
Nerf This, Nerf That, Add this, Remove that?

Keepin on Nerfin things13%13% - 9
STFU and Play the Damn Game86%86% - 59
Total: 68

To: Whom it may concearn
Subject: STFU

On this day 07-22-06, I have finally snapped and will procede to take up bandwith with my opionon for everybody to enjoy.  I sit here at work and just finished up reading a thread about removing artillery, the main complaint was, "I Die to much by it." Well quit spawning where all 4599 of your team mates are.  A big mass of red dots on the Commander's screen means only one thing, "Drop Artillery here!" Next I will explain how to take down a tank whore using three options.  The first option and I feel is least prefered is using the Anti-Tank Kit since the Sraw/Eryx rocket has been nerfed to point where spitwads are more effective. The second and more aggressive form of attacking said tank-whores is Jihad Jeep.  The third option is if you're a super sneaking bastard, place 3-5 C4 Sticking bombs (if they can stick to tanks/jeeps/everything, why doesn't it stick to your hand?!??) on the tank/apc and make that armored vehicle explode. Next we'll attack claywhores. I've got U.S. Military experience and i have implemented that into the game.  If you notice 29 enemies running down the same corridor every time, put a claymore there. I can think of many places to attack the Hotel spawnpoint without saying Hello to Mr Claymore, figure it out on your own time.  Next I shall attack the jet/chopper whores. Personally i think they need to land on the runway/carrier/heli pad and come to a complete stop before you can be repaired and re-armed but I didn't create the game nor am I on a Mod team. So in other words shut the fuck up about it, if you don't like it, play another map.

Attacking Uncap bases.

Lets breifly touch on that subject, Its my thought that an uncap or "main" base for the enemy was meant to be attacked. Prove me wrong if you think other wise, i'm not looking at ethics here i'm looking at the defensive positions set up on that particular location. Here is my example; Factory commonly found on a 64 Man Karkand Server. Please notice that there are 2 machine gun pits, 1 Tow missile system and a few ways in through the back door that need to be guarded by soldiers. If it wasn't meant to be attacked then why the hell did they put those nifty objects there? Oh I know why, because it was meant to be attacked.  Now what about Gas Station found on the same map? The left or Western spawn point has a tow missile sysem, and 1 machine emplacement, the Right or Eastern Spawn point has a machine gun emplacement. The rear spawn point has a machine gun emplacement as well? Call me Helga and spank my ass but as an Ex-Marine that screams it has the tools to be defended thus making it meant to be attacked. The same goes for the U.S.S. Essex, it has two CIWS (pronounced SeaWiz - Close In Weapons System) with two I guess you could call AA missile pods. The Essex has the means to defend itself which means it can be attacked.

Add This, Remove That.

If you don't work for EA or DICE or have a brother's cousin's sister's uncle's mother's cousin's former roommate at college that works for EA or DICE, shut the fuck up about adding or removing things into the game. If you are that crazed on adding the UAV with Ultra high intensity lazer beams or super smart guided missiles then join a mod team, create a mod team and make a mod with that option in it.

Indianscout and his butt bodies and the BF ROE website.

Fuck you and the computer you sit at, I will do as I please in the game i bought with my money. You aren't God and you sure as hell don't work for EA or Dice. Who the hell are you to say i can do this and can't do that? Was there an election of the mass BF2 population that put these asshats into "power?"  Last time I checked the only governing body of the game was the crew who made the damn game and got paid to make it, they have the right to say what the players can and cannot do, not some clowns that don't work for said company.


Now it boils down to, Keep up the bitching about *insert subject here* or just play the damn game?

and go

Last edited by [1FR]S3v3N (2006-07-22 06:46:32)

I think you wanted one of the BF2 forums.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6969|Wilmington, DE, US
I Am Debating Yoooooooooooooou

jonsimon wrote:

I think you wanted one of the BF2 forums.
yeah.. my bad, half awake with no coffee.
Real Хорошо
+826|6779|Adelaide, South Australia

jonsimon wrote:

I think you wanted one of the BF2 forums.
i thinks its ok here. if you tried to put this in one of the BF2 sections, there would be too many asshats that would try to derail/hijack the thread or post pics of pie. this is the only place where you can take anything posted seriously. obviously s3v3n wants an argumentative and serious reply. so, here i go:

[my rant]

Paragraph #1:
that tool who wants Artillery removed is a total idiot. he just dosent know it. he is probably doing exactly what you said in that section; spawing at Airfields/Carriers/Uncap Armour, trying to whore the place up. this brings me to my second point:

Whores. people who whore vehicles arent bad people (im not including the TK'ing kind). they dont need to stop whoring. your team just needs to be proactive about taking them out. 2 AT guys and a Medic can completely own an Armour-based attack. i dont mind doing it, but noone else will. and why not? its practically a free kill and you can just pick up another kit once your done.
Claywhores are the smartest people on the batllefield. if you could figure out a way to stop the enemy from taking an important point, wouldnt it be better to defend it WITHOUT risking yourself? thats what they do, defend points. 2 people, medics would be best, can clear a path through ANY claymore-infested alley. better yet, go another way and take a different point. if people start spamming clay's, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
Plane/Chopper whores are annoying, but if you made them land to repair/rearm, wouldnt you just get a whole lot more complainers? its never been that way in any other BF:*blah* game, i sincerely doubt it will be changed.

Uncap attacks.
i wish there was more of this! too many times have i been pushed to one point and and gotten spawnkilled and nothing was done, yet if MY team tried it, we'd get rammed by the admin or clanmember for doing it. if your team is bad enough to let itself be pushed to one point, (uncap or otherwise) then you should be raped. the other team worked hard to push you that far, and deserves the raping of your team as their prize.

I agree! if you want it so bad, DO IT YOURSELF! the only things that even warrant a mention for being in the game is the ones that were removed before the final product i.e: 107' Sniper, LCAC Hovercraft, BlackHawk w/ Rocket pods. they were removed for a reason though, and will never be put into the game without a mod. if you really, desperately want them, and cant do it yourself, ASK someone to do it for you. not that hard.

i dont know enough about these people to warrant an insulting argument, so ima stay away from anything that mentions them.

[/my rant]

whew. too much time on my hands.... need some coke....
+98|6998|netherlands, sweet lake city
what does NERF mean...... and yes im a dickhead im stupid blahblahblah oohw dont forget  n00b  but i really dont know   so tell me
before all the patch glory, the blackhawk was teh pwnage machine, then they "nerfed" the mini-guns rendering them completely useless. or decrease accuracy on a weapon, decrease damage for a weapon etc.. that is nerfing.
Real Хорошо
+826|6779|Adelaide, South Australia

ever heard of the NERF range of foam-dart-shooting toys?

well, nerf simply means to turn down the damage/effectiveness/FUN-NES of an object I.E the nadelaunchers on the Assault kits, effectively turning it into a NERF-gun. there, overly-long explanation complete.
prince of insufficient light

kn0ckahh wrote:

what does NERF mean...... and yes im a dickhead im stupid blahblahblah oohw dont forget  n00b  but i really dont know   so tell me
lmao, it means to reduce the power of something, i.e. what they did to the BH.
Laughing at your post, not that you odn't know what it is. I'm sure it was dervied from the nerf guns that shoot foam darts, as opposed to bullets.
I think we'll all be throwing nerf footballs at each other and using super soakers.... *MOD IDEA* i claim that idea and reserve all rights to it.
Real Хорошо
+826|6779|Adelaide, South Australia

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:

I think we'll all be throwing nerf footballs at each other and using super soakers.... *MOD IDEA* i claim that idea and reserve all rights to it.
I'll play that! you realise that NERF actually made waterpistol/dartgun combos at one point... ule hafta put those in

(Yes, i had nerf guns. sue me )
amen. play the fucking game.
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6935|Moscow, Russia
Hmm, this rant is so good it deserves a +1. And I'd give you +2 if I could, for bashing ROE nazis once again.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6979|Las Vegas
My reply to the same thread......perhaps a bit childish but this is how most of those people think:

ShotYourSix wrote:

YES! YES! YES!   PLEASE take away the damn artilery.  That is just killing way too many people.

And lets get rid of the weapons while we are at it.  So many damn times you get all the way across the map and then some stupid weapon kills you.  That really sucks to have to die just cause some guy shot at you. 

Vehicles. I'm really tired of getting shot or ran over by vehicles (this includes aircraft), these need to be taken out for sure.  Without vehicles there will be much more time for runing around the map and stuff and much less dying (dying is bad and besides, nobody really likes it anyway).

The flags should probably go as well.  Seems like everybody is always fighting over them and it inevitably turns into a big brawl.  People just start fighting everywhere.  If flags are causing so much mean stuff, they are more trouble than they are worth.  Ok, no more flags.  They only make the teams get mad at each other.

Also, I think we should only get points for spotting someone.  It can be like a big game of hide and seek only with cool uniforms and stuff and then if you spot someone you will get a point or a cookie (ooooh, ice cream maybe). Only maybe uniforms should be taken out too.  They are from war and war is bad (people get killed and stuff when war happens).  Just let people have civilian clothes or something like that.

I also think we could add some stuff like ice cream stands and maybe some people can be in charge of those and maybe a cool place where people could hang out together (kinda like they have in the Sims only maybe we could have some underage clubs too for the night maps). 

OK.  This will make the game much better.  Kthanks.


I was about to post something extremely similar, but I was too lazy.

I'm all for balancing when the situation arises, but I suppose it's all a matter of opinion. C4 chucking and grenade bouncing were changes I agree with, though I'm confused as to why major league frag lobbing while hopping for a bit of an extra distance is still in.

I agreed somewhat with the improvements in AA, but not with the violently-buggy spinning, jinking and heat-source-orbiting physics. And to this day, dogfighting isn't really as fun as when people actually used the guns.

I did not agree with the nerfing of Blackhawk miniguns to be inferior to mounted MG's. The situation that called for it, (i.e., Mashtuur), could have just used a helicopter change on the US side, but I guess EA was too lazy to model those medic pontoons for us. And at the same time they nerfed that minigun, the Mi-28 has been left alone to its much-more-dangerous-than-miniguns weapons array.

Vehicle drops I could care less about. I suppose it's convenient that you can give a lone player in the middle of nowhere a ride, but I hardly ever see any commander do that. Instead, they occupy themselves with dropping Vodniks on top of buildings to squash snipers. When have you ever seen that in a war flick?


[1FR wrote:

S3v3N]Next I shall attack the jet/chopper whores. Personally i think they need to land on the runway/carrier/heli pad and come to a complete stop before you can be repaired and re-armed but I didn't create the game nor am I on a Mod team.
This I do not agree with. For one, the interface in BF2 is passable, but the physics can be too buggy to properly land a jet half of the time, and taxiing can be a pain in the ass. For another, if you force this element of realism on aircraft, why aren't you sending vehicles back to a mechanic with more tools than a wrench for repair and resupply? And infantry bandaging themselves on the go, no matter how many bullets are lodged in their chest...where's your evac and hospital for them?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-07-22 21:48:20)

Steve Irwin Reincarnate


So true everything you just said. 

STFU and pay the bloody game FFS

I did not agree with the removal of jumping and shooting. I know in real life you don't see people jumping and shooting, but this is a game right? I miss C4 throwing. I also miss dolphin diving.

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I did not agree with the removal of jumping and shooting. I know in real life you don't see people jumping and shooting, but this is a game right? I miss C4 throwing. I also miss dolphin diving.
There are games more suited to theatrical combat, such as CSS and Unreal. lol
You know, it's really funny that the BF2 community is so hostile to criticism of their game. Anyone who offers suggestions or criticisms in regards to the balance or intracies of bf2 has an "anti-whiner" bandwagon trained right in on his forehead immediately, fueled by lots of preteen angst and little more then half developed mental gestures in rationality.
Food for thought: the best gaming community I've ever been in, which I will not name in fear of it becoming populated with dipshits such as yourselves, featured forums where gamers would report bugs, suggest features and point out inaccuracies in modelling, with the only bandwagons being in the name of "OMG THAT'S AN AWESOME IDEA!!!!". The gamers criticized endlessly and offered no shortage of suggestions, however inane, the developers listened, and the patches were such great leaps it was breathtaking.
Maybe you halfwits should stop crusading against imaginary "whiners who are ruining the game" and begin critiquing BF2 yourselves. BF2 has no shortage of room for improvement and your bashing of those who point out flaws does nothing but retard BF2's development.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6979|Las Vegas
Wow.  I'm speechless.

K8Kommunist wrote:

You know, it's really funny that the BF2 community is so hostile to criticism of their game. Anyone who offers suggestions or criticisms in regards to the balance or intracies of bf2 has an "anti-whiner" bandwagon trained right in on his forehead immediately, fueled by lots of preteen angst and little more then half developed mental gestures in rationality.
Food for thought: the best gaming community I've ever been in, which I will not name in fear of it becoming populated with dipshits such as yourselves, featured forums where gamers would report bugs, suggest features and point out inaccuracies in modelling, with the only bandwagons being in the name of "OMG THAT'S AN AWESOME IDEA!!!!". The gamers criticized endlessly and offered no shortage of suggestions, however inane, the developers listened, and the patches were such great leaps it was breathtaking.
Maybe you halfwits should stop crusading against imaginary "whiners who are ruining the game" and begin critiquing BF2 yourselves. BF2 has no shortage of room for improvement and your bashing of those who point out flaws does nothing but retard BF2's development.
Sounds an awful lot like EVE Online. Though I haven't played it myself, I know of its reputation through friends who do.

By far, beyond any of my beefs with BF2, my largest complaint happens to be the lack of ranked maps. I have logged over 450 hours, including over at least ten hours in each map in vanilla BF2. Wake Island was interesting when the pre-release demo for Battlefield 1942 came out, but has been dragged kicking and screaming to subsequent titles. With each turn of those well-worn roads I take, I feel more and more like I'm beating a dead horse. New material (PLA vs Vietnam's VPA in some dense, lurid jungle? China's PLAN vs Japan's JMSDF at Iwo Jima? PLA vs MEC? SEALS vs some renegade South American force? Combined teams...perhaps a new "combo" mode: USMC & SAS vs Insurgents & MEC, for visual and audio variation), or at least more ports of old material (can you say USMC vs MEC in North Africa?) are all I ask. I'm sorry, but only a small handful of maps for the price of a booster pack goes beyond my personal willingness to cater to EA's greed.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-07-22 22:40:30)

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