
Windrider_Melb wrote:

Hurlin wrote:

Windrider_Melb wrote:

Windrider has been my handle since 1990; from my old BBS days.

I'm not a big FPS player; Wolfenstein, Doom, System Shock, Quake, ShogoMAD, Rainbow6...the original was my last FPS before BF2.

I used to play deathmatch Quake *so* badly that I used the handle Deadmeat. In fact that was the only other FPS I'd played multiplayer.

When I started playing BF2 the handle Windrider had gone already (to someone who still has zero points grrrr) so I added the first four letters of where I live; Windrider_Melb.

When I create a squad I use the custom name DEADMEAT because if how bad I am at FPS. Go look up my stats. Seriously. I suck. Sometimes I'll use JUSTJOINME as a squad name to get people to hop in with me.
I've been useing D3AD_M3AT sinse the early 90's wonder if your the other one people mistaken me for .....
I doubt it, I only played Quake 1 as Deadmeat and then it was only LAN games, no WAN games.

Still, if you see the squad name "Deadmeat" feel free to join me

Im from Melbourne Australia as well ..... keep an eye out for a squad called phukRweee that will be my friends and I.

And I never played Quake

Last edited by Hurlin (2006-07-17 01:52:15)

+152|6844|London (At Heart)

Well, Zephonim has been a name I have used since my Habbo Hotel days, a LONG time ago, however I have always liked this name and it has carried into most (real) games I have played.

However, "Shem" has taken over from that.

My main game is Face of Mankind, and my Characters name on that is Shem Oakwater, the name Shem / Shemski has stuck with me and is now my preference, however my secondary character on FoM is Bleak McHallow and McHallow seemed a more fitting name for BF2... so there you go.
+447|7165|Seattle, Washington, USA

Getting killed in game by "Homestar" struck me as sort of humorous. Unfortunately, Homestar was taken so I added my own twist.
mine is juat totaly uniqe
Heaps long ago i was playing need for speed and i tryed to write choclote just as a random word but it didnt fit so i shortened it.
Let me go find my post in the origional topic... (Searched but couldnt find it)

My BF2 Name Came from the N64 game Conkers Bad Fur Day, I liked to snipe, got BadSnipaDay.

Last edited by (EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay (2006-07-17 04:35:38)
Internet Poon
My brother invented mine for me because he reckons im a total e-poon
+186|6876|The real world
elmo is my only friend, the 1337 part speaks for itself
+6|6949|Valrico, FL USA
Mine started in Delta Force 2, after that I was hooked on FPS. Man I used to be amazed at the graphics and gameplay.
When I was in the Air Force (omg...18 years ago :S) I was in a support unit for an F16 fighter squadron called the "Fighting Fujins".  They had this little green and red Fujin on all the jets' tails.  My first multiplayer / online FPS was Halo...needed a clan name and Fujin was born...altered an Incredible Hulk for my avatar
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

LT.Victim wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

So, the Question Here is How did you manage to miss the search button... From other forums? Parents? Friends? army... so on..
How did you manage not to read the Yellow Italic Print? Polar Bears are colourblind? Or where you to busy looking at your "Hard Gay Variety Show"?

Look Here. … bum/94.jpg

I got mine from having a tag name as Zeo, so I put an 'N' on the end for a larf.

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-07-17 09:18:32)

The Last Black Winegum
Mmmm! Winegums
+52|6923|Lancashire, UK
Mmmmm!  Winegums!

1: Can I have a Winegum?

2: Okay..

1: Have you got a Black one?

2: Just one.  You can't have my Last Black Winegum...... have a red one instead.

Black ones are the best.
well it's my names nickname and it's what my friends call me. However, I thought having just "BeNt" wasn't special so I added a "1" after it to form "BeNt1"
I've been Rugburn for ever - fantasy football, online games, whatever, but it was taken when I got BF2, so I just added the "v2.0".  I mean, I've got to be better than them, right?  LOL!
Missing, Presumed Dead

Snakeshit - came with me from Soldier of Fortune 2 to CS:S and now to BF2.

Adapted on BF2 to have "99" on the end, to match a friends name who also has 99 on the end
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6882|Area 51
Well, after many tries

I came up with RDMC
I looked at the teams, and I noticed USMC, which stands for '' United States Marine Corps''
I figured, I'm Dutch, so we must have a marine corps as well, so RDMC it became, which stands for Royal Dutch Marine Corps, so I'm a marine corps on my own, pretty sweeet
vie - vienna airport 3-letter code (i work there) redcap - thats what i do there
Heard wrong about the name I took, was from futurama when proffesor was going to say holy zukabaruka, so somehow made it to Zukabazuka. Always free and if someone take it he's a name stealer for sure.
added [n00b] cause I'm so cool ^.^
+3|6815|Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

It started back when Battlefield 1942 came out. My brother-in-law and I would play that game for hours on end and one day we decided to enter in odd/funny names. His was NippyNineToes and mine was Below_Job (not really that funny mind you). After picking our names we played for most of the day with no problems. We ended up on one server and after about 2 minutes the admin sent a message that he did not approve of our names and had to be changed immediately. Before we had the chance to exit and change names we both got kicked.

I quickly changed 'Job' to 'Cost' and went back in to play. No thought was involved in the name I picked, was a word association thing. After that we played without incident for the remainder of the day. My brother-in-law noted that my name was pretty appropriate on the account I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to buying electronics or computer gear. I will search for the absolutely lowest price for anything then go to a retailer that has one of those '110% guarantees' for even more money off.... and so it stuck
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden
my name is pelle, and im from outer space so my nick came naturally...
+86|6859|Winterpeg, Canada
my brother's name: saajan, which means "ur friend", or "best friend". seemed kinda funny when i thought about it, u've been killed by ur friend, course i would probly be the only one who would understand it.

and my second account: Justango, some chick used to call me justango mango, for along time, and it sounded ok so i used it.
+171|6979|The Outer Circle

gazzie wrote:

Mine started back in the days of Delta Force Land Warrior such a good that was it used to be GAZZIE but because the name GAZZIE had been already taken on BF2 i added some 1337N355 to it and came up with G4ZZI3
lol, was the same for me started on DF1 with ROOSTER, but kept getting called chicken!

Then at work they started callin me jasper???? dunno why....

someone had it so i had to make it 1337... hence J45P3R...

and TPM is my squad The Phantom Menaces... nothing to do with star wars! .. the F4!
+37|6955|Chicago, Il
I was  "Sudden_Impaqt" Back int eh BBS days 20+ years ago now......  WHen I switch to PC's from Commodore 64's and AMigas I shortened it to just "Impaqt".   I am the original as Far as I know...   I've run across a couple other players that use the handle or a derivitive of.....
Back from the Dead.
My friends. And because of my Irish last name and large stature, it was just meant to be.

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