Ok, it sais it in the title, im not going to repeat it. Quite a few peoples stats, like mine, are,

1. medic
2. tank
3. karkand as their favorite map
4. and weapon usually assault rifle

people complain at this? im not so sure why, its a good way to earn points no?
bad touch

point, click, kills

little to no skill envolved there, and that is an undisputable fact.
-no, oneshotting a tank is luck
-alley rape is homosexual
+24|6583|GREAT Britain

James-m wrote:

people complain at this? im not so sure why, its a good way to earn points no?
replace good with "cheap" and u have ur answer. thats why people moan so much, so many moaners on bf2 theyll find anything to moan at, personally i dont care how u get ur points or what ur points are
lol, so its a pants way to play the game.... i see. lemme say this though, if i went in a map like wake or dalian plant id be lucky to get a score over 35...... which is ridiculous, i dont want to play for hours for shit points. i want good points.
bad touch

flying/choppering gets the real scores in maps that have them
+24|6583|GREAT Britain

James-m wrote:

lol, so its a pants way to play the game.... i see. lemme say this though, if i went in a map like wake or dalian plant id be lucky to get a score over 35...... which is ridiculous, i dont want to play for hours for shit points. i want good points.
so ur only playing the game for points? , i think that was the other problem the moaners have, for example here is the usual nerd comment, moaning at what u do " z0MG so many n00bz whoring points in t@nk$ on Karkand, z0mg"
im no good at that either....... theres always someone better in the air, always. im not so bad in tanks thats why i use them alot...... and people moan? i seriously dont get it. they walk infront of my abrams..... deliberatly, and punish. i hate anyone lower than a 2 stripe. they piss me off and just get in the way
ofcourse im playing it for points...........? thats the whole object of the game, to get points and earn rank..... theres no other way to play it.
+24|6583|GREAT Britain

James-m wrote:

im no good at that either....... theres always someone better in the air, always. im not so bad in tanks thats why i use them alot...... and people moan? i seriously dont get it. they walk infront of my abrams..... deliberatly, and punish. i hate anyone lower than a 2 stripe. they piss me off and just get in the way
yea, they are moaning, cus they play bf2 to moan
+24|6583|GREAT Britain

James-m wrote:

ofcourse im playing it for points...........? thats the whole object of the game, to get points and earn rank..... theres no other way to play it.
actually its really fun to play co op with ur friends and do whatever u want without some TIT telling u its against the rules, also lots of people play unranked, its not about points unless u make it about points
true, very true. can you get ranked co-op? lol, that would be so easy
+24|6583|GREAT Britain
no there isnt ranked co-op
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6590|Doncaster, UK
I think the main problem is that people feel it ruins certain maps. That the maps that they frequent the most should be free of any threat other than a infantry.

Personally I don't pretend to understand the gripe. Granted to a medic or assault or support armour is pretty invincible, but there are other kits to spawn as. Mine the entrances to Karkand, TEAM up as AT and tanks die, hide in the alleyway and stick C4 on the damn thing. Tanks are not indestructible.

Take out all the armour, planes and helis and it's not BF2.

Just my $0.02

Oh, and this topic has been extensively argued pretty much everywhere else. You might want to search for the debates to get a more *cough* rounded *cough* picture of the debate.... *cough* flame war *cough*

It's part of the game, what're ya gonna do?  I have no problem with tanks, so long as it's acknowledged, as stryyker said, it takes zero skill.  Just don't brag about how OMG awesome you are with your 1337 tank skills, or how you pwn so many nubs with your one shot splash cannon and heavy machine gun...and it's all good.  I think most people just hate tanks because Antitank is so underpowered as a kit that tanks get way more kills than even they deserve, especially when the have a supply crate nearby, or even worse, when engineers roll as a convoy in vehicles.
sorry, but i thought to make a new one, i hate starting another topic from someone elses.
i love nothing better than having all the armor on karkand..... and everyone it them are engineers.... playing falloutboy lol its gr8
Why're points so important?  Okay, so you get the 3 or 4 unlocks you actually use, and then what?  You have a better fake ranking?  Oooh, big deal...you're a higher e-rank.  Okay, so you get to be commander more...still...big goddamn whoop.  Play the game to have some good ol' team based fun, not for points.

Last edited by PCShooterNoob (2006-07-21 01:46:17)

each to their own, you play to whore points. I play to have fun. If your not enjoying playing then you will complain...

HENCE why people compain about you whoring tanks, this is because they hate you because you keep killing them.  Or because your getting a kick ass score and so in a sense your going to steal the gold medal that they wanted....

i play for kicks, i get no buzz bigger than taking out a tank thats barely insight with my rocket launcher... Thats right im the little bastard that makes your screen go "beep" "beep" when i get a lock... :-)

so i get upset if someone is stopping me from doing that. I don't really complain about it because it is normally just the fact that i'm being gunned down by a friggen G36c or a PKM.... haha

people will always complain if they aint getting there ways. If your enjoying karkand after playing nearly 200 hours on that one map.. then keep going. DON"T LET OTHERS UPSET U!!!!

Apart from the sneaky little AT guys who will always be the thorn in your side when your on the best killing streak... hehe.
i hate nothing more than that frikkin 'beep' beep' 'beep' lol arggggghhhhh i just know im dead, or unless the idiot firing at me misses then i use the main cannon on him...... snipers etc get machine gunned, special ops and Anti tank get the main cannon because theyre bastards to tanks lol
People get pissed off at tanks because they can't beat them. Nobody likes a fight that they can't possibly win, and if a tank is facing a medic the medic is going to die. They don't have a chance at all, and that's annoying.

Can't really see why people complain about medics on Karkand though. I mean, if someone has fun doing that, then what's the problem? I dunno. Crazy people.

And, uh, on a totally different note, you might want to try just playing to have fun. Forget about points, just for fun. If you don't care about your score, you'll be a lot more relaxed, and it'll be more enjoyable. At least, it is for me.
people who have "problems" with other peoples stats have problems of their own
gunnery sergeant, an honest rank.

Noop-Ni wrote:

People get pissed off at tanks because they can't beat them. Nobody likes a fight that they can't possibly win, and if a tank is facing a medic the medic is going to die. They don't have a chance at all, and that's annoying.

Can't really see why people complain about medics on Karkand though. I mean, if someone has fun doing that, then what's the problem? I dunno. Crazy people.

And, uh, on a totally different note, you might want to try just playing to have fun. Forget about points, just for fun. If you don't care about your score, you'll be a lot more relaxed, and it'll be more enjoyable. At least, it is for me.
I'd say that the reason people hate medics on Karkand is because it's easy, meaningless points while everyone else has to actually work for it.  Not only that, but I'm sure we've all had those times where the cowardly medic charges in and revives us while hiding or running away while the person who kills us just guns us down.  I remember the first few days I played Battlefield I hated medics like crazy...I never, EVER got revived when I actually wanted to be.  Medics, take note...if you can't take care of the guy whol killed someone, don't go for the revive score and get the person killed again...it's just dick.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6590|Doncaster, UK
Stats are a means to an end. Increase in stats -> increase in rank -> more toys to have fun with.

I've just ranked up to gunnery sergeant and got two new toys to play with, have fun, help the team and defend myself. Chances of me getting to my next rank, in 12000 points time, are pretty much negligible before BF2142 is released so for the foreseeable future, wh gives a crap. I'm a self confessed armour whore, but from now on it's back to infantry, gonna frequent the SF servers more and do some ground pounding.

Just have fun. If you want to rape the Karkand alleyway, do it and screw anyone who complains. If you want to medic whore in the Karkand alleyway and your team has nobody in it who can take out a tank, expect to get a shell in the face.

It's all part of the wonderful game we call BF2

James-m wrote:

Ok, it sais it in the title, im not going to repeat it. Quite a few peoples stats, like mine, are,

1. medic
2. tank
3. karkand as their favorite map
4. and weapon usually assault rifle

people complain at this? im not so sure why, its a good way to earn points no?
Going by you k/d ratio with a gun i would say your a average player like me .Your spm and k/d ratio overall is nothing to be proud of as you state you are a armour nub with lil or no skill .Learn to play other maps.I havent touched karkand in months but it still shows as my fav map which i feel shamed about.

You are missing out on the whole bf2 world ,become a teamplayer and groundpound once in a while then fellow players will have more respect for you and your stats.

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