Dead Meat

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Both of you are digging holes for yourselves. Unless either of you would like a 3 day vacation, stfu.
Fair enough. Sorry, I was not trying to be a jerk.
Dead Meat

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

spacebandit72 wrote:

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

SOMEONE show me the rules that states i can't solo in a chopper.
I don't know of a rule on that but if the bf2s server is supposed to be a fun environment for everyone, that includes someone who wants to be a gunner.
You say there are no good gunners so you like to go solo... I beg to differ. You can only be a good gunner if the pilot sets you up for the shots. Obviously you have a problem with teamwork or you wouldn't be complaining that you got kicked.

I don't agree with the kick as solo is not against the ROE but let it be a lesson to you that if on the bf2s server don't be a solo dick.

You are probably the same dork who drives off in a vehicle and ignores people asking for a ride because teamwork is for noobs or something.

If you are so hurt, don't play there anymore. Just because you helped get the server running does not mean you get admin rights or special treatment. You do deserve a thank you though.
No, im not the same dick that drives off, you have NEVER played with me so i suggest you stfu before you dig yourself into a hole, kthxbai?
Very sorry. I did not say that you are that kind of person... I was suggesting that you may be. That was unfair and I have not played with you. I'll be a little nicer in the future but I hate people who disregard someone asking for a ride as if they are not good enough.
Sorry for taking it out on you.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

come on guys, I think we have cleared this up. Let's be friends again, shall we ?

No need to get all excited about a videogame...

and yes, solo choppering ( is that a word ? lol.. ), while not being explicitly outlawed by the rules on our server, is considered to be against our teamplay approach. If there is no one who wants to fly with you, that's fine, but if there are herds of people screaming for a pickup, it is your obligation to pick up a gunner.

Those people payed the same amount of money for the game like you and have the same rights to a place in a vehicle, regardless of their skill. I mean, how is anyone supposed to improve as a gunner if no one wants to fly with them ?

moving on...
Cool member
No ?

So you are either not our friend or you think the situation is not clear?

well then i suggest you dont bother coming back to the server for a while.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

come on guys, I think we have cleared this up. Let's be friends again, shall we ?
well, if you don't want to, that's fine. Simply stick to the teamplay approach in the future. Thank you.
63 61 70 74 61 69 6e 2d 61

theDude5B wrote:

No ?

So you are either not our friend or you think the situation is not clear?

well then i suggest you dont bother coming back to the server for a while.
BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6980|The Netherlands
I just kicked lerebelles9 from the server.

He was commander and for the WHOLE round we were asking for supplies, UAV, ARTY
I asked via ingame commands, and via several ingame messages
[23:13:45] [BF2s] Goldman.Lt -> COMMANDER   DO YOUR WORK !!!!
[23:16:45] [BF2s] Goldman.Lt -> COMMANDER  WAKE UP AND GIVE SUPPLIES   !!!
[23:22:08] [BF2s] Goldman.Lt -> LEREBELLES    SPEAK UP  !!!

But he NEVER used any of it... not once


And while i'm typing this also Ezki-Reaper for swearing at 2 admins:

[23:40:21] Ezki-Reaper -> c4pt4in your a pussie
[Admin: Lt.Goldman] .              Ezki-Reaper ->      WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ???
[23:41:41] Ezki-Reaper -> shut up muppet i was talkin to c4pt4in it aint got nethin to do with you
soup fly mod

Lt.Goldman wrote:

I just kicked lerebelles9 from the server.

He was commander and for the WHOLE round we were asking for supplies, UAV, ARTY
I asked via ingame commands, and via several ingame messages
[23:13:45] [BF2s] Goldman.Lt -> COMMANDER   DO YOUR WORK !!!!
[23:16:45] [BF2s] Goldman.Lt -> COMMANDER  WAKE UP AND GIVE SUPPLIES   !!!
[23:22:08] [BF2s] Goldman.Lt -> LEREBELLES    SPEAK UP  !!!

But he NEVER used any of it... not once
No Tolerance for commanders who do not do they jobs.  The mutiny system does not work so it is the admins job to kick "deadbeat" commanders
Support fanatic :-)

Kicked the US commander on Oman yesterday for twice or trice arty on uncap.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Cool member
Well Goldman Sir. you did what i would have done. Ask the commander many times. It happened to me on Karkand the other day when the commander was driving around all the time and getting killed alot so he was not able to do his job. I warned him to get out of the vehicles and do his job but he carried on doing it. He would never give supply or vehicle drops so eventually after about 3 warnings i had to kick him from the server.
teh m0nsta
I request Mike to switch over to the 2nd Squad because we are in a need of a Commander!

HellHead forbid me to leave the battlefield to join directors seat.
But i will refuse this order if no commander will be around.

But pls Mike, join the Wolfpack. 1st Squaad already got Superfly & Rundje as superb commanders.
And guys.... i'm still waiting for that skrimish....
Cool member

bmb|danCer wrote:

I request Mike to switch over to the 2nd Squad because we are in a need of a Commander!

HellHead forbid me to leave the battlefield to join directors seat.
But i will refuse this order if no commander will be around.

But pls Mike, join the Wolfpack. 1st Squaad already got Superfly & Rundje as superb commanders.
And guys.... i'm still waiting for that skrimish....
wrong section man
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist

theDude5B wrote:

bmb|danCer wrote:

I request Mike to switch over to the 2nd Squad because we are in a need of a Commander!

HellHead forbid me to leave the battlefield to join directors seat.
But i will refuse this order if no commander will be around.

But pls Mike, join the Wolfpack. 1st Squaad already got Superfly & Rundje as superb commanders.
And guys.... i'm still waiting for that skrimish....
wrong section man
Why the wrong section ? He is an admin and he is complaining. Fits for me !

To the case : I would never forbid you to take the commander seat, it was just the few rounds on SF on Thursday, when were pretty short on experienced squadmembers.
That´s why I "complained".
teh m0nsta
That was not meant seriously.
BUT serious now, Squad 1 has to many commanders and i would like to see Mike switching over to the Wolfpack.
63 61 70 74 61 69 6e 2d 61

bmb|danCer wrote:

I request Mike to switch over to the 2nd Squad because we are in a need of a Commander!

HellHead forbid me to leave the battlefield to join directors seat.
But i will refuse this order if no commander will be around.

But pls Mike, join the Wolfpack. 1st Squaad already got Superfly & Rundje as superb commanders.
And guys.... i'm still waiting for that skrimish....
Yeah Mike, join 2nd squad
soup fly mod

I am all in favor of balancing the squads according to skills/specialties.  Mike should definitely be second squad.  Also i think we need to move a tank whore (superfly,rundje or neger) to second squad in exchange for a fly boy.  Personally I'm not into this 1st vs. 2nd rivarly.  I think we are all on the same team and balance will help all of us!

btw: commander tip-if you are out of UAV or Arty then spam the "enemy forces spotted" command around a key flag and if you are close to one he will show up as a red dot.  If not then he will show up as a question mark in which case you can ignore it.  I know you guys don't like spamming but that all depend on context.  To spam enemy soldier when you don't have UAV or SCAN is an excellent commander tactic.  That is if you do it intelligently.  I will spot/spam a guy who i think is important if he is trying to flank us but will not just randomly spam around the board.  I know spamming is annoying but with TS it is not an issue and if you have a good commander he will use it to draw your attention where needed.
BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6980|The Netherlands

Come on you guys !  As regular forummembers you should know better > we have a tread here for that
Served and Out
+642|6879|Southampton, UK

Ok. The following is all serious and is an Official appeal for 2 bans to be set in place.

1. Maus (NL) - This fellow player i have seen regularly on the server, usually playing to expectations of the rules. For the past 3 times i have been on the server he has disrespected the rules either by Abusing other players , racially and seriously, or generally being a twat. Today i did not take anymore.

Time:21:00 hrs
Map:Dragon Valley
BF2s Members/Admins online: Me, General-Echo had just left when the server changed map.

Maus (NL) spawned normally and entered a Chopper. Not too soon after A fellow team-mate got in ready for action. Maus (NL) Continually said "Get out." The co-pilot replied "No this heli has 2 seats i deserve a try."
Maus (NL) then crashed the helicopter blatently into a building.
They both respawned, Same again.. "Get out" "No..." *Crash*
And again... This time the guy refused and so what Maus (NL) Then did was to fly to the edge of the map and then purposly make the co-pilot die. I stood back and in about 5 minutes watched every part of this. I then warned him if he would do that again i would contact an admin and there is a high chance he would be kicked.
He completely ignored and i repeated. He still ignored.
He then died, i stayed at the spawn to carry on specatating. And indeed, he did make sure the next co-pilot he had died. Sadly i could not contact anyone so this is what i came to. I am not sure if this is worthy of a ban, but i did see this player commit no teamwork whatsoever.

2. =SWE= n0ssE, This player today completely disrespected me after several warnings due to lack of teamwork. And blatent disregard of the rules.

Time: 21:10 hrs
Map: Dragon Valley
BF2s Players/admins online: Me. (General Echo still gone)

This player chose to go commander at the start of the round, also linked with Maus (NL) - Obviously friends due to the previous round. He Stayed hidden behind the UAV at the start of the round, then after a couple of minutes came to the heli spawn, Me and another player Got the heli... He pulled his Sniper rifle out and shot the co-pilot through the head thus killing him. He then got in, i then said "please refrain from Teamkilling , and Commander is not allowed in Heli, Bail out." He then got out and Tk'd me also. He then flew the heli with Maus (NL) as the co-pilot. He ignored the following warnings. And then sadly i had to go offline.

I'm not sure what your reactions/actions will be to these two people, So i'll just leave it with you.
God that took ages to write


I only want to add that I have warned Maus(NL) a few times already too the previous weeks. He always switches to the winning team (to usmc on karkand, only to notice the bf2s guys kick ass and as soon as we were leading with 80 credits, he switched to MEC again. Next round he was with us but we were losing so he switched to the opposite team again...) This is of course not as bad as intentionally killing teammates, only want to say he was annoying before too.

but the sad part is, admins can't ban/kick by name, so they'll have to wait till the guy is on the server again. I do think it's a good job reporting them anyway so admins can keep an eye on him.

Therefore, yesterday SFK T.Caffrey was artiing the uncap, just so you know.
63 61 70 74 61 69 6e 2d 61
That's sad, but thanks for the report anyway! As De_Jappe said, we can't ban them by name, but you can be sure both are on my list. Should I met them on the server I'll watch every step they'll make.
+383|7038|The Netherlands
I ve seen that maus (NL) guy before, we ll keep an eye on him. I havent heared of that =SWE= n0ssE guy before but we ll also keep an eye on his when he comes back.
Cool member
next time get some screen shots also.
teh m0nsta
@De Jappe

So is it about Maus[NL], thate he/she/it is a WTJ [winning team joiner]?
I hate WTJ's.

thanks for writing him on the list *G*
Dancer, yes he's a WTJ, he switches to the winning team whenever he can, and he even dared to join my squad after that. (I had killed him 5 times by then and suddenly he joined my squad). Then I told him I don't appreciate team-switcher and he left my squad but stayed on our team... next time when we were losing (by losing tv station on sharqi etc) he suddenly switched to mec again, ... goes on like this. He's a nasty WTJ-guy!
+383|7038|The Netherlands

bmb|danCer wrote:

@De Jappe

So is it about Maus[NL], thate he/she/it is a WTJ [winning team joiner]?
I hate WTJ's.
+ he stuck his gunner into the red zone to tk him.

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