+4|6680|Ashburn, VA
I was on =PoW= Rank Whores tonight and encountered something new to me.  I was commanding the Russian side and the round was nearly over.  There were 3 SAS tickets left and all of the sudden, I was no longer the commander.  I re-applied and then attempted to bring up my commander screen.  As soon as I did, I get the same "you are no longer commander" message.  This went on once more and finally the round ended with me as a Lone Wolf.  My round stats show me with 81 pts with not much to show for it in terms of kills and teamwork.  Questions:

1. Did the admin of this server kick me from command on purpose?
2. Is this common?
3. Do I get credit for my kills and teamwork score while commanding?


Thanks all...this is such a bummer.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6791|Montreal, Qc, Canada
woow this is strange... mbay another 10 years old admin???? or just some stupid people
wow thats weird i never had that happen before but i have had it do it to me with squads all of the sudden i was kicked from squad and i was squad leader but i never had it as commander....yea it is a bummer
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

The same hack that lets you spam vehicle drops without being commander also lets you resign your current commander.
+718|6674|Austin, Texas
Admins cannot make commanders resign, afaik.
It's happened to me twice, but both times I was able to apply and get accepted right after. I always thought I somehow accidentally hit the resign button.....maybe someone was trying to be cute.
+38|6818|Phila, PA

jclutch21 wrote:


1. Did the admin of this server kick me from command on purpose?
2. Is this common?
3. Do I get credit for my kills and teamwork score while commanding?

http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6158 … kz8.th.jpg

Thanks all...this is such a bummer.
1. Admins cannot kick you from squads/commander position. No such access. It was probably some noob with commander hack that kicked you.
2. Not that i know.
3. Most likely.
+38|6818|Phila, PA

p1.topher wrote:

It's happened to me twice, but both times I was able to apply and get accepted right after. I always thought I somehow accidentally hit the resign button.....maybe someone was trying to be cute.
The same thing happened on our server today. One of the admins applied for commander, accepted it, and was resigned a few seconds later. He tried it a few times, and later some guy bacame a commander. He looked in Admin managers chat log, and saw the same guy who just became commander, bragging to someone how he used a hack to get rid of people who applied for commander, until he got the possition. You can guess what happened next....

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

The same hack that lets you spam vehicle drops without being commander also lets you resign your current commander.
+9|6668|every1 h8's Germany
probably "kanefactor" used the commhack on you so he got the gold medal for that round.
Will fly for food.
+120|6661|Daytona Beach, FL
This stuff is getting out of hand... wtf is the point of Punkbuster if can't detect crap like this?
+31|6976|St. Louis, MO
The sever may have just needed to be reset.I've had the same thing happen to me many times.It appears to be a glitch,sometimes.I've even seen it where no one could command.
+20|6718|hampshire england
i was on a german server playing 64 kubra dam and doing v well in a plane when i get admin on saying and no lie here " you are being kicked cos you've killed to many people" well what can i say
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

The same hack that lets you spam vehicle drops without being commander also lets you resign your current commander.
Yeah, I have experienced this also last week thought it was odd. Our team won like 4 rounds in a row and then the next round we were getting spanked , and I kept hearing "New commander on duty". we continued to get spanked then I looked and there was no commander but the other team did cause they had artillery. I then applied for commander and got it , then a few seconds later I was back being infantry? I thought it was a fluke and tried again only guess what ......same thing happened...I find it fishy now that other people are getting this too. I never did see anything unusual like multiple vehicle or crate drop though?
It happened to me the other day.
I was commanding/defending a post (spec ops putting C4 them commending until i found guys trying to catch my post)
I saw a try to muttiny on me but didn't succeed. then at the point screen, i wasn't the commander - not even on the same side. i lost my double point (we where winning) i felt so mad....
I got also the same thing as squad leader - realise i was no more a squad leader without hitting any special button.

Hope this shit will be fixed in 1.4

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