Well, it's that time of the year again. Deer hunting season here in the US. I was wondering what everybody thinks of hunting, morally and the such. If you have a problem with it, why? If you like to hunt, again Why?

Personally, i am leaving tomarrow to go hunting for 11 days down in Central Georgia.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
i got a few guns and go hunting heaps hear in aus.
we can go all year round, although deer is best and biggest around easter time here.
im lucky as canberra is surrounded by bush and have a few mates with good propertys within 30 mins of my house!!
the main thing we shoot though is roos (kangaroos) as they are everywhere and are a pain in the arse for farmers.
and to dispell any rumors about them they are not the nice animal everyone might think.
they growl at you like blood hungry pitbulls and can grab you with there arms and split your guts open with there claw on the legs (iv seen one do it to a dog)
but we also do alot of pig hunting for wild bores and sows, not that many round canberra but a few hrs drive away there is plenty in western N.S.W.
its comming into summer here in aus and we have daylight saving so its great time for shooting in the arvo's.

Last edited by the_heart_attack (2005-11-17 21:41:59)

Hunting unendangered animals is good. Rekindling the old archaic spirits, haha.

Last edited by Kniero (2005-11-17 21:56:22)

Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
I love hunting, im leaving for the deer lease for 3 days tomorrow, then off home fro turkey day until school starts again in a little over a week.  I think hutning is a great thing.  Hunters have a greater appreciation of the outdoors and the environment, than the average person I would say.  Most hunters also understand the importance of regulating populations of wildlife to prevent over population and resulting starvation.  Its also great quality meat, far better than anything you can buy at the grocery store.  The list goes on, it's jsut a very good thing.  People say that some hunters just enjoy killing and do it for the thrill and there's no reason to hunt anymore.  I'd just point out that those kinds og hunters account for less than 1% of outdoorsmen, and as for people that say its not neccessary anymore, well, perhaps not to put food on the table, but as a population control and way to raise money for conservation, its a great thing.

Last edited by redfoxster (2005-11-17 21:43:55)

Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

the_heart_attack wrote:

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
i got a few guns and go hunting heaps hear in aus.
we can go all year round, although deer is best and biggest around easter time here.
im lucky as canberra is surrounded by bush and have a few mates with good propertys within 30 mins of my house!!
the main thing we shoot though is roos (kangaroos) as they are everywhere and are a pain in the arse for farmers.
and to dispell any rumors about them they are not the nice animal everyone might think.
they growl at you like blood hungry pitbulls and can grab you with there arms and split your guts open with there claw on the legs (iv seen one do it to a dog)
but we also do alot of pig hunting for wild bores and sows, not that many round canberra but a few hrs drive away there is plenty in western N.S.W.
its comming into summer here in aus and we have daylight saving so its great time for shooting in the arvo's.
are kangaroos moderately social if they dont feel threatened? like could you raise one as a pet and box with it for fun? I hear their meat is good from some people, but my cousin who lives in Melbourne says it's not, what do you say?

redfoxster wrote:

I love hunting, im leaving for the deer lease for 3 days tomorrow, then off home fro turkey day until school starts again in a little over a week.  I think hutning is a great thing.  Hunters have a greater appreciation of the outdoors and the environment, than the average person I would say.  Most hunters also understand the importance of regulating populations of wildlife to prevent over population and resulting starvation.  Its also great quality meat, far better than anything you can buy at the grocery store.  The list goes on, it's jsut a very good thing.  People say that some hunters just enjoy killing and do it for the thrill and there's no reason to hunt anymore.  I'd just point out that those kinds og hunters account for less than 1% of outdoorsmen, and as for people that say its not neccessary anymore, well, perhaps not to put food on the table, but as a population control and way to raise money for conservation, its a great thing.
I agree. If you haven't gone hunting, you really don't know nature. People say "oh, i go for walks in the forest all the time" yea, but the animals are watching you while you do it. Ever notice that it is really quiet when you walk? I used to think nature was quiet, before i started hunting. Now, i know it's loud as all Hell. After a while of sitting still, the animals forget you are there, and go about thier business. To me, it's really fun to watch all the different kind of animals interact. Also, i would like to point out most hunters DO NOT use the "if it's brown, it's down" theory. I have let more small bucks(and does with fawns) walk than i can remember. Hunting is NOT just about shooting an animal, it's about the experience, and joy of nature.

Those who don’t hunt cannot understand the ecstasy with which we enjoy the outdoors. The burning in your lungs as you inhale your first breath of cold air outside the camp. That sting in your toes that reminds you that you forgot an extra pair of socks. The awe-filled gaze covering your face as you stare at the stars with no lights from the city to dirty their beauty. Those few moments in the stand right before sunrise when every shape and every twig snapping is a massive antlered buck trying to slip past you.

Then daylight comes and the woods erupt with the sounds of nature undisturbed. Not a creature knows you are there except the aggravated squirrel barking in the tree next to you. Acorns fall and sound just like hooves crunching years of leaves on the ground. You start to settle in because now the hard part of hunting begins. You must sit still. Any motion might give away your presence. You must endure every mosquito bite and every itch and the numbness in your fingertips creeping up your hands. For hours on end you are part of nature. You are nature. Where God intended you to be.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

redfoxster wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
i got a few guns and go hunting heaps hear in aus.
we can go all year round, although deer is best and biggest around easter time here.
im lucky as canberra is surrounded by bush and have a few mates with good propertys within 30 mins of my house!!
the main thing we shoot though is roos (kangaroos) as they are everywhere and are a pain in the arse for farmers.
and to dispell any rumors about them they are not the nice animal everyone might think.
they growl at you like blood hungry pitbulls and can grab you with there arms and split your guts open with there claw on the legs (iv seen one do it to a dog)
but we also do alot of pig hunting for wild bores and sows, not that many round canberra but a few hrs drive away there is plenty in western N.S.W.
its comming into summer here in aus and we have daylight saving so its great time for shooting in the arvo's.
are kangaroos moderately social if they dont feel threatened? like could you raise one as a pet and box with it for fun? I hear their meat is good from some people, but my cousin who lives in Melbourne says it's not, what do you say?
if you like eating leather...yeh go ahead eat roo!!

nah its ok but you cant just go kill one and eat it as majority of them are full of worms, they do sell it some places but im not a big fan of it.

and if they are brought up in captivity they can be friendly but i wouldnt want to box one as they are super strong and can stand on just they'er tail and throw kicks and punches at the same time!! and one kick would send you flying!!

one had hold of a mates dog once in just its arms and at the largest part were about the size of a mans wrist and three of us couldnt get them opened!! strong fuckers thats for sure, but there is no better feeling when you hit one from a distance thats on the hop!!

we killed one that had a joey once and took it home, it learned to jump into a bag hanging from my door knob, but they get big fast so it was of to animal shelter in no time.

there is a well known vid of a roo on tv beating up a guy in a marty monster bear suit, ill try find it and post it.
I think it would be a LOT more interesting if perhaps we could equip the deer with rocket propelled grenades, or at the very least teach them to lay claymores.

I'm one of those people who supports hunting only if it is a means of feeding oneself. Killing something, ANYTHING, for sport is just about the worst action another living thing can take in my opinion. I also find the above post to be unbelievable... you just don't know nature until you've shot and killed it. give me a friggin break. please.

I especially liked the part about nature undisturbed... that is except for the guy with the 22 trying to find things to murder.

Now if you will excuse me I'm off to meet with the other hippies...

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-17 22:19:12)

Moving Target
I hear roo leather is great for making boots out of though.  It's pretty much indestructiable.  Kind of like oyster beard gloves.

I don't do much hunting, but I have no problem with it at all.  As pest control or for food, I see nothing wrong with hunting.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I hear roo leather is great for making boots out of though.  It's pretty much indestructiable.  Kind of like oyster beard gloves.

I don't do much hunting, but I have no problem with it at all.  As pest control or for food, I see nothing wrong with hunting.
roo leather is real tough shit, alot of companies use it for there motorcycle leathers, arlen ness i think are advertising roo leather in there jackets.
Moving Target

the_heart_attack wrote:

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I hear roo leather is great for making boots out of though.  It's pretty much indestructiable.  Kind of like oyster beard gloves.

I don't do much hunting, but I have no problem with it at all.  As pest control or for food, I see nothing wrong with hunting.
roo leather is real tough shit, alot of companies use it for there motorcycle leathers, arlen ness i think are advertising roo leather in there jackets.
I think I've seen boots made of the stuff too.  I wouldn't mind getting a pair of those.  Stuff wears like steal though from what I hear.  Takes for ever to break in and makes your feet hurt like hell.

dshak wrote:

I think it would be a LOT more interesting if perhaps we could equip the deer with rocket propelled grenades, or at the very least teach them to lay claymores.

I'm one of those people who supports hunting only if it is a means of feeding oneself. Killing something, ANYTHING, for sport is just about the worst action another living thing can take in my opinion. I also find the above post to be unbelievable... you just don't know nature until you've shot and killed it. give me a friggin break. please.

I especially liked the part about nature undisturbed... that is except for the guy with the 22 trying to find things to murder.

Now if you will excuse me I'm off to meet with the other hippies...
All too often non-hunters equate hunting with killing.  Many believe to be a successful hunter that you must kill. Unfortunately, they do not realize that hunting is not about killing. What confuses the issue is the fact that nearly all successful hunters spend 99% of their time a field admiring wildlife and the outdoors in general.

Just wonderin here, have you ever sat in the wood for 4-5 hours, all the while remaining perfectly still? If not, then you won't understand what i am talking about(then again, if you have done that, you probably wouldn't have misunderstood my post). As i said in my other post, it's not the shooting that makes hunting so addicting, it's the experience. Seeing nature the way it truly is, when man isn't around. Virtually all of the hunters time is spent observing their quarry's habits, movements and learning about the animals environment. In other words a nature walk with a goal. Maybe you should re-read my last post, but this time, with an open mind. You say you don't mind hunting if it's to feed(which i fully agree with), but then you call it murder. When anyother animal kills for food, is that also concidered murder?

And just because you don't always agree with hunting doesn't make you a hippie, it makes you a lover of wildlife. Just like most of us who hunt.

Last edited by -=1stInF.|Slappey (2005-11-18 01:28:54)


Burning_Monkey wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I hear roo leather is great for making boots out of though.  It's pretty much indestructiable.  Kind of like oyster beard gloves.

I don't do much hunting, but I have no problem with it at all.  As pest control or for food, I see nothing wrong with hunting.
roo leather is real tough shit, alot of companies use it for there motorcycle leathers, arlen ness i think are advertising roo leather in there jackets.
I think I've seen boots made of the stuff too.  I wouldn't mind getting a pair of those.  Stuff wears like steal though from what I hear.  Takes for ever to break in and makes your feet hurt like hell.
Yea, it does, i used to have a pair back in the day. however, once i had em worn in, i loved em.
+447|7165|Seattle, Washington, USA

-=1stInF.|Slappey wrote:

dshak wrote:

I think it would be a LOT more interesting if perhaps we could equip the deer with rocket propelled grenades, or at the very least teach them to lay claymores.

I'm one of those people who supports hunting only if it is a means of feeding oneself. Killing something, ANYTHING, for sport is just about the worst action another living thing can take in my opinion. I also find the above post to be unbelievable... you just don't know nature until you've shot and killed it. give me a friggin break. please.

I especially liked the part about nature undisturbed... that is except for the guy with the 22 trying to find things to murder.

Now if you will excuse me I'm off to meet with the other hippies...
All too often non-hunters equate hunting with killing.  Many believe to be a successful hunter that you must kill. Unfortunately, they do not realize that hunting is not about killing. What confuses the issue is the fact that nearly all successful hunters spend 99% of their time a field admiring wildlife and the outdoors in general.

Just wonderin here, have you ever sat in the wood for 4-5 hours, all the while remaining perfectly still? If not, then you won't understand what i am talking about(then again, if you have done that, you probably wouldn't have misunderstood my post). As i said in my other post, it's not the shooting that makes hunting so addicting, it's the experience. Seeing nature the way it truly is, when man isn't around. Virtually all of the hunters time is spent observing their quarry's habits, movements and learning about the animals environment. In other words a nature walk with a goal. Maybe you should re-read my last post, but this time, with an open mind. You say you don't mind hunting if it's to feed(which i fully agree with), but then you call it murder. When anyother animal kills for food, is that also concidered murder?

And just because you don't always agree with hunting doesn't make you a hippie, it makes you a lover of wildlife. Just like most of us who hunt.
The reason people equate hunting with killing is because the definition fo hunting is to "pursue and then kill". I also think that hunting is fine if you're doing it for the food, but I don't really think you can call it "sport" until you give the deer the same weapons you have. I understand what you mean about the experiencing nature aspect of it, but ultimately the goal of hunting is killing animals. If that weren't the goal, they wouldn't call it hunting, they'd call it "Nature experiencing". That's my position. I don't like hate everyone that hunts, but I don't consider it a sport or a respectable activity.
I get it, so you're really there to sit in the woods for 4 to 5 hours and enjoy nature, and what the heck, perhaps kill some of it if by chance you see something you might want to put a slug into. yeah, my bad.

and I have been in the woods for 4 or 5 hours on my own, but the most dangerous thing I had was a pair of binoculars. I guess because I wasn't prepared to end anything's life I can't truly appreciate the outdoors.

edit - I referred to it as murder as in, when its killing for sport. Not a word you can say will change my position on that.

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-18 08:33:46)

+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
A lot of my relatives hunt, and they all eat what they kill. 
I tried deer hunting, but it wasn't for me.  I'm not much for getting up at 3:30, climbing up into a deerstand in the pitch dark, sitting up there for hours freezing your ass off...   I still usually go up to my cousins deer camp when deer hunting season opens in KY, I just don't hunt anymore.
+9|7066|Philly PA USA
Hey bub come here to PA, We have so much deer that we are the # 1 state for the darn things jumping out in front of our cars. My friend just got a 9 point buck just 5 mins in the woods
Horseman 77
I used to love it. White Tail, Mule Deer. Elk, Upland Fowl.

Duck and Goose were best,  As I had my own Business and couldn't stay away that long without Mutiny's uprisings and pouting. 

However I found myself Always feeling WTF did I do that for?  as that Shot went home.
Deer Always seemed like Awfully big Targets to me so I usually went Iron Sight  ( Partridge Type )  in upper NY where 100 yards is a long way. In Montana I used a Scope.
There are some Horses I'd like to kill.
Horseman 77

dshak wrote:

I think it would be a LOT more interesting if perhaps we could equip the deer with rocket propelled grenades, or at the very least teach them to lay claymores.

I'm one of those people who supports hunting only if it is a means of feeding oneself. Killing something, ANYTHING, for sport is just about the worst action another living thing can take in my opinion. I also find the above post to be unbelievable... you just don't know nature until you've shot and killed it. give me a friggin break. please.

I especially liked the part about nature undisturbed... that is except for the guy with the 22 trying to find things to murder.

Now if you will excuse me I'm off to meet with the other hippies...
I wasnt Gonna say this but. " There You Go Again "
Horseman 77
Dshak Wrote this

Just wonderin here, have you ever sat in the wood for 4-5 hours, all the while remaining perfectly still? If not, you won't understand what i am talking about(then again, if you have done that, you probably wouldn't have misunderstood my post)

  He Has something here . I had a Big Greasy German Shepard for Years in a lot in the South Bronx Watch my stuff. When I made out, I took/Stole dog from lot. It was amazing watching this animal Go from Killer Brute to working Dog carefully guiding New Born foals and Pluging Broken fences till i could fix them. And this wasn't even a Wild animal. I plan to write a book about this Dog but it might have to be a kids book, like mostly illustrations.

If you have the chance to observe animals for hours on end it can be amazing.
KillerTroop 11th Cav Whit
+0|7058|Fort Worth, Texas
I think from talking to my dad he like hunting the enemy. He said he still remembered the first North Korean they saw in a valley and how they all took pot shots and watched as he ran from side to side and they all laughed. Then he told stories of being a POW which both are a part of war. Killing is hunting no matter what the Game maybe.

AUS is a strange place and most of the inhabbitants. LOL
I spent one summer doing observation and tracking of bighorn sheep for the national park service when I lived in colorado, so to clarify... yes I have spent hours on end in nature either looking for or watching animals. I don't think you need to conclude your experience by blasting their heads off to truly know what its like.
+447|7165|Seattle, Washington, USA

dshak wrote:

I spent one summer doing observation and tracking of bighorn sheep for the national park service when I lived in colorado, so to clarify... yes I have spent hours on end in nature either looking for or watching animals. I don't think you need to conclude your experience by blasting their heads off to truly know what its like.
Exactly. If it's all about experiencing nature, why are you packing a rifle?
Mass Media Casualty

I love hunting, I don't get to do it often though. I live in New Zealand which is a bloody paradise for hunting, we always seem to get rich Americans over here. It's like tramping, but with a purpose.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

Tyferra wrote:

I love hunting, I don't get to do it often though. I live in New Zealand which is a bloody paradise for hunting, we always seem to get rich Americans over here. It's like tramping, but with a purpose.
id love to go for a shoot in NZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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