
FIRST off, don't incorporate this Spec Forces bullshit into regular BF2. I know they want to sell more copies of SF, but that is just dick to force this crap upon us.  I play bf2 alot cuz I like getting used to one map that I can do well on.  This totally fucks everything up for me when they CHANGE THE GAME... Flashbangs are ok but not when you add them in RANDOMLY as an "update"...

HOW does this UPDATE help me?  I am not going to buy SFBullshit because I cared about bf2, not some crappy expansion.  Is anyone with me on this?  I wish we could all go back to the other update where the game was much, MUCH cooler.  I know the changes are small but they are bullshit!!  Do they want ppl to stop playing bf2? I guess this might help them.. buy another EA game.. I THINK NOT! I"m going to pirate everything i can from them from NOW ON because they didn't consult me , or ask me if changing the game would piss us off..

ANOTHER thing.. Is it true you can only get the unlocks if you have the SF update?  That would be such a M$ thing to do.. Try to get your customers to dish out MORE money for crap. This is bullshit!

Sorry for going off, but does anyone share my opinion?  I guess EA doesn't care about us, once we bought the game they don't give a flying fuck if we stop playing it, they just care about more $$$$$..

I was going to have a friend buy bf2 but now i'm definately going to tell him not to.  Its not cool they are forcing expansions on us, and incorporating some bullshit expansion into the regular bf2 game.  Fuck you EA and the busted ass horse you rode in on.

WHEW i feel alot better, please reply and swear a lot about EA!
Rock on brotha! I hear ya! Fuk the police, Fuk EA! w00t!

Also Fuk fatal1ty, that guy is such a pussy (probably because he is better than me). lOl

Last edited by blackcracka (2005-11-24 22:45:15)

ArmChair Warrior
+4|7045|NH - USA
I'm not thrilled with all this hub-bub either and I'm not updating until the very last minute, if I have to at all.

Either that or I might just get SOCOM III for PS2 and just play the old BF42' Desert Combat or something on the PC.

It's not the only game on the market and they dont have me by the ballz.
ea didnt make the game.. dice did. ea is the publisher... n yeah.. i think they f'd it up... but oh wel wut r u gonna do.. they can't please everyone my friend.. just play, whore wutever it makes u  forget
i think everything they did was great, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it. you don't have to get SF to keep playing BF2.

Man, those bastards... they gave us new maps, armies, weapons, vehicles, and equiptment, and they integrated it smoothly into the existing game... I could just KILL them! And it will take me months, years, to earn back the $29 they got from me.

EA IS the Devil after all.
Attends Shock Paddlers Anonymous
Oh Em Jee! Dice Made A Game But It Sez Ea In Da Credz So Ima Yel At Em Cuz Itz Kewl!
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7061|AUS, Canberra

blackcracka wrote:


FIRST off, don't incorporate this Spec Forces bullshit into regular BF2. I know they want to sell more copies of SF, but that is just dick to force this crap upon us.  I play bf2 alot cuz I like getting used to one map that I can do well on.  This totally fucks everything up for me when they CHANGE THE GAME... Flashbangs are ok but not when you add them in RANDOMLY as an "update"...

HOW does this UPDATE help me?  I am not going to buy SFBullshit because I cared about bf2, not some crappy expansion.  Is anyone with me on this?  I wish we could all go back to the other update where the game was much, MUCH cooler.  I know the changes are small but they are bullshit!!  Do they want ppl to stop playing bf2? I guess this might help them.. buy another EA game.. I THINK NOT! I"m going to pirate everything i can from them from NOW ON because they didn't consult me , or ask me if changing the game would piss us off..

ANOTHER thing.. Is it true you can only get the unlocks if you have the SF update?  That would be such a M$ thing to do.. Try to get your customers to dish out MORE money for crap. This is bullshit!

Sorry for going off, but does anyone share my opinion?  I guess EA doesn't care about us, once we bought the game they don't give a flying fuck if we stop playing it, they just care about more $$$$$..

I was going to have a friend buy bf2 but now i'm definately going to tell him not to.  Its not cool they are forcing expansions on us, and incorporating some bullshit expansion into the regular bf2 game.  Fuck you EA and the busted ass horse you rode in on.

WHEW i feel alot better, please reply and swear a lot about EA!
i dont see a prob with anything about the expansion.

if your not happy with people having unlocks you dont.....simple, buy the expansion if you like the game as much as you claim to.

your still going to get killed with the old weapons so whats the problem, the new ones still take more than 1 shot to kill you so your kill/death ratio isnt going to be to messed up. and they are not forcing expansion on anyone, dont want it? dont get it....simple
Aussie Outlaw
Who cares? Stop whinging, its getting so fucking boring.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

People are going about this the wrong way... the fact that they integrated SF into BF2 means that I can use all of the new unlocks without having to pay 30 bucks. Just gotta get used to the new weapons for a bit, but once you do, just kill someoone using it and pick up the kit.

I actually tked two people today and then had a medic revive them so that I could use their FS2000 hehe, I was bad, but OMFG that gun is so awesome. I spent the rest of the round looking for enemies with an FS and whenever I killed them I took the kit.

Basically, with SF, you are paying 30 bucks to be able to go up on ranks and upgrades, that kinda ticks me off, but like I said, I can actually play with the new stuff and didn't even have to buy the game.
Some of you guys don't play many MMO games do you? 

I think the expansion nightmare that was City Of Heroes has forever hardened me against developer updates.  To put the City of Heroes updates in terms of BF2, first imagine they tweak the game a little bit, maybe mess with bullet physics, and drops. OK, not a big deal i can get used to the changes.  Next they change the uniforms and add dayglow orange hats as standard attire. OK......kinda sucks for me but i can see the enemy better.  Now with the next update imagine ALL rifles and pistols are replaced with bananas. What the fuck?! Why on earth am i playing this game, it's COMPLETELY different from what i originally started playing.

When you compare some trainwreck updates to this BF2:SF update, you realize it's not that big of a deal. Plus, ooooooo you shell out 30 bucks to get unlocks when i can just kill you with my AK101 and then take your kit for free?  I kinda feel like i'm the one putting one over on EA/Dice.

And NO! i wont ever be buying ANY expansion for this game.
in defense of myself...

I paid the $30 for new, infantry heavy maps with more close quarters combat, much more interesting environments, and NO MORE JETS. some of the new gadgets are cool, but its not like any of the unlocks are uber weapons or anything, not even the precious F2000. I don't think anyone has the right to make me feel like I got played by EA or ripped off, its ridiculous to think that they should keep adding maps or updates for free, you want entertainment then PAY for it. according to this site I've paid roughly 13 cents an hour for my time on BF2, wow, they're really gashing me aren't they?

also, its outstanding they integrated it as an expansion and it works so well with the original. They didn't have to cut the community in half, those who want the extras can spend their money, if you don't then don't buy it, but shut up about it. the world is so unfair isn't it?

Rasor I understand your point, but I doubt you'll be taking any kits from me, because one thing you can't pull off a corpse is a chance to play the maps I'll be on... which ARE radically different, for better or worse.

Incidentally, 13 cents per hour is also about what the orginal poster is getting... so he should honest to god just shut up already about the evil EA corporation stealing his money.

I got exactly what I paid for. couldn't be happier.

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-24 23:34:06)


blackcracka wrote:

I cared about bf2, not some crappy expansion!

dshak wrote:

I paid the $30 for new, infantry heavy maps with more close quarters combat, much more interesting environments, and NO MORE JETS. some of the new gadgets are cool, but its not like any of the unlocks are uber weapons or anything, not even the precious F2000. I don't think anyone has the right to make me feel like I got played by EA or ripped off, its ridiculous to think that they should keep adding maps or updates for free, you want entertainment then PAY for it. according to this site I've paid roughly 13 cents an hour for my time on BF2, wow, they're really gashing me aren't they?


I got exactly what I paid for. couldn't be happier.
My sentiments. And, despite my standing with EA/DICE I still paid for the game. Not because I had to (they threw those 10 copies to me without so much as a wave of a wand), but because I choose to.

-(PK)-DarkIllusion wrote:

ea didnt make the game.. dice did. ea is the publisher... n yeah.. i think they f'd it up... but oh wel wut r u gonna do.. they can't please everyone my friend.. just play, whore wutever it makes u  forget
thx man

DesertEagle357 wrote:

Oh Em Jee! Dice Made A Game But It Sez Ea In Da Credz So Ima Yel At Em Cuz Itz Kewl!
Ok so i was wrong, dice made the game, I still go to EA for help/questions/problems so they must have approved of the integrated patch.

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Who cares? Stop whinging, its getting so fucking boring.
thanks ea admin, get the f out, and stop reading my posts

RasorX wrote:

I think the expansion nightmare that was City Of Heroes has forever hardened me against developer updates. 

BLACKCRACKA: Updates are ok, changing the game is not. (IMHO)

shell out 30 bucks to get unlocks when i can just kill you with my AK101 and then take your kit for free
That IS very interesting... BUT It's just the fact that you HAVE a flashbang messes with me. I play kark-medic to get most of my points and I am totally new to looking at a totally white screen, plus i haev epilepsy so i tweak if i get flashbanged. FER REALZ


dshak wrote:

quarters combat, NO MORE JETS
Really? So SF is all city maps? I didn't know that so that is cool, But still BF2 and the expansion should be seperate entities, I updated immeadately because I trusted the EA website.. 

I WILL STOP crying eventually.. haha come play raw with me... I'm playing my brother's account epuk*trials*

Last edited by blackcracka (2005-11-25 04:00:39)

Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7033|Malaga, España
I hate EA by bringin the idea, that SF can join BF2(the standard game) games. i think when u have bought SF alright suit urself but ON SF ONLY SERVERS , or if u want to play BF2 just press the BF2 icon and you have the old BF2 game to play , but not MIXED its really unfair against people that play BF2 and not having the SF expansion. BF2 = BF2 , SF = SF  and thats how it got to be.
i agree ea suck big time for doin this i hate the game now. ppl can go into bf2 severs and have the big advatage of having sf with the zip line and grapling hook .flashbangs ect. and to all those ppl who say stop whinging . u are only saying that cos u have sf
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7033|Malaga, España
Yeah kranky, just like you i bought BF2 for BF2 not to play 6 months and getting forced to buy a Expansion that i dont even like! indeed people who say we must stop whining and buy the game? sorry but we make our own decision about buying games. i hope EA gets a lot of complaining letters about this. and hope to get this fixed by making a patch that BF2 is BF2 and yes people with SF can join them but without there extra Feats of SF. and SF players will have there own SF version servers so they can kill in peace.

and then the both sides are happy .
I like the expansion and I'm also glad that not everyone will get it,because its fun to use new toys in an old game that not everyone has....thats not that old....     

Last edited by section9 (2005-11-25 08:56:31)

just nothing
This has turned into an EA flame fest.

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