Aye up duck!
+440|6861|England. Stoke

Kobrakai wrote:

*Utterly Speechless*

I was all set to buy 2142 but I will never buy another EA game again and never play BF2 again if this comes into effect.
Read more of the posts above...
+632|6767|do not disturb

Oh the drama.
+122|6693|Omaha, Nebraska!
so those are optional rules right? because if thats the new ROE thats gay, why do ppl care.
Fantasma Parastasie

time for some photoshopping..
C'mon, this is more scaremongering.  Do any of you really think this crap will be formally upheld?  Anyone really think EA will wipe stats for doing a Jihad jeep or capping a flag in a BH?  It's juts a load of bollocks, trying to stir up shit.

Just play as normal and don't worry about shit like this; it'll never work

shadow18alpha wrote:

Indianscout is pathetic

rustynutz wrote:

That is fucking bull shit!

SargeV1.4 wrote:

His rules are crap

stryyker wrote:

The fact that one small group of people can think this kind of atrosity up is unbelievable.

Johnny_Quicksilver wrote:

Quoted for emphasis.
bad touch

SargeV1.4 wrote:


time for some photoshopping..
roger that.
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
Hopefully those new supposed ROE rules will never be implemented.
+1 for everyone who hates IndianScout!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantasma Parastasie

Kobrakai wrote:

shadow18alpha wrote:

Indianscout is pathetic

rustynutz wrote:

That is fucking bull shit!

SargeV1.4 wrote:

His rules are crap

stryyker wrote:

The fact that one small group of people can think this kind of atrosity up is unbelievable.

Johnny_Quicksilver wrote:

Quoted for emphasis.
I never said that.

Last edited by SargeV1.4 (2006-07-20 16:06:05)
+37|6790|Chicago, Il
These are all examples of things that are listed in teh current ROE...  under the Privately rented server section..  examples of rules that CAN be implemented.....  Not GLobal Enforceble rules......

If for some rediculous reason EA puts this into the ROE as a real rule, I hope they are planning on opening up their checkbook and refunding everyones money that plays this game....  I did NOT agree to these rules when I bought the game....  And I'm not going to.....  You cannot change the core of the game inthe middle of the game....  What if the NFL decided to make Field Goals worth 10 points at halftime???  Insane.....
Member since 1984
+113|6831|Denver, CO
why all the hate? He just clarified the optional server rules clause according to patch 1.3...  These have been enforced on many servers for a long time now.  I don't care for them... but then i don't play on those servers.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6743|Reisterstown, MD

Uncap attacks and cartillery

(d) Making attacks on enemy main bases (flags that cannot be captured), including artillery strikes, vehicle drops to block runways, bombing runs with aircraft or sustained infantry attacks. (Note that specific attacks targeting the enemy commander’s asset buildings are always allowed, even if they are within the enemy main base.)

How gay is that?  I guess all the newbie whiners finally got their way.  Waaaaaaahhh..They keep killing me in my base because I am too stupid to spawn at another flag or my team sucks and we lost all the flags...waaaahh..I need my diaper changed..waaaahh..  pitiful
Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|6865|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
so why not play as you normally play?  Even if it's against the ROE.  Let the pussies whine all they want, what are they going to do?  wipe my stats?  uh oh... not my precious fucking stats... OH NO!  If all the flags are capped for my team, and all that is left is their uncap, I"m gonna rape the shit out of it.  I'll strap c4 to a jeep and drive my happy ass right into the middle of their spawn point and blow myself up... who cares!  Play it like you want to instead of how someone tells you to.

I know they're optional rules for servers to enforce, but they're still bullshit and those tactics should be used no matter what anyone says.
Fantasma Parastasie

Needs some work, but you get the idea

Last edited by SargeV1.4 (2006-07-20 16:18:24)
+183|6825|A sunburnt country
Those rules are great, I don't understand the logic behind the transport helo rule but I think the others are fantastic. 

If you guys aren't going to play anymore, woo fuckin hoo!!!!!!!  No more TK'ing idiots, no more cartillery, no more raping uncaps, no more Commanding in jets..........................yeah, you'll be sorely missed.
Ak-101 Addict
(d) Making attacks on enemy main bases (flags that cannot be captured), including artillery strikes, vehicle drops to block runways, bombing runs with aircraft or sustained infantry attacks. (Note that specific attacks targeting the enemy commander’s asset buildings are always allowed, even if they are within the enemy main base.)
How could you determine the motive of the non-cap enterer?

(e) Using transport helicopters to quickly capture all flags with no attempt to engage the other team (flag hopping).
What if you're the last soldier on your team?  You wouldn't have a chance against the other team (infantry, armor, etc.) if you didn't have a vehicle yourself.

(f) Using C4 explosives on fast-moving vehicles to destroy other vehicles (C4-ramming)
I certainly hope this will not be enforced.  I mean, you've completely removed the ability to throw C4 onto armor and it's pretty much impossible to walk up to it without being killed.  This is the only other approach to destroying an enemy in armor (unless you can reach a chopper or jet without being team killed).

If these rules are practiced, it will make for interesting gameplay.

I have NEVER EVER EVER in my life of gaming ever seen fucking gestapo bfroe e-police. WHY THE F**K DO THEY NEED AN ROE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!? If something shouldnt be done, then code it out. I mean gimme a freakin break everymovement,everythrow, every jump, crouch, ballscratch had to be coded in at somepoint so if you didnt want people EXPLORING ADAPTING AND OVERCOMING then dont allow them too. Guess what would happen little petty EA/Dice/Whinning bitches, YOU would have a dickless game on your hands. No one aside from the 7-9 age group would pick it up.

I dunno about you guys but when i bought this game i had ZERO intentions on playing fair. Jihad, chopper whore, blackhawking, spawn camp fuckin rights! Watching people get cut down from "tactically" smart decisions makes me smile cause i like winning, and making babies cry..... and fun is a byproduct of winning.

ROE is for people that take the game too serisouly and cry cry at there monitors, F**K YOU EA for letting a SMALLLLLLLLLLL majority push you into doing something so utterly ridiculous.

Personally i work hard all fucking day, come home put the cat out to, try to put the wife to bed and i log on and i wanna fuck shit rules, no bitching, no holdsbarred.
Finally if EA wanted me to read an ROE which i never will they should have put in BIG BOLD LETTER ON THE FRONT OF THE GAME BOX "COMES WITH OWN LAWS---please take a minute to read this 50page book of rules." I would have thrown down 110$ elsewhere usefull, like porn or something

suck a dick indianscout
Indianscout = … stapo.html

Last edited by Ferdy (2006-07-20 16:21:06)

+37|6790|Chicago, Il
Folks....   As I just stated above..  these are NOT globaly enforceable rules..  These are the same examples of allowable rules that j=have always been in the ROE....  Private servers can implement theses rules (If they dont want anyone to play ont heir server) if they so choose...  If the servers you play one dont have these [dumb] rules then you ahve nothing to worry about.....

IndianScout seems to be some sort of Drama queen posting this stuff out of context......  Totally rediculous.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6810| United States of America
all who think IndianScout is the biggest motherfucker evar, quote me
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America
What sort of authority do these guys have again?
bad touch

DesertFox423 wrote:

What sort of authority do these guys have again?
the authority to get your stats wiped.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6810| United States of America
jack squat
+35|6654|Leeds, UK
Can someone plz tell me what is wrong with loading a jeep with C4 and sneaking it up to a tank/apc???.  it just saves you having to run in on foot and almost certainly get spotted and killed.  how is it not a very smart tactic????

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