Washington or Abe Lincoln, and what they may or may not think, you have no clue! The Continental Army tortured British troops just like the British did to us, to find out British troop concentrations and movements in the South!! The Union Army during the Civil War captured thousands of Confederate troops and let them rot in dispicable conditions(in some of the most notorious prisons in our nations short history)!!! Both instances were under GW and Abe Lincolns watch (and they are considered our greatest Americans)!!! So get a history book and end your IRA biased bullshit!

The fucking prison at Gitmo is a fucking 4 star hotel to some of the dungeons that al Qaeda and Hezbollah "extract" information in!!! You think the prisons the captured Israelis are in, are as nice as Gitmo. . .I dont think so, far from it!

I just cant believe people like you. . . . its unreal!!
Any compensation for the people released from Gitmo? None that I'm aware of. Two or more years of their lives lost forever. Crying shame. What's wrong with treating those guys like regular POWs? That base has almost single-handedly destroyed the reputation of the United States of America. I remember not so long ago when everyone used to love the place. It's a pity, a damn pity.

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