+45|6737|Bristol, UK
When you start shooting somebody close and your stupid gun is in single shot.

Oh god, and getting comedy lag as you dive bomb the ground.

Last edited by Delphy (2006-07-19 01:26:59)

Latter Alcoholic
I don't really have "Oh Shit" moments, but I do have "For Fuck's sake" and "Aw, man" moments lol.

The worst has to be when my clanmates are in a FAV with me and we see another one come towards us. The bastard will always hit us head on and we all die.

The other one is when you've got an M95 or L96 and you hit someone clean in the head and it does fuck all. Man, that leaves me nearly crying lol.

The last one is when my mate and I are in an attack helo, this just happened yesterday, and he managed to TV an oncoming jet. Only to discover the wreckage is going at like mach 1 and it ploughs into us.

[E.F.L]Mate [AH-1Z] JetBastard
[E.F.L]Mate is no more.
[E.F.L]Airwolf is no more.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6732|Melbourne, Australia.
Hearing the 'ting' of a nade hitting the floor right next to you...
+1|6693|San Diego
would have to be when youre  prone capping a flag and that nade drops right infront of your face or when you are turning in a jet/chopper only to see an enemy/friendly jet about a half second away from colliding straight into you for the claymores i usually just end up thinking to myself "god damn snipers those assholes" because as we all know that 95% of snipers dont know how to use their rifle so they just drop claymores at the nearest flag

Last edited by dudebrah (2006-07-19 02:02:10)

A Wolf Among Lambs
There was some horribleness on kubra where we lost both airfield and dam. I spawned to find myself staring at 3 attack choppers hovering around the flag. All of them were facing in my direction.

The worst 'Oh shit' moment that I've caused someone else: Mashtuur, I fly down a hill and slap into a packed vodnik. The vodnik overturns and explodes in seconds. Dam that was funny. Got no kills though

Last edited by EarlOfBronze (2006-07-19 02:13:16)

It's not a bug, it's a feature
+38|6780|Muenster, Germany

Tyferra wrote:

Many many times my fatalistic "Oh Shit" moments have led me to stand dead still as something kills me. When a tank spots me with no cover in sight when I'm a Sniper for example I generally just stand still and wait for the inevidable. honestly it can be quite funny though waiting until they kill you as sometimes they take ages to hit you.
I love those moments, when i'm the one in the tank. I often let the "rabbit" go, so alone in the wilderness .
In one game i just moved my cannon, if the other guy tried to escape, i think it took at about 2 1/2 minutes until i returned to fight and he could move on.
+69|6726|Fountain Valley,CA
this guy got lucky
It's not a bug, it's a feature
+38|6780|Muenster, Germany
The worst thing happened to a friend of mine.
Just saving the nOOb (>another friend), who was in the tank, from a SpecOps and an AT-guy behind him by killing this 2 guys, just to recognize the tank-cannon is moving and going to shoot him.
+69|6861|th3 unkn0wn
Carefully avoiding a mine that has been cunningly placed in the shadow of a building but unable to progress any further cos the rest of the road has been mined like hell while there are anti-tank missles flying past my rear preventing me from backing out.

And then some noob team mate decides to squeeze past me in his HUMV little realising that he's about to trigger the mine sitting just a metre away from me. Because it's hidden in the shadows he doesn't notice it and it's way too late for me to warn him cos he's not in my squad. We all know wot happens next...
More of a goddamnit moment than oh shit.......Sprinting like an asshole towards a LAW as a tank or lav pumps out round after round barely missing you, hopping on the LAW, spinning it around and firing off the rocket.........only to have it go through the fucking tank or lav........ ~sigh~
Fantasma Parastasie
When I'm solo choppering: I take a long shot, return to the pilots seat, and suddenly there's a mountain in front of my chopper and I'm .5 seconds away from hitting it.

oh yeah, once I saw a friendly spec-ops guy get his head MG'd off by a tank just before he could hit the detonater on his C4. So, when the tank looked away again, I was going to pick up his kit and blow the tank up, but there were lots of kits around. I picked up spec-ops though, so I thought I got the right one. Hit the trigger...

You were punished for a teamkill!
You were punished for a teamkill!

got the wrong kit
That 70's guy
+156|6682|Sydney, in 1978
sorry if someones already said this, i couldnt be bothered reading all 4 pages of this, but this is more of a "fucking EA/DICE" moment. You are coming first by at least 20 points absolutely pwning everyone on the map and then........yep you guessed it, THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH YOUR CONNECTION. and it has to be in caps lock just to rub it in, even though its someone elses "problem" it says that as if you dont know how to setup your internet properly, that shits me the most
Devon Dweller
+36|6739|Devon, England
Beep beep beep beep... Oh shit Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppp and then the familiour text 'You have been killed' Respawn Time:14 and the shell of you j 10 gliding through the air
you running towards something, wide open hear the noise of a turn around and there is an apache looking straight at you
Lying prone on a map sniping away at the enemy from a concealed position, no-one knows where I am.

I see a jet flying overhead, no threat to me. He then gets shot down by one of ours...

The wreckage falls down quickly onto my head killing me, never got a chance to run for it.
Latter Alcoholic
^^ lol. Exact opposite hapenned to me. Was in a chopper and got owned by an IGLA. Wreckage falls and owns the guy on the AA who was trying to run away.

That time Ijust had to say "Oh, shit!"

Then I fell about laughing my arse off.
Didnt Do it
My favourite OH SHIT moment is when you get the jump on a guy and are about to shoot him in the back Click your out of ammo and he turns around and your left standing there like a idiot
Mass Media Casualty

Coolbeano wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

Many many times my fatalistic "Oh Shit" moments have led me to stand dead still as something kills me. When a tank spots me with no cover in sight when I'm a Sniper for example I generally just stand still and wait for the inevidable. honestly it can be quite funny though waiting until they kill you as sometimes they take ages to hit you.
And then you think to yourself "Oh shit, I could've made it to cover >.<"
Yeah, that too.

Okay, new "Oh Shit" moment.
Right, so I was in one of those sandbag bunker things on Sharqi. A Vodnik came by and two guys got out. I managed to shoot one of them, but the other guy got just out of sight before I could get him too. Thinking he'd come around and come through the door to kill me, I planted a Claymore so if he tried he'd be blow up.
A few seconds after planting the mine, a team mate shot him.

So I was left marooned in this bloody bunker with no way out and feeling like a complete idiot. I managed to shoot one more guy from the bunker, but then action slowed while th MEC team took more of the back points. I was waiting ther for AGES and nothing was happening! I threw caution to the wind and saw if i could outrun my Claymore. I sprinted for the exit...

... and ran through the door... what gives?

Apparently as I was marooned, the Admin decided to turn Mine FF off, (he was a engineer and friendlies kept running over his mines.)
So I was waiting fr no reason.

[Blinking eyes thing]
when i run a bunch of people over with the hummer then get out and get my pkm ready to shoot 5 guys running around, but realize it takes forever to get that pkm out and "ready" to fire.  im dead.
When you run around a corner with a pistol and see about 10 guys with ak-101's. good times
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6743|Scarborough Yorkshire England
When you accidently tap the right mouse button instead of the left mouse button and drop a nade at your feet, with a squad following you.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6698|Doncaster, UK
When you sprint up to a bunker, deftly leap over the guy on the mounted MG, spin round, hit the mouse key and then, and only then, find out you're on single shot. OH SHIT!
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6797|Cardiff - Wales - UK
Its got to be when you spin around at the last second, and you notice that the Humvee screaming towards you is so close you can see the stubble on the drivers chin.
When You finally find a sniper who been having a feild day, go on abit of a mission, sneak to get a good shot at them, you think you've done it. You scope in on them to see them looking straight at you, waiting for you to stop, and bosh your dead!. that moment when your feeling smug and they are looking rite at you! OH SHIT!.

Another one of mine is when after a fire fight you run around a corner while reloading, only to end up face to face with a full loaded weapon!
+27|6883|Gold Coast Aussieland
I got a few here are my top 5

5. Parachuting from a Chopper or Jet into Hot Hostile teritory

4. Driving a Boat and seeing an attack chopper coming for you.

3. Driving a jeep and not realising the bridge is out until it is too late,

2. forgetting which team your on, especially when trying to capture a flag (use your imagination)

1. Seeing the J-10 Bombs flying right at you.

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