I'm curious: if it's so easy to "own them with the SVD" what do you care if people use the M-95? You should be on here talking it up and telling people that anyone that doesn't use it is a moron. Why on earth do you care what gun OTHER people use? You prefer the SVD. Neat. Other people prefer the m-95. That's fine too, they're just as entitled to their opinion as you are.Chuzuki wrote:
@Impaqt: Shooting out helicopter pilots is fun, I've had my fair share of it too. The only reason I'm complaining is because EVERYONE uses the M95, and I constantly own them with the SVD. It's getting too easy to kill snipers, and somehow everyone thinks because it's a bigger calibre it gets better headshots? I suppose with quantum principles it technically has a better chance to get a headshot if fired in a completely random direction, but tell that to the business end of my SVD. BTW, my stats are listed.
I've never seen any statistics on it, but does the M-95 reload slower than the M-24? If not, then why does the M-24's smaller sights make it better when you figure the M-95 has less bullet drop?
It's all a matter of preference. And as I said earlier, if it's such a bitch weapon why aren't you encouraging all the other snipers to use it?