my inside of my comp is kinda dusty and id like to stay on top of it but i want the best way to do it as to not break stuff off my components and such. What do all you use to clean it?
Get a can of pressurized air. Unplug your PC and open the case. Spray the air on everything, repeat until clean.
Compressed air. You can get it at your local computer shop or office supply store.
compressed air would work, you can get it from an office store or computer shop
a can of it wont be TOO powerful to spray a part off the mobo or anything would it?
No. The cans of compressed air were designed specifically for what you want to do.oneshotsnipednoobfag wrote:
a can of it wont be TOO powerful to spray a part off the mobo or anything would it?
alright thanks alot guys
I doubt, but you can still get one of the staff to talk you through it. Just be careful with any fans. You dont want them to spin the wrong wayoneshotsnipednoobfag wrote:
a can of it wont be TOO powerful to spray a part off the mobo or anything would it?
use a vacuum to get those dustbunnies when you use the air - qtip to scrape the fans.
It shouldn't, considering I clean mine with a vacuum, Not the smartest choice but I'm too cheap to buy the compressed air can. But I don't use the vacuum directly on the mobo or my video card, just on everything else (Especially the vents)
does cleaning the inside of your pc increase the performance?
you can pour a bucket of water over everything and it's cheaper than compressed air. it's usually best to turn your computer off before you do it, though. you might even want to unplug it. and i usually don't plug it back in until the motherboard is pretty dry. sometimes i get my sister's hair dryer to speed that up.
your kidding right
Take a leaf blower and put the a vaccum crevice tool on the end, then blow inside the imagine how strong the resulting wind would be!
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
no way. pressurized air is a conspiracy to keep the man down. just use a bucket of water.specxops wrote:
your kidding right
take a dip in the sea with it
no I think its a good way to clean it but make sure not to send water into the power supply and on any drives.specxops wrote:
your kidding right
if you wait until its completely dry there is no problem I think.
but Ive not ever tried this and we are not responsible of hardware failures if you mess something up.
Throw it out and buy a new one. Dirty computers are just trouble. Sitting there, in the corner of the room, just waiting for the right time to exploit your sister's underpants.
Hair Dryer (cold setting)
I highly suggest you unplug it, take out the drives and power supply, and then take it into the shower with you. The ocean's no good, the salt and other lytes will corrode the mobo. A nice clean shower (no soap) will clean everything out. Then, let it dry for a couple of days.
Also, you can clean a keyboard by putting it in a clean dishwasher with no detergent, and turning off the heated dry option.
The second piece of advice is serious. I've done it. It works.
Also, you can clean a keyboard by putting it in a clean dishwasher with no detergent, and turning off the heated dry option.
The second piece of advice is serious. I've done it. It works.
ya i dont think im going to put my computer in the shower or wet it at all but one question does it increase the performance?????
compressed air is all fine and dandy but some of that dust is real clingy... make sure you atleast take your fans off and give them a good cleaning, i use a toothbrush...
and when your done use the rest of the can of compressed air to annoy ppl and kill insects....
and when your done use the rest of the can of compressed air to annoy ppl and kill insects....
no one has answered my question, does it increase the performance of ur pc?
no, but it will make it quieterspecxops wrote:
no one has answered my question, does it increase the performance of ur pc?