+1,128|6682|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Whats so hard about not typing a banned word when you know its gonna kick you?
Swearing decreases the recoil on your guns.. didn't you know? its an exploit they left in to help the whiners.
bad touch

spawnofthemist wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Whats so hard about not typing a banned word when you know its gonna kick you?
Swearing decreases the recoil on your guns.. didn't you know? its an exploit they left in to help the whiners.
i guess thats why BabySpinach has so many kills
Only the simple minded are unable to adapt to simple rules.
It isn't hard to think before you type.

The places that have these rules cater for mature players OR have the rules in place to maintain a level of service to there customers, or there customers children.
15+ is an advisory not a law, people below that age can and DO play i would be blaming the parents if you really cant get over it.

Last edited by Disodium (2006-07-31 20:09:55)

+45|6688|Austin, TX
Nothing is better than killing an enemy and then watching them get warned for language immediately afterwards

I don't mind regular filters actually. The people that feel the need to cuss like sailors are usually the ones that also like to TK and/or generally piss everyone else off.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6718|Middle of nowhere
i just don't type ingame at all... go me?
+167|6659|Manitowoc, WI

stryyker wrote:

Language filters are needed, but for racial slurs only. i say fuck alot, but i cant stand it when people say "nigger, spic, sandnigger" etc.
yeah, our server has a rule against racial slurs.  i got kicked for saying "spic nigger womp chinc fag"
+50|6526|United States - Ohio
how bout get a microphone and bitch at them with your voice?? thats what i do.
+59|6554|Vancouver, Canada
They should just rate the game "M" so that little 8 year old babies that have never heard the word fuck before when they go to buy the game with their mommies their moms won't let them buy it
Platinum Star whore
+365|6718|Middle of nowhere

J3ST3R wrote:

They should just rate the game "M" so that little 8 year old babies that have never heard the word fuck before when they go to buy the game with their mommies their moms won't let them buy it
i think that would be a bad idea, that would take away players like me who don't care about cussing, but their parents do (yes, my prescence makes this game better than it would be)

J3ST3R wrote:

They should just rate the game "M" so that little 8 year old babies that have never heard the word fuck before when they go to buy the game with their mommies their moms won't let them buy it
Once again game ratings like movie ratings are an advisory, it comes down to the parents to make the decision not to let little tommy be exposed to such verbal slander.
And in most cases parents will do anything to shut there child up and make them happy so buying him that army man computer game that has little to no blood or gore but is rated 15+ isnt a big issue.

genius_man16 has the best solution, Dont talk in game if you have to swear.

You have lots of options here:
1) Dont join a server with swearing filters enabled
2) If you do join dont use common swear words
3) If you cant get your head around that then dont swear
4) If you still have problems thinking about what you type then dont type!
5) As per 1) find another server!
I agree, it's a game of realistic violence....and for you dipshits that say...the kid part comes in when you respawn after 15 seconds....who the fuck would buy a game where you die once and you can't play the game ever again....that's just plain fucking retarded.  Doom3 is more kiddy because the pure and simple fact that you're fighting monsters.......not fucking Middle Eastern people.  I end this rant on a little diddy courtesy of Jay and the wonderful writings of Kevin Smith

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Mother mother fuck. Mother mother fuck fuck. Mother fuck mother fuck.
Noise noise noise.
1 2 1 2 3 4
Noise noise noise.
Smokin weed, smokin weed.
Doin' coke, drinkin beers.
Drinkin beers, beers beers.
Rollin' fatties, smokin blunts.
Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts.
Rollin' blunts and smokin um'
+167|6659|Manitowoc, WI
damn, j3seter, ive told you this, but you have the sickest looking sig ive ever seen +1 again

Last edited by BolvisOculus (2006-07-31 22:23:15)


topthrill05 wrote:

oneshotsnipednoobfag wrote:

This is really starting to get on my fuckin nerves. why is it that servers boot you for saying the FUCK word. Id like to know what kind of fucking kid plays bf2 who hasnt heard of the word FUCK or any other bad language. I mean seriously we are playing a game, where you kill people, and they are kicking you for swearing, death to all fags who run servers with swear filters.
It is their server. Not yours, if you can't watch your mouth then you need to grow up.

I like the servers with the settings on. Generally it gets rid of the immature kids in the server. But hey if you want to swear, get your own server.
your just one of those 50 year old players, shut the hell up you fucking bible spick
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6601|Australia, NSW
this 1 time i joined a server and got ping kicked, rejoined. and kept playing
then later in the round i typed "nice assault rifle kill" to someone, getting banned for the word "ass" cause i already had a kick
+43|6717|Dortmund, Germany
Language-Filters are the worst thing a server can have next to n00bs and ping-kickers...
C'mon, in English, Fuck is a multi-purpose word which isn't always used to describe something bad. "Fucking good" for example. The whole "Your language is inaccepable, plz keep it clean" is just plain silly! One time, I even got warned for saying that some M-95 guy sniped me out of my Heli's cockpit...
Shallow and Pedantic
+2|6712|Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I don't even bother typing in BF2, I hardly get a response. I once said to my team as the MEC in Stats at Karkand, "There's a squad on the roof of our factory" and then just watch my teammates drive off in their tanks and APCs. Then we proceed to lose.
Where's my coffee gone!?
swear in different languages!
Dead Meat

J3ST3R wrote:

They should just rate the game "M" so that little 8 year old babies that have never heard the word fuck before when they go to buy the game with their mommies their moms won't let them buy it
I guess you wouldn't be able to play it then as the "M" stands for mature. Any mature person playing a game wouldn't cuss in chat to begin with.

Everyone cusses while playing bf2 at one point or another but IRL is the way to go. It loses the whole meaning by the time you type it out... it becomes stupid and rude.

I do think some servers go a bit too far like kicking someone for saying "OMG" or "assets".

May I suggest you get xfire and have a friend leave his puter on and when you get the urge to cuss... "scroll lock+x" and cuss all you want! (you'd prolly wanna tell your friend first though!!!!)

Last edited by spacebandit72 (2006-08-01 01:08:52)

Just.. DON'T TYPE! If you type a cuss word and get kicked for it, it is your fault, and only your fault. That's like...going outside, and shooting someone, and then getting mad at laws.

What good do you do by swearing at someone over the internet? Seriously. They don't care, nobody cares. You are probally just trying to draw attention because your parents never payed attention to you.
Since day One.
You get kicked by PB because of language and using "FUCK"....this is lame...thats a thing that our server wont have D
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6605|Area 51

oneshotsnipednoobfag wrote:

fuck you heim you fuckin homosexual fag who likes the word fluffy.
At first I was with you,
Guess what, now I'm not, and now I know why they have these filters, because of retards as you that say fuck 4 times in a sentence with 5 words.

*clicks the -1 button which he can't use
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6605|Area 51

alexilaiho68 wrote:

swear in different languages!
Yeah, sometimes I just swear at them in Dutch
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6714|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Maybe its different in the UK but Ive never been booted for any swearing and I swear like I got fucking torretts. Wanka's

I was playing with a retard who TKd me twice for a jet so I told him to say fuck twice and he got banned.

Gotta love the christian servers
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6714|Houston, Texas
If you have an honest complaint about the word filter which has been put in effect by bf2cc, you can complain to them, or to wolfgamingservers who originally put up the request to have the word filter put into effect. I saw it on bf2cc's forums a LONG time ago requesting the world filter, and the minute it became a default option I boy cotted their servers. I personally can account for 3 servers not using their service, and highly recommend others to not either.

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