
What do you do when you're on a team that's sucking pretty badly?

Disconnect immediately7%7% - 19
Switch sides as soon as you can25%25% - 61
Wait until the round ends, then disconnect7%7% - 19
Switch teams at the start of a new round13%13% - 33
Stay on the same team, even for the next round31%31% - 78
Go cry in a corner13%13% - 34
Total: 244
prince of insufficient light
Rack up points (more targets for me!), whine to myself, near end of round complain to my team about why they suck, continue into next round, etc. That or screw around, jihad, take out assets, find commander, steal enemy armor and sit on a runway, m95 camp the carrier, generally be an ass to the other team.
Moving Target

InnerMonkey wrote:

I'll switch to a kit I don't play much, like sniper of spec-ops, and get some practice in.
That is pretty much what I will do.  Get in some more time on kit's I don't play often and try to make a difference.  We were all crappy at one time, I try to help people be less crappy.
+51|6767|Twente, The Netherlands
Most times, I stay in the noob team and try to make something of it. If capping flags won't work, I'll play for myself and my k/d.
Applying for commander works sometimes then.
Other chances are that I'll disconnect after a round or 2 because the team stays suckage.
I wont change sides much, only when teams stay balanced if I do.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6836|Idaho, USA / Age 30
I just try to finish out the round as best as possible.   Try and fight really hard.  I try to have fun and enjoy is all.
I "fix" things
+107|6712|The Netherlands
Oh, you mean when you have a team like this?
I stayed on the same team... They got a bit better the next round.
+41|6778|200m out and smiling at you.
crying ftw
Here's a screen of one of said matches where my whole team sucked... I was just about the only one with a positive K/D ratio.

http://www.crawspace.com/ss/misc3/bf2_o … eratio.jpg

Here my team wasn't doing so bad that I couldn't enjoy myself so I finished the round and disconnected... But sometimes when I see that all the flags are going bye-bye in a hurry and there's nowhere left to spawn - or we're held back to the carrier with no chance of escape I wont hesitate to disconnect immediately.

Last edited by Crawdaddy79 (2006-07-14 14:53:23)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Teamswitching FTW
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6794|Toronto, ON

^KoB^Buckles wrote:

Nyte wrote:

I switch immediately.
what, you don't break out your uber 1337 snyper ryfle and pwn3ri53 all opposition in a single shot?
i'm surprised

or maybe you climb a crane and cry??
I would, but I don't want to make THEM cry.
Alpha as fuck.
+1,128|6684|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

polarbearz wrote:

Teamswitching FTW
Teamkilling for the tank so i can turn the game around ftw.
Nyte, if you were as good as you often like to represent there shouldn't be any reason to teamswitch.

Nessie09 wrote:

Oh, you mean when you have a team like this?
http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/8530 … 1gm.th.jpg
I stayed on the same team... They got a bit better the next round.
Oh I've got a worse one I'm sure! Lemme see if I still have the screenie, I'll post it too.

Chuckles wrote:

Nyte, if you were as good as you often like to represent there shouldn't be any reason to teamswitch.
Hey, much as I like to take potshots at Nyte meself one lone infantryman, no matter how good, can't really help a team that's full of weak players and/or noobs, enough to win that is. You sure as hell help if you kill a lot, die less, cap flags, defend them with clays etc. but not enough to pull things out of the creek if you're already sinking and you've lost the paddles.

By the way, in the original post it said, "...join up on a server and end up on a team that's losing pretty badly. We've all joined servers and ended up on the side losing by over a hundred tickets, have only one base, and comprised of mainly lower ranks." For those that haven't figured this out for themselves yet, or gotten help from more experienced players or a forum post, you never ever have to accept this if you don't want to

I try and win the round myself with my teammates as cannon fodder and it sometimes works (most often on small servers with big maps), but if all hope is lost, fuck this shit I'm going to a better server

Last edited by Defiance (2006-07-14 18:25:08)


Sit in a hiding-spot and be the last one left if my team doesn't have an uncap. Then I just wait out the APCs, tanks, J-10s, and artillery on me until I die. Meanwhile my team is calling me a noob for being the last one left.

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