Soup Boy
+32|6759|Stockholm, Sweden
Yesterday I played a round at Gulf of Oman, flying the American Jet (F-3B?) trying to bomb tanks and apcs, obviously playing as USMC.

The thing is I had one of those real shitty rounds where you can't hit squat. Or actually I did, i just hit the wrong guys; I got -27 team points! I should get a fucking gold medal for that!

Can anyone beat my -27 WR (Worst Round )?

Last edited by Snorkelfarsan (2006-07-20 05:51:30)


- 70

moral of the story; never tk me to get a chopper, i'll never let u stand up again
Soup Boy
+32|6759|Stockholm, Sweden
+783|6996|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Karkand...lay down mines at the crossing, the only place tanks could go over since we smouldered the bridge already, guess who decided to come over.

A full friendly APC

-30 points instantly....I got kicked as soon as I saw
You have been punished for team kill
You have been punished for team kill
You have been punished for team kill
You have been punished for team kill
You have been punished for team kill

Funny thing is, the driver could have driven around the mines, I had them in a pattern, so if you would spot them you could drive around, which shouldn't be hard for someone WITH A GOD DAMN FRIENDLY 3D MAP.

Love smacktards.
Quick question here ..... when you end up with those -70 or whatever pts. in a round... does it take those pts. off of your global score ?

Last edited by ALT-F4 (2006-07-20 05:55:18)

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6872|Melbourne, Australia
i was playing at a lan cafe with all these guys but we added bots in aswell for fun they were so stupid i tked them all except the medic who kept reviving an id re knife so it looked like i was statpadding on a teammember ended up with over -300 points =]
useually if i get a bunch of tk's i go to medic and pull the score back

but i have finished a few round with neagtive scores.... -5 maybe

ALT-F4 wrote:

Quick question here ..... when you get those -70 or whatever pts. in a round... does it take those pts. off of your global scre ?
indeed it does, in fact if ur really bad and lose enough points to not qualify for your current rank u get demoted, and no, ive never been demoted.
when i was on a FF on map, same as PBAsydbey's story but it was the MEC team trying to get Suburb -.-'' didnt get kicked but got many many -'s
HakLaw in the house

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

ALT-F4 wrote:

Quick question here ..... when you get those -70 or whatever pts. in a round... does it take those pts. off of your global scre ?
indeed it does, in fact if ur really bad and lose enough points to not qualify for your current rank u get demoted, and no, ive never been demoted.
no it doesnt...if you get a minus score it just counts as zero to your global
Kick His Ass!
+371|6847|Howell, Mi USA
I made it to -29 flying a jet. It seemed no matter where i bombed there was a teammate waiting. And of course EVERYBODY punished.
+20|6653|Canberra, Australia
I've never gotten any more than -24 before I got booted but it's funny today I was teamkilled repeatedly by several people one of which was on the other team (i HATE that glitch where they seem on your team) and I forgave them all (must have been in a good mood) and then the one time I did punish I felt bad because I ended up working with the guy for the next few rounds and we completely OWNED... I still feel bad now
Soup Boy
+32|6759|Stockholm, Sweden
Can anyone beat -70?
gõt ðæmôñ?
-270 .... ..... dont ask....

real tard in a server... i couldnt... handle... it....

Last edited by timeinfinite (2006-07-20 06:34:32)

Soup Boy
+32|6759|Stockholm, Sweden
wow! thats even alot more the most people have as BR! Dude! That's wack! Shit...
-129 y? i got mad at my team..we had a tk war...i won
+20|6653|Canberra, Australia

timeinfinite wrote:

-270 .... ..... dont ask....

real tard in a server... i couldnt... handle... it....
hehe I can't believe you didn't get kicked
+11|6968|California, USA

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

ALT-F4 wrote:

Quick question here ..... when you get those -70 or whatever pts. in a round... does it take those pts. off of your global scre ?
indeed it does, in fact if ur really bad and lose enough points to not qualify for your current rank u get demoted, and no, ive never been demoted.
no it doesnt...if you get a minus score it just counts as zero to your global
Then why is it if you add commander, combat, and team score together you get less than global score.
the last week...a gunner of my mi 28 ha ve this score
Total: 4
team score: -84
Kills: 44

he attacak us base for error...he made 20 tks in a few seconds...
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK

rawls wrote:

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

indeed it does, in fact if ur really bad and lose enough points to not qualify for your current rank u get demoted, and no, ive never been demoted.
no it doesnt...if you get a minus score it just counts as zero to your global
Then why is it if you add commander, combat, and team score together you get less than global score.
Re-read that, if it's less than you global score there is a +ve number of points to be accounted for, not a -ve one.
A Wolf Among Lambs
-14 from 1 claymore. An entire squad must've tought it was some sort of magic power up.
Germans did 911
+427|6834|Disaster Free Zone

rawls wrote:

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

indeed it does, in fact if ur really bad and lose enough points to not qualify for your current rank u get demoted, and no, ive never been demoted.
no it doesnt...if you get a minus score it just counts as zero to your global
Then why is it if you add commander, combat, and team score together you get less than global score.
you don't always.. eg.
As c4_he_was_famous said, you don't lose points for negative scores it just counts as a zero. The reason things don't add up is because as commander all points gained by kills/team work and your arty kills count as global kills/points (not IAR score) and the commander points you get in that round also contribute to commander score and global score. But your global score is all points earned in a round but your commander points + (kills + team work points) as commander = round score.

Just say you get 50 commander points IAR. in that round you got 20 arty kills, 4 wep kills and 4 repairs.
your stats would change as:
Combat = +48 (20 arty kills + 4 wep kills)
Team work = +4 (4 repairs)
Commander score = +50 (your commander score)
Global score = +50 (your round score) <---- notice how combat + teamwork + commander score does not equal global score.

BTW this is just my understanding/theory... If anyone has how its really worked out then id like to know

Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-07-21 01:30:37)


DrunkFace wrote:

rawls wrote:

c4_he_was_famous wrote:

no it doesnt...if you get a minus score it just counts as zero to your global
Then why is it if you add commander, combat, and team score together you get less than global score.
you don't always.. eg.
c4_he_was_famous you don't lose points for negative scores it just counts as a zero. The reason things don't add up is because as commander all points gained by kills/team work and your arty kills count as global kills/points (not IAR score) and the commander points you get in that round also contribute to commander score and global score. But your global score is all points earned in a round but your commander points + (kills + team work points) as commander = round score.

Just say you get 50 commander points IAR. in that round you got 20 arty kills, 4 wep kills and 4 repairs.
your stats would change as:
Combat = +48 (20 arty kills + 4 wep kills)
Team work = +4 (4 repairs)
Commander score = +50 (your commander score)
Global score = +50 (your round score) <---- notice how combat + teamwork + commander score does not equal global score.

BTW this is just my understanding/theory... If anyone has how its really worked out then id like to know
That is true. You also get 0 teamwork points even if at the end of the round you had -200 teamwork points . Also if  in a round you were to, revive 5 people, kill 5 people and teamkill 5 people your score would be 0 global points for the round but you would still get teamwork points because of the revives and get the combat points because the kills. Thats why with some people who have little time as commander but have a big margin when adding teamwork, combat and commander scores its because they have alot of teamkills.
you only get minus points for Tking right? cos I got minus 4 for teamkilling, worked my to minus 1 as medic (trying to get vet badge) but then at end of round I was back to minus 4 and no way did I kill anyone!!?? well annoyed. think you should not get minus points of you've been forgiven, genuine player know when its a accident...thats my view for what its worth!

if I get hit with minus points when its accident and I just get more and more due to heavy fighting I do tend to find another server cos I can't be arsed playing with thickos who can't forgive in such conditions. I only punish stupid drivers when they just drive like a muppett and kill you for no good reason.
+98|6618|Life in a vacuum sucks
something like 300

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