it is not meant as a means to support someone, it is the base amount meant for the likes of teenagers out for their first job and still dependents of their parents, an increase basically boils down to a small business tax, 3 things will immediately happen if this ridiculous "vote for me" bill gets passed:
A) a serious increase in inflation, the cost of all goods and services will skyrocket, effectively lowering the pay of the entire nation
B)many of the currently employed at or near the minimum wage will be fired, unless you found a magic way to increase every business's payroll budget without an increase in product/service sales
C) even more jobs will end up being pushed outside the borders and into cheaper labor market
Yes there was a time when I was homeless, I was making above minimum wage at all 3 of my jobs (added up to about 65-70 hours of work a week), and I still was barely "making enough to live off of", the idea that you should support yourself and/or a family off of one minimum wage job flopping whoppers is ludicrous, get some fucking initiative, be fucking responsible, and maybe at the very least try getting another job for supplemental income
minimum wage is for those new to the job market, minimum wage is for those new to the job market, minimum wage is for those new to the job market, minimum wage is for those new to the job market
We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.
Ronald Reagan
hand ups, not hand outs, people
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-03 22:29:55)