
The norm should be 'attacking uncaps is allowed' (Discuss)

I agree, attacking uncaps should usually allowed.70%70% - 263
I disagree, attacking uncaps should be frowned upon.29%29% - 111
Total: 374
Baseraping should be allowed at ALL times.

Right, I'd assumed during AL of this that the BF2s server would be of the same mind as the majority of the people here (including myself). just thought I'd login as it's the first time it's been full and say hi to you guys only to read (open mouhted with suprise and shame)

'Attacking uncaps AT ANYTIME is not allowed'

Seriously, any admins, bf2s admins, moderators, ANYONE care to change this ASAP please. Evidently most people support this sort of change (If you believe this post is too biased then please create a poll).

This non-official, SAFE ZONE rule has to stop somwhere, why not start with the most mature gaming communitys server...
you can't give negative karma anymore.  Wtf is oppsing team supposed to do when they got nothign to cap?  Are the jets supposed to go do some flying stunts while the rest of the team watches, waiting for the other one to cap one flag so that they can go cap it back.
Self Proclaimed A10 Whore
I think you should always be able to attack uncaps.  On maps like gulf of Oman, if a team has no flags, thats usually their fault, and they deserve it.  If they have some flags, then if someone is camping, they could spawn somewhere else.  Maps like wake island, I like to wait for 50 tickets to go by before I attack the carrier  so they can get to the island, or until they gain and then lose a flag, because then it shows they can't defend a flag, or everyone is on the carrier and doesn't want to cap flags.
+101|6828|Southern California

ShotYourSix wrote:

If EA had only spelled it out a bit more clearly in the manual, this whole debate would be nonexistant.  Unfortunately, they only went so far as to suggest arty strikes on enemy commander assets.  While most would agree that it was the intention of the game designers to facillitate battle in the uncaps, it is way too open to interpetation.  Damn EA for not making a clear statemement one way or the other!

I doubt EA could be coerced to take a stance one way or another at this point.
EA has taken a stance. They don't have to say "it's OK to spawncamp". They didn't put out a rule against it so it is OK.

In the new ROE you see that any variations in the basic rules must be spelled out on the server. Since no EA rules exist defining and blocking spawncamping or baseraping then they are part of the basic game design and therefore allowed. Remember those terms pre-existed BF2 but are a private creation post-release of BF2, the real deal is called Strategic Raids, ambushes and Battlefield Interdiction. EA designed BF2 to have plenty of ways and places to spawn so you didn't have to worry about ambushes.

Is there anywhere EA/Dice have said that the red circle-slash means no-go zone?

Some people think it is a way to statpad lol -  creating rules that keep you from dying is also a form of stat padding if you use that logic.  If people continue to mindlessly respawn into an ambush site and if it is the only point you have left, guess what? you lost the game!!!  Stop dying and try again next game.

How many non-camp rules can you have before your rules start creating inflated scores beyond game design?

Bottom line - last generation FPS games needed non-camp rules because they didn't have all the options BF2 has to spawn, fight and win. Please learn BF2 and stop turning it into something less. Or go play on a server with spawnfences.
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

should be allowed.... since the other team is so weak they allowed their enemies to take all flags and move on their main base...
Definetly true, if your team is that retarded and doesn't work as a team, then by all means you deserve it. Picture a war where you couldn't attack their main bases/air strips. It would be retarded, your basically asking them to take off. I've seen the wake airstrip being raped by F-35's. If you can keep a J-10 down and on the ground then you've already won. Its tactics. Look at pearl harbour, they went for the aristrips too. Which means that they actually had half a brain and knew where to attack so that they would have less threats to deal with (nothing against the u.s., not trying to make fun of that day) The idea of war is to win, at all costs. So if the opportunity opens up, then take it.

Last edited by gburndred (2006-07-27 12:24:10)

+98|6890|netherlands, sweet lake city
pffff spawncamping baseraping attacking uncaps.... all of those should be allowed....
the PPL who whine about it are also the PPl that whine about the lack of realism if you bunnyhop
I mean WtF I didn't know BF2 was about realism...

whats realism is attack the enemy's if theyre weak should I waight untill they come ???? I could sit there for hours and I want to make some fun   so I just attack capped base.... camp at there spawn and rape away...
and YES that my idea of fun
+7|6840|In a 24/7 Night Server
Base rape FTW
base rape should be allowed, if your team is so nub to be allowed to get base raped then leave the server.

Take for example wake island, you can do a number of things if your USMC and getting rapped.

Get in the AA and have a team mate get in the other one.  gg

Spawn Below the decks. gg

Dont spawn at all. gg

Sea_JayUK wrote:

Secondly, only mature points of view on this topic please, or I'll will neg karma on you!!!
I was going to respond with something more until I saw this.

Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6871|Las Vegas

OpsChief wrote:

ShotYourSix wrote:

If EA had only spelled it out a bit more clearly in the manual, this whole debate would be nonexistant.  Unfortunately, they only went so far as to suggest arty strikes on enemy commander assets.  While most would agree that it was the intention of the game designers to facillitate battle in the uncaps, it is way too open to interpetation.  Damn EA for not making a clear statemement one way or the other!

I doubt EA could be coerced to take a stance one way or another at this point.
EA has taken a stance. They don't have to say "it's OK to spawncamp". They didn't put out a rule against it so it is OK.

In the new ROE you see that any variations in the basic rules must be spelled out on the server. Since no EA rules exist defining and blocking spawncamping or baseraping then they are part of the basic game design and therefore allowed. Remember those terms pre-existed BF2 but are a private creation post-release of BF2, the real deal is called Strategic Raids, ambushes and Battlefield Interdiction. EA designed BF2 to have plenty of ways and places to spawn so you didn't have to worry about ambushes.

Is there anywhere EA/Dice have said that the red circle-slash means no-go zone?

Some people think it is a way to statpad lol -  creating rules that keep you from dying is also a form of stat padding if you use that logic.  If people continue to mindlessly respawn into an ambush site and if it is the only point you have left, guess what? you lost the game!!!  Stop dying and try again next game.

How many non-camp rules can you have before your rules start creating inflated scores beyond game design?

Bottom line - last generation FPS games needed non-camp rules because they didn't have all the options BF2 has to spawn, fight and win. Please learn BF2 and stop turning it into something less. Or go play on a server with spawnfences.
WTF are you telling this to ME for?  I've never argued for spawnfences.  In fact, if you dont mind me quoting myself I'll remind you what I said earlier in the thread:

ShotYourSix wrote:

I'm all for base raping, including when it is my own base.  That's just part of the game and the way it was meant to be played.

If you absolutely can not handle this concept, well, you can bite me as I slaughter your panzy whining ass in your own base.

Enough said.
I'm pretty sure you misconstrued what I wrote.  I was only lamenting the fact that while it seems pretty clear that EA intended attacking uncaps, that it's too bad they didnt make it clearer in the documentation.  Jesus, if you are going to argue your point, at least have the good sense to argue it with people who don't already agree with you.

Last edited by ShotYourSix (2006-07-27 14:29:51)

+13|6662|Lübeck, Germany
Baserape should generally be allowed.

Though it may really suck when you get in the situation of being raped without a real way out. Like on wake when the carrier is constantly bombed by jets and arty, the island is under fire from tanks and snipers and a chopper is doing the rest. As you all know, the USMC has no capable flags in the beginning, so when they have a weak start it can be annoying.

On the other hand: I played Karkand as USMC today and the enemy was in the uncap with two APCs and two tanks (they already stole one) when I spawned there. I died several times but in the end I managed to get rid of them (mostly on my own) and I think I had just as many kills as deaths. Okay I was a little lucky too, spawning in glad positions and the like, but I managed it.
+9|6645|Berlin, Germany
baserape shouldnt be allowed!

why: best example today, wake island, two guys raping the carrier with their J-10s - which (yeah most of u know) even if u are able to take off with the F-35 still is no matchup -  not even swimming was a possibility cuz the PLA commander would spot u and youd get killed after the 20 min swim (whereafter even if u get to shore tiketloss will win for PLA anyhow)

OGdR_MadMax wrote:

baserape shouldnt be allowed!

why: best example today, wake island, two guys raping the carrier with their J-10s - which (yeah most of u know) even if u are able to take off with the F-35 still is no matchup -  not even swimming was a possibility cuz the PLA commander would spot u and youd get killed after the 20 min swim (whereafter even if u get to shore tiketloss will win for PLA anyhow)
Get in the AA and have a team mate get in the other one.  gg

Spawn Below the decks. gg

Dont spawn at all. gg
+9|6645|Berlin, Germany

JaM3z wrote:

Get in the AA and have a team mate get in the other one.  gg
our commander was sitting in it we had to tk him cuz he didnt want to get out

JaM3z wrote:

Spawn Below the decks. gg
and then? stay there? now thats fun!

JaM3z wrote:

Dont spawn at all. gg
this is even more fun! great to have bought a game to not play it - even when u for once dont get a CTD after loading...

Good arguments![/sarcasm]
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
Attacking uncaps is childish, pussyish, and for retards who can't score by doing anything else.  Yeah, attacking and raping uncaps isn't as hard as they say it is, (for those of you who always respond by saying "You just suck and don't have any skill").
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6961|Marathon, Florida Keys
if you dont like your uncap being attacked uninstall bf2 kthx
bad touch

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

if you dont like your uncap being attacked uninstall bf2 kthx
you cry too when you are getting baseraped.
+9|6645|Berlin, Germany

stryyker wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

if you dont like your uncap being attacked uninstall bf2 kthx
you cry too when you are getting baseraped.
lol - as bad as it sounds, hes probaly right about that
+40|6911|The Netherlands
DUDE i dont get it , so many ppl now say that attacking uncaps should be alowed

THEN TELL ME: why do 90% of the servers say in their own rules NO ATTACKIN UNCAPABLE BASE
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia
I am against attacking uncaps.

For example, on Wake, if I'm playing as Amercia, I nearly always have to spawn at the Carrier or the island.  Everytime I do, I'm greeted by a J-10, or a Chopper.

I've tried escaping in a boat, but of course, the boat can't outrun a J-10

I've also tried swimming there...But there's always hungry snipers sitting on the beach scoping the waters...

Tell me, what else am I supposed to do?

Attacking uncaps is only for ignorant, stat padding losers

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-07-28 03:36:59)


MorbidFetus wrote:

Sea_JayUK wrote:

Secondly, only mature points of view on this topic please, or I'll will neg karma on you!!!
I was going to respond with something more until I saw this.

LOL, you dont get it? You cant neg karma anymore... 'Will' as in by the power of my will, it's not bad english.
+13|6662|Lübeck, Germany

dhoar4 wrote:

I am against attacking uncaps.

For example, on Wake, if I'm playing as Amercia, I nearly always have to spawn at the Carrier or the island.  Everytime I do, I'm greeted by a J-10, or a Chopper.

I've tried escaping in a boat, but of course, the boat can't outrun a J-10

I've also tried swimming there...But there's always hungry snipers sitting on the beach scoping the waters...

Tell me, what else am I supposed to do?

Attacking uncaps is only for ignorant, stat padding losers
Yeah, Wake can be real fucked as USMC. But I think it's due to the imperfect level design there. Even the carrier's AA isn't that great. Destory one with a TV missle and the protection is almost gone. Perhaps more or undestroyable AA turrets would be a plus there.

On the other Maps it isn't such a problem. That's why I'm generally not against uncap attacks.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6825|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Im never lonewolf, mostly squadleader, Im 90% MEC.  I will put mines infront of all of the USA vehicles at Kubra USA uncap base and will happily go to USA UNCAP on Clean Sweep (as spec op's), blow the UAV and then rape fk out of them with their APC's.  The moaning little bastards should be grateful Ive taken some action to them because if they havent capped on the main island and there are no planes left they are in for a shit round.
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
the thing which gets me, I was kicked off a Wake server for keeping the US on the ground.

THAT should be allowed i think.

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