|AIA| DAS wrote:
Anti-Semitism (alternatively spelled antisemitism) is hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group, which can range from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecution.
Further to my earlier post, lets have a look at the post that started all this off with |AIA| helpfully stating his case.
|AIA| DAS wrote:
HM1{N} said...
Lisik - it's because of people like you that I see why Israel will probably be nuked back to the stone age.
Lets all note the key part of this sentence; "I see why...", not why you deserve to be or anything even close. Only that HM1 can see why. Understanding someones point of view is not the same as agreeing with it.
|AIA| DAS wrote:
It's because of people like you that I see why someone like Mel Gibson hates you.
There it is again, "I see why". Not "Mel hates you and i agree" but "I see why".
|AIA| DAS wrote:
It's because of people like you that people the world over hate Jews more than they fear Satan. In fact I've even heard people calling Jews Satan's offspring.
"that people [all over] the world hate Jews". Again this isn't a "I hate Jews", its a "people hate them". In the second part of the sentence HM1 is reporting what he has heard without actually giving his opinion on it.
|AIA| DAS wrote:
It's because of people like you this vicious cycle of violence still exists.
Lisik was voicing nothing but utter hatred for the terrorists (and the Palestinians). Lisik was taking an extreme and uncompromising position; a mirror image of the position that extremist Palestinians take. Whilst these extremists are calling for death of their enemies, there will be no peace. What HM1 has said is broadly correct and even if you believe he is wrong, there's nothing anti-semitic about that comment.
|AIA| DAS wrote:
Lisik - Israel and it's people like you are why there will never be peace. You people think you are better than everyone else because the world has been "hands-off" on your land stealing, murdering, displacing, human rights violating, genocide furthering, and "screw you-we'll do what we want attitude".
This is as close as HM1 gets to anti-semitism (and it isn't even in the same solar system as anti-semitism) where he is actually expressing his own beliefs, but even here there isn't anything about all Jews should die, or any bollocks like that.
HM1 believes that the Israeli's stole the land to begin with (which is a debate for another thread) and are now murdering, displacing... etc. To say that is not anti-semitism. There people being murdered by both sides, to try and say otherwise from either side is laughable. But no where and not once does HM discriminate against Jews, either as a religion, a race or an ethnic.
|AIA| - Please show me one instance in that post where HM1 is showing a hostility towards Jews (not Lisik the individual but the Jewish people) and I'll happily concede. Until you can, you shouldn't be rubbishing HM's arguments by falsely branding it anti-semitic. Your obviously an intelligent bloke, argue with what he's actually saying.
** Please note that the quotes that are assigned to |AIA| are actually HM's words but with |AIA| bolding up the letters to try and prove his point. **