heh lol
even if its not true....that is funny...
ok, that is just hilarious. although, they DID forget AF in responding to that. the guy should ahve askedabout expansion or booster packs as well.
L O L - now THATS customer service!
My sides hurt, from laughing so much...
Wow. You should have asked for that man's name and sent him a thank-you for being honest card!
We all should
now thats hilarious
lol thats funny but it sounds really edited.. and no video.
Lol if that is true, which it sounds like it is, thats brilliant!
That's funny, even though BF2 isn't EAs fault.
Lol "Just Head Coach"
LOL, head coach wtf kind of a game is it anyway
You want video of a some guy on the phone dialing the EA phone support number?
the rules say not to bump your own threads.. if no one cared the first time.. they probably wont the second or third time either..
lmao, very nice dont care if its real or not.