I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6984|Denver colorado
HEY! all of these are SERVER rules they CAN do if they want. YOU CANT GET YOUR STATS RESET FOR THESE, just kicked from a server. i repeat. YOU CANT GET RESET.

YoBabysDaddy wrote:

Again,these rules your moaning about will not get you reset.Your only punishment would be a kick.Servers are just allowed to enforce them.As for Butler leaving,don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Oh no! You wont play BF2 anymore? Not even SF you say?! OMG SOMEONE PLEASE LISTEN TO HIM [/sarcasm]

SargeV1.4 wrote:

those are rules that server admins are allowed to enforce
Okay, 'nuff of the 383838...
OMG. We all luv Butler so much that we will do anything to keep him on BF2, right?!?!111one

[/more sarcasm]
+37|6710|Netherland = ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ
+41|6667|Infiltrating the Smurf Village

INCSOC wrote:

why all the hate? He just clarified the optional server rules clause according to patch 1.3...  These have been enforced on many servers for a long time now.  I don't care for them... but then i don't play on those servers.
As I understand it he is trying to make these rules global.  If I misunderstood then I take it back....I will still play SF.


Yo, We are rallying for our server EA INTERNATIONAL  The IP is
+41|6667|Infiltrating the Smurf Village

stryyker wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

stryyker wrote:

once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?
ive never had tea and crumpets seem like an allright dude which puzzles me why youd join such a group of douches but i dont care really

its personal experience actaully going around servers griefing and acting like little douches. nexar is at the top of my |top| retard list nastie ferdy and vengeance are tied for 2nd
i joined because they dont have a gay heirarchy like all other clans. And there is a huge difference between their in-game personas and the actual person may not know it but after I started focusing on recruiting through BF2S a month ago we have had more than twenty BF2S members join us.  Even those who have once hated us.

If you hate TOP and havent played with them in a squad you have NO idea who we are.  If you think we are all American you have no idea ...etc etc etc.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:


I have NEVER EVER EVER in my life of gaming ever seen fucking gestapo bfroe e-police. WHY THE F**K DO THEY NEED AN ROE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!? If something shouldnt be done, then code it out. I mean gimme a freakin break everymovement,everythrow, every jump, crouch, ballscratch had to be coded in at somepoint so if you didnt want people EXPLORING ADAPTING AND OVERCOMING then dont allow them too. Guess what would happen little petty EA/Dice/Whinning bitches, YOU would have a dickless game on your hands. No one aside from the 7-9 age group would pick it up.

I dunno about you guys but when i bought this game i had ZERO intentions on playing fair. Jihad, chopper whore, blackhawking, spawn camp fuckin rights! Watching people get cut down from "tactically" smart decisions makes me smile cause i like winning, and making babies cry..... and fun is a byproduct of winning.

ROE is for people that take the game too serisouly and cry cry at there monitors, F**K YOU EA for letting a SMALLLLLLLLLLL majority push you into doing something so utterly ridiculous.

Personally i work hard all fucking day, come home put the cat out to, try to put the wife to bed and i log on and i wanna fuck shit rules, no bitching, no holdsbarred.
Finally if EA wanted me to read an ROE which i never will they should have put in BIG BOLD LETTER ON THE FRONT OF THE GAME BOX "COMES WITH OWN LAWS---please take a minute to read this 50page book of rules." I would have thrown down 110$ elsewhere usefull, like porn or something

suck a dick indianscout
man i u!!

stryyker wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

stryyker wrote:

once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?
ive never had tea and crumpets seem like an allright dude which puzzles me why youd join such a group of douches but i dont care really

its personal experience actaully going around servers griefing and acting like little douches. nexar is at the top of my |top| retard list nastie ferdy and vengeance are tied for 2nd
...And there is a huge difference between their in-game personas and the actual person
What possible relevance does this have? It's the flipping in-game personas that other players have to deal with and from what I've seen (firsthand) that takes some beating. Tactics Over Principles my ass - Personal Enjoyment At The Expense Of Others' more like it. But PEATEOO doesn't have quite the same ring to it... I'll just call you all Peteys for short.

Oh and Butler, I'm sure there's a remedial reading class in your area that'll let you sign up. Sheesh man, if you're going to get this worked up over a game you could at least trouble yourself to read the flipping thing through.
Who is IndianScout? stryyker just sent me a msg on xfire with the IP for EA INTERNATIONAL... what's going on there tonight?

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

I dunno about you guys but when i bought this game i had ZERO intentions on playing fair. Jihad, chopper whore, blackhawking, spawn camp fuckin rights! Watching people get cut down from "tactically" smart decisions makes me smile cause i like winning...
Interesting. Why do you have such a crappy WLR then?
Part-time Owner

Kobrakai wrote:

+1 for everyone who hates IndianScout!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1, who said +1? Me is in.

hahaha.... sucker

Last edited by ednodes (2006-07-20 17:46:23)

Part-time Owner

Todd_Angelo wrote:

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

I dunno about you guys but when i bought this game i had ZERO intentions on playing fair. Jihad, chopper whore, blackhawking, spawn camp fuckin rights! Watching people get cut down from "tactically" smart decisions makes me smile cause i like winning...
Interesting. Why do you have such a crappy WLR then?
Its not how many times he wins its that he wins weather he wins alot or not isnt anything to do with WLR.
+35|6925|Phoenix, Az


Our guys here at TOP consider ourslelves part of the community since we ARE a community and twenty of us joined the opposite side.   IT WAS A ROUT.  We won ten games out of ten.  No game lasted more than five minutes.  All games that could ended with us capping them out.  One game lasted on one minute and we lost only three tickets.
I find that very hard to believe.
I think it's impossible to end a round in 1 minute.
Trust me, I've been on teams sooo stacked it hurts killing an opponent, and they sure as hell lasted over a minute.
fuck it
Oh no! Not the all binding uncrossable line which is ROE that nobody ever dares to defy!
+183|6827|A sunburnt country

KtotheIMMY wrote:

Who is IndianScout? stryyker just sent me a msg on xfire with the IP for EA INTERNATIONAL... what's going on there tonight?
TK'ing, cartillery, dolphin diving, bunny hopping, wall glitching, commanding in vehicles, jihad jeeping........
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6948|Idaho, USA / Age 30

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Oh no! You wont play BF2 anymore? Not even SF you say?! OMG SOMEONE PLEASE LISTEN TO HIM [/sarcasm]

SargeV1.4 wrote:

those are rules that server admins are allowed to enforce
Okay, 'nuff of the 383838...
Now, I am so sad that nasty ins't gonna play anymore.  How terrible.  I have one question is the world gonna end now that he is not playing it anymore??   [/sarcasm]

VspyVspy wrote:

KtotheIMMY wrote:

Who is IndianScout? stryyker just sent me a msg on xfire with the IP for EA INTERNATIONAL... what's going on there tonight?
TK'ing, cartillery, dolphin diving, bunny hopping, wall glitching, commanding in vehicles, jihad jeeping........
you forgot the all-out male orgy they're having.
Please, don't anyone show up!

tvmissleman wrote:

all who think IndianScout is the biggest motherfucker evar, quote me
Cocksucker is probably more appropriate... or tool...

Last edited by Ugaminor (2006-07-20 18:02:56)

+37|6792|Chicago, Il
For folks that dotn bother reading the thread or actually find out what the hell indianscout >Thinks< hes talking about

Impaqt wrote:

Folks....   As I just stated above..  these are NOT globaly enforceable rules..  These are the same examples of allowable rules that have always been in the ROE....  Private servers can implement theses rules (If they dont want anyone to play ont heir server) if they so choose...  If the servers you play on dont have these [dumb] rules then you ahve nothing to worry about.....

IndianScout seems to be some sort of Drama queen posting this stuff out of context......  Totally rediculous.
Indian Scout... What a tool... matter of fact the whole BFROE squad is a bunch of tools... From another post on here they cant even play the game as it is now. These guys are shaping the ROE... Maybe indian scout is pissed about the whole Reservation thing and wants to make us all pay.

Just my 2 cents.

Ugaminor wrote:

tvmissleman wrote:

all who think IndianScout is the biggest motherfucker evar, quote me
Cocksucker is probably more appropriate... or tool...
Just wanted to quote the above...
Mod Incarnate
From the ROE version 2 thread at

the new ROE wrote:

2.3.2 Allowed “In-House” Ranked Server Rules:

Server Administrators may implement and enforce rules that result in minor changes to gameplay behaviour or styles as long as these are clearly stated before a player starts playing on a server. These rules typically introduce minor restrictions on how a certain aspect of the game can be used.

Examples of such rules that are acceptable are:

(a) Players may not use explicit, offensive or racist language in-game.

(b) Players may not impersonate clan members or other server administrators.

(c) Players may not deliberately performing actions that hinder their own team (such as last-minute team-swapping to increase scores or statistics, excessive team-killing, destroying friendly vehicles, attacking team-mates,

deliberately placing themselves in a situation so they cause another player to team-kill them, using a vehicle while being the Commander that prevents them from performing any Commander functions (jet, etc.) or placing vehicles to block their own runways.

(d) Making attacks on enemy main bases (flags that cannot be captured), including artillery strikes, vehicle drops to block runways, bombing runs with aircraft or sustained infantry attacks. (Note that specific attacks targeting the enemy commander’s asset buildings are always allowed, even if they are within the enemy main base.)

(e) Using transport helicopters to quickly capture all flags with no attempt to engage the other team (flag hopping).

(f) Using C4 explosives on fast-moving vehicles to destroy other vehicles (C4-ramming)

(g) Ignoring requests from Server Administrators or abusing Server Administrators.
These new rules apply only if the server administrators enforce them. There is virtually no difference between this roe and what is already being enforced on hundreds of servers.

Quit bitching and adapt.

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