
Do you think Gay marriage should be legal

No not at all34%34% - 126
Yes they should be able to38%38% - 140
Civil unions only16%16% - 61
Not even civil unions allowed10%10% - 37
Total: 364
Dead Meat

TrollmeaT wrote:

Gays should be able to marry & get the same benefits as everyone else, your sexual preference should not determine whether or not you get to use the system put into place for everyone.
They should absolutely be able to adopt with all the same rules as everyone else, why should a child have to do without when 2 caring & nurturing people are there to raise it , there are allot of orphans.
I don't have much experience with gay males, but my roommates are 2 females partnered together and they are the sweetest, most considerate, wonderful people I know.
Does it hurt us in anyway for them to be married? NO
Does it turn children gay if brought up by gay parents? This is an individual feeling, only they will know & so what if they do?
I was homophobic when I was younger, but with time & experience I learned that they aren't to be feared, I know I'm not gay & thats good enough for me, allot of people are insecure or hateful towards it because they have natural tendencies for it whether they know it or not. It's like the kid hitting the girl he likes in school, destroying the poor girls self-esteem & never winning the girl ,just driving his goal further away.
They are people too & deserve a fair shake like everyone else and should be judged as an individual.
As far as the money they are taking for benefits , they pay taxes as well.
Good points but there could be a brother and sister that are great people. They do great things for the community and are just outstanding citizens. The only thing... they are also lovers. They want to get married. They are people too and deserve a fair shake. They pay taxes also.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but it seems supporters of gay marriage have an equally weak argument. It is largely based on your feelings. Nothing wrong with that as most debates are argued on feelings and fact.

This is all very interesting though.
Dead Meat

puckmercury wrote:

both the incest and bestiality illegalities have a basis in basic health.  Most namely incest, ask any royal family member what happens when you don't spread out the gene pool.  They rarely do, hemophilia anyone?  That's just to name one argument.  While I see where you are going with the "slippery slope" approach, I don't feel it applies here as we are speaking about rights granted a group of people rather than a specific right based upon circumstance.


spacebandit72 wrote:

There is no difference in the argument (except gays are actually people!)
Well, that's rather the point, now isn't it??
Yes my friend, I got the whole illegal part!!! Just examples.

the rusty bicycle was also just an example!

I'm done because no matter what anyone says opposing or agreeing... we cannot know what the future holds for gay people. All we have and know is what each of us feel on the subject.
I wish all the best for gay people.

What exactly is the diff between marriage and legal union other than the name? Just take the union and be done with it!!!!!!! LOL That's what I'd do if I were gay because I'm lazy!
Nobody appears to have responded to a question I raised earlier, so I'll raise it again as I'd like to hear an answer.
Marriage: Has traditionally been a religious union between a man and a woman.  Practised not just by Christians, but also by Muslims, Hindus, Pagans to name a few;
- If you reject gay marriage based on religious reasons, you must also deny heterosexual athiests the right to marry, since they are not adherents of any religion.
- If you reject gay marriage on Christian grounds then any non-Christians (eg. Hindus) will be denied the right to marry.

IF YOU REJECT GAY MARRIAGE on commonly-held religious grounds, are you prepared to deny Athiests and perhaps even non-Christians the right to marry?
I'm just that good
+156|6874|Cork, Ireland
Chuck Norris does not need a woman to bear a child. He bears it himself
Haha, this was a big issune in an ethics class I had.  In the end...there's not really an logical or reasonable argument against it that can't be shot down in all of two seconds, so I'm all for it.  It in no way affects anyone but them, so why the hell not, right?  I believe the government should legally honor it as they do any other marriage, but individual churches, of course, should have every right to decide whether or not they want to marry gay couples.
...performing headshots!
+46|6840|Hamburg / Germany

-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:

GermanLegionaire wrote:

heman6666 wrote:

maybe get married but not have a kid. then they only create another gay and he creates another gay and he craetes another gay ond so on. at last they have conquered the world amd kills all woman and only gays are allowed to live. then the human rase is gone AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
i go hang myself now
if two gay men or two lesbian women get married, do they do any harm to any third person? no, they don't so let 
them get married. what about kids without parents, do you think it is better that they get not adopted or by a homosexual couple? you don't become a gay, only because you hang around with gays. you are born gay or not, 
but every single human is created by the lord. so do you think he might love someone more than any other?
sry for bad spelling.
it IS a choice, so if you are raised by fags or dykes you might think it is normal. therefore doing harm to a third party. You bring up your "lord" which is amusing, your "lord" does not like homosexuality, so yes he does love some more than others, or else there would be no "hell".
LOL... you know that middle age is already over, do you? and when did you speak to the lord, who told you that he doesn't like  homosexuality?  so if there is the possibility "to raise someone gay" why do heterosexual couples
get homosexual children? your words are the words of someone stupid.
sry for bad spelling again.
I'm a heterosexual and I don't have any big problems with gay people getting married. I think a lot of the people on this thread who are anti-gay marriage have issues with respect to how comfortable they are with their masculinity. If they betray anything less than 'homos are bad' then maybe other people might *shock horror* think that they might be gay. Get fucking real. Gays are human beings like you and me. If you're so sensitive about your masculinity then maybe you do have some deep-seated suppressed homosexuality issues.

To the 'god says it's bad' people - good luck with that. 'god' also said that a woman who doesn't scream when she is getting raped should be stoned to death by the people of her town. The bible, especially the old testament, is hilarious.

PS If gays are 'genetically bad' then are you guys for banning marriage between people who have congenital degenerative diseases?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-16 10:33:28)

Lets deny women the vote
Many years or idiotic arguing
Women get the same rights as men

Lets treat black people as second class citizens
Many years or idiotic arguing
Full equal rights for everyone

Lets treat gay people differently from straight people
Many years or idiotic arguing
+302|6991|Salt Lake City

SFCCDailey wrote:

puckmercury wrote:

SFCCDailey wrote:

For all of you that don't have kids I can understand you supporting gay marriage. But how do I explain to my 6 yr old son why his friend from school has two dads and no mother. Kinda hard to explain and personally I don't want to. Not only that, but think about how hard it would be on a child to grow up with two same sex parrents. The child would be teased in school, religious assholes would be a huge problem and it would make having a childhood difficult and not the fun time it is supposed to be. Just my thoughts.
Life makes having a childhood difficult.  There will always be some way for your child to be mercilessly teased in school or any other point in their life.  You can't shelter them from everything, nor should you try to.  Experiencing life and all it has to offer is what grows you as an individual.  As far as being afraid to explain life choices to your child, I find that sad beyond words.
OK, I tried to be civil about this discusion but now you liberal fucks are taking things a bit far. "As far as being afraid to explain life choices to your child, I find that sad beyond words." So let me get this straight. You think I should explain the concept of homosexuality to my 6 yr old son? You've got to be the dumbest son-of-a-bitch on gods green earth. Obviously you don't have kids, otherwise you would know that explaining that your kids friend little Johnny has got two dads because his daddy's likes to suck a cock is just a fucking inappropriate thing talk about with a child.  And by the way, MR. All Wise Shit for brains, life doesn't make childhood difficult. Slack ass fucking parents and liberal cock hugging hippies like you who try to force you bullshit down everyones throat "You should know something about having something shoved down your throat" is what makes someone's childhood difficult. Did I mention what a stupid  pole smoker you are. Ok, just wanted to make sure. Next time, try talking about something you know about. Otherwise have a nice hot cup of shut-the-fuck-up!
And the right-wing Bible thumpers trying to shove their views down the throats of everyone that doesn't think the way they do is any better?
16 more years
+877|6780|South Florida
No way, read the definition, "a binding between a man and a woman"
Does matter how much joseph-ina thinks he's a woman, he aint!!

I agree, the communist hippie lovers.... Just a bunch of sheep.

SFCCDailey i'de give you karma for your republican views but it says i dont have enough posts

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2006-07-17 10:21:53)

15 more years! 15 more years!
---hates you
+1,137|7011|Hell, p.o box 666

'Flaming' (personal attacks) are not well received on these forums. {quote}
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6782|Portland, OR USA

SFCCDailey wrote:

is it me, or is he just backpeddling and contradicting himself now.  If any of that were true, why your previous animosity to this subject as what you are saying you are ok with is the very topic of the thread.  Instead you went on a rampage about how you don't want to explain reality to your child and would rather keep him in a box.  Please, dumb it down for me, Einstein.  I can't keep up with your blinding wit and lightning fast polar switches in logic.

Let them do whatever they want. As much as some people don't like it, we are not gods and we cannot force other people to do things they don't want to do.

SFCCDailey wrote:

For all of you that don't have kids I can understand you supporting gay marriage. But how do I explain to my 6 yr old son why his friend from school has two dads and no mother. Kinda hard to explain and personally I don't want to. Not only that, but think about how hard it would be on a child to grow up with two same sex parrents. The child would be teased in school, religious assholes would be a huge problem and it would make having a childhood difficult and not the fun time it is supposed to be. Just my thoughts.
I guess this is what you're referring to.  But you don't say anything about being OK with marriage or civil unions.  This post of yours makes you look like you're pretty well against it.   You don't say anything about adoption at all.  In fact, you say the only way you see how someone could agree with the idea of gay marriage or civil unions is if they don't have kids.  I have a kid and I'm OK with it.  If you've got a post on this thread where you say you're ok with gay marraige and civil unions but you're against those couples adopting you'll get a full apology from me.

Personally I don't think people that aren't capable of rational debate without spilling swear words at people that don't agree with them should be allowed to have kids either.

Last edited by Chuckles (2006-07-17 14:49:16)

6 x 9 = 42
+298|6782|Portland, OR USA

Chuckles wrote:

Personally I don't think people that aren't capable of rational debate without spilling swear words at people that don't agree with them should be allowed to breed.

See, if everyone would listen to me and enstate such rules, idiots wouldn't burden society by spawning.  I think it would make this (and other) threads, and life in general, far more tolerable.

Ya know what, SFCCDailey - I bet you watch lesbian porn.

Last edited by puckmercury (2006-07-17 14:57:00)

+3,135|6993|The Hague, Netherlands

ok people, I've deleted some post, personal/flaming are not wanted here
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6949|San Francisco
All in all, it's really quite fucking simple.

Until someone can provide information proving that making Civil Unions equal to Marriages in the eyes of the State is fundamentally wrong and will be detrimental to society without resorting to personal opinions, then they really have no say.

In toto, Gay Marriage is something to be brought up in church.  State and Congessional legislation comes into play when it deals with the recognition of same-sex civil unions as being equal to heterosexual marriages.  The State needs to leave the definition of matrimony up to the churches that give marriages their blessings, and only recognize them as Civil Unions in order to make them equal under the eyes of the law.
+190|6880|Home of the Escalade Herds

fierce wrote:

They should be able to marry, but not to be able to adopt kids.

Children need a mom and a dad, not 2 moms or 2 dads

PRiMACORD wrote:

fierce wrote:

They should be able to marry, but not to be able to adopt kids.

Children need a mom and a dad, not 2 moms or 2 dads
So then...should single parent not be allowed to have their kids because they don't have both a mom and a dad?  I mean...show me the legitimate, published, recent medical study that shows that homosexual couples are less capable at raising kids than straight ones.

Marconius wrote:

All in all, it's really quite fucking simple.

Until someone can provide information proving that making Civil Unions equal to Marriages in the eyes of the State is fundamentally wrong and will be detrimental to society without resorting to personal opinions, then they really have no say.

In toto, Gay Marriage is something to be brought up in church.  State and Congessional legislation comes into play when it deals with the recognition of same-sex civil unions as being equal to heterosexual marriages.  The State needs to leave the definition of matrimony up to the churches that give marriages their blessings, and only recognize them as Civil Unions in order to make them equal under the eyes of the law.
I couldn't agree more.  It's called separation of church and state.  Churches can basically discriminate all they want to, the government can't (shouldn't, anyway) at all.

Last edited by Chuckles (2006-07-17 15:35:24)

+190|6880|Home of the Escalade Herds

PCShooterNoob wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

fierce wrote:

They should be able to marry, but not to be able to adopt kids.

Children need a mom and a dad, not 2 moms or 2 dads
So then...should single parent not be allowed to have their kids because they don't have both a mom and a dad?  I mean...show me the legitimate, published, recent medical study that shows that homosexual couples are less capable at raising kids than straight ones.
That makes no sense.

I'm talking about adoption. Adopting a kid is very different then having your own and then getting divorced somewhere down the line.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6782|Portland, OR USA

Chuckles wrote:

It's called separation of church and state.  Churches can basically discriminate all they want to, the government can't (shouldn't, anyway) at all.
Hey, that's what I said ...

puckmercury wrote:

Chuckles wrote:

It's called separation of church and state.  Churches can basically discriminate all they want to, the government can't (shouldn't, anyway) at all.
Hey, that's what I said ...
I've always said that Puckmercury is one sharp kid.
Mod Incarnate

PRiMACORD wrote:

PCShooterNoob wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:


Children need a mom and a dad, not 2 moms or 2 dads
So then...should single parent not be allowed to have their kids because they don't have both a mom and a dad?  I mean...show me the legitimate, published, recent medical study that shows that homosexual couples are less capable at raising kids than straight ones.
That makes no sense.

I'm talking about adoption. Adopting a kid is very different then having your own and then getting divorced somewhere down the line.
It doesn't matter. I have seen no evidence that supports the notion that homosexual parents, either those who have adopted or those who have had children through other means, are any less capable than hetersexual parents. Until you can provide such evidence from a reliable source, statements like "children need a mom and a dad, not 2 moms or 2 dads" have no basis.

In fact, most evidence seems to indicate that homosexual parents produce children that are absolutely normal. I've linked this several times in this thread:
Fantasma Parastasie

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