Kick His Ass!
+371|6846|Howell, Mi USA

N)i(N06Blackhawk wrote:

Nyte wrote:

N)i(N06Blackhawk wrote:

you dont want to get used to macros you would forget how to play normal
I can spot normally, but I can only do it maybe 2-3 times a second.  With the macro (I have to alt-tab to activate it), I just left-click anywhere on the screen for it to activate. 

And besides... doing it manually makes my fingers tired.
Im not talking about the commander macro im talking about like prone spam and auto fire macros after a while of using them you will forget you have to keep clicking to shoot
Yea and god forbit u have to click one button when your programed skill can do it for u.

G3|Genius wrote:

I think that macros are against ROE.

Furthermore, if you spot every enemy every time, your words lose value.  If a commander says it only 3 or 4 times a game, people will pay attention.  If you spot every guy every time, we infantry just tune you out.

My recommendation is, spot the armor every single time because your own armor needs to know where that is in order to be effective, and your infantry need to know where not to go.

Don't spot every person.  If there's someone nearby who will actually see the person on the minimap, that's acceptable because it's helpful.  If you want to let your team know that someone is on gatehouse and your entire team is at hotel, the best thing to do is this:

[Commander]G3|Genius: guys there's two guys on gatehouse, one's in a vodnik and the other guy is in the house...get them out of there because we lose otherwise.

and then command the CLOSEST squad leader to defend and send out a general announcement that IF YOU DIE SPAWN GATEHOUSE AS ANTI TANK!!!!!!!!!!!

FFLink13 wrote:

"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy armor spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
is fucking annoying and--despite your amateur opinion--is counter-productive.

can i hear a WOOT WOOT
WOOT WOOT. G3 Genius explains it best.
+304|6748|New York City baby.
If you use macros to command you must be one lazy motherfucker...
I command fairly often, and can say that I think i have it down fairly well. 

Whenever I Scan or Zoom-In, I spot ANY enemy that is:

     -Near any one of my team.
     -Near any one of my flags.
     -Heading to one of my flags.
     -On top of a building/hill, and is usually a hard to find Sniper.
     -Outside of UAV range, but close to it.
     -Moving really damn fast; I.E. Plane, Transport, Heli.
     -Any Tank or APC.

If you find information about helping you stay alive and win the game annyoing, go play a different game, and don't bitch to me.

Last edited by Trel (2006-07-13 13:56:55)

Good to be back.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6883|Peoria, Illinois

Nyte wrote:

DaReJa wrote:

Its because They are Stupid and Dont Realize that Spotting it Spots it for Them.
Negative.  You are stupid for not realizing that it spots it for them only when radar scan is inactive.
When radar scan is not active and commander spots enemies randomly, you are saying that the squads can't see it on their mini-map?
bad touch

90% of all players could give a shit what you spot. i hardly ever spot, i give orders, place UAV, and ill spot the occasional sniper or tank, but most times its common sense
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6904|Toronto, ON

M1-Lightning wrote:

Nyte wrote:

DaReJa wrote:

Its because They are Stupid and Dont Realize that Spotting it Spots it for Them.
Negative.  You are stupid for not realizing that it spots it for them only when radar scan is inactive.
When radar scan is not active and commander spots enemies randomly, you are saying that the squads can't see it on their mini-map?
No, I said it "spots for them only when radar scan is inactive".
Alpha as fuck.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6814|Groningen, The Netherlands

Nyte wrote:

My question is why do people mutiny me when I do this? I am HELPING the team by spotting (I'm not spotting the entire map, I am spotting near squads or lone wolfs that are near the enemy).
I would mutiny you if you didnt, I hate commanders who dont spot enemy snipers a free game to kill everyone >_<
I wont even mutiny those sort of commanders, I'll put them up for a kick vote first
Dressed In Decay
Whenever there's a commander that spots everything no one pays attention to the red dots on the screen they all just type SHUT THE FUCK UP, so like someone else said, it's counterproductive.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6904|Toronto, ON
I guess this should just be reserved for clan matches, pubbies apparently don't possess the same amount of competitiveness.
Alpha as fuck.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Spotting is THE best thing you can do as commander.  If I see a commander who is not spotting, I know he isn't doing his job.  If anyone disagrees with what I just said, read the paragraph on smurfs thats in my sig.
bad touch

i forgot to mention i idle when i command (on Vanilla servers only however)
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6883|Peoria, Illinois

Nyte wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Negative.  You are stupid for not realizing that it spots it for them only when radar scan is inactive.
When radar scan is not active and commander spots enemies randomly, you are saying that the squads can't see it on their mini-map?
No, I said it "spots for them only when radar scan is inactive".
Gotcha, thanks.
Never fear, I is here

petethecheese wrote:

Macros. Almost cheating, isn't it?  Binding keys to do something the game wasn't designed for=change to the game mechanics=cheating.  Just my penny's worth
I use an autofire macro once in a while its fun to use. I really dont care whether or not people use them. All it is is pressing buttons faster than you normally would be able to.

Last edited by N)!(NDarkDragon (2006-07-13 14:38:23)

+9|6667|every1 h8's Germany

[TFT]Hostage wrote:

petethecheese wrote:

Macros. Almost cheating, isn't it?  Binding keys to do something the game wasn't designed for=change to the game mechanics=cheating.  Just my penny's worth
+190|6777|Home of the Escalade Herds

k30dxedle wrote:

If all they get in chat and radio is "Enemy infantry spotted" then they can't communicate. And don't give me this shit about turning radio volume down, that turns everything down. Which means you can't hear anything your team says, just because you have a commander going "ENEMY GOAT SPOTTED" 50 million times per second.

I'm not turning my voice down because some asshat commander feels like spamming every infantry unit in a given area. The sound is annoying and more importantly, distracting.
+190|6777|Home of the Escalade Herds

[TFT]Hostage wrote:

petethecheese wrote:

Macros. Almost cheating, isn't it?  Binding keys to do something the game wasn't designed for=change to the game mechanics=cheating.  Just my penny's worth
It's a type of cheating that is becoming acceptable apparently

Nyte wrote:

No, I said it "spots for them only when radar scan is inactive".
Strange because I can spot enemy whether the scan is active or not. 

N)!(NDarkDragon wrote:

I use an autofire macro once in a while its fun to use. I really dont care whether or not people use them. All it is is pressing buttons faster than you normally would be able to.
Yes, you don't care whether people use the because YOU use them.  "All it is is pressing buttons faster than you normally would be able to" is no different than "all it does is aim better than you would normally be able to" or "all it does is make you see through buildings unlike you are normally able to."  A difference in degree only; it is a slippery slope.

I remember using that thing to play Runescape, hahahahaha!
Good job Nyte. I feel a commander isn't doing his job if he isn't spotting the enemy 90% of the time. I use the mini-map constantly to look for enemy infantry and find it much easier when my commander lets me know of their location.
Phone Spammer
+207|6743|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Cbass wrote:

Macros are for pussies, is it really that hard to hit a few keys or click? C'mon people
mostly afk
+480|6702|CH/BR - in UK

N)i(N06Blackhawk wrote:

Nyte wrote:

N)i(N06Blackhawk wrote:

you dont want to get used to macros you would forget how to play normal
I can spot normally, but I can only do it maybe 2-3 times a second.  With the macro (I have to alt-tab to activate it), I just left-click anywhere on the screen for it to activate. 

And besides... doing it manually makes my fingers tired.
Im not talking about the commander macro im talking about like prone spam and auto fire macros after a while of using them you will forget you have to keep clicking to shoot
I'd love that one all the same...Burst fire guns piss me off
Whirlybird Guy
+20|6700|Windermere, GB

FFLink13 wrote:

so you dont find it annoying when all you here is:

"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy armor spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"
"enemy infantry spotted!"

it pisses me off.
Here here!

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