Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6812|Southeastern USA
the fact that no one knows anything about canada is comment enough

edit: and your bacon is shit, streak-of-lean rules!!

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-30 20:41:58)

+5|6749|New Brunswick, Canada

|AIA| DAS wrote:

cosmichippo wrote:

redhawk454 wrote:

I decided to put this post up because I am sick and tired of people from other nations putting myself and other Americans down. 1: America invented the internet, remember this the next time you feel America sux. 2: America is the home to Microsoft(ok bad example) but for most of the people who play BF2, that includes windows. 3 America bailed England and France out during WWII(plz dispute). I guess most of the other nations were fans of Adolf Hitler, he wanted complete gun control, so his subject couldn't resist, (he wasnt much different than Saddam Hussein). Oh I am sorry that was supposed to be about WMD's actually it was about human rights. Then again America entered WWII because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, what did that have to do with the Nazi's and Europe? Ok Japan and Germany And Italy were the Axis powers. Still only Japan attacked us so why did we care if some other country was being controlled against their will? Because this is America. Afghanistan held Osama Bin Ladin. Saddam Hussein was no different than Adolph Hitler. No matter what I put here, there will be but this, but that, but its. I Invite other PATRIOTIC Americans to put their 2Bits worth in here. Just because its about time we told the world WTF.
First of all, on your first point: Americans did not create the internet. Sir Timothy "Tim" John Berners-Lee, (born June 8, 1955 in London) is the inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium, which oversees its continued development.
On your second point, I don't need to bash Miscrosoft much...that's just too easy.
On your third point: George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. … akexk6.jpg
The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, and new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.
Bin Laden and Bush: FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." - The evidence against Bin Laden, promised by Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 23, 2001, has yet to be made available to the public.
Here is a detailed chart of the BushLaden Network:

America and Saddam Hussein: Saddam Hussein may well have small stocks of chemical and biological weapons in his arsenal because we know from confirmed Senate reports that Donald Rumsfeld was dispatched as Ronald Reagan’s envoy in 1983 to sell them to him. Or how about the cataclysmic Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, when Washington, fully aware that Saddam was using mustard and nerve gas against Iranian civilians, calculated that it was better to keep backing him as the lesser of two evils. US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is shown in a clip from Iraqi television shaking hands with Saddam in 1983 when he was President Ronald Reagan's special representative for the Middle East.
Shown the clip 20 years later, Rumsfeld muses: "Where did you get this video? ... Isn't that interesting? There I am."

In conclusion: your eyes to the facts. Not Mainstream Media which is controlled and monitored by your Government.
President Bush called, he doesn't like your photo and is mobilizing a small girl scout troop to come up north and take control of Canada... Be afraid, be very afraid!

In all seriousness, You shouldn't quote an 'Alex Jones' site, if you want to be taken seriously...He is clearly a nutter.
oh please..AJ is a nutter? You are so ignorant. You obviously know nothing about the man. He is your (as an American) God Sent!  Here is your so called, "nutter". … amp;Type=P
+5|6749|New Brunswick, Canada

kr@cker wrote:

the fact that no one knows anything about canada is comment enough

edit: and your bacon is shit, streak-of-lean rules!!
Only ignorant people know nothing!
Canada is the BEST country in the world!!!
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6812|Southeastern USA
tying the bank with germany is like holding mitsubishi responsible for the jap's treatment of china
We shall beat to quarters!

And lets not forget the Aussies that served in each war USA have served in. And romal (Famous Germal Tank commander) said he would have 1 battalion of Aussie diggers to 3 battalions of german troops - WWII  but as always countrys back each other all the time.  And the Japs we had conscripts stop them on kakoda trail draging 50 kg arty up massive hills!

Last edited by R3v4n (2006-07-30 20:52:02)

~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
FACT: We where not as involved WWI as we where in WWII but still pulled all of your asses out of the fire on many many occasions in Both wars and on ALL FRONTS, you people would all be speaking different languages if America did not get involved save Russia they pulled there own ass out, we continue to help all of you out in war time or not.
FACT: America rebuilt all the literally gutted country's in Europe after both the major world wars and flipped the bill for it.
FACT: It does not matter what the situation is America is there with there helping hand and bailing everybody else's ass out on a constant basis while at the expense of not taking care of some of the things that need to be taking care of here in America just to show that we are a better country and we pitch in and help when ever and where ever someone needs help.
FACT: It's funny how Americans get pegged for being very arrogant, when in fact the most BIG HEADED - MOST ARROGANT people on this forum are Europeans and there is no worse then the Brits on these forums they have the biggest head of any I have read about and there the first to say Americans are arrogant but even when proved wrong beyond a shadow of a dought they still don't STFU, I am not stereo typing I am just calling it how I and many others see it. save Bubbalo who twists, bends and manipulates information to suit his current needs, he has yet to bring any thing of any type of value to a single thread I have read him in...

Do not get into a history pissing contest with me especially when it comes to WWI, WWII, Korean War or the Vietnam War because I have extensive knowledge of all these wars from Equipment to all the major engagements. I have been studying these Wars sense I was knee high to a grasshopper so bring it on...

In Short: America flippen rocks and most of you need to get over yourself's... and yes I have to give it to you AUSSIE's you guys rock too.


Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-07-30 21:14:13)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6864|132 and Bush

Canada is just like an upstairs apartment over a great party.

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-07-30 22:06:15)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+39|6900|OREEGONE, USA

Never heard that one about canada before.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6864|132 and Bush

millhous wrote:


Never heard that one about canada before.
I think it was Robin Williams..

I think we all know what Canada is about..

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-07-30 22:18:17)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
How would America's economy be today if it hadn't helped Europe so much?  How much influence would it weild in the world today?

Pubic wrote:

How would America's economy be today if it hadn't helped Europe so much?  How much influence would it weild in the world today?
Considering we flipped the bill - I would say alot better than it is.

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6813|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

EVIL_STYX wrote:

Pubic wrote:

How would America's economy be today if it hadn't helped Europe so much?  How much influence would it weild in the world today?
Considering we flipped the bill - I would say alot better than it is.

Then you know nothing about economics. The US became the superpower directly after the war, coincidence?  You certainly wouldn't have had the petrodollar system which is the only thing stopping recession in the US at the moment.....

Oh and are you familar with the diffrenece between a loan and a grant?  You didn't put anything in to Europe that you didn't want repaying back, either financially or deal-wise.......

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-07-31 03:27:13)


redhawk454 wrote:

3 America bailed England and France out during WWII(plz dispute). I guess most of the other nations were fans of Adolf Hitler, he wanted complete gun control, so his subject couldn't resist, (he wasnt much different than Saddam Hussein). Oh I am sorry that was supposed to be about WMD's actually it was about human rights. Then again America entered WWII because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, what did that have to do with the Nazi's and Europe? Ok Japan and Germany And Italy were the Axis powers. Still only Japan attacked us so why did we care if some other country was being controlled against their will? Because this is America. Afghanistan held Osama Bin Ladin. Saddam Hussein was no different than Adolph Hitler. No matter what I put here, there will be but this, but that, but its. I Invite other PATRIOTIC Americans to put their 2Bits worth in here. Just because its about time we told the world WTF.
I am american, I love my country. But you are an idiot.

Let's start this off right:

Comparing Saddam Hussein to Adolf Hitler is like comparing someone who commited manslaughter of an infant that happened to be brain dead and a serial killer who's killed hundreds. Saddam Hussein 200,000k - Adolf Hitler on the other hand(quoting from wikipedia) 9 to 11 million. Inch high midget versus that 7 foot tall Chinese basketball player, chewing gum on the bottom of his shoe.

We caused World War II, and I'm not giving amnesty to the rest of Europe involved in World War I. You caused it too. We took Germany's land, they wanted it back. Japan on the other hand, we had a trade embargo against them. They were attacking China, which they had done over a long expanse of history and probably will again at some point and we decided hey, no more oil for you. They were huge importers then, still are. Japan says oh no we're going to run out of resources, shit lets bomb America. We enter World War II. Did we really keep our nose out of that like we said we did?

Afghanistan had Osama, Usama, or however you want to spell his name... where is he? America went after him for 9/11, gave up?

Iraq, we helped put Saddam Hussein in power because of the whole Iran thing. Oh wait that never happened, no Iran-Contra affair, no Watergate, no Bay of Pigs.

Explain Grenada? They exported too much nutmeg?

America is against collectivism but we sure as hell collectively fuck the ass of any country we see fit for whatever reason.

Iraq was a humanitarian effort, yeah right. Explain the warring nations in Africa. The Sudan for instance. The genocide that has been going on since before Iraq started and is still going on now. Does it really take a million people to die for us to do something if it holds no economic interest? Are we scared of another Somalia, or are we scared of another Iraq? Oh wait fuck them because they're black right? Let them kill each other with the white man's weapons while they trade diamonds for death while we trade blood for oil.

You don't have to be blind to be a patriot.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6813|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

cosmichippo wrote:

First of all, on your first point: Americans did not create the internet. Sir Timothy "Tim" John Berners-Lee, (born June 8, 1955 in London) is the inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium, which oversees its continued development.
You're both right....

The US did invent the internet but the World Wide Web was created by a Briton, they are two species of animal from the same family.  The monkey internet and the human web.

In its strictest definition (and originally) the internet is just a huge LAN, or WAN (wide-area network) which enables computers to communicate with each other and was intended to allow people from the same company/group/team/military to work togther.  The WWW is a system that uses this technology to upload web pages/files to servers for common access and more intended for everyone.

So, as the OP meant to point out an irony, he was wrong in that this site is on a WWW, but without the initial creation of large networking technology from the US the WWW would not have been possible (but then we could go all way down the the discoverer of electricity if we're following that route)
The Lizzard

HeimdalX wrote:

We caused World War II, and I'm not giving amnesty to the rest of Europe involved in World War I.
Perhaps a little harsh.  You failed to preven WWII:  Whilst the US pushed for lighter punishments, they could have pushed much harder, given the fact that they were the only party there in condition to continue the waging of war.
bad touch

I am a fan of America. sure we do shit wrong occasionally, but like it or not we are here to stay for some time.
The Lizzard
The question is how much.
bad touch

i dont think its right to measure patriotism through the internet.

stryyker wrote:

i dont think its right to measure patriotism through the internet.
it's only good for measuring idiocy
I like america BUT not their jackass leaders like bush whit an IQ on 30.
Look at some of his speeches and judge urself, is he normal?????
sweden FTW!!! we has no poor people no starving ppl and no wars BUT A minor stupid prime minister.
sverige äger!!!!!!
+102|6965|New York

4_Phucsache wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

mavrick 3399 wrote:

i dont think thats true  no one should have to defend there country in these forums also some of the stuff that redhawk said about WW2 is just bullshit and i think many people will be offended by it
It was Our equipment, Our Industry, Our Resources that helped WIN WW2, thats a fact. Europes Infrastructure and Natural resources and Industry were in shambles before we stepped in. It would only have been a matter of time before Hitler had everything except Russia.(who also bailed out Europe big time)
So our equipment, our resources and a full ONE QUARTER of our male population aged 15 to 35 didnt contribute??

Yes the US steps in and helps wherever required, this is a simple fact that should be commended but as a citizen of the US you should NOT EVER discount the help your allies provide.......

As an ex Australian serviceman I personally find it most irritating when Americans (and yes I am generalizing so please do not take this to mean I think all Americans do this, I know its a small but vocal group) take it upon themselves to aggrandize thier contribution whilst either belittling or ignoring the contribution that thier allies have made...I was in Timor long before the US sent peacekeepers and I was still there long after...
We were with you in WW2, we were with you in Korea, we were with you in Vietnam, Desert Storm and Gulf war 2, hell we even went with you into Afganistan......please tell me we havent given our blood, sweat and tears for no damn reason.
Christ dude the question wasnt about our allies, Sorry if i hurt your feelings, Ill remember to List EVERYONE in EVERY post from now on. My bad, BAD AMERICAN, BAD! Slaps own wrist.
+102|6965|New York

cosmichippo wrote:

redhawk454 wrote:

I decided to put this post up because I am sick and tired of people from other nations putting myself and other Americans down. 1: America invented the internet, remember this the next time you feel America sux. 2: America is the home to Microsoft(ok bad example) but for most of the people who play BF2, that includes windows. 3 America bailed England and France out during WWII(plz dispute). I guess most of the other nations were fans of Adolf Hitler, he wanted complete gun control, so his subject couldn't resist, (he wasnt much different than Saddam Hussein). Oh I am sorry that was supposed to be about WMD's actually it was about human rights. Then again America entered WWII because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, what did that have to do with the Nazi's and Europe? Ok Japan and Germany And Italy were the Axis powers. Still only Japan attacked us so why did we care if some other country was being controlled against their will? Because this is America. Afghanistan held Osama Bin Ladin. Saddam Hussein was no different than Adolph Hitler. No matter what I put here, there will be but this, but that, but its. I Invite other PATRIOTIC Americans to put their 2Bits worth in here. Just because its about time we told the world WTF.
First of all, on your first point: Americans did not create the internet. Sir Timothy "Tim" John Berners-Lee, (born June 8, 1955 in London) is the inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium, which oversees its continued development.
On your second point, I don't need to bash Miscrosoft much...that's just too easy.
On your third point: George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. … akexk6.jpg
The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, and new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.
Bin Laden and Bush: FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." - The evidence against Bin Laden, promised by Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 23, 2001, has yet to be made available to the public.
Here is a detailed chart of the BushLaden Network:

America and Saddam Hussein: Saddam Hussein may well have small stocks of chemical and biological weapons in his arsenal because we know from confirmed Senate reports that Donald Rumsfeld was dispatched as Ronald Reagan’s envoy in 1983 to sell them to him. Or how about the cataclysmic Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, when Washington, fully aware that Saddam was using mustard and nerve gas against Iranian civilians, calculated that it was better to keep backing him as the lesser of two evils. US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is shown in a clip from Iraqi television shaking hands with Saddam in 1983 when he was President Ronald Reagan's special representative for the Middle East.
Shown the clip 20 years later, Rumsfeld muses: "Where did you get this video? ... Isn't that interesting? There I am."

In conclusion: your eyes to the facts. Not Mainstream Media which is controlled and monitored by your Government.
n conclusion: your eyes to the facts. Not Mainstream Media which is controlled and monitored by your Government

WTF????? Are you for real? IF that were true, Mainstream media would be reporting ALL the good we have done in Iraq, instead of spreading the hate of America through its Bias hatred of the war by reporting the Negatives EVERY FUCKING MINUTE OF THE DAY! Thus Swaying the worlds opinion of us. Ted Turner has done more to Hurt America than Bush EVER could!
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6980|Riva, MD

mavrick 3399 wrote:

redhawk454 wrote:

why? because we were not there the next day? where were you? hmmmmmm?
its still funny how many millions of MY tax dollars that went there. oh im sorry the internet didnt get our planes there that fast.
yeah you did really well with New Orleans!!!!!!

no offense to anyone who was hurt by the hurricane!!!
We were too busy helping everybody else (everbody else=other countries).  We're pretty good at it but we're not THAT good at it, lol.

EVIL_STYX wrote:

FACT: America rebuilt all the literally gutted country's in Europe after both the major world wars and flipped the bill for it.
There is no disputing Americas help in both world wars swung it for the allies. But You say America footed the bill? The UK still owes the US billions in war debt. The USA wiped all the war debt from other countries to their credit. Especially France who had massive rebuilding works to carry out. The USA effectively gave them the money to do so. The UK mainland didn't get hit as hard, although every major city was left in rubble as the rest of Europe so the war debt is still there. If the US demanded it back, it could potentially ruin the UK economy. When you look at these facts along with the UK governments willingness to back the US in unjust wars when the majority of the population is against it, it all makes sense.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6813|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

JahManRed wrote:

EVIL_STYX wrote:

FACT: America rebuilt all the literally gutted country's in Europe after both the major world wars and flipped the bill for it.
There is no disputing Americas help in both world wars swung it for the allies. But You say America footed the bill? The UK still owes the US billions in war debt. The USA wiped all the war debt from other countries to their credit. Especially France who had massive rebuilding works to carry out. The USA effectively gave them the money to do so. The UK mainland didn't get hit as hard, although every major city was left in rubble as the rest of Europe so the war debt is still there. If the US demanded it back, it could potentially ruin the UK economy. When you look at these facts along with the UK governments willingness to back the US in unjust wars when the majority of the population is against it, it all makes sense.
It's OK, we'll just set it off against the money the US still owes us in unpaid taxes.........

BTW, they do demand it back and we'll owe them nothing after December this year so it's not as bad as you make out

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-07-31 06:44:26)

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