Phone Spammer
+207|6625|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Being chased by all of |TOP| with shock paddles.

Solution!!  Dropped a gernade and made myself no more.  LOL.

Last edited by BabySpinach13 (2006-07-18 20:48:03)

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
Times like this:
+72|6756|Indianapolis, IN
I have had those moments  ^^^^
prince of insufficient light
lmao, once I turned a corner to a claymore and started reading the serial number over TS.
+167|6653|Manitowoc, WI
when you are driving a ful Humvee and you see a patch of mines, you slam on the brakes but you know that the inevitable is coming.
+5|6683|yes, Canada
lolllll to all above quotes, cause it's surely happens to's midnight, i've just finish working, and you guys made me laugh...thanks for the post....
My 'OH SHIT' moment is then I cross a perfect non-battle torn road, nothing on raydar and deep within MEC lines on kirkland, only to see a TANK appear out of no where, at which point I see it in the middle of the road, and RIGHT as I get to cover the shell blasts me away... 'OHHHHHH SHIT!'

When that quirky little message, "There is a problem with your connection," is displayed while I'm in a jet or helo.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+19|6875|Toronto, Canada
I have actually yelled "OH SHIT" when playing karkand at an internet  cafe with friends We all work together in the same servers.

I am driving a tank or APC somewhere, and fire off a shell or my LAV missile at something, and as its reloading I see an enemy vodnik come tearing around the corner and head straight for me. (we all know what it has strapped on the front of it.)

"OH SHIT!!!"
+52|6789|Christchurch New Zealand

Ganko_06 wrote:

This isn't really an 'OH SHIT' moment to me but i will put C4 on tanks, run away, type 'goodbye' to all, wait a sec then detonate.  A lot of people seem to hate that.
I did the same thing when playing with some clanmates on a pub.

I put c4 on the tank then started yelling "hey fridge - look to your left" through teamspeak over and over. Fridge wasnt logged into teamspeak, so he couldnt hear me. however one of the other guys was and walked round behind me to finish me with a couple of pistol rounds.
U.S. > Iran
usually my oh shit moments consist of...

1. Ive got my rifle on single shot, shooting people at a distance, I get up and start to run, forgetting to turn my rifle back on auto, I round a corner of a building and what do ya know, guy with a pkm dropping to the ground to shoot, while I manage to get 2-3 bullets fired which all go over his head.

2.  I bail out of a chopper, jump off a building etc....slam the 9 key multiple times to utilize my nifty parachute, just to realize that "oh shit", parchute didnt register, I slam into the ground

3. And of course...turning a corner just to see the barrel of a tank pointed at your forhead.
my penis itches
+18|6567|Columbus, OH
when im running around and decide to stop in place, and happen to turn in the direction of a sniper with his crosshairs on my face, and realize, my health is down, and he is looking at me, and i cant shoot him in time so i think "maybe if i dont move, he wont (POW)  *DEAD*"
+6|6538|Florida, USA
Set up in what you believe to be a decent Sniping position when all of a sudden your scope is filled with a Grenade laying in front of you.
well my OH SHIT moment was when i turned the around a corner on sharqi and saw to full squads all going prone.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6864|Denver colorado
okay, heres the story.

i had low low hp. 1 or 2 bars of it, and somebody threw a grenade 1 foot infront of me. because it was an "oh shit" moment i just jumped and put my face as close to the nade as i could. BANG!

lol, it was one of those moments you always will remember.
+30|6676|Puyallup, WA
When Im drivin a full humvee, turn a corner and theres a tank right there. Or when you see moose_rider turn the corner
+136|6543|Minnesota eh
when u running away from a tank and u hide in a corner and they find u . They just poin the barrle at u and wait a sec before they fire.
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll
Hearing the sound of a jet and looking on the mini map realizing its not yours
There would be a say either turning round the corner at the warlord palace and finding an apc and two tanks steaming towards you....i went and got a beer i didnt wanna see what happened.....that and the oh shit theres a mine and im going full speed feeling......sigh
I've jumped off the top of the crane on Kubra dam. Parachuted down as a sniper. Landed.

Turned around and saw an empty T-90.

I was like sweet!

Then some guy from the other team gets in it.

Oh..... shit.
+136|6543|Minnesota eh
another is coming around the corner and seeing 2 or moer PKM peeps prone shooting at u
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll
Ohh your fucked, better hope that they all see the blue name tag glitch
Wait A Minute!
+46|6582|Louisville, Ky
mine is when you are hit by the MEC retarded bombs, they slow down just enough for you to go ahead and say your last words...

+947|6546|Gold Coast
I think the worst one is when there's a large amount of people infront of you looking the other way and you go up to them, shoot, only to realise that 2 bullets came out and missed, they turn around, and you're reloading.

The many times a day I earn the famed "Weapons Malfunction Badge."

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