+190|6777|Home of the Escalade Herds

newb wrote:

(e) Using transport helicopters to quickly capture all flags with no attempt to engage the other team (flag hopping).
That has to be the best one. Ugh.
yet another top crybaby thread ..instead of crying about indianscout who doesnt effect your life in the least quote this guy

impaqt wrote:

folks....   As I just stated above..  these are NOT globaly enforceable rules..  These are the same examples of allowable rules that j=have always been in the ROE....  Private servers can implement theses rules (If they dont want anyone to play ont heir server) if they so choose...  If the servers you play one dont have these [dumb] rules then you ahve nothing to worry about.....
if you dont like a servers rules go elsewhere.

really what this is about is top trying to start shit about the ROE yet again because every one of these whiney crybaby bitches has been reset. that douche nexar goes around bragging that hes been reset 5 times

unfortunately none of these morons are going to actually quit ..nastie will just bitch and moan more and more and play another 3 thousand hours in a year about how tragic it was he lost his precious stats

get over it you pathetic queer

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-07-20 16:32:37)

Capt. Foley
+155|6740|Allentown, PA, USA
Im done, thats it, give me the mods. Dosent matter though cause as soon as they come out I wouldnt of played BF2 anymore anyways.
bad touch

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

yet another top crybaby thread ..instead of crying about indianscout who doesnt effect your life in the least quote this guy

impaqt wrote:

olks....   As I just stated above..  these are NOT globaly enforceable rules..  These are the same examples of allowable rules that j=have always been in the ROE....  Private servers can implement theses rules (If they dont want anyone to play ont heir server) if they so choose...  If the servers you play one dont have these [dumb] rules then you ahve nothing to worry about.....
if you dont like a servers rules go elsewhere.

really what this is about is top trying to start shit about the ROE yet again because every one of these whiney crybaby bitches has been reset. that douche nexar goes around bragging that hes been reset 5 times
once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?
I think Jihad Jeeps is a fantastic tactic
The Cereal Killer
+201|6810| United States of America
pretty soon the internet is gonna EXPLODE from the hating,bitching,and the flames

Jim_Bred wrote:

I think Jihad Jeeps is a fantastic tactic

It happens in real life. What's next? No roadside bombs?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

stryyker wrote:

once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?
ive never had tea and crumpets with seem like an allright dude which puzzles me why youd join such a group of douches but i dont care really

its personal experience actaully going around servers griefing and acting like little douches. nexar is at the top of my |top| retard list nastie ferdy and vengeance are tied for 2nd

*edit forgot another high caliber douchebag

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-07-20 16:35:50)

EA patches C4 throwing and tell ppl NOt to use jeeps to take out these tank whores. U have to walk up to the tank place 2 C4's go far away and blow it up, som1 is gonna try shoot u and the tank will notice so he turns tou and kills u, Jeeps work for taking out tanks and now servers can remove that chioice for ppl
bad touch

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

stryyker wrote:

once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?
ive never had tea and crumpets seem like an allright dude which puzzles me why youd join such a group of douches but i dont care really

its personal experience actaully going around servers griefing and acting like little douches. nexar is at the top of my |top| retard list nastie ferdy and vengeance are tied for 2nd
i joined because they dont have a gay heirarchy like all other clans. And there is a huge difference between their in-game personas and the actual person

jamie_v1.1 wrote:

Can someone plz tell me what is wrong with loading a jeep with C4 and sneaking it up to a tank/apc???.  it just saves you having to run in on foot and almost certainly get spotted and killed.  how is it not a very smart tactic????
It is a good tactic, especially if you can do it with excellent delivery and sneakyness. Unfortunately, IndianScout is a cock and therefore decided to ban it.
+5|6790|Birmingham, UK
theyre idiots if they intorduce those ROE
Ak-101 Addict
Are they asking for our feedback so they can edit these before they become an official part of the ROE?

Or are these enforced as of now?
Indian scout only plays unranked servers...what the f**k does he know. And who is this arab pussy trying to talk shit??? Go blow yourself up or something.
+35|6832|let op drempels

VspyVspy wrote:

yeah, you'll be sorely missed.
back at ya.

Last edited by gameaddict (2006-07-20 16:46:00)

Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6857|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
I say we all kidnap him and stat pad on him for the hell of it.
+35|6832|let op drempels

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

EA patches C4 throwing and tell ppl NOt to use jeeps to take out these tank whores. U have to walk up to the tank place 2 C4's go far away and blow it up, som1 is gonna try shoot u and the tank will notice so he turns tou and kills u, Jeeps work for taking out tanks and now servers can remove that chioice for ppl
ah the day when c4 hopping got removed one of the saddest day in bf2.
+35|6654|Leeds, UK

Ben>You wrote:

jamie_v1.1 wrote:

Can someone plz tell me what is wrong with loading a jeep with C4 and sneaking it up to a tank/apc???.  it just saves you having to run in on foot and almost certainly get spotted and killed.  how is it not a very smart tactic????
It is a good tactic, especially if you can do it with excellent delivery and sneakyness. Unfortunately, IndianScout is a cock and therefore decided to ban it.
lol here here, read the original post from indianscout, and what other ppl have said, it looks like these ROE's are in effect now, so server admins can enforce it if they want to.  Geez, im not gonna be able to play coz ill be worrying about if im breaking any damn rule!!

this is a computer game!, why make it so damn complex with rules!????
Fantasma Parastasie

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

Indian scout only plays unranked servers...what the f**k does he know. And who is this arab pussy trying to talk shit??? Go blow yourself up or something.
Ignorant piece of shit. Argue against the ROE as much as you like, but don't.. argh f*ck it you won't understand.
+1,153|6782|Washington, DC

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

stryyker wrote:

once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?
ive never had tea and crumpets with seem like an allright dude which puzzles me why youd join such a group of douches but i dont care really

its personal experience actaully going around servers griefing and acting like little douches. nexar is at the top of my |top| retard list nastie ferdy and vengeance are tied for 2nd

*edit forgot another high caliber douchebag
You should actually play with them. I once thought they were a bunch of jerks who love to ruin the game, but after having played many rounds on their SF server and spoken with Nasty and been on their TS, they're just a group of guys who like to have fun. Even if it means ruining someone else's fun for a bit... the kidnappings were for the most part just out of requests, not personal grudges.
bad touch

i feel that arguement about this game has now reached a point of futility
+35|6654|Leeds, UK

stryyker wrote:

i feel that arguement about this game has now reached a point of futility
so true, its not like us small people can make a difference. but i can't help moaning, im only human!
I love [fiSh]
@ Nasty_Butler:

Stop whining smurf and read this:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

those are rules that server admins are allowed to enforce

executionerstyle wrote:

You should actually play with them.
i have and that coupled with thier forum antics formed my opinions of them.

stryyker wrote:

once again, why disrespect TOP? do you know any of us personally?

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

And who is this arab pussy trying to talk shit??? Go blow yourself up or something.
immtaure little douche members like this inbread moron here helped form my opinion but i wouldnt let 1 retard reflect on all of you.. but when its like 6-7 then it does.
+31|6976|St. Louis, MO
Again,these rules your moaning about will not get you reset.Your only punishment would be a kick.Servers are just allowed to enforce them.As for Butler leaving,don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

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