Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7061|Toronto, ON
I was warned on a server for using "fast seat switch exploit" in a transport...

So there was 4 guys (I think 2 support, 1 sniper, and 1 assault) and they were shooting at me while I was in my HUMVEE.  So I do the normal thing:

1) Switch to gunner and point turret at 1st target.
2) Quickly switch back to driver.
3) Switch to gunner and shoot at 1st target until dead.
4) Quickly switch back to driver.

Repeat for targets 2/3/4.  Apparently the admin wasn't too fond of that, he said I was abusing the system.

Fair enough.

Next map, Dalian Plant.  I get in a chopper and some clan member gets in with me, he is not too great even with some point blank TV shots so I kindly ask him to leave the chopper, I will solo it.  He says "fuck off, keep driving driver".

So I say "Ok" and drive to the out-of-bounds zone carefully placing him in it.

*KICKING NYTE for being a smacktard*

So my question is:
1) Quick seat switching, yes or no?
2) Killing braindead gunners, yes or no? (I don't care if you are the admin, I will gladly teamkill you if you disrespect me and/or act against the team's victory)
Alpha as fuck.
+1,128|6951|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
This one time.... at band camp....

sound familiar?

answers to your questions:

1) yes
2) yes
Moderator Emeritus
+270|7083|Nova Scotia, Canada

1) Stupid admin, I'll be sure not to go to that server anytime soon

2) I'd only do that if the guy kept getting back in over and over and he sucked, horribly
+1,128|6951|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Prodie wrote:

1) Stupid admin, I'll be sure not to go to that server anytime soon

2) I'd only do that if the guy kept getting back in over and over and he sucked, horribly
or if it was ME piloting the blackhawk..
Two assholes just make the room smell worse.

1) Stupid admin

2) He was an asshole for not hopping out, you were an asshole for putting him OB.
Will code HTML for food
1) Yes
2) Yes
+718|6830|Austin, Texas

Unless he REPEATEDLY got in with you

Then Yes.
Claymore magnet
Man i really hate people who do that shit, i get in the chopper to gun with some 4 star general, without a word, he goes out of the boundary line placing me IN IT, i say wtf are u doing and he didnt answer me, well i get killed by it and he happily flies off soloing the chopper.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7003|Howell, Mi USA
1. yes
2. no
id never tk a bad gunner, ill try to help them out but if not then i use rockets. and hope when were shot down he doesn't spawn with me. if he doesn't iv got pretty good at solo tv shots if theres noone else around. bad pilots are what get me mad, theres nothing worse than a pilot who wants to cap flags. ill spam..
enemy chopper spotted
enemy chopper spotted
hostile chopper over
enemy helicopter spotted

boom, tv'd to death then they usually beat u to the pilot seat and your screwed again.

Last edited by Cbass (18 years, 7 months ago)

Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Gunners who do not know what the hell they're doing REALLY piss me off. An easier answer is just sitting there on the helipad (if it's safe to) and eventually they'll jump out after saying "Let's move" over and over, then quickly fly off. The out of bounds zone is a last resort.
Over the line!
+70|7058|Mark it zero.
one time someone tried this while i was gunning on sharqi so he could have it to himself. (dont know why, im a pretty good gunner and showed him that) and all of a sudden the MEC chopper comes over and blows us up. so then i laughed at him for being a dumbass and i was able to get the pilot seat next spawn. yayyyy
The Mas
+311|6997|NYC, a place to live
Pardon me for being ignorant, but what is the benefit of all the seat switching? Why not point the turret at 1st target and then immediately shoot 1st target?
Kick His Ass!
+371|7003|Howell, Mi USA

san4 wrote:

Pardon me for being ignorant, but what is the benefit of all the seat switching? Why not point the turret at 1st target and then immediately shoot 1st target?
because the 1st target isn't usually the one u have to worry about. u enguage the target thats the greatest threat to u.

say u see a chopper flying over head who hasn't seen u and then a tank about to fire at u. probly should take the tank eh?
I knife Generals
+278|6846|Search Whore killing fields
depends if im feeling good. I tried soloing a 2 person plane and that turned bad fast.
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine

Cbass wrote:

san4 wrote:

Pardon me for being ignorant, but what is the benefit of all the seat switching? Why not point the turret at 1st target and then immediately shoot 1st target?
because the 1st target isn't usually the one u have to worry about. u enguage the target thats the greatest threat to u.

say u see a chopper flying over head who hasn't seen u and then a tank about to fire at u. probly should take the tank eh?
Choper for sure , tank doesnt carry TV- guided missiles .

p/s , or back to the theme of the thread :

1) yes
2) yes

Last edited by Longbow (18 years, 7 months ago)

BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6889|Melbourne, Australia.
1. Yes
2. No-Everyone has to learn how to gun somewhere

I had something this happen to me the other day. New round starts, I run over to the chopper, he got in first, he says "get out" I say "no, I'm golden" he instantly flies me to out-of-bounds and kills me. I spent the next 2 hours TK'ing him until I finally got kicked for having a negative score 3 rounds in a row. (and I'm talkin' like -35 each round) It wouldn't have pissed me off so much if he'd at least given me a chance. He just assumed I sucked but I'm pretty good with the TV's and such. I showed him that I know how to fly jets pretty good when I want too

Last edited by King_County_Downy (18 years, 7 months ago)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

I'll address the second one first, since it's shorter.

There are steps to that sort of thing. First, try to get an admin's attention if he continues to fly with you, after asking him not to. If that doesn't work, then find another server. The ONLY time there's a reason to TK a friendly is if they've gotten into the pilot's seat of any vehicle, and then gone AFK or otherwise not move. If they're gunning, well, the chopper is still useful with the pilot's rockets, now isn't it?

Back to the first one.

It's a gray area type of thing. On one hand, it's incredibly gay that EA coded it to allow a person to switch between entire compartments of a vehicle in mere milliseconds. On the other hand, some vehicles are almost impossible to use without that ability, or are a deathtrap.

However, the constant switching to avoid being shot is simply downright... skill-less. If you can't run down one or two, hop out around the corner, and go after the others without the humvee, you need work.

King County - with some of the assholes out there, it has nothing to do with your skill. They simply want the gunner's seat empty so they're guaranteed the kills, and because when they're in it and the pilot's seat is empty, AA missiles won't lock on. Wasn't that nice of EA?

Last edited by LSDen (18 years, 7 months ago)

Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6814|Melbourne, Australia
1. Seems like a borderline exploit. But really, if you were doing that then they should have been trying to nuke the Hummer with grenades and LMG fire.

Why don't you just duck whilst in the cupola?

I do something similar though, which might be annoyance worthy. I hot-swap in the positions in the back of an APC (they are actually AFV's but who'd know besides us geeks). So while the driver can focus on hard targets, I'll rapidly jump between the positions in the back to knock-off any AT'ers or C4'ers that leap-out heroically. It's disappointing that AFV's in BF2 are mostly used as "light armour" or "Battle Taxi's"...I'm yet to see one go into closed terrain and fight with a full complement of infantry gunners (that didn't bail immediately)... I'm sure it'd rock. Likewise if I'm piloting a transport helo, and have only one gunner, I'll do figure-8's around the target area so they can blast away and then swap sides when they overheat their weapons.

2. Seems a bit extreme. Maybe explain he's bad and that you're better off on your own (although that kind of defeats any team spirit). If they DO respawn with you you might find their skills improve *very* quickly, and they'll learn to understand the "body language" of the chopper.

When I jump into an Attack Chopper (or 2-seat plane) the first thing I do is try to get the pilot (usually a Smurf) to join a squad with me so we can VOIP. If he doesn't I'll consider bailing. If he does I'll work with him however I can.


Last edited by Windrider_Melb (18 years, 7 months ago)

Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6903|Las Vegas, NV USA
1.  Could careless.  It'd be nice if attack choppers didn't have quick seat changing (for solo choppering), but they don't.
2.  No.  There's really only one reason I can see this being ok, in my opinion.  That is if your gunner is intentionally TK'ing teammates.  Beyond that, you're just being an asshole.
Stop reading this and look at my post
1) Totally acceptable. Thats what jeeps are for.
2) Comepletely unacceptable.
act against the team's victory
The teams victory? I'm surprised vets like Nyte still think the point of the game is to win the round. What reward do you get for winning? The aim of the game is to have fun/score points. Now, how would any pilots get good at choppering if the gunners TKed them every time? Imagine if your gunner got out and tked you, Nyte.
+30|6971|The Dark Side Of The Moon

DirtyMexican wrote:

depends if im feeling good. I tried soloing a 2 person plane and that turned bad fast.
i've done that a few times also managed to get a couple of lucky kills with the Lazer guided but it aint really worth the hassel, better to use the bombs
+186|6868|The real world
1: ok cool
2: yes
2142th Whore
no...unless hes retarded then yes..
+24|6849|GREAT Britain
1. switching, yea fine, i see no problem in changing seat and back again, thats just being a sore loser complaining about it

2. kill me, yea fine. but ill kill u back constantly til i get kicked if u pull a stunt like that, respect is a two way thing :p


edit: just looking at ur helicopter stats, u actually have the cheek to do that? ur crap in the heli. stick to lame sniping

Last edited by ericcartmanisbest (18 years, 7 months ago)

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