Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6750|Foothills of S. Carolina

HM1{N} wrote:

And in answer to your point: Israel IS intentionally targetting civilians.  They do it all the time because they don't give a shit, they are killing muslims after all.
That still didnt answer my question pertaining to how they are able to tell the difference between the civilians and Hezbollah.
+86|6920|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

JG1567JG wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:
They are not retaliating against terrorist attacks.  Israel started it's military campaign because 2 soldiers were kidnapped.  It wasn't until after that that Hezbollah started lobbing rockets in response to the Israeli military attacking Lebanon.
So do your consider Hezbolloh going into Israel territory killing and kidnapping their soldiers to be a terrorist attack on Israel or a peace offer. Hezbollah started fireing their rockets before Israel bombed Southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah didn't fire squat until Israel started bombing.

Kidnapping their soldiers isn't a terrorist attack.  If it is, then Israel is a terrorist state because they have been holding Lebanese soldiers and civilians in jails for almost 3 decades.
+110|6864|United States of America

Canin wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

And in answer to your point: Israel IS intentionally targetting civilians.  They do it all the time because they don't give a shit, they are killing muslims after all.
That still didnt answer my question pertaining to how they are able to tell the difference between the civilians and Hezbollah.
HM1{N} wants Israel to wait untill Hezbollah fires a rocket at Israel and then and only then can Israel attack that launch site.  Israel must not attack the launch site right next to it if no rockets were fired from that spot yet.  If the said launch site is next to an apartment building then Israel should just let them be since some innocents might die.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

JG1567JG wrote:

If the said launch site is next to an apartment building then Israel should just let them be since some innocents might die.
+32|6988|Wherever the F**k i feel like

HM1{N} wrote:

I can now say with all certainty, f*&k Israel.  They have taken away every instance of aid.  They are blocking aid ships from docking.  They are literally starving the people of Lebanon to force them to bend to Israeli will, and they are lying about what they are doing ONCE AGAIN.

Par for the course with that country.
Its called war buddy. If u cripple a nations supply line u cripple a nation
Was ist Loos?

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Flecco wrote:

We should stop pussyfooting around with terrorist harboring countries eh? Well, almost every country on earth harbors terrorists. Weather they know it or not...
How often do you see France launching Qassam rockets into Germany?
umm last friday, no thats not it....wait it was tuesday, thats it. tuesday is when france launched saddam rockets into Germany.
Screw being neutral. Take a side and go all out. That will fix the situation.
Was ist Loos?
^^[/sarcasm]? or not?
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6802|Portland, OR USA
doubtful.  Some people view moderation and seeing both sides as fence sitting and a lack of fortitude to commit.
+110|6864|United States of America
Nice selective quoting pollux

I do have a quick question

Which border was Israel's soldiers kidnapped from?   (Gaza Strip, West Bank, or Lebanon)

Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-08-05 20:40:18)

6 x 9 = 42
+298|6802|Portland, OR USA
I believe it was Lebanon
+190|6900|Home of the Escalade Herds

PuckMercury wrote:

simply becasue you disagree with a comment doesn't make it nonsensical, it makes it contrary to your belief.

Try again.
I'm not the one who needs to try again. HM1 keeps schooling you guys blinded by your American pride, it's pretty fun to watch
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

PRiMACORD wrote:

I'm not the one who needs to try again. HM1 keeps schooling you guys blinded by your American pride, it's pretty fun to watch
I'll take that as sarcasm.
+4|6962|Irving Tx

HM1{N} wrote:

JG1567JG wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:
They are not retaliating against terrorist attacks.  Israel started it's military campaign because 2 soldiers were kidnapped.  It wasn't until after that that Hezbollah started lobbing rockets in response to the Israeli military attacking Lebanon.
So do your consider Hezbolloh going into Israel territory killing and kidnapping their soldiers to be a terrorist attack on Israel or a peace offer. Hezbollah started fireing their rockets before Israel bombed Southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah didn't fire squat until Israel started bombing.

Kidnapping their soldiers isn't a terrorist attack.  If it is, then Israel is a terrorist state because they have been holding Lebanese soldiers and civilians in jails for almost 3 decades.
How is kidnapping not an act of terror? The difference here is that Israel has to do the Job of the Lebanese army. It is not Israels fault that the Lebanese are so week. So in your mind I can walk up to you and punch you in face then kill your kids then rape your wife and its all ok right. At what point do you try to prevent me from doing this...after I have raped for wife for a month? At what point in time do you not see me as a threat every time you see me.... Israel sees every Muslim as a threat so if they jail a few, kill a few so be it. The Muslims started this crap in the first place the message they are sending is don't kidnap an Israeli solider. The Muslims are taught that Jews are their enemies. I noticed that after I posted surans on page 3 not one person here arguing for the terrorist had anything to say about why is that? Israel has a right wither you like or not to defend themselves against all enemies.  Islam comes right out and says death to the Jews... If I was Jewish then I too would want to take out as many of them as I can.  As we conquered the west here in the U.S. the saying was the only good Indian was a dead one. Same can be said for a Muslim read their text and you can only come to one conclusion...Islam is not about peace and living with their fellow man... Its about conversation or death...I hope the IDF kills as many of them that they can...As the Saxons would say never leave behind a man woman or child that can raise a sword against you later
+190|6900|Home of the Escalade Herds

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

I'm not the one who needs to try again. HM1 keeps schooling you guys blinded by your American pride, it's pretty fun to watch
I'll take that as sarcasm.
Taking the easy way out, surprise surprise.


HM1{N} wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

I can now say with all certainty, f*&k Israel.  They have taken away every instance of aid.  They are blocking aid ships from docking.  They are literally starving the people of Lebanon to force them to bend to Israeli will, and they are lying about what they are doing ONCE AGAIN.

Par for the course with that country.
Last I checked parring a course is a good thing.
More like: Israel eagles(-2)
               Lebanon quadruple bogies(+4)

Time for some change in that area. Glad to see Israel is cleaning house. It was about time. Let's bring out all the terrorist cells out of hiding. Lets get them to fight Israel so those crazy Jews can pound them into submission or extinction.
I agree, we should nuke the terrorists called Israel.
Hell no, Israel's been copping crap from terrorists for years, its unfortunate about the civilians, but they have to fight Hezbollah

Flecco wrote:

We should stop pussyfooting around with terrorist harboring countries eh? Well, almost every country on earth harbors terrorists. Weather they know it or not...
Yeah but Lebanon actually have members of a terrorist group IN PARLIAMENT, and the Lebanese goverment let Hezbollah patrol the Israel border

Snipedya14 wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Flecco wrote:

We should stop pussyfooting around with terrorist harboring countries eh? Well, almost every country on earth harbors terrorists. Weather they know it or not...
How often do you see France launching Qassam rockets into Germany?
You just proved his point. If a country harbors terrorists, it is not a justified retaliation against said country by Launching rockets, and killing civilians. If it was, there would be alot of rockets being fired in many different places.

They want to defend themselves? Fine. But dont arty the shit out of the surrounding towns.
see, the problem is they hide IN the towns, not around them

spastic bullet wrote:

Orion5413 wrote:

Then why have they not done anything about them? It is called total war....A general in the union army thought that if you break the will of the population the army will no longer fight. In this case Israel is taking the war to the people. If they don't like being bombed by Israel then they should not have let hezbola attack Israel in the first place....
Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m
Function: noun
1 : the unlawful use or threat of violence esp. against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but understand exactly what it is you're talking about.
yeah, but israel aint being unlawful

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Sorry, could you move your head first? It's hard to feel around down there with you sucking.
And if you look to your left, ladies and gentlemen, you will see a failed attempt at being funny.
lol zing
The Lizzard

choongy wrote:

yeah, but israel aint being unlawful
Last I checked, killing innocent civilians was against the law.

Skruples wrote:

There seems to be a double standard being thrown around by alot of the Israel supporters. I'm not going to make any judgements about whether Israel is justified in attacking Lebanon, but heres the way it looks.

Hizbollah attacks Israel by launching attacks on civilian centers. They are branded terrorists. I'm not going to dispute this.

Israel counters by launching attacks on Lebanon, targetting primarily civilian centers, and killing primarily civilians. This is written off as a justifiable military tactic, and furthermore the Lebanese brought it on themselves by allowing Hizbollah to launch attacks. Do you see where I'm going with this? Why isn't Hizbollah in turn justified in attacking Israeli civilians for the same reason? After all, they're "allowing" the Israeli military to kill civilians. An eye for an eye is not going to work.

Again, before I get flamed for being a scum-sucking terrorist-loving hippie, I am not disputing Israel's justification for the conflict. However, given Israel's vast military advantage, I find it hard to believe they are incapable of killing less civilians. Furthermore, it is my belief that they're just making their situation much worse by making themselves seem like the bad guys in the eyes of the middle east. What is the average Middle Easterner going to see when he watches the local version of their news? He's going to see alot of dead Lebanese civilians, killed by a country that many influential people are telling them doesn't have a right to exist.

This isn't World War 2. This isn't even Vietnam. The wholesale bombing of civilian targets should not be considered appropriate strategy when attempting to deal with a stark minority of the population. I've made this analogy before, but it fell upon deaf ears. It would be like the United States police throwing a few hundred random people in jail because some criminals happened to operate in their neighborhood. Would you consider that appropriate? Of course not. But somehow it's ok when Israel does it.

Say what you will about Hizbollah, I'm not going to argue. Just don't delude yourself into thinking that bombing schoolchildren is going to help Israel win any wars. It's been said many times, the people that Israel really wants to kill, the terrorists, thrive on civilian deaths. Israel will lose all semblance of moral superiority if they continue on the path they've chosen.
Most Middle-easterners already hate Israel, and its not like killing civilians is a justifiable tactic, its not, but the terrorists hide IN the civilian population

Bubbalo wrote:

choongy wrote:

yeah, but israel aint being unlawful
Last I checked, killing innocent civilians was against the law.
sorry, i meant defending themselves isnt unlawful, but yes killing innocent civilians is.

Bubbalo wrote:

choongy wrote:

yeah, but israel aint being unlawful
Last I checked, killing innocent civilians was against the law.
last time i checked, it called victim of war!
The Lizzard
If it's not targetted, yes.  Israel isn't exactly going to great effort to avoid civilian casualties.

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